Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 100 Shocked Angel Yan!King level battle?Can't tell the difference between big and small

Chapter 100 Shocked Angel Yan!King level battle?Can't tell the difference between big and small kings?

Originally, Ye Yang still had some thoughts about the sisters Liang Bing and Xue Yi in his heart.

After all, both of them are supernatural beings.

Moreover, Shae can also help Thornton handle state affairs, and even stalks herself. The only requirement for herself is to play poker once a day, which is simply economical and practical.

But ever since He Xi told herself that Liang Bing is Morgana, and Xue Yi is not her own sister.

Ye Yang felt sick.

But if you are disgusted, it doesn't count as an acquaintance after all.

"You! How do you know all about it?"

Liang Bing looked at Ye Yang with an embarrassed expression, and looked at He Xi beside Ye Yang with surprised eyes.

His eyes suddenly sharp and vicious said:
"You told Ye Yang, right? Damn, good!"

"Ye Yang, in fact, this woman is just a clone of Hexi from Melo Tianting. She is not a real person, but a spy of these angels lurking beside you!"

Liang Bing kept on doing nothing, directly exposing the real information about Hexi's avatar.

The three angels on the opposite side heard the words.

All of them frowned.

If Ye Yang didn't know about Hexi's avatar before.

That is now being exposed.

Then wouldn't he vent his anger on himself?
"I know, Hexi told me all about it."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Ah?!" Morgana and Xue Yi looked at the calm Ye Yang in bewilderment.

"Aren't you angry? Don't you hate aliens the most? And she's a spy!" Xue Yi asked angrily.


Also aliens.

I can only be reduced to playing poker with you once a day, and I have to do those heavy and complicated ordinary jobs.

Ye Yang hugged Hexi beside him, stood up and said:
"I hate those rude aliens who disturb my life, and Hexi is not a clone now, she has now been turned into a pure-blood body by me, and has her own will."

"Damn, I'm really speechless!" Xue Yi hugged her chest in anger and turned around.

"Forget it, forget it, forget it."

Liang Bing shook his hands impatiently and said.

Like the kind of chess player who plays rogue.

She didn't expect Ye Yang to know everything, and she pretended to be smart to reveal it, hey~ what a shame.

"Ye Yang, I have something to tell you now, come with me." Liang Bing waved to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang doesn't dislike Liang Bing now.

After all, I have become familiar with them these days.

But she is the demon Morgana after all, Ye Yang kept a little alienation in his heart.

"What are you doing? Just tell me." Ye Yang asked.


Morgana cast a glance at Angel Yan, who was directly in front of her, and said.

Angel Yan also stared at Morgana with cold eyes.

Lightly said:
"Morgana, you'd better leave here immediately, otherwise I don't mind a king-level battle with you."

Morgana is also a temper tantrum.

Seeing Angel Yan's provocation, he immediately responded:

"King class? Don't think that if you inherit the position of the king of angels, you are the king class. Come on, I will let you distinguish who is the big and small king today."

all of a sudden.

Yan's chin lifted slightly, revealing a high-spirited fighting spirit.

A pair of eyes fixed on Morgana.

Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui beside them both secretly activated the sub-biological engine in their hearts, preparing to immediately build a sub-biological barrier to suppress Morgana.

The momentum of the two sides was like two bolts of lightning, colliding fiercely invisibly.

"Brother Yang, let's see what they want from you first. A king-level battle can easily destroy continents and planets."

Seeing this scene, He Xi whispered in Ye Yang's ear, and shook Ye Yang's arm, as if acting like a baby.

"Ok, I know."

Ye Yang comforted him.

Immediately stood between the two sides.

He pretended to be serious and said:
"Stop it all, you aliens, can you change your bad temper of fighting if you don't move, don't you have something to do with me? No matter how loud you are, I'll blow you all to the earth!"

Fear of Ye Yang's terrifying strength.

Both Angel Yan and Morgana restrained their tit-for-tat momentum, but they both put on a face that they disliked each other.

"We came first, Ye Yang, tell me over there."

Morgana spoke first.


Ye Yang agreed.

Immediately, he turned his head to Angel Yan and He Xi and confessed:
"You guys just stay here honestly, Hexi is my woman, don't mess around."

Morgana and Xue Yi looked at the three of Angel Yan with proud eyes, as if Ye Yang agreed to talk to them first, and they were as happy as they had won an invisible contest.


Ye Yang and the second daughter walked outside the church door, the door was ajar.

At this time.

inside the church.

Angel Yan, Zhi Xin, and Ah Zhui stood in front of He Xi.

The three of them stood half surrounded, staring straight at Hexi.

Although Hexi was born in a clone.

But after the transformation of the medicinal effect of stretching legs and staring eyes pills.

Already have self-awareness and ideas.

Facing the siege of the three people's eyes, she did not hesitate at all, and her demeanor was calm.

"You are the clone of the teacher, why... are you like this? Are you still an angel?" Zhi Xin asked.

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't belong." Hexi replied.

Ah Zhui: "Who modified your program? Ye Yang? Also, did you really become a body of flesh and blood like Ye Yang said?"

While Ah Zhui was asking.

Angel Yan on one side opened his eyes of insight.

A full body scan was sent to He Xilai.

Suddenly, a subtle astonishment appeared on his face.

"As expected, your body has turned into flesh and blood, and it's still the blood of an orthodox female angel like us. Who did this to you?" Yan asked.

There is one point in Yan's words.

Both Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui were shocked.

"Impossible! Those avatars of the teacher are all made of special metal materials. How could they become flesh and blood, and they are also orthodox female angel blood? Is it some kind of superb cloning technology?!" Zhi Xin asked.

face these problems.

He Xi swept over the three of them with a calm expression.

If someone asks, she doesn't want to answer.

After all, this involves the privacy of Ye Yang's ability.

But the problem of her infertility has to be solved by her own body, Hexi.

He Xi shook his head, and decided to speak out:

"It was Ye Yang. He gave me true life and free will. I am only loyal to him now. The reason why I tell you this is because he is about to go to Merlot Heaven to visit the main body."

what! ! !
The three of Angel Yan were collectively shocked.

It's not shocking but Ye Yang turned the clone Hexi into an independent individual. After all, Ye Yang is powerful, mysterious and unknown, and everyone can accept it in their hearts if he can do this.

But what did he go to Merlot Heavenly Court for?
Also visit ontology.

"What is his purpose?" Angel Yan asked seriously.

Ye Yang is very strong, it is too dangerous for such a strong person to go to Melo Heaven!
"You don't need to know this. This is a private matter between me and the main body. That's all I can say. You should send a message to the main body immediately. Tell her. The conversation with you is over."

Hexi finished speaking.

Sitting on the seat coldly, looking at the beautiful sea and sky in front of him calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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