Chapter 102 What?Hexi is my mother-in-law!

See Ye Yang decisively refused.

The three of Angel Yan were very calm, as if they had been expected.

But the plan that Queen Kesha explained had to be carried out.

"Don't worry, you can put this matter aside for now. I heard that you want to visit Tianji Wang Hexi in the Angel Nebula, don't you?"

Angel Yan asked.

In Yan's consciousness, it is very easy for Ye Yang and Hua Ye to have conflicts and wars.

The simplest thing is, as long as you drive Tianren No. [-] and hover over Jerusalem, or the surrounding areas, when Hua Ye attacks your side, it will definitely affect Ye Yang's forces.

Conflicts and contradictions are here to come.

"There is such a thing, what's the matter?" Ye Yang asked.

"How about I arrange a special space for you to meet?"

Angel Yan decided to get Ye Yang's favor first.

If Ye Yang agreed, Angel Nebula would still be safe from hidden dangers.

"Special space?" Ye Yang was curious.

"It's similar to the video call on your earth. I'll build a virtual space. If you're worried, you can let her participate." Yan pointed to Hexi, the avatar next to Ye Yang, and said.

Ye Yang and Hexi beside him looked at each other.

Hexi nodded her head, obviously she also had something to say to the main body.

"Okay, let's do it." Ye Yang said.

Angel Yan began to operate.

Under one thought.

The surrounding church scene instantly darkened.

Even Yan, Zhi Xin, and Ah Zhui disappeared instantly.

There are only a few rows of seats and a wooden podium visible to the naked eye.

Ye Yang helped Hexi to sit down, his feet in slippers were crossed.

An arm rests on Hexi's back and caresses his shoulders.

A laid-back attitude.

It feels like watching a movie in a movie theater.

On the contrary, He Xixian was a little nervous, sitting upright, sitting upright.

It may be that she is about to meet the main body, and her heart is filled with a sense of guilt.

"What kind of communication technology is this? Can you do it too?" Ye Yang felt Hexi's nervousness, and spoke to ease her emotions.

"This is the dark communication space. It is generally used by the main gods in the cosmic civilization to hold remote meetings. It is considered a relatively advanced dark communication technology. It can display holographic projections regardless of the distance of the universe."

"Oh oh~"

About 30 seconds passed.


There was the sound of metal boots stepping in the shadow of the podium directly ahead.

Ye Yang and the two looked up.

I saw a silver-haired woman wearing a luxurious silver armor, a white fluffy scarf and a dark royal robe walking out.

It was also a stunningly beautiful face.

Perhaps it was because of the battle armor on his body, compared with the white gauze skirt Hexi beside Ye Yang, it added a touch of domineering and oppressive feeling of a superior.

"Hello, I didn't expect the first meeting to be in this form."

Hexi stood on the podium.

Like a teacher, he looked at Ye Yang and the two on the seat below.

Looking at his clone with calm eyes, he smiled and greeted, and there was a hint of curiosity in the smile.

"You are the main body, you are exactly the same."

Ye Yang's gaze unscrupulously looked at the body Hexi.

This is also based on his strong strength, otherwise if ordinary men look at He Xi so boldly, even if He Xi is not angry, those guardian angels will be furious on the spot.

"I heard that you are going to visit me in Angel Nebula, what's the matter?"

Ontology Hexi asked politely.

"We. We intend to"

The avatar faltered a bit, seeing the main body, the heart was already flustered at this time, and I didn't know how to speak.

"I heard that you have your own will, are you planning to come to Angel Nebula to erase my existence?"

Ontology Hexi asked calmly.

He didn't seem worried, but rather interested.

"No, I want to give birth to Ye Yang, but you know, because of the strength of individual genes, it is impossible to successfully conceive and give birth to offspring, and I was made by you. Although I have become a flesh and blood body, it is still very difficult to give birth to offspring." Difficult, so I need your technical help." Ontology said.

"So that's the case, it's not a problem, so there's nothing else to do?" Ontology Hexi was a little dumb.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang and his avatar wanted to visit him for this kind of thing.

I thought they were going to kill me.

"Are you? Agreed?" The clone Hexi couldn't believe it.

"Well, it shouldn't be difficult, oh yes, they will stay on the earth for a while, please take care of me, I have to go offline to check the general research direction of your situation, you can also take a Come to Tiancheng empty-handed, and I will give you and Ye Yang a physical examination."


The avatar He Xi just finished answering.

The main body, Hexi, went offline and disappeared.

The avatar Hexi looked at Ye Yang with a satisfied smile on his face.

Ye Yang scratched his head.

Xin said, this body, Hexi, is so scheming, that he exchanged his own chance to protect Angel Yan and his group with just a few words, and he couldn't refuse, unless he didn't want to have children.

"Brother Yang, did you hear that, we have hope."

He Xi shook Ye Yang's arm and said happily.

"Yeah, let's wait a few days to finish protecting Angel Yan and the others, so let's go to the Angel Nebula, and according to the customs of the earth, I have to prepare a meeting gift for King Tianji, what should I say, according to the family ethics of the earth, Is she my mother-in-law?" Ye Yang said.

"Well, she is the body that made me, and every inch of it is made with her heart. Although I have a flesh and blood body now, she is indeed as important to me as my biological mother. Just follow the customs of the earth, and I will listen to you~ "

He Xi leaned on Ye Yang's shoulder happily, hugged his arm and said.

The guilt of seeing the main body at the beginning has long since dissipated.

At this moment, Hexi has a feeling that she is the eloped daughter in the earth film and television drama.

After several twists and turns, I finally got the approval of my old mother, and I can get married and have children happily.


The dark communication space is lifted.

The surrounding environment picture is clear again.

When Angel Yan and the three saw He Xi and Ye Yang hugging each other, they both smiled happily.

The three looked at each other and nodded secretly.

"How was the conversation?" Yan asked.

"I will protect you during this time, don't worry about Hua Ye's." Ye Yang said.

The three of Yan were secretly happy.

As expected of the king of Tianji, Ye Yang was dealt with so quickly.

Now as long as Hua Ye comes to Earth, the plan of Queen Kaisha and Space Principal to use the power of the void to fight against the power of the void will be activated, and Ye Yang and Hua Ye will be annihilated together.


"How long will it take for this Hua Ye to arrive on Earth?" Ye Yang asked suddenly.

"About fifteen days." Angel Yan replied.

This is the time given by Keisha, so it should be correct.

"Fifteen days? It's too long, I think I should take the initiative to find him, is there a place for him?" Ye Yang asked.

Although Xianyu doesn't care about anything at work.

But killing Hua Ye is closely related to whether his old Ye family can give birth to offspring.

I still remember that I was very salty when I was a child. Those uncles and aunts thought that I would be a big slob when I grew up. The most common sentence was, [If you don’t work hard, you will die in the future].

This left a deep shadow on Ye Yang.

So when it comes to giving birth, I must act immediately, rush!
(End of this chapter)

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