Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 109 Hua Ye, my real mother died a long time ago, but she is very moist!

Chapter 109 Hua Ye, my real mother died a long time ago, but she is very moist!

This metal intelligent control gate is about ten meters high and five meters wide.

It is pure silver and weighs fifteen hundred tons.

However this time.

Ye Yang, who was in Hulk's state, was knocked open from the crack in the middle of the door, and the metal door panels on both sides were all snapped off, hitting the ground heavily.

On the deck outside the door.

The chasing Titan boy saw the huge green figure in the passageway inside the door.

Like a wild beast, it dashed through the passage until it disappeared from sight!
"Damn! This guy's physical strength is not inferior to my Titan lineage at all. There is such a race in the universe that is good at physical bodies? I don't know? People on Earth are really good."

Looking at the collapsed metal gate, Tai Tan commented with satisfaction in his heart.

Immediately, he jumped again, controlling the anti-gravity skateboard flying from nowhere and chasing it inside.

In Hua Ye's banquet hall.

The bosses of hundreds of God of War forces saw Ye Yang crazily rushing around in various passages of the spaceship through the surveillance screen.

Everyone was frightened, and there was a lot of discussion, and their hearts were shocked.

Because the spaceship itself is a segmented structure, it has many heavy intellectual control metal portals.

This design is to prevent the spacecraft from being invaded by the enemy.

but now.

In front of Hulk Ye Yang, this heavy metal portal is as thin as window paper. Under the impact of Kunshan, none of the portals can withstand a single impact.

Many male angel warriors distributed in the battleship were even crushed by Ye Yang along the way.

"King Hua Ye, according to this guy's speed, he will soon penetrate the entire ship and come here, please give instructions!"

"There are so many of us here, who have been in the universe for so many years, do you believe that we can't take down such a boy from the countryside? King Hua Ye, the leader of the Moore bandit group requests to fight!"

"The Flying Batu Stars are willing to fight! King Huaye, just wait and see!"

"Don't rob me, this is my chance to make contributions to the Bartoses civilization! Dedicate it to King Tiangong!"

Hundreds of war gods have requested to fight.

Of course, this is the militant faction of this group of people.

Most Gods of War are still cowardly letting others take the lead.

"Okay, okay, you all be quiet, he is a super god of war created by the demon civilization, he can kill king-level powerhouses, even if you send them all up, it's useless."

On the golden throne.

Hua Ye stood up from the gentleness of the two beauties and said.

Walking down the steps step by step, shaking his head and walking into the crowd like a hooligan.

The shocked crowd automatically separated to form a passage exclusively for Hua Ye.

Many war gods on both sides whispered.

They never expected it.

This Ye Yang is actually a king-level powerhouse created by the demon queen Morgana of the demon civilization!
No wonder it can crush the Titans!

It's incredible.

"Order the power room to drive the spacecraft into the depths of the universe immediately. This king wants to get rid of this guy in the universe."

Hua Ye ordered lightly as he walked through the crowd.

The lazy posture is his absolute conceit of his own strength.

When he walked out of the banquet hall, his figure disappeared around the corner.

The hot discussion among the crowd became even more heated.

"According to King Hua Ye, this is to activate the legendary black hole engine!"

"Not long ago in Frazer, I heard that King Hua Ye directly created a small black hole, which sucked the entire planet of Frazer into it. The new Queen of Angels was also a king, and almost fell into King Hua Ye's life." men."

"It's not this that shocked me! It's the demon Morgana, who actually has the technology to create a king-level powerhouse! Even if it's a parallel king-level, that's amazing!"

"It's really terrible. King Hua Ye has to activate the black hole engine to deal with it. However, any king level must be restrained and kneel down in front of our king! Hahahahaha~"

"Look! The monitoring screen left by King Hua Ye is still there, let me see! He has met King Hua Ye!"

on the screen.

The Hulk, Ye Yang, who was crashing all the way, smashed open a lifting metal hatch.

The body suddenly stopped.

And slowly float into the air.

"Huh? Let go!"

Although he was in the furious Hulk state, Ye Yang still maintained a bit of reason and sanity.

Look around the body.

I saw a circle of lavender energy.

Form a cube force field and imprison yourself in it.

Let Ye Yang's green and muscular body keep thrashing in the air.

But when he left the ground, his strength also lost its root, and his brute strength became useless waste.

"Hehe~ You're quite fierce, I heard you want to kill me? What method do you want to use to kill me?"


Hua Ye's voice sounded from the front.

Ye Yang saw him coming out of a hidden door embedded in the wall.

The little finger is still pierced.

He casually flicked the earwax away, and looked at Ye Yang with interest, as if he was looking at a living thing in a zoo.

"You are, Hua Ye?"

Ye Yang asked in a low voice.

Hearing this question, Hua Ye smiled in surprise:
"Fuck, you came to kill me without even knowing what I look like. Liangbing's frame is really good enough."

"Say, by what means did you come to Poke Nebula? Besides killing me, what mission did Liang Bing give you?" Hua Ye asked again.

"Trough Nima!"

Due to the influence of Hulk's berserk state.

Ye Yang's sanity at this time did not think of using the system ability to simulate a character with a powerful state.

"My own mother died a long time ago, but she is quite healthy. All the wives of my father Hua Que, there are still more than a dozen of them on my Tiangong ship. They are all my mother, but I will not give it to you~ Hahahaha~"

Hua Ye suddenly made a funny joke.

He laughed to himself.


Moody, he aimed at Ye Yang in the force field with one hand.

Serious expression.

The palm continuously casts eight dark purple energy balls.

This is the power of the void only possessed by the black hole engine, not just a colored energy ball.

Being hit by this blow, even the second-generation angels would lose their fighting power directly.

All vitality in the body will be wiped out by the power of the void in the next few minutes.

Eight void balls bombarded Ye Yang's muscular chest and abdomen.

The intense pain made him howl like a beast in a cage!

The whole body shrank into a ball, and the muscles were extremely tense!

Earth, in the main hall of Tianren No. [-].

Angel Yan and other angels saw this scene.

All of them looked serious.

"Hua Ye's void energy ball is terrifying. Only you, Ah Zhui and I, who have a sub-biological engine, can resist this level of attack."

Zhi Xin whispered next to Yan and Ah Zhui.

Think back to Frazier.

Hua Ye was at the center of the battlefield.

Walking in the center of the battlefield as if strolling in the courtyard, a void energy ball was shot out with the flick of a finger, and then a second-generation angel sister who was in battle was ambushed and fell instantly.

Calculate roughly.

Hua Ye killed no less than [-] second-generation sisters with this single move on the battlefield of Fei Lei Ze!

"Ye Yang, quickly use your full strength."

Seeing Ye Yang's painful appearance at this moment, Yan couldn't help praying for him in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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