Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 114 Opening the Abyss with One Hand! 1 foot explodes the divine body!

Chapter 114 Opening the Abyss with One Hand!Explode the body with one kick!

"Build a black hole!"

"Continue to increase energy!"

"The black hole engine is running at full power!"

In the sound of Hua Ye's orders being issued.

A mixed black hole surrounded by silver-blue energy appeared above Hua Ye's head.

And it keeps getting bigger and bigger.

In an instant.

The size of this black hole has reached a radius of twelve kilometers!

"As long as I read a word and completely activate this black hole, what else do you use to fight me!?"

Hua Ye said viciously:

"Die you! I am the king of angels!"


The raised arms were thrown forward violently.

The super large circular black hole smashed towards Ye Yang.


Hua Ye turned around and ran away quickly.

Because he didn't dare to activate the black hole immediately.

Before it was activated, the black hole was just a black mysterious sphere with supermassive mass.

But don't look at its size is less than a small county.

Its mass is more than four hundred times that of the sun!
Just smashing it can kill all living things in the universe.

If activated.

In the entire known universe, except for Ye Yang, no king class, even Hua Ye himself, can resist the power of this black hole.

"Why don't you activate the black hole directly? If you fight me, you still keep your hands? Are you still running away?"

Ye Yang's terrifying divine thoughts clearly transmitted his voice into Hua Ye's ears.

Hua Ye was startled.

Speed ​​up the flight.

On the other hand, Ye Yang was facing the black hole bombardment.

Stepping out directly, shattered the void, tore apart the heaven and the earth, crossed the black hole, and caught up with Hua Ye right in front of him.

This terrifying method of breaking through the sky is not some advanced wormhole technology, but it is achieved entirely by the power of the god king Jiang Taixu.

Without the slightest smoke and fire, it is as natural as a god descending.

Looking down at the universe, looking down at the invincible, completely invincible.


Hua Ye cursed secretly.

Immediately, he quickly ordered in his heart:
"Calculate the spatial position!"


For an instant.

Hua Ye's figure disappeared.

What appeared instead was the huge black hole with a radius of twelve kilometers.

And still smashing towards Ye Yang's face.

The surrounding void was crushed into a large area.

The cosmic space is like a thin layer of window paper, which is constantly crushed and collapsed by infinite mass.

"Oh? The position has been switched. It is similar to the ability of the fruit of surgery I used before, and it is more advanced than the fruit of surgery. If this is the case, then...destroy your black hole."

Ye Yang's white clothes fluttered, and his spirit was as rich as jade.

He stands alone in the void.

One hand turned into a hand knife, and lightly swiped vertically towards the void in front of him.

Just this unknown blow cut off the vast space.

It was like an erect peerless ink abyss formed.

Shaped like a human vulva.

It's just that at this moment its two ends elongate rapidly, and the cracked void expands rapidly, reaching more than a hundred kilometers in the blink of an eye, and the width is more than 20 kilometers, just like an old clam in the void.

Enough to swallow the unactivated black hole.

Many powerhouses who were secretly watching, including Hua Ye who switched positions, were surprised to find out at this moment.

This super powerful man-made black hole, which is enough to kill any cosmic creature, cannot approach Ye Yang at all.

Ye Yang, it seems that he is standing there.

However, the black hole is like a world apart from Ye Yang, and it is still impossible to cross this chasm.

But when the black hole really hit the void crack like a huge vulva.

That picture.

It's like putting a ricochet in it.

When this unactivated black hole is more than half submerged in the void.

Hua Ye in the distance looked terrified.

Ye Yang actually opened the crack in the void and devoured his own black hole!

"Activate! Activate now!!!"

Hua Ye ordered.

In an instant.

The black hole that was more than half swallowed erupted with terrifying gravitational force, and the original void crack that was more than a hundred kilometers away was twisted into a spiral Taiji shape.

In this fierce confrontation, the two actually produced some kind of wonderful fusion trend.

Buzz! ! !
The universe trembled, the void and black holes intertwined, comparable to the sound of the Great Dao coming from ancient times.

Carl, who was watching the fire from the other side, watched the process excitedly.

He said:

"According to my tens of thousands of years of research on black holes, black holes are also the channel leading to the void dimension in the known universe, and Ye Yang opened the void channel casually, making the power of the void entangled with the gravitational force of the black hole. Now the two forces are intertwined One piece will either produce an annihilation effect, or produce a fusion to form a huge void black hole Ye Yang can have this kind of consciousness, and he is worthy of being a void creature."

After a while.

Many powerhouses who were watching saw the terrifying vortex void black hole emitting dazzling light.

Like a whale drinking a cow.

The two forces dissolve each other in the rotation.

Black holes, void cracks dissipate quickly, and the cosmic void has its own repairing properties, restoring peace and eternal darkness here in a moment.

"Using the power of the void to crack Hua Ye's black hole power! Terrible method! And it's pure flesh! Does Hua Ye have any means to deal with Ye Yang?"

Inside Tianren No. [-].

Zhi Xin let out a shocking sound.

Since they confronted Hua Ye's black hole engine, she has been discussing with her teacher Hexi in the dark communication space how to deal with the black hole engine.

My teacher once mentioned the theory of using void power to collide with black hole power to produce an annihilation effect.

This theory is also a conjecture based on the [Annihilation Plan] proposed by Void Kaisa and Void Space.

did not expect.

It was really realized by Ye Yang.

"Hua Ye is a part of Karl's plan. Ye Yang has not exploded to satisfy him yet. He should secretly help Hua Ye and continue to anger Ye Yang." Angel Yan said.

"But in this way, the difficulty of the annihilation plan of Queen Kaisha and Principal Space will skyrocket." Ah Zhui worried.

"There's nothing we can do about it. We can't intervene in this battle. Let's watch quietly." Yan said.

"Black hole, hum, I won't play with you anymore. Since you don't want to hand over the black hole engine, I'll step on the ground and clean you up inside and out."

in the universe.

Ye Yang in white is invincible.

The god king Zongtianbu, who used his physical body to break the void, chased Hua Ye in an instant.

one foot.

Be caught off guard.

Put it directly on Hua Ye's face.


God king step.

It directly caused Hua Ye's fourth-generation divine body to disintegrate into countless energy fragments, which exploded on the spot.

But it also triggered the atomic mutual positioning mechanism of the fourth-generation divine body.

Ye Yang saw it in the void not far away.

A large number of atomic fragments were re-condensing and gathered into Hua Ye's body.

Although the four generations of gods are not afraid of death.

But this kind of pain from being blown up is unavoidable and extremely painful.

"It's such a strong physical body, the fourth-generation divine body that I upgraded Hua Ye exploded with one kick."

Carl commented.

"I need to help Hua Ye, he hasn't fully used the power of the big clock yet."

Ye Yang stared at the revived and cohesive Hua Ye.

Step forward.

I don't know.

Ye Yang at this time is the template of the peerless god king who has been in the sky for 5000 years and has the most combat power.

Physical invincibility is just one of its many means.

"Give me the black hole engine."

Ye Yang hovered in front of Hua Ye.

With both hands on their backs, a vast amount of spiritual thoughts turned into invisible big hands, tightly bound Hua Ye's neck.

Hua Ye's expression was pained as if he had been hanged.

(End of this chapter)

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