Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 118 Complete Simulation!Taikoo fierce! 9 Leaf Sword Grass!

Chapter 118 Complete simulation!Ten evils from ancient times!Nine-leaf Sword Grass!

At the same moment when Hua Ye's body disappeared.

In the dark starry sky in the distance.

Karl's phantom also appeared.

He controls the power of void and space-time, and can teleport to every corner of the known universe.

And the moment when his phantom appeared.

Carl was startled.

He looked up and saw the dark starry sky above his head.

Thousands of massive, unactivated black holes lined up together.

The edges of each are separated by about [-] kilometers.

Formed a super black hole god disk!

"So many black holes gather together, if they are activated and operated together, they will devour each other and merge, the entire BMW nebula may be affected horribly, and a large amount of void matter needed to manufacture the void engine will be born during the process, but"

Carl was shocked, but still showed a slightly regretful expression.

Ye Yang exploded more than a dozen nebulas with just a few fists.

Although these thousands of black holes are terrifying, with Ye Yang's strength, it shouldn't be very difficult to escape.

next moment.

At the same time, Ye Yang and Karl saw a bright purple energy light effect on the edge of the dark disc black hole above the cosmic starry sky.

This is the characteristic of artificial black holes, and it is also the embodiment of void energy in the world of main creatures.

In an instant.

At the same time, thousands of black holes have a strong devouring gravitational force on the surrounding universe and starry sky.

Terrible twisting forces also make them affect each other.

They approach each other, merge at the edges, and form a super huge black super-scale black hole very quickly!
In silence.

The space is distorted, and countless stars within a few light years around are surging, and they are constantly gathering here under the gravitational force.

"Activating so many black holes at the same time is probably the calculation limit of the big clock + black hole engine."


Karl's phantom body has been twisted and stretched to several meters by the devouring force of the black hole, like a thread.

It was sucked upwards at extreme speed.

Immediately, he planned to leave this nebula immediately.


After all, even if he is a phantom, it is almost a conceptual existence.

But in the end.

One's own phantom body is also a kind of energy manifestation of the main biological world.

It exists based on many rules of the main creature world.

The engulfing power produced by so many and large-scale black holes erupting at the same time is enough to fill this area with the power of the void dimension to a certain extent.

I am not afraid of anything, but I am afraid of the void power and unknown void creatures.

"Won't he run away?"

Before leaving, Karl noticed that Ye Yang was suspended in the distorted starry sky in front of him and remained motionless.

The corners of the white clothes are fluttering, the eyes are firm, and the momentum is invincible.

There is silver-white energy rising all over his body.

It seems to be resisting the gravitational pull of a super-powerful black hole.

"Want to resist? That's great. I'm still afraid of Hua Ye's useless efforts in such a big battle. This kind of battle should force you to use stronger strength to deal with it. Unfortunately, I can't stay here for a long time, otherwise I really want to see what methods you will use to break this killing formation. But Ye Yang, don't worry, I won't let you be bored."

Karl murmured, and disappeared immediately.

In order to force Ye Yang to display his powerful strength, he has prepared a lot of means.

Strengthening Hua Ye with a big clock is just one of the most important methods.

If Ye Yang can break this situation.

I will use heavy methods again.


Ye Yang, who was full of fairy light, nodded slightly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the direction where Karl disappeared.

The expression is calm, and the eyes have a sense of contempt that is invincible in the world.

"I heard it all, Death Carl,
Although I don't know what your purpose is to force me to use stronger power,
But, you do. "Ye Yang said lightly.


Terrible gravitational force acts on Ye Yang's body.

The indescribably terrifying sense of detachment seemed to tear the body apart.

Even if I am running the Eternal Universe Sutra + Nine Secrets at this moment, I can't completely ignore the power generated by the huge black hole celestial body above my head.

After all, you can't lie to the bet you made.

"Complete imitation! The ancient ten evils! Nine-leaf sword grass!"

Accompanied by Ye Yang's order.

behind him.

A phantom of blue green grass exuding a soft light emerged.

It has nine grass branches, and its shape is like a sword!
And it increased in size at an extremely fast speed, reaching tens of thousands of feet in an instant!


Ye Yang's entire strength also increased countless times in an instant in the realm of the god king.

The original white clothes win the snow, and the heroic and invincible posture.

At this moment, the whole person is like an unsheathed sword of the emperor's army, and its sharpness is straight into the sky!
If the Jiang Taixu template just now is invincible.

just now.

Nine-leaf Sword Grass, one of the ten evils of the ancient times, one of the three great sword arts of the perfect world in the ancient times, and the only treasure technique inherited from the three supreme halls, can stop the flow of time and space, penetrate cause and effect, and cut the universe!

Simply talk about combat effectiveness.

Already above the Tongtian leader that Ye Yang simulated at the beginning!

On the realm.

The nine-leaf sword grass is in the realm of the fairy king!


Ye Yang put his two fingers together, waved his arms above his head, and drew a semicircle with his sword fingers.

It swung away towards the huge black super black hole above its head.

In an instant.

The infinite avenue symbol carries powerful power, accompanied by the supreme attacking murderous aura and immeasurable divine light, it splits the sky, and the crescent sword energy transformed into a crescent sword slashes towards the dark star above!

hum! ! !
A deep and extremely loud voice resounded in this nebula.

The huge black hole is divided into two, and the amazing and infinite energy is gushing out in a complicated entanglement!
For an instant.

The perspective switches to the macro perspective of the BMW Nebula.

Originally a swirling colorful nebula with an infinite light-year diameter.

Instantly turned into waste at this moment.

The infinite star exploded, and the nebula in the colorful vortex state was even more dull, becoming a chaotic place where many small nebula eddies collided.

And the avenue runes are intertwined, and the sword is full of energy, as if it wasn't the nebula and black hole that slashed, it even affected time and space, the way of heaven!
In the Poker galaxy.

The two void-level bosses who witnessed this scene commented.

Space: "This blow seems ordinary and simple, but it is very ruthless. The power of the void is endlessly powerful. It transcends the world of the main creature. Ye Yang has displayed a combat power that surpasses the past."

Keisha: "BMW Nebula was blown up, the scale of the void cracked, and replaced the original nebula, and, there, the mysterious force is stopping, the main biological universe is restored, and there, it can be linked with the void dimension for a long time, and must be stopped."

Space: "Support Hua Ye and continue the annihilation plan."

Keisha: "Now, that's the only way to go."

The two finished chatting.

They all disappeared.


Inside Tianren No. [-].

Angel Yan and the others witnessed that after Ye Yang smashed the black hole with a sword, the projection of the screen left by Kaisha disappeared.

Although I can't see the picture after Ye Yang.

But there were hundreds of angels present, including Yan.

All shocked!

"It's too strong, this is too strong, one blow! A black hole of such a size has been cut through! How can Queen Kaisha's annihilation plan be achieved?!"

Yan was murmuring on the spot in a daze.

The young angels behind them were even more heated, and the entire angel hall was as lively as a vegetable market.


A human-shaped nebula appeared, it was Kaisha.

"Skyblade King, listen to my order, contact Tianji Wang Hexi, and ask her to connect the space-based computing group to you. At the same time, you open the treasure house of sacred knowledge, build a processor, and let the dual systems run in parallel, and then"

(End of this chapter)

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