Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 27 Angel Yan's challenge, NS badge!

Chapter 27 Angel Yan's challenge, NS badge!

"Brute force is good."

Angel Yan commented.

After looking at Thornton's approaching distance.

With a direct shot of the micro-wormhole, the body disappeared in place.

Thornton cut straight to nothing.

The huge body couldn't stop under the inertia of the giant axe.

Out of the street.

The owner of a Citroen C6 just driving over.

Just in time to see a giant crocodile flying from one side.

The huge body covered the sky outside the windshield like a canopy.

next second.

The windshield shattered and the airbag deployed.

Thornton's body was embedded in the deformed and twisted vehicle frame.

More than half of the sharp giant ax cut into the asphalt ground.

"Wow! I'm so mad!"

"It's this kind of strange trick of disappearing out of thin air again. If you have the ability, challenge me one-on-one!"

The crocodile hits hard.

Thornton jumped out of the car.

Pointing at Angel Yan who came out of the alley step by step, he cursed angrily.

This weird scene.

Attracted the attention of pedestrians in the whole street.

Especially when seeing the monster appearance of Thornton.

The crowd panicked and screamed one after another.

"Damn it! It's not! Isn't this the crocodile alien that appeared and disappeared in the commercial street next door yesterday?"

"Crocodiles! Crocodiles can talk! Aliens! The earth is going to be destroyed! Run away!!!"

"Call the police! This is an alien!"

"Look, there's another blond woman with wings coming out!"

"Monster! Female monster! Crocodile monster! Run!"

In a department store not far away.

Ye Yang is pushing a trolley among rows of containers to pick out daily necessities.

Suddenly, many customers in the entire supermarket rushed towards the exit in a swarm.

Everyone shouted to go outside to watch the alien war or something.

"Alien war? Could it be Thornton?"

Ye Yang pushed the cart and muttered to himself.

At the same time, it also moves with the crowd.

Some of the crowd went to the second floor, some to the third floor, and they all looked out through the glass.

Ye Yang came to the empty place.

And the lobby on the first floor with the glass door closed.

It is estimated that everyone is afraid of the danger on the first floor and dare not stay there.

But Ye Yang didn't care.

Looking out through the glass door.

Only in the sky.

Thornton returned to his original form.

Battling a blond female angel with white wings.

Every collision of blows can collide in the air to create atmospheric ripples visible to the naked eye.

And both of them moved surprisingly fast in the air.

But Thornton was clearly suppressed.

Every time it hits the ground, it has to step on the surrounding buildings along the coast to react and move.

This also caused a great impact and panic on the surrounding buildings and social security.


When empty.

Thornton was caught heavily in the abdomen by a high-speed flying martial art whip kicked by Angel Yan, who saw the timing.

Those slender legs are like compasses.

The kicked Thornton's whole body turned into a crocodile.

Falling downward at extreme speed.


The falling direction happened to be the direction of the gate of the department store where Ye Yang was.

Boom! ! !

Ram, ram, ram! ! !
The hard body of the beast smashed heavily into the ground.

All the way like a bulldozer breaking through the ground and sliding all the way to the glass door at the entrance of the supermarket.

The flying gravel smashed the glass door in an instant.

Countless crystal shards splashed all over the ground.

Ye Yang pushed the cart full of supplies to Thornton who was lying in the pit.

"Hey Thornton, how did you change back to your original form? Didn't I tell you not to cause social panic, that would be very troublesome."

"Ah? Brother, why are you here?"

Thornton in the pit heard Ye Yang's voice.

He stood up with a whoosh.

It seems that the body was not affected by this blow at all.

Instead, he said with a very aggrieved expression:
"Brother, I don't miss me either. I was beating the human who slapped my ass just now, and this female angel suddenly appeared, snatched the leaf you gave me, and crushed it, so I fucked her!"

Ye Yang heard the words.

He looked up at the female angel holding a sword hovering in the sky with fluttering wings.

He scratched the back of his head speechlessly.

It's troublesome enough.

Can't this world be peaceful for a moment?

"Looking at you, it seems like you can't beat her. Let's go then. I've picked out my things. I'll go to checkout first. You wait for me at the door."

Ye Yang turned around and looked inside the supermarket.

The entire lobby was empty.

Even the security cashiers are hiding upstairs.

I want to pay the bill and no one will handle it.

"Don't, big brother, who said I can't fight, but this guy is always disappearing, disappearing, elusive, if I fight close to me, I will definitely kill her alive!"

Thornton looked depressed.

Cute eyes looked at Ye Yang.

I hope Ye Yang can help.


The void surged on the broken ground at the entrance of the supermarket.

Angel Yan walked out of it.

His indifferent gaze passed through Thornton and stared at Ye Yang.

Asked in a frivolous tone:
"You are its big brother? An ordinary person? Your breast pocket is very interesting, lend me a play?"

Hear this.

Ye Yang suddenly felt vigilant.

This female angel's eyes are so vicious?

Unexpectedly, at a glance, you can see the extraordinaryness of the four-dimensional pocket.

"Hey hey! You're done for! My elder brother's fighting ability is invincible!"

"I told my brother just now, you broke the transformation leaf he gave me, you will die here immediately, I tell you!"


Thornton wriggled his tail excitedly.

Make a mocking gesture.

"Really? I can't tell."

Angel Yan murmured.

His pupils turned white again.

He wants to enter Ye Yang's consciousness with the ability of the eye of insight to read the memory and even modify the will.


"What's the situation? The eye of insight failed!"

Yan was shocked.

A look of surprise and surprise appeared on his face.

The brain region of this ordinary person in front of him is guarded by a mysterious and powerful force. It is as solid as gold, and there is no gap or defect at all.

This does not conform to the common sense of the universe at all.

"With this kind of technology to protect the brain domain, and you are still mixed with this beast body God of War, you should also be under the command of Karl, the death god of the Styx."

Angel Yan asked.

"Crazy, I don't know what you are talking about, you aliens don't provoke me."

Ye Yang said lightly.

After speaking, I was ready to go to the supermarket to check out.

"Stop, it doesn't matter if you are Carl's subordinate or not, what are you doing with this stupid thing pretending to be an angel?"

The flaming sword in Angel Yan's hand trembled.

Blazing flames blazing.

"Damn it, you want to do something to my elder brother? Pass your grandpa Thornton first!"

Thornton protected Ye Yang behind him.

Get ready to fight.

Ye Yang shook his head distastefully.

Can these aliens stay away from us?


Ye Yang had a flash of inspiration.

Quickly reach into the four-dimensional pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a stack of red and blue original badges.

"Deng Deng ~ NS badge."

"Shorton, sprinkle these on her, just stick one on it." Ye Yang said quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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