Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 29 Morgana Transforms and Begs to Stay Overnight!

Chapter 29 Morgana Transforms and Begs to Stay Overnight!

Angel Yan, who was suspended in the sky, frowned.

He muttered in his heart and analyzed:
"The pocket on that guy seems to have a different dimension,
It is estimated that there are a lot of black technology props stored in it.

The red portal just now seems to be connected to another space,
And the portal will automatically disappear in this space,

many indications
Death Karl gave this guy a lot of good things,
through him,
Maybe we can find out where Morgana is. "


Angel Yan reached out and touched the magnetic pole badge on the wings on his back.

Want to tear it off.

It's still sticky tight.

As if attached to flesh and blood.

It gave Yan a feeling that if he wanted to win this badge, he could only cut off his entire wing.


The car horns of the city below sounded again.

Come back to your senses.

Yancai found out that Ye Yang and the crocodile had left.

The people of the earth once again took to the streets.

Countless mobile phone cameras are shooting themselves in the sky.

Even in the air not far away, military fighter planes flew over.

"It seems that I have to contact the Super Seminary soon,
See if they have any news about this man and the devil. "

call out!
Angel Yan turned his head and disappeared into the wormhole.

A few nights later.

The Monkey King was born.

Under the leadership of Du Qiangwei.

The Xiongbing Company of the Super Seminary launched their first combat mission to subdue the mythical and legendary Monkey King, Monkey King Monkey King.

Angel Yan also met Di Leina for the first time.

And Huangcun tonight.

Since the arrival of Morgana and Atuo.

And after Ye Yang turned into a gorilla and destroyed the surrounding mountains.

In the huge Huangcun Village, three hundred families moved out overnight.

It is said that they moved to the temporary housing area set up by the Tianhe City Government.

Simply put, it is a square cabin.

It is said that it is equipped with LCD TV, wireless network, hot water and air conditioning.

The conditions are very good.

And Huangcun became a military restricted area.

No one is allowed in or out.

If someone goes in and out, they will find it in the deserted Huangcun Village at night.

The lights of a small farmyard were always on.

One person, one crocodile, one table.

Placed in the center of the yard.

White outdoor pendant lights illuminate the entire yard as bright as day.

A large number of moths are constantly flying around the incandescent lamp.


The fat beef rolls and shrimp slippery beans in the small copper pot are steaming and tumbling.

One person, one crocodile, and two pairs of chopsticks created afterimages.


The food in the pot sees the bottom.

"Brother, can you keep these soups for me? Oh, it's so fragrant."

"Okay, you drink the soup, then go in and wash the dishes, and clean up, I'll lie down~"

Ye Yang, who was full of food and drink, got up and walked to the reclining chair beside him.

Lie down comfortably.

He skillfully took out his mobile phone to check his WeChat balance.

Like many people.

Ye Yang doesn't like to put all the money in the bank card.

"The balance is only more than 500. If I am alone, I can last for a month. Now I have an extra scorpion, Thornton. Originally, I wanted to let it go to the mountains to catch game. It seems that since I became a gorilla, I have destroyed this place. After the mountains, the animals disappeared."

"Forget it, anyway, I'm the only one in the whole Huangcun now, and the house doesn't cost money. Let's find a way to make money after the money is almost spent."

Ye Yang murmured.

Then switch apps and swipe short videos.

at the same time.

The top of a lonely mountain.

Shrouded in cold moonlight, the rocks of the lonely peak are pitch black and the weeds are disheveled.

A figure with a devil's figure and a tight leather jacket stood on it.

A pair of eyes with smoky makeup stared at Ye Yang in the village courtyard ahead.

"This guy had a fight with an angel in Tianhe city a few days ago,

The crocodile beside him is also good at fighting.
It should be the Beast God of War made by Karl
I always thought that this kid was a freak God of War trained by the Super Seminary,

But after several days of observation,

It seems that he doesn't belong to any power at all.

Moreover, it also subdued the high-end combat power that should belong to the devil. "

Morgana murmured.

She has been observing Ye Yang these days.

She wasn't angry because Ye Yang blew up the dome of her Devil No. [-] hall last time.


The anger subsided.

Or either.

Knowing that Ye Yang has no forces behind him, the desire to win him over is unprecedentedly high.

"In the past few days, Nightmare has made some targeted adjustments to Ye Yang's dream, and it is also through the dream that he has learned about his personality."

"In the words of their earth, he is a free fish, a dead house, and a straight man."

"If you want to win over such a person, you can only start with him as a friend."


A confident smile appeared on Morgana's face.


Clouds of purple-black thick fog burst out from under the feet.

With the dense fog covering the body, it quickly disappeared.

Morgana's queen image has undergone a radical change.

A beige slim trench coat.

A black tight wrapping cheongsam is worn inside.

Diamond cut at the bust.

A deep structure just happened to be exposed.

The legs are slender and white, with a pair of sexy black lace stockings.

Hairstyle is black and long straight.

There is no original non-mainstream heavy makeup on the face.

On the contrary, it greatly accentuated her thick facial features.

under the moonlight.

Morgana exudes a sense of desire all over her body.



She smiled, took a step forward, and walked into the void wormhole.

when she reappears.

Then they came to the door of the small farmyard where Ye Yang and Suo Dun lived.

Spring Festival couplets and door gods are pasted on the old wooden doors.

Morgana stretched out her white and bony fingers and tapped on the door panel.

"Is there anyone? I'm here for tourism, can I come in and stay overnight?"

inside the yard.

Ye Yang and Thornton who heard the voice looked at the door at the same time.

"Brother, do you open the door?"

Asked Thornton, who was drinking soup from a small copper stove.

Ye Yang had an idea.

I am worried that I don't have enough money to spend.

There are actually tourists who come to the door to stay overnight.

"I'll drive it, you go and nest in the shed, don't scare people."

Ye Yang motioned softly.

Get up from the recliner, put on your slippers and walk to the door.


Thornton gulped down the hot pot soup.

He quickly ran to the shed on the side of the yard.

This shed was originally a donkey shed.

Stacked with hay.

Because Thornton snored too loudly while sleeping.

Ye Yang beat it several times.

Thornton was very reluctant to sleep in the shed.

"I'm coming."

Ye Yang walked in slippers and said:
"You are still lucky,

The whole village has moved out these days,

Now only my family can live,
You pay for the accommodation and stay for as long as you want. "

(End of this chapter)

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