Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 3 Morgana Arrives!Fully simulated! 4 gears!

Chapter 3 Morgana Arrives!Fully simulated!Fourth gear!
"Where did this woman come from? Why did she fall from the sky? She still has wings."

"How do you dress like this? It's really offensive, tsk tsk tsk~"

"Is it an actress who made a movie? I didn't hear that there is a crew coming from the village today~"

"He looks good, he looks like a young man from the village head Huang Mao and his group of Internet families."

The sudden appearance of the woman immediately attracted the attention of many villagers on the street.

Ye Yang was also pulled by Yu Baosheng to watch.

For this strange world, strange people and things.

Ye Yang didn't care at all.

Inexplicably, I came to this modern world where monsters run all over the place.

Some time ago, there was a big chrysanthemum hole in the sky.

I was really scared at first.

But because of personality reasons.

Ye Yang didn't care anymore.

It doesn't matter if you're an alien invasion or the end of the world.

As long as it doesn't affect your life of being a idle fish, it's fine.

Because I am not an ambitious person.

Even with the blessing of a fully simulated system.

I just find it interesting.

At most, you don't have to worry about work and money anymore.

"Eh? Yangzi, why did this woman come towards me?"

Suddenly, Yu Baosheng beside him said in a low voice with some panic.

Ye Yang saw this gothic non-mainstream beauty walking towards Yu Baosheng.

That powerful aura and daunting evil figure.

The farmer Yu Baosheng was so scared that he took half a step back subconsciously.

"I miss you, Atuo, long time no see."

Morgana stood in front of Yu Baosheng and said.

And reached out to caress one side of his cheek.

Yu Baosheng froze on the spot, and replied tremblingly:
"I am not A Tuo, my name is Yu Baosheng."

The villagers on the side shouted:
"I rely on dogs to win! You are lucky!"

"Usually, you are honest and honest. I never thought that I would find such a good-looking wife for myself. You must have met on the Internet."

"It turned out that I was looking for Gou Sheng, hahaha~"

Ye Yang on the side asked softly in Yu Baosheng's ear:

"Is it your online dating partner?"

Yu Baosheng shook his head repeatedly.

I don't engage in online dating.

When Morgana heard the conversation between the two, she glanced at Ye Yang and smiled slightly.


Kiss Yu Baosheng across the air.

An invisible microwave force invaded Yu Baosheng's head.

Baosheng swayed as if fascinated.

He murmured in his mouth:
"It smells so good~"


He hugged his head and howled in pain.

A dense purple mist erupted from his body.

Surrounded by the situation, the villagers retreated back and forth.

Everyone's face was full of surprise.

Only Ye Yang took a few steps back calmly, observing silently.

I saw that Yu Baosheng grew sharp armor on his body in a thick purple fog, and his body was also growing rapidly.

Small silver lightnings splashed all over the body.

After three seconds.

An ancient sword demon covered in dark red armor appeared in everyone's sight.

He was three to four meters tall and covered in dark red metal armor.

On the back grows a pair of fleshy wings that look like a bloody banner.

"My Cao? Great transformation?"

"Where is Gou Sheng? Where is Gou Sheng?"

"Why do I feel that the two of them are aliens? Quick, call the police!"

"Run, what's the use of calling the police, this motherfucker is an alien!"

The surrounding villagers began to flee in panic.

But there are still some who boldly took out their mobile phones and stood in place to shoot.

"Queen, we have been defeated again."

Sword Demon Atuo knelt on one knee in front of Morgana, his low tone full of regret.

"It's okay, come again next time, you have to live, let's go."

Morgana put her hands on her hips and turned around calmly.

"Yes, Queen."

Just when the sword demon Atuo was about to fly away from Huangcun with Morgana.


A Tuo felt his right wing being pulled by something.

A steel-blue shoehorn face turned to look behind him.

"Hello? Where did you take Gou Sheng?"

I saw a young earthling wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans holding his wings with one hand.

Although Ye Yang has a leisurely personality.

Doing anything is too troublesome, and I don’t care about it.

But it doesn't mean he doesn't care about the things around him.

Although I have only traveled here for a month, Gou Sheng has taken good care of me during this month.

And he also integrated the memory of the original owner.

So the dog wins for himself.

He is a good brother and a best friend.

"Yangzi! Let go! They are aliens!"

"Don't be stupid, you idiot! Gou Sheng must have been killed by her! Run, Yangzi!"

The two onlookers anxiously advised Ye Yang.

However, it was too late.

As the number one god of war beside Morgana, Atuo, the ancient sword demon, is not a good tempered.

Facing Ye Yang, the human bug.

Without saying a word, he raised his wings directly on the spot.

The powerful force instantly lifted Ye Yang up, turned into a quick human bullet and shot towards the self-built houses in the street behind.

In full view.

boom! ! !
Four self-built houses in a row were smashed through by Ye Yang's body.

At last.

The body is pasted on the exterior wall of the fifth self-built house like a large-character poster.

Thick dust billowed.

Ye Yang only felt sore all over his body, as if all the bones in his body were cracked.

But the consciousness is very clear.

Suddenly, in the mind.

The system beep sounds:
"The complete simulation system has detected that the host has received a fatal blow, and the blood lock function has been activated. Please select the fully simulated form within ten seconds."

Ye Yang didn't hesitate.

Immediately lock a certain combat form of a certain virtual character in his heart.

In his weak mouth, he spit out slightly:

"Full simulation, fourth gear, elastic human form!"

dozens of meters away.

On the streets of Huangcun.

"Don't move! You killed someone, put your head in your hands. Squat, squat! Squat!"

A middle-aged police officer in a blue uniform holds a firearm.

Tremblingly aiming at Morgana and Ato in front.

Morgana looked at him.

Pointing at the gun in the policeman's hand with a little amusement, he said:

"Is this kind of attack?"

"Similar to soldier ants?"

"Oh, sorry, in the pre-nuclear era, I have a certain understanding of the universe and civilization."


Morgana grinned at the corners of her mouth, revealing her flawless gums and teeth.

She shook hands with the police from the air.

In full view.

The police officer was strangled by an invisible force and suspended in mid-air.

Thick purple mist and tiny lightning appeared all over his body.

"I'm here to bring you evolution~haha, I won't talk about the big truth, let's fully understand it myself."

Morgana spread her arms and made a preaching gesture facing the crowd.


The policeman in the air turned into a demon with blood-colored skin, fleshy wings and wings!
Bloodthirsty, brutal!
The whole body is full of explosive muscle strength!
"Feel the power in your body, yes, control the power of nature, control the power of the sky, desire for sex, look at a beautiful girl over there, let her join your body! Go! Hahahaha~"

The newborn demon listened to Morgana's guidance.

Licking his lips, he flew straight towards a woman in the crowd.

Yet at this moment.

A series of thick metal impact sounds echoed throughout Huangcun.

 Asking for data, asking for comments, what to say, after the Chinese New Year, unemployed, writing novels to make money, not newcomers, you can read with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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