Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 45 Complete simulation!Formation Realm, Great Demon God Shi Zhongtian!

Chapter 45 Complete simulation!Formation Realm, Great Demon God Shi Zhongtian!
Seeing Liu Chuang, he rushed in directly.

Ye Yang subconsciously looked at the wing where Liang Bing was.

Wasn't the small courtyard protected by her super power shield?
How could it be broken in so easily?

Could it be that Liangbing has fallen asleep, so the ability has disappeared?
"Sorton, are you holding the corpse up there?"

Ye Yang said coldly and angrily.

"Eh? Yes!"

After reacting, Thornton tore off the apron in front of him.

The legs hopped and jumped.

Somersaulted and landed in the middle of the yard, facing Liu Chuang, holding a blood-colored hatchet.

"Dare to break into my elder brother's house! Eat my grandpa Thornton with an axe!"

Thornton threw the sharp ax in his hand like a dart.

There are sharp and harsh air cutting sounds along the way.

Followed by.

Liu Chuang gritted his teeth and ran forward a few steps to meet him.

Holding an ax in one hand, he slashed hard.

"Play with me with an axe!"

clang! ! !
A metallic howl was accompanied by rings of shock waves that exploded in the air.

The Crescent Ax was knocked away from a distance and shot toward Thornton.

With a puff, the ax cut into the ground.

Thornton was slightly confused.

His throwing ax was actually sent flying.

This human power is not familiar with itself.

I saw Liu Chuang aggressively provoking Ye Yang with an axe.

"What are you going to do with the head monster and me, come on!"

a time.

Liu Chuang's momentum climbed to the extreme.

Gives a strong feeling of invincibility.

Behind Liu Chuang.

Lena, Qiangwei and the others watched with smiles at the corners of their mouths.

Lena: "Liu Chuang's combat power improvement during this period is the highest in the team. In terms of strength, it is comparable to Wukong's three-generation beast body peak. Moreover, he followed Wukong every day, and he probably learned some combat skills."

Qilin: "This crocodile seems to be the one that appeared in Tianhe city some time ago, was kicked away by Ye Yang, and was taken away by the alien glutton. Now it has become Ye Yang's younger brother."

Cheng Yaowen: "Everyone be vigilant, a battle is about to break out, just use Ye Yang and this third-generation crocodile to test our training results during this period."

"It doesn't count! I was careless just now, and I didn't flash it. Come again!"

Thornton picked up the hatchet on the ground.

He kept waving his hands and playing tricks.

"Not convinced? Then come!"

Liu Chuang shouldered the pure black god-killing axe, and waved at Thornton with his chin raised high.


Thornton, who felt that he was underestimated, was furious and went mad on the spot.

Directly with a fierce son, it rotates and dives at a high speed towards the ground soil in front of it.


Liu Chuang, who lost his target, locked his eyes on the ground under his feet.

His expression was extremely vigilant.

next moment.

The ground perpendicular to the chin suddenly surged.

A high-speed rotating metal gale directly killed Liu Chuang's head.

"Go to Nima!"

Liu Chuang seems to have predicted it long ago.

Take a step back.

Holding the handle of the God-killing Ax with both hands.

The ax rotated ninety degrees into a clap shape, and slammed towards the spinning Thornton.

A powerful blow.

There is no fighting technique at all.

Incomparably rude.

Boom! ! !

The moment when three generations of peak beast bodies collided with the powerful Nuoxing God of War.

The whole courtyard was shaking.

The air collapsed and twisted visible to the naked eye.

Followed by.

The distorted space releases shock waves.

It even bombarded and radiated in all directions of the small courtyard at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wave after wave of scorched black dust waves several meters high were rolled up.

The fence walls and gates are all toppled.

The glass of the wing room crackled even more when it was shaken.

And at the moment of this collision.

Thornton, who was spinning at a high speed, only felt his eyes go dark.

Time passed extremely slowly, as if entering a special space.

in this space.

Liu Chuang's body was rapidly expanding like a phantom.

in a blink.

As big as a human planet!
At last.

Thornton saw him swinging the asteroid-sized God-killing Battle Ax and slashing at his tiny self.

Along the way with the tomahawk swinging.

It even crushed countless meteorite continents like special effects.


Thornton yelled.

next moment.

The picture in front of him returned to normal.

Thornton only felt a huge force coming.

Ram, ram, ram! ! !
Thornton was shot deep underground by Liu Chuang's god-killing axe.

The ground of the entire small courtyard sank three inches collectively, and there was a clear roar of collapse.

"Damn, don't tear down my yard. If you don't leave, I won't be polite!"

Ye Yang said angrily.

I originally thought that these people could be considered heroes to protect their home planet.

So I am willing to endure again and again.

but now.

Forbearance for a while will only let them sit on their heads and shit!
At this time.

The old God Monkey King in the air said in Zai:
"Now it's just demolishing your yard,
Think about aliens invading the earth in the future,

How many yards were demolished?
How many wives are separated?

You finally understand the pain now, don't you? "

Qiangwei saw Ye Yang's painful expression.

I don't know why, but I can't bear it.

Immediately said:

"Ye Yang, as long as you join the Super Seminary,

Just do your best when it matters.

Usually your degree of freedom can give you the highest authority. "

"Open the peat."

Ye Yang said angrily.

Seeing Ye Yang's angry expression.

Qiangwei didn't know why her legs suddenly became weak and sore, and she even wanted to kneel down involuntarily.

"Qiangwei, wake up, this is not in the dream, you are now a soldier of the Xiongbing Company, not Ye Yang's adjustment target in the dream."

Qiangwei repeatedly warned herself in her heart.

Forcibly suppress the weird feeling in my heart.

"Hey, why are you scolding people?
Seeing that you are not a few years older than me,
Why is it so unreasonable? "

At this time.

Ge Xiaolun in the team defended himself.

Holding a big sword, he entered the courtyard beside Liu Chuang.

He stared at Ye Yang impatiently.

Ye Yang looked at these guys indifferently.

Those who are familiar with Ye Yang will know it.

Once Ye Yang, who was used to being lazy, showed this kind of look.

That means he has lost his temper.

"Everyone is forcing me, right?" Ye Yang said coldly.

Immediately he said silently in his heart:
"Completely imitated! Formation Realm! Great Demon God, Shi Zhongtian!"

After Ye Yang silently recited this iconic password in his heart.

A terrifying and tyrannical aura erupted continuously from the depths of his body.

In this process.

Ye Yang clearly felt that the blood, meridians, and bones in his body were rapidly decomposing.

He even had the illusion of the opening of the cave in his mind.

The virtual spirit bodies of various pure-blood beasts emerged.

Qiongqi, Pixiu, Jinpeng
"Today, none of you can leave!" Ye Yang said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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