Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 5 The fruit of surgery!Take away the heart of Sword Demon Atuo!

Chapter 5 The fruit of surgery!Take away the heart of Sword Demon Atuo!

"It actually uses the elasticity of its legs to fly at high speed in the air."

When A Tuo saw who was coming, he was really shocked to the heart.

During the 8000-year cosmic conquest career.

Never seen such a weird way of fighting.


He is the Sergeant Major of the Demon Civilization.

It's not like there's brute force for nothing.

After all, technology is the root of civilization.

"Link to the Devil One database." Ato muttered silently in his heart.

"The link to the devil database is successful, the identity is confirmed, welcome to log in again, Sergeant Major Atuo." A voice similar to the system sound sounded in Atuo's head.

"Calculate all his battle statistics for me." Ato ordered.

"Target locked, target analyzed, data being collected."


Ye Yang has already reached the front.

Atuo also had to fight back.

He waved his battle sword in his hand.

A crescent-shaped sword wave cut through the air and shot forward rapidly.

However, Ye Yang didn't hide at all.

The thick dark red arms were folded in front of him and turned into a shield.

Jianbo was instantly smashed apart.

Atto was shocked.

Followed by.

Ye Yang, who attacked with shock waves from both legs, flickered left and right in a very difficult way.

A Tuo's pupils were always half a beat too slow, unable to lock onto Ye Yang.

"So fast!"

"But I have the Devil One database to help me calculate, he can't beat me."

Atuo thought to himself.


The Devil One connected in the brain sent a message.

"He will appear on your right in a second."

Atuo's mouth slightly raised.

Hold the sword and prepare to kill.

"Wait! Miscalculation! His behavior cannot be accurately calculated!" Devil One sent another summons.

However, the voice just fell.

Ye Yang appeared on the left side of A Tuo.

"Rubber Rhino Howitzer!"

Ye Yang's pair of arms wrapped in dark red armed color is enough to spray.

The brutal bombardment was on Atuo's left cheek.


The armor on A Tuo's head was kicked off.

The air in contact with the soles of the feet and the cheeks was blasted into rings of sound barrier ripples visible to the naked eye.

Atona's huge body instantly turned into a high-speed afterimage ray.

Fly towards the far sky and break the clouds.

The giant red wings that look like banners on the back look like kites with broken strings from a distance.

"How... In this way, how could Devil One make a wrong calculation."

In the process of flying backwards.

A Tuo asked in his head against the pain.

"Answer to the sergeant major, the target seems to have some kind of predictive perception ability. He predicted your prediction at the last moment, which made his combat behavior uncontrollable, and the amount of calculation was geometrically multiplied." The Devil One correspondent replied.

"It's a weird ability to predict my prediction. This person will definitely become a roadblock for the demon army to conquer the earth in the future." Atuo commented.

I don't know how far it flew.

The banner behind Atuo spread its wings.

Hover in the air.

Ye Yang also hurried over.

Both legs sprayed air columns, suspended in the air and confronted Ato.

"Have you taken it?" Ye Yang asked.

"Your physical strength is indeed terrifying, but I am the third-generation demon gene, and you cannot defeat me."


Atuo also knew that he couldn't defeat the guy in front of him.

But I have mastered the micro-wormhole technology.

You can leave anytime.

But in the face of this super soldier who will become the "enemy" of the devil in the future.

Even if he couldn't defeat him, he could still collect enough combat data for research.

"What devil gene, you alien just haven't been subdued yet."

It's not that Ye Yang can't understand the alien's words at all.

In short, his physique is very good.

Fists and the like are useless against him.

Immediately, Ye Yang charged up his feet and sprayed.

The height of the cloud layer where the body is located instantly rises.

A Tuo looked up at Ye Yang.

The body subconsciously made a tense defensive posture.

What does he want to do?
"Full simulation! Trafalgar Law!"

high in the air.

Ye Yang chanted to the system silently in his heart.

same time.

The sweat vapor on his body, the dark red armed armor, the spiral pattern of the devil, and the chubby body are all disappearing quickly, returning to its original appearance.

The body also loses power at high altitude.

Falling in free fall.

"The battle form has been released, it seems that the few moves just now consumed him a lot."

Atuo gripped his sword tightly.

The wings of the banner behind it began to flap.

Empty! !
Under the vibration of the wings, there was a huge movement breaking through the sound barrier.

With unrivaled speed, he flew straight into the air, and charged at the "fragile" Ye Yang.

The falling Ye Yang's lapel slammed loudly.

He looked at Atuo who rushed forward with a condescending attitude.

Extend your right index finger.

Pointing at A Tuo who came to kill quickly.


Hook your index finger.

Ye Yang said softly:




A pale white transparent ball emerged.


The transparent sphere expanded rapidly.

A [-]-meter spherical space was formed to enclose Ye Yang and A Tuo in it.


Ye Yang shot again.

Fingers instead of knives.

Make a cut at Ato's heart in the air.

next moment.

Ye Yang once again used the fruit of surgery ability.

Appeared on the ridge path of a rural farmland.

With five fingers on his right palm, he is holding a blue film cube.

And inside the cube.

It is the size of an adult's head and a beating heart!

Ye Yang raised his head.

Look at the human-shaped black dot in the sky.

Five fingers pinched the heart tightly.

His bony fingers sank deep into his heart.

The heart is like a block of tofu, which could be crushed anytime.


The sword demon Ato in the air disappeared.

next second.

In the farmland in front of Ye Yang.

The micro wormhole gate that distorts space emerges.

The ancient sword demon Atuo rolled down in pain.

He fell heavily into the mud.

Half of his body was covered in mud.

Rolling in the field with a painful expression, his arms stretched out, and he made a gesture of prayer to Ye Yang.

It can be clearly seen in his heart.

A square hole with a transparent front and back and a smooth cut surface replaced the original heart.

"It hurts! It hurts!"

"Give me back your heart!"


Atuo's painful and miserable howling frightened the surrounding birds to fly together.

Three or two peasants were scared to death.

"Where's Yu Baosheng?"

Ye Yang clasped his heart with one hand and asked.

"He no longer exists in this world. The Queen used his body as a carrier to resurrect me. You can also understand that I am Yu Baosheng, or Yu Baosheng has become my nutrient and a part of my body."

"Ah!!! It's too painful!"

A Tuo maintained the last sliver of clarity in the pain.

Tell Ye Yang about Yu Baosheng.

Ye Yang listened.

Hold your heart tighter.

The heart is almost deformed as if it is about to explode.

Ato, the sword demon who followed Morgana in the 8000-year battle, also crazily self-mutilated in the field in extreme pain.

Attempt to escape.

"Forget it, I'll take your heart back to Baosheng's parents."

For some reason, Ye Yang let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

It's as empty as if you've lost your purpose.

"You, immediately go to the nearby police station and surrender yourself."

"Also, let that woman surrender herself."

"You aliens, don't come to Huangcun again."

The account is complete.

Ye Yang turned and left with a heart in his heart.

Now Baosheng is no longer alive.

Then take care of those who are still alive.

This is Ye Yang's character.

If the things you care about change, you will soon become indifferent, and even treat them indifferently.

And in the way of dealing with aliens, Ye Yang also retains the moral standards of pre-nuclear civilized human society.

Even if it is an alien who kills someone, it has to be handed over to the police.

(End of this chapter)

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