Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 51 Shock of the Holy Kaisa!Morgana's Shock!

Chapter 51 Shock of the Holy Kaisa!Morgana's Shock!

When Karl's body appeared.

The demon soldiers in the entire demon king's palace.

And Big Boron (a recruit Morgana found somewhere on Earth some time ago) guarding the right side of the throne.

All vigilantly picked up their weapons and surrounded Karl.

Carl turned around calmly.

Amber eyes looked at Morgana.

Morgana on the throne sees Carl suddenly appear.

An ominous premonition rose in my heart.

Immediately, frowning slightly, he waved his arms.

The command said:
"You all step back, and take that gluttonous diplomat with you."

"Yes, Queen."

When Big Bolun left with many demon warriors.

Only Morgana and Queen Karl on the throne remained in the entire palace.

Morgana changed the direction of crossing her legs, with her upper body facing forward, and asked solemnly:

"Why did you appear on Earth so recklessly? I haven't even managed to control Reina. If Keisha's bitch finds out, how will the subsequent plan unfold?"

Carl silently examined Morgana.

Morgana seemed to read something from Karl's indifferent eyes.

Patiently, he asked again:
"what happened?"

Seeing Morgana's ignorant look.

Carl suppressed the coldness in his eyes.

Shen Sheng said:

"That Ye Yang just blew up my Styx Death Song planet."

Morgana: "???"

When Morgana heard the shocking news from Carl.

The whole head is dumbfounded.

The face with heavy makeup was full of astonishment.

The CPU of the brain was almost burnt dry.

"Ye Yang should be in Tianhe City right now, fighting with the Xiongbing Company led by Leina. How could he go to your distant Styx?"

"What are you kidding me?"

"Where's the big clock? Is the big clock okay?"

Although Morgana said it was impossible, she didn't believe it.

But she knew that Karl would never deceive herself with such an outrageous lie.

"The big clock has been hidden by me in the dark plane, you don't need to worry."

"But do you know that Ye Yang almost killed Sunlight Lena on the earth before he killed my dead singer, if I didn't take the shot, how would the subsequent plan proceed?" Carl's tone was calm.

But there is a trace of blame.

"Don't rush to throw the pot away, you've confused me, Ye Yang is clearly on Earth, why did he go to your Styx?" Morgana asked.


Karl told Morgana what happened.

Morgana's expression was shocked at first.

Then angrily got up from the throne.

With his hands on his hips, he yelled at Karl angrily:

"What did you say you provoked him?!

Almost ruined our plans! "

"Even though you exposed Reina to danger,
That's it,

It's just the loss of a planet,

does not affect the progress of the plan,
But Keisha will be very vigilant after arriving on Earth,
Now, do you still want to argue with me meaninglessly? said Carl.

"Arguing farts, Keisha is coming to Earth soon,

I have to get Reyna under control ASAP,
You lurk in the dark,
In addition,

Don't provoke Ye Yang again,
He is my man. "

After all, Morgana is an old god who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

The priority is still clear.

And after this period of time, I got to know Ye Yang well.

Just don't provoke him.

He doesn't care what happens in this world.

"You'd better hurry up."

Karl heard Morgana calling Ye Yang her person.

Inexplicably jealous.

After putting down a cold remark, he disappeared and left.

on the throne.

Morgana sat down preoccupied.

He murmured in his mouth:
"It exploded a planet with one foot, and its destructive power is comparable to that of the previous Nuo Xing God of War, and according to Karl, this is just the pure physical strength displayed by Ye Yang, combined with the previous display of his strength. All kinds of strange abilities. It’s too exaggerated, but after he played poker with me, is the physical strength to walk out of the wall really strong?”

the other side.

Somewhere in deep space.

The Holy Kesha gang flying faster than the speed of light.

Kaisha on the throne of the Grand Cross Skyblade also received the message from Zhi Xin.

The holy Kesha with a calm posture.

There were also rare emotional fluctuations in the eyes at this moment.


A directional dark communication passed into Yan's brain.

Throne left.

Angel Yan understood that this was the Queen's whisper to herself.

Immediately replied:
"Queen, please command."

Holy Kaisa: "Zhixin just sent back the news that Death Karl's death singer was stomped by a mysterious human strongman. That person is Ye Yang on Earth. Your previous inference about his relationship with Death Karl seems untenable. .”

Angel Yan: "One kick? How could he be so ridiculously strong. Wait, why did he appear on Death Singer? He should be on Earth."

Holy Keisha: "It's outrageous, even our angel legion can't reach the earth star of Chiwuheng from the Styx River so fast."

Angel Yan: "Queen! Could this be the god of death Karl's blindfold, who did not hesitate to use his tricks to blew himself up in his lair to stop the scorching investigation."

Holy Keisha: "Well, that pervert Karl won't die so easily, he must be ambushing me in the dark with Morgana."

Angel Yan: "Then Ye Yang, what are you going to do about it?"

Holy Keisha: "How do you understand his existence?"

Angel Yan: "The owner of the special gene is highly likely to be artificially created. It has starburst-level combat power and is out of control. It is an existence that violates the justice and order of the universe set by you and should be erased."

Holy Kaisa: "That's right, but the genetic composition of his body is of high research value. Take it back and let Hexi study it. Our angelic civilization must ensure that in the known universe, all technologies are at the forefront. "

Angel Yan: "Understood, the next time I see him, use the subbiological engine you taught me, I will capture him alive, and regain the dignity lost on Earth!"

At this time.

The angel team flying faster than light is at the forefront.

The angel chased and shouted:

"Queen, we have entered the Milky Way star field and are about to reach the planet Earth."

Immediately after
Angel Leng: "Let the clouds roll up to welcome Queen Keisha!"

(End of this chapter)

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