Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 68 Karl Gets Pleasure from Ye Yang!

Chapter 68 Karl Gets Pleasure from Ye Yang!
When Snow heard that his main god could manufacture void engines in batches.

My heart was shaking wildly.

I have followed Karl for tens of thousands of years.

Although I haven't seen the void engine, the real magic of the void weapon.

But, part of it works.

And the practical application in the main biological world.

I have heard it from Carl.

In general, the void engine can subvert all the laws and rules of the main creature world!

The so-called God.

In front of void level weapons, they are nothing more than ants.

But when he thought that Karl was going to give this thing to Hua Ye, that arrogant guy.

Snow's heart began to feel unbalanced.

"My God, why do you want to help a backward male angelic civilization?" Snow asked.

Karl surrounds the bronze tripod.

Casually said:
"Do you know that the space war has lasted for tens of thousands of years, why only Styx has come to this day?"

Snow knelt down on one knee and said:

"Because we have a great god like you."

Carl heard the familiar flattery.

Looking at Snow calmly, he shook his head.

"Objectively speaking, natural selection, the evolution of the universe so far,
The differentiation of species determines that certain races have the ability to better adapt to the surrounding environment,
Their thoughts have gradually become the dominant and even master of other civilizations,
Backward civilizations will be eliminated in the competition,

Those who cannot accept emptiness,
It will eventually be annihilated and cease to exist in the long river of history. "

Snow pondered for a moment, digesting Carl's words.

And said:

"But according to Hua Ye's conceited and greedy character, he will make more demands on my God."

Carl: "This can only be regarded as a transaction. Gods who are willing to distribute benefits to mortals are more likely to become their beliefs."


Behind Snow.

A green swirl door swirls from a closed rocky gate.

Hua Ye walked out of it.

Susu~ Susu~
The heavy chain mail on his body makes a unique metallic sound as he walks.

Hua Ye looked around as if he had come to some strange place.

Hua Ye: "Oh, the old god who has been tens of thousands of years old, why did he make his palace so dark and not even decorate it?"

Carl: "You can lose your life, why bother with decoration."

Hua Ye: "You mean, no one can threaten the dead, right?"

Carl: "Yes."

Hua Ye laughed out loud.

Snow on the side saw him being so disrespectful.

Immediately said angrily:

"Be respectful to my God!"

After Hua Ye finished laughing, he couldn't help but said:

"I heard from Ruoning that some time ago, your dead singer in the dark nebula was crushed by someone's foot. It seems that he hid on the side of the Milky Way to take refuge."

"Speaking of which, you are a scholar, and you are still an immortal phantom. How can you provoke a strong enemy? Tell me."

Snow: "Presumptuous! My god Karl kindly helps you, how can you allow your words to ridicule."

Snow wanted to teach Hua Ye a lesson.

But Carl has big plans in mind.

He didn't get angry because of what Hua Ye said.

"Speaking of which, you are the beneficiary of that person, without him, Keisha would not go offline." Karl said.

"Then I need to know who he is. I want to thank him very much. If he is a man, I will give him ten skirts. No, he has helped me so much. I will give him a hundred skirts." Skirt!" Hua Ye said happily.

"An existence like him may not be interested in women."

Cal stared at the void in front of him.

The majestic picture of Ye Yang floating in the universe starry sky could not help but emerge in his mind.

He and Holy Kesha were overwhelmed by the momentum alone.

During this period of time, Karl missed this feeling of wanting to die even more.

There is a kind of time when I was still in the mortal body.

The thrill and excitement of being exposed to death for the first time.

"I don't have feelings for women? Anyway, I like it. Tell me, why did you help me? I heard that you even prepared a gift for me?" Hua Ye asked.

Carl: "My dream is very simple, to let the highest wisdom come to the known universe, and let the age of void come quickly, but I know that angels are not willing to see such a situation, Super Seminary, Lieyang, and demons are all unwilling, And I know that once the void is opened, I can't guarantee whether those void gods will destroy me."

Hua Ye heard the words,

Touching his chin, he pondered:
"So you equip me, train me up, and help you get rid of the stumbling block that started the Void Age. Although I don't know if the so-called Void Age is real, but if you can give me the power to control those little angel skirts Strength, I am still very willing to cooperate with you."


Carl's figure was as fast as lightning.

Appeared in front of Hua Ye like a ghost.

Hua Ye was startled.

But hadn't had time to react yet.

Karl's palm condensed a ball of energy light.

He directly hit Hua Ye's abdomen with a palm.

A palm of terrifying power.

The beaten Hua Ye knelt on the ground, clutching his abdomen in pain.

"You ride a horse!"

With his hands on his back, Karl looked down at Hua Ye who was kneeling in front of him.


"Don't swear, I upgraded you to the fourth-generation divine body, and implanted a void engine for you. Go, bring your army of angels and let the universe boil."


Hua Ye waved one hand.

Hua Ye was blasted into the wormhole.

when he reappears.

In space beyond Pluto.

In a state of embarrassment, he kept spinning his body in space, and the angel warriors who followed hurried up to help him stabilize.

"Fuck Karl! How dare you humiliate my king like this!"

"Brothers, kill!"

Two violent male angels raised their swords and said angrily.

Hua Ye who came back slowly.

He suddenly reached out to stop him.

Said with a smile:
"Calm down, this kid gave me two big gifts, withdraw first, gather the army of angels, and let the universe boil!"


Inside the Academy of Dead Songs.

"My lord, the howling army has also returned from the Great Insect Bridge. Only 20 of his million-dollar army remain."

Snow reported.

"Take him to the academy and give him a level up. After that, you go to the earth and keep an eye on Ye Yang."


After Snow left.

Inside the empty Dead Song Academy.

Karl stared at the ground and murmured:
"I have studied Angel Yan for 7000 years, Kaisha, Liang Bing, and Hexi for 3 years. Now I don't know how much time I have to spend studying Ye Yang."

When Karl sat back at the desk again.

Pick up a pen and write.

After a while.

In the void of the main hall, a group of illusory nebula figures condensed.

The figure is wearing a dark blue gown with a hooded hood trimmed with gold.

The body and the nebula behind are condensed together.

Carl saw it.

put down the pen.


"Teacher Space, you are here, what's the matter?"

ps: Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets. Recently, this book has been published as a must-read today. I hope everyone can support it, so that the data of this book can be better, and it can get greater exposure, so that I can keep writing.

How to say, I don't know hydrology, so I just keep writing according to the current rhythm until the end.

Many authors will open the second volume and travel directly to the next world.

For example, after Chaoshen finished writing, he directly transferred to Naruto Pirates or Guoman or something.

I won't, I will open a new book directly.

(End of this chapter)

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