Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 7 Cut Morgana!Divide into 2 sections!

Chapter 7 Cut Morgana!Divide into twenty segments!
Baosheng's parents are honest farmers.

Both of them were dressed in the pure green rankless military uniforms of the last century, and they were also wearing durable liberation shoes.

Never seen a big scene.

just now.

A group of soldiers with guns rushed into their yard.

Ye Yang, who grew up watching him, held a huge beating heart in his hand, and said it was an alien!
This... This made the old couple do not know what to say for a while.

"Ye Yang! I am the Chief of Staff of the Tianhe Military Region!"

"Now put down the things in your hands, squat down with your head in your hands, and accept the inspection by professionals."

Behind him, the school-level officer touched the gun at his waist with one hand.

One hand stretched forward.

Said cautiously.

Ye Yang looked back.

"Sigh~ I knew that such troublesome things would come to my door."

Ye Yang let go of the Sword Demon Heart in his hand.

Let it fall to the ground like jelly.

Duang Duang~
Rolling down at the feet of Baosheng's parents.

The frightened two men retreated violently.

at the same time.

Inside the Battleship Devil One.

Passage inside the castle.

Ato who is walking in it.

Suddenly, I felt a piercing pain in my empty heart.

The huge body suddenly knelt down on one knee.

The iron-blue face, like a zombie, was full of anger.

"Ye Yang, where are the two aliens who fought with you now? How did you come back?"

The school-level officer continued to ask nervously.

Just when Ye Yang was about to speak.

Beyond the fence.

Ajie and Qiangwei walked in unhurriedly.

"I'm sorry, this place is temporarily taken over by Guoan. Mr. Major, this young man is our favorite. Please let the soldiers retreat first."

Ajie showed a document and certificate.

After the major read it.

Wave your hand.

Lead the team to evacuate.

"What kind of unit are you in?" Ye Yang asked.

"National Security Administration, do you feel that your body has changed beyond the past recently?"

Ajie, who was wearing a black suit and black sunglasses, asked skillfully.

"It's okay, I've been a little insomnia recently, and my appetite is a little bit bad, probably because of too much work pressure." Ye Yang also replied seriously.

Ajie felt a little ashamed when he heard this answer.

The aloof Qiangwei became even more interested in this guy with a strange brain circuit in front of him.

This guy's mental quality is quite high.

Did such an earth-shattering thing.

Both the army and national security came to the door.

How dare you pretend to be confused.

"I hope you don't hide it, because we already know you in detail, you should know what you did in the past two hours." Qiangwei said.

"I know, I was fired by the company and then went home." Ye Yang replied.

"You!?" Qiangwei was a little sullen.

Ajie knows Qiangwei's character well.

Immediately stood between the two of them.

Said to Ye Yang solemnly:
"Okay, stop bullshitting."

"You kicked away a crocodile alien in Tianhe City, and fought a female alien, a tall demonic alien, and a mutated newborn alien here in Huangcun."

"The power in your body is the super gene that was activated by us recently, so we are not your enemies, but comrades."

"Now, you can tell us in detail about the battle and the alien intelligence you got."

After Ye Yang finished listening.

Also roughly digested some.

It turns out that in this world, there are many super fighters with super genes.

And there are aliens.

But it seems that it has not been made public to the public.

However, his own power is bestowed by the complete simulation system.

It's not the super gene you turned on.

So, I am not gay with you.

Ye Yang scratched the back of his head.


Thinking about how to prevaricate these two people.


The void in the middle of the yard.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it began to twist and twist.

A beautiful woman in a tight black cheongsam with long legs and bare feet stepped out of it.

This magical scene appeared out of thin air.

It made Ajie, Qiangwei, and Baosheng's parents startled.

"Monster! Female monster!"

"Run, old man!!!"

Baosheng's parents were even more frightened and babbled nonsense, ran home quickly, and slammed the door shut.


"This is micro wormhole transport technology!"

"Who are you!?"

Du Qiangwei recognized this technology at a glance.

In my impression, the entire national security, the army, and even the super seminary on Earth.

Learn this technique yourself!
But where did this woman come from?

"Have some knowledge, you little brats are all from the Earth Super Seminary."

Morgana put her hands on her waist.

He looked at the three of them with disdain.

Especially when her eyes fell on Ye Yang.

An unstoppable murderous aura burst out from his eyebrows.


From the corner of Morgana's eyes, she caught a glimpse of the beating heart on the ground behind Ye Yang.

A hook with a quick finger.

The heart disappeared in place.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared on the palm of her hand holding it.

Morgana scrutinized the light blue membrane covering the heart.

"Space-time technology, it's no wonder that the original cell activity can be maintained after the organ is stripped, and even the life of the organ itself will not be affected."

"Hey, this isn't your thing."

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

A ball-shaped ROOM space is released in the palm of your hand.

Instantly expanded to [-] meters.

The nearby streets, several self-built buildings, and nearby soldiers and soldiers are all enveloped in it.

Ye Yang thought about it.

The heart of Sword Demon Atuo disappeared from Morgana's hand in an instant, and appeared in Ye Yang's palm.

In Ye Yang's cognition.

This heart is not only Yu Baosheng's relic, but also a thought of Baosheng's parents, and it is also evidence of his revenge for Baosheng.

It must not be taken away by others!

"He also knows the micro-wormhole transport technology? What kind of genetic ability is he?"

Du Qiangwei saw Ye Yang's skill.


The arrogance in my heart has also been cut by more than half.

I thought I would have a unique technique.

In one day, I saw so many people know how to do it.

Lost, so lost.

"Give me back Ato's heart!"

Morgana was furious on the spot.

One hand made a grabbing gesture in the air, trying to strangle Ye Yang's throat.

The principle of this trick is to stimulate the dark energy invisible to the naked eye to form a strong bondage on Ye Yang's body.

But Ye Yang is still under Trafalgarro's simulation state at this moment.

almost simultaneously.

Ye Yang's body appeared in the sky behind Morgana.

The right hand dragged Ato's heart, and the left index finger replaced the sharp blade, slashing at Morgana in the air.


More than a dozen silver rays of light appeared strangely on Morgana's body.

next second.

Under the horrified and shocked eyes of Ajie and Qiangwei.

Morgana's body was divided into twenty sections!

The whole human body is like a broken puppet building block.

It fell heavily on the hard ground in the yard.

No bloody gore.

Only Morgana's angry Bichi scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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