Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 74 Hexi traded with Xiongbinglian, Liangbing was surprised!

Chapter 74 Hexi traded with Xiongbinglian, Liangbing was surprised!
"Tianji Wang Hexi, I read your records in Lieyang. The most knowledgeable female angel in the known universe has almost mastered the technologies of all the advanced divine civilizations in the known universe, including the star drive technology of my Lieyang civilization. .”

It was Reina who spoke.

Since the demon civilization began to dye the earth.

She led the army under her command to fight all over the country.

Received the news of Hexi's arrival today, and immediately took a connecting flight to rush back to the Juxia.

"Is that the light of the sun? It seems that Pan Zhen has trained you well. How about the power of the galaxy? I want to see him."

He Xi said lightly.

Although her temperament image is more approachable than Keisha.

But exudes aloofness and nobility.

It still made everyone feel a look down from above.

"The power of the galaxy is busy clearing up demons everywhere. Where is your king of angels, Keisha? I heard that she is offline? Is it true?" Lena asked gossipingly.

"Yes, even if Kaisha goes offline, the power of the angelic civilization is far greater than that of Lieyang and other divine civilizations, and it will not hinder the operation of justice and order in the known universe."

He Xi said truthfully.

Ice blue eyes stared at Reina.

It seems to be warning Lie Yang not to make any outrageous actions.

"I didn't expect that he actually knocked Holy Kaisa offline."

Lena's pupils trembled, and she muttered.

Hexi: "Actually, before I entered the earth, I already knew about your planet,
But the record of everything that happened that day when the legion of angels descended on Earth,
Including dark plane information,
Only one out of ten is left,
I guess it's the means of space,
Otherwise, I would not come to your Super Seminary to ask for information,

don't waste time,
You should have more records about that man, right? "

Lena and the others looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, behind this incident, there is the shadow of the space principal intervening.

Ducao frowned.

He looked at the old Huang and Lena beside him.

Lao Huang said to Ducao:

"Ye Yang is a child from Earth and from China. He must not be harmed by angels."

Ducao nodded: "I understand the country's attitude towards Ye Yang."


Ducao looked at Hexi and said:
"I'm curious, what is your purpose?
Just to explore the fall of the holy Kaisa?
If you are here for Ye Yang,

Ye Yang was when I was building Deno Homeland on Earth with Super Seminary,
A super god of war born in a natural environment with one of the genes,
You angels want to touch him,
Could it be that you want revenge? "

Hexi shook his head gracefully.


"It can't be described as revenge. Queen Kaisha voluntarily went offline, and I have calculated that based on the technological level of your Deno civilization and Super Seminary, even with the interference of thousands of years of natural factors on the earth, it is impossible to Make Ye Yang such a powerful god of war."

As soon as this word comes out.

Ducao, Reina, and Lao Huang were all surprised.

Holy Keisha went offline voluntarily?

Or is this just the angel's rhetoric, to make the angel's dignity in the universe and Kaisha's honor a little better?
"Voluntarily go offline? But Ye Yang's aura after transformation was enough to overwhelm Kesha and your Angel Legion." Leina said.

"Oh? It's just momentum? It seems that Ye Yang is really stronger than I expected."

Hexi keenly grasped the information in Leina's words.

After Reina realized it, she immediately lowered her head and remained silent.

After all, Ye Yang's information is now the top secret of the earth.

"Let's make a deal, Little Yellow of Earth, your rights should be higher than Dukao's."

He Xi looked at the old Huang.

Lao Huang smiled: "You say."

Hexi said:

"I detected that the genetic authority of the angel in the Galaxy Force has not been fully activated. I can give you a piece of sacred code that has been activated to increase his combat power. You can give me specific information about Ye Yang's past and the battle scene that day. "

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to Ye Yang, it's just out of curiosity of a scholar, I just want to know."

"I guarantee it with the title of King Tianji."

In fact, with Hexi's strength, there is no need to talk about this with the Super Seminary.

It is completely possible to steal information openly.


According to Kesha's order of justice.

In a civilization with a main god, any behavior of an angel must be negotiated to obtain authority.

Even if they are the same three kings, they cannot violate it.

Suddenly, Reina said:

"Angels pay the most attention to reputation, and Ge Xiaolun's combat effectiveness in the entire Xiongbing Company is the worst. It has no other role except as a human shield. I think it can be traded."

After Lao Huang thought for a while.

He went to the corner and called the boss of Beizhixing.

The deal was subsequently agreed to.

After the two parties exchange the required.

He Xi was deeply attracted by the live scene of Ye Yang becoming a celestial being that day.

Immediately afterwards, He Xi looked at the various files that recorded Ye Yang's younger life.

It's all irrelevant information.

"During this time, I will be active on Earth. If the devil makes any moves, you can contact me, Lieyang's little girl, and give you my communication channel."

Hexi finished speaking.

The two sides looked at each other and established a dark communication connection invisibly.

Immediately Hexi disappeared on the seat.

Lena commented:
"This Tianji Wang Hexi is much more friendly than the holy Kaisa. If we can get her help, the earth's technology will make a qualitative leap."

Old Huang: "Xiaona, is this Hexi's achievements in the field of science and technology very good?"

Lena: "I don't know much, but I guess in the field of technology, she should be one of the most powerful and knowledgeable people in the universe."

Ducao: "Okay, Lena, immediately go to activate the angel gene in Ge Xiaolun's body, and assist the local troops to rescue civilians and resist evil spirits."

Just when the meeting is about to end.

Lianfeng's voice suddenly sounded throughout the broadcast inside the Great Strait:
"Deno-[-] detected a large number of alien fleets on the outskirts of the solar system approaching the earth. They call themselves the giant wolf civilization of the Styx, followed by the previous gluttonous civilization! Please prepare for battle immediately! "


Ducao, Reina, and Lao Huang were all dumbfounded.

Styx actually came to make trouble!

Do you still think the earth is not messy enough?

A city street in Jerusalem.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians, and the armed forces are patrolling everywhere, full of sense of security.

He Xi walked out from an empty alleyway.

Accompanied by steps.

There was a flash of light on her body, and she changed into the costume of a literary and artistic young woman on earth.

The coat is a long Hepburn coat with a high waist, double-breasted buttons, large sleeve tabs, and rear slits.

A pure white shirt is worn inside, and the hem is tucked into the slim-fit jeans on the lower body.

He was wearing a pair of white high-top casual shoes.

A head of dazzling silver long hair drooped on his shoulders and back in the wind.

Elegant and charming, with a touch of precipitation.

He Xi looked up at a tall building ahead.

The road below near the high-rise buildings was blocked by the armed forces, and all entry had to undergo strict inspection.

【Eye of Insight】

He Xi's eyes flashed white.

at the same time.

inside the building.

Liang Bing, who was eating in the banquet hall, was waiting for Xue Yi and Ye Yang to finish their work.


She was taken aback.

Sensing a familiar divine aura, he scanned the area outside the building.

Followed by.

Shae sent a dark communication message:

"Queen, I'm done with Ye Yang. I was knocked out by playing poker just now. He's so powerful. Now he doesn't know where to go."

"What! Why did you say it now!" Liang Bing was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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