Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 87 Thornton, you lose face as a king!

Chapter 87 Thornton, you lose face as a king!
"That guy has been exiled to another dimension forever by me."

Ye Yang patted Thornton's shoulder and said.

"That won't work, you banish me in too, I must kill that bastard!"

Thornton still said very angrily.

Hearing this, several black lines emerged from the back of Ye Yang's head.


"Forget it, forget it, don't be so hostile. Now that you have just become a king, you have been beaten up again, and you have lost your face. You should think about how to make it up."

"Eh, you're right, how can you fix it?"

Thornton scratched his head and asked.

"How do I know, I'm not the king, well, I have to go to Hexi, you can handle it yourself."

Ye Yang spread his hands and shrugged.

Stepping on flip-flops, he came to Hexi's side under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Then the two left.


The hot discussion gradually covered the entire banquet hall.

Those Western celebrities who originally harbored evil intentions all enthusiastically gathered around Thornton.

While touting, he inquired about Ye Yang's situation.

But Thornton is no fool.

Annoyed by these people, he directly killed two radical idiots, and then quieted down the scene.

"I declare that in order to regain my lost face, I will attack the gluttonous civilization! Can any of you tell me, where is the most gluttonous now?"

Thornton looked at everyone and asked.

These profit-seeking Western celebrities heard that Thornton was so inflated and wanted to attack Taotie.

They were all frightened into silence, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Of course it's the Huaxia battlefield! If you really want to fight Taotie, I can open up a route and let a special plane pick you up!"

Liu Chuang in the crowd said excitedly.

Now that King Taotie was exiled by Ye Yang, the hunted army can also breathe and rest.

They can also gather strength to rescue Captain Lena as soon as possible!

"it is good!"

Thornton agreed excitedly.

But it was immediately opposed by many Western celebrities at the scene.

"King Thornton, although your eldest brother killed the king of the gluttonous civilization, they still have countless spaceships and various cosmic weapons beyond our knowledge. What are you going to do!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, in your current city, only you and your eldest brother can be regarded as combat power, and they are not of the same order of magnitude as other people's Starfleet!"

"I can't fight, let Huaxia consume the firepower of the gluttons first, wouldn't it be great if we wait until we are almost done and then go up to harvest?"

Seeing this, Liu Chuang immediately confronted these people.

He didn't want to lose Thornton, a powerful fighter.

in the crowd.

Shae secretly transmitted what happened here back to Devil One.

Liang Bing, who was secretly protecting Qiangwei in the Huaxia battlefield, also received the news very quickly.

Outside Luoyang City.

A military force is assisting the relocation of local people.

Qiangwei leaned against a red Ducati and stood in one place, looking down at the people below from the hillside.


With his hands in his pockets, Liang Bing sat on the back seat of the motorcycle.

"Ye Yang is so strong that he can ignore even the Void Engine. The thing that Karl has researched is not very good." Liang Bing thought to himself.

Qiangwei turned around, got on the motorcycle, and put on the helmet.

"Hey, where are we going now?" Liang Bing asked.

Qiangwei: "Go to a place far away from the people. By the way, you haven't told me why you left Ye Yang's side, and how did you return to China? Didn't you capture a city abroad with that crocodile? ? Why, was he dumped?"

a few days ago.

Liang Bing returned to Devil One with Ye Yang's semen.

Then I heard howls equipped with void engines were hunting down the men of the Hero Company.

Liangbing is worried about Qiangwei's safety.

Then secretly came to the place where Qiangwei fled.

On the way, he also found an unlucky guy similar to Yu Baosheng.

Successfully resurrected the sword demon Atuo again.

And let him return to the head of Devil One.

Then he found Qiangwei who was being chased by Howl and who was running around.

Qiangwei also learned through intelligence before that Liang Bing is a woman who lives with Ye Yang, and is also a human being with supernatural powers.

I didn't take it to heart either.

He wanted to get more news about Ye Yang from her.

Moreover, I was hunted down by Howl, and there was a superhuman being on the same road, which could increase my combat effectiveness to some extent.

But unfortunately.

Liang Bing is a very thief.

Just don't disclose any questions about Ye Yang.

But luckily.

Ever since Liang Bing traveled with him.

Howl never came to chase and kill him.

"He dumped me? I'm so beautiful, I've always dumped other people. At most, I have a relationship with Ye Yang as a poker friend, the kind of card player who has nothing to do."

Liang Bing said confidently.

And embraced Qiangwei's slender waist with both arms, and one cheek was pressed against Qiangwei's back.

"Hey, can you stop being so disgusting, I don't like playing cards with women."

Qiangwei started the motorcycle and said coldly.

Liang Bing: "It's all in this world, can you still let me hug you?"

Qiangwei: "Forget it, whatever you want, don't touch it."

The motorcycle continued to move forward in the wilderness.


Atuo's dark communication voice sounded in Liang Bing's mind:
"Queen, just now the gluttonous battleship launched a beam cannon attack on Ye Yang that surpassed nuclear weapons, but the attack took place at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. Does this constitute a violation of the demon code you formulated?"

Liang Bing responded in his heart: "Of course, now that the gluttonous fleet is dead, you hurry up and attack the gluttonous fleet that is still on the earth, eat their warship resources, and our great demon civilization will be able to gain a firm foothold on the earth." .”

A Tuo: "Yes, there is one more thing. Previously, King Taotie controlled Lie Yang's main god, and now he doesn't know where he is locked up. If we eat the gluttonous food, Lie Yang's account may be counted. over our heads."

Liang Bing: "Why do you care so much, eat it first and then talk, the only one Lie Yang can beat is Pan Zhen."

Atto: "Yes."

Xiongbing company, the command room of Juxia.

"What?! Liu Chuang, are you sure your news is correct? Ye Yang really killed Ji Howl?"

It was Huang Lao who spoke.

On the side is Ducao.

On the big screen in front of everyone, Liu Chuang was using the remote holographic projection function that can still be used on the damaged armor to communicate with the headquarters.

Liu Chuang: "It's not counted as a kill. We didn't see it either. Ye Yang himself said that he exiled Howl to a different dimension. It seems to be the kind of eternal exile."

"Okay, no matter what, your crisis is temporarily resolved. I will immediately send a special plane to pick you up. Is Ye Yang still there? I want to meet him face to face and thank you." Huang Lao said excitedly.

The reason why we proposed to meet.

Not just to thank Ye Yang for his shot.

The more important reason is because of the last meeting on the Juxia.

Ye Yang gave everyone a good impression.

Liu Chuang said again: "Uh, Mr. Huang, don't come here in a hurry. One more thing happened now. Ye Yang's younger brother, that crocodile is going to join the Chinese battlefield to attack Taotie. Do you agree?"

This statement came out.

Huang Lao, Ducao and others immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Now Huaxia has become a mess.

Will the strong join again?
I don't know what it is trying to do.

(End of this chapter)

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