Chapter 15 The Forgotten Hero
The epitaph inscription is not obscure.

The roughly translated content is:
[Ran Yu, from Huang County, Neihuang County, Wei County. 】

[Born with double pupils, at the time of birth, there are thousands of miles of sunlight and thousands of birds singing together. 】

[He could speak at the age of one, read the Four Books and Five Classics at the age of three, and was accepted as a disciple by the famous scholar Ruan Kang at the age of five. 】

[Ran Yu traveled with his teacher to many places when he was young, and witnessed the massacre and looting of the Hu people who captured Luoyang, and the teacher Ruan Kang, his parents and uncles also died one after another at the hands of the brutal Hu people. 】

[From then on, I will resolve to spend my whole life guarding China, and will not share the sky with the Hu invaders, and will defend the dignity of the people to the death! 】

[In the process of fighting against the barbarians, he was close to death. 】

【…】(Detailed records of various deeds are skipped here.)
[Ran Yu found a fairy fate in a desperate situation, comprehended the ancient secret cultivation method, and practiced the invincible miraculous art. Crossing, kept the fire for the blood of the Han people! 】

【…】(Detailed records of various deeds are skipped here.)
[The Hu people are already terrified of Ran Yu. Several times of encirclement and suppression by the army ended in disastrous defeat, with more than tens of thousands of casualties. In order to avoid the assassination, the leaders of the Hu tribe hid everywhere like mice in the crypt, and lived a dark life. Life. 】

[Ran Yu used his power alone to frighten the barbarians from all directions, making them dare not act rashly. 】

[The Hu people did not dare to challenge Ran Yu directly, so they hijacked and massacred several Han people in several cities, ambushed with an elite army of [-], and forcibly forced Ran Yu to show up and throw himself into the net. 】

[Ran Yu couldn't bear the death of innocent people because of him, so he challenged thousands of troops alone, defeated a hundred thousand troops with his own power, rescued the trapped people, and died of exhaustion because of this! 】

[The Hu people shamelessly slandered Ran Yu as a monster and wantonly created rumors to discredit them. Even the nobles in the southern Jin Dynasty were afraid that Ran Yu's resurrection would threaten their status, so they secretly helped Jie Hu build this stone tomb to suppress Ran Yu! 】

[Ran Yu dedicated his life to Huaxia. 】

【Achievement should not be forgotten by history! 】

[Therefore, this monument is specially erected to inform future generations! 】

[The content engraved on this stele is all true. If there is a single sentence that is false, Min Gan is willing to fall into hell forever and not be reborn! 】

[The documents collected in this room can all be used to prove the existence of Ran Yu and the achievements left by Ran Yu, please keep it carefully for future generations! 】


The content of the inscription is very large.

The above is just a simplified overview of most of the preceding.

It is nothing more than describing Ran Yu's life experience from Ran Min's perspective.

Although he tried to be as objective as possible, he could still feel strong personal emotions from his words, which was enough to show that Ran Min respected and admired Ran Yu to the extreme.

Do it all.

He just hopes.

History should not forget Ran Yu!

Future generations don't forget Ran Yu!

The epitaph not only records Ran Yu's life.

There is a long message from Ran Min at the back.

When translated into vernacular, the general content is as follows:

【I, Ran Min, a disciple who was incapable of success, I was fortunate to travel with my teacher for several years. This is the only shining place in my life, and it is also the greatest honor in my life! 】

[My master taught me the Xuantian scriptures of the ancient kung fu. For 20 years, I have been practicing hard, and I dare not be negligent for a day. However, my aptitude is limited, and the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted. one-third. 】

[Now that we are surrounded by enemies on all sides and are in deep trouble, and the Xianbei army is approaching menacingly, I am alone and helpless. 】

[Thinking back on this life, I recognized a thief as my father, helped the tyrant, served the Hu Kou, pretended to be a snake, but still failed to achieve my ideal! 】

【I don't care what the posterity thinks of me, but how should I face my master under the spring? 】

[Every time I think about it, I regret and grieve, beat my chest and stamp my feet, and cry bitterly! 】

【I have simplified and compiled the Xuantian Scriptures given by my predecessor into a volume, and have hidden them in the tomb.I hope that those who are destined for future generations will inherit the legacy of the former teacher and restore our country and rivers after obtaining this book. 】

[If the mountains and rivers are the same in the future! 】

[Even if you die, you will have no regrets! 】


Read the inscription.

Whether there are six people present.

Or the audience in countless live broadcast rooms.

Everyone felt an unprecedented shock.

The thousand-character inscription recorded in great detail all the deeds of Ran Yu's life.

One stroke at a time clearly outlines a hero with flesh and blood who actually existed but was submerged in the long river of history!


"It makes my scalp tingle!"

"Everything is so fake!"

"I was almost deceived by the barbarians in Gou Ri!"

"Later Zhao Shi deserves to be wiped out!"

"The reincarnation of the demon star, the double-eyed demon, are all lies!"

"Ran Yu is not only not a monster, but also a great hero who recreates China!"


"I'm about to explode!"

"Our hero has been forgotten by history for 700 years, and has been smeared crazily!"

"I finally understand why Ran Min killed 10 people to be buried with him, and I finally understand why Ran Min destroyed the relief painting on the first floor!"

"Ran Yu's kindness to Ran Min is as important as a mountain. If I saw the slander on the first level, I would be so angry that I would like to wipe out the entire Shi family and even the Jiehu family!"

"Ran Yu is not a monster!"

"He is the great hero of China!"

"All stand up and pay tribute to the heroes!"

"All stand up and pay tribute to the heroes!"

"All stand up and pay tribute to the heroes!"



Completely reversed!
This is the eerie tomb of sealing demons!

After seeing the life story of the owner of the tomb.

The fear in the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers suddenly disappeared.

There is only admiration left!

Only moved!

This is a hero who defends China all his life!

He obviously had invincible strength at that time, but he was willing to fight alone for the people with a hundred thousand troops, and finally died of exhaustion!

How could such a hero, who tried his best to protect this land from foreign enemies, and looked down on death like home, could harm others?
Ran Min's last message and self-report were also moving.

It is not difficult to see that he knew that his time had come, so it was not so much a self-report and a message as a farewell letter for future generations.

"This time it's completely reversed!"

"It's not Ran Min who is trying to cover up the history, it's Zhao Shile Shihu and other damned barbarians!"

"All those who blackmail Wu Mourning Heavenly King will stand up and be beaten!"

"Those who say that Emperor Ran Min helped the demons to cover up their crimes are either stupid or bad!"


Of course.

The whole network is boiling.

There are also some different voices.

"Although the content is very detailed and reveals the truth of the history of the year, the description of the epitaph is too exaggerated, and I don't think it can be trusted!"

"One person defeated a hundred thousand troops?"

"No way! Does anyone believe in such a thing?"

"What about Xuantian Scriptures, writing fantasy novels!"

"You are too arbitrary."

"How can it be proven false?"

"The inscription on the altar and the relief painting on the first floor all have records that the owner of the tomb was besieged by the army."

"Yeah, if it's just written in the epitaph, it might be Ran Min's exaggeration out of personal feelings, but the post-Zhaojie clan and Ran Min's standpoints are obviously different, so it doesn't make sense to describe the same thing!"

"It may not be fake!"

"There may really be a way of cultivation in this world!"


(End of this chapter)

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