Chapter 147 Digital Smart City
Evening, 06:30!

Brammy Hotel, in the lobby on the second floor!
There is a gala going on here, and all the people who attended the Ho Leung Ho Lee Award Ceremony are gathered here.

To participate in the Ho Leung Ho Lee Award, you must be an academician to receive the Achievement Award, and those who receive the Progress Award are also very outstanding scholars.

Therefore, every year at the Ho Leung Ho Lee Awards Ceremony, there will be many academicians, outstanding scholars and people who want to build relationships.

At this moment, Ye Fei was sitting and chatting with a group of people while drinking red wine.

Ye Fei said: "Are you interested in blockchain?"

Surrounding Ye Fei are some young and middle-aged mathematicians and computer scientists.

They all came to watch the Ho Leung Ho Lee Awards Ceremony, or because their mentors and friends won awards, they followed them.

One of them said: "What? Professor Ye, are you interested in blockchain?"

Another person said with a smile: "You forgot, some time ago, at the Global Blockchain Academic Conference, Professor Ye published the future development and research of blockchain, and his remarks affected the entire blockchain circle around the world."

The man smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I forgot about it."

"Professor Ye, have you ever thought about researching blockchain?"

Ye Fei said: "Of course!"

"Professor Ye, do you really want to study blockchain?"

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded: "I want to try, maybe I can research something!"

"If Professor Ye does research, maybe he can really research something."

"Professor Ye, have you ever thought about creating a cryptocurrency?"

"Professor Ye, where would you start with the blockchain?"


Everyone asked in a hurry.

Ye Fei hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, and said, "Can you ask them one by one, I don't know which one to answer if you ask them all together."

"I am also interested in cryptocurrencies, maybe I will create them when I study the blockchain."

Digital gold coins and cryptocurrency are both digital currencies.

Cryptocurrency is also called cryptocurrency, or cryptographic currency.

Cryptocurrency is one of the cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency.

There are also coins like Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, Tether.

These are cryptocurrencies.

But the most successful and popular of them all is Bitcoin.

"As for where to start, I will start with asymmetric encryption."

"You should also read the news a while ago. Academician Nan Guodong, I, and Professor Cheng Ji'an worked together to develop a security system."

"A lot of algorithms and cryptography are used in secure systems."

"So I have some ability in algorithms and cryptography."

"Starting with asymmetric encryption is a good fit for me."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Ye Fei's statement.

"Blockchain is the most popular cutting-edge research in recent years, and the future development prospect is very bright."

"From a national level, blockchain, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and big data, these five are very helpful to the country and can better build digital smart cities."

The so-called digital smart city refers to the fields of urban planning, design, construction, management and operation.

Through the application of functional computing technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, and spatial geographic information integration.

Make the key infrastructure construction and services of cities such as urban management, education, medical care, real estate, transportation, public utilities and public safety more interconnected, efficient and intelligent.

In order to provide citizens with better life and work services, create a more favorable business development environment for enterprises, and empower the government with a more efficient operation and management mechanism.

That is to say, all aspects of a digital smart city are more scientifically controlled by the network, saving costs, increasing safety, improving efficiency, low-carbon life, and making the city more green.

"From the perspective of scientific research, it can better promote the development of science and make the development of science and technology faster."

When it comes to digital smart cities, we have to talk about Metaverse.

In the metaverse world, shortening the distance between human beings makes world communication more frequent.

And because of the emergence of blockchain, the trust between human beings has increased.

With the blockchain in the metaverse, human communication is unfettered, without fraud and lies, and human communication is more at ease.

Therefore, scientists from all over the world communicate and research in the metaverse, and no one can deceive them, so they can communicate with more confidence.

Truly realized, science knows no borders!

This is more conducive to academic exchanges and scientific development.

"This is very beneficial to individuals, society, the country and the world."

Everyone nodded and agreed with this statement.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Everyone, are you interested in cooperating?"

Ye Fei is short of talents, relying on those people from Zhonghu University, he can't meet his scientific research requirements at all.

Therefore, he needs to recruit people from major universities, institutions and society.

Because the achievement award winners are researching blockchain, cloud computing and metaverse.

Therefore, many of you present here today are also studying these aspects, and they come here because of the reputation, hoping to communicate with Academician Cai.

Ye Fei just heard about this, and one of the purposes of his visit today was to poach people.

Everyone looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

They all work in various universities and research institutes, and the pay is very good, and they have never thought of working elsewhere.

Someone said: "Professor Ye, we may temporarily..."

He didn't say the whole thing, but it was clear he didn't want to go.

Ye Feidao: "Professor Qiao, you should know my ability. With my ability, if you come to me to study the blockchain, it will be much faster than your research at Lu Provincial University. You can go to Zhonghu University to inquire about it. , I, Ye Fei, research whether the speed is very fast."

Ye Fei looked at the others again, and said, "You can also inquire about this news."

To poach people, always let the other party see the advantages.

If it's not good, why should people come.

Ye Fei's advantage is that the research speed is very fast and he has an understanding of the blockchain.

In this way, others can see and follow him to research, and the results can be produced quickly.

Ye Feidao: "You also know the remarks I made at the Global Blockchain Academic Conference, since I can make such remarks, then my research on blockchain is no better than all the people who study blockchain in the world. "

"But there must be a clearer direction and method for researching blockchain than most people who study blockchain in the world."

"So, follow my research, and research on the blockchain will make it easier to produce results."

Everyone looked at each other, some people were moved, but they didn't speak.

Job hopping is a very prudent issue, especially for universities and research institutions.

It's not like job hopping between companies.

The company can change jobs as you like, anyway, there are many companies in the world.

There are dozens of companies like Ali all over the world. If you are not in Ali, you can go to Baidu and Tencent.

Even if these three companies can't do it, it's a big deal to go abroad to find a company of the same level.

However, universities and research institutions are different. The treatment in these places is very good, and there are very few universities and research institutions.

Moreover, scientific research has national boundaries. Going abroad to do research is a loss to the country, and people may not want to see you abroad.

Therefore, there are very few job-hopping universities and research institutions, and they are very cautious about job-hopping.

If you hop to another university or research institution, you won't feel comfortable staying there.

You can't go back to the original unit.

Seeing that the crowd didn't speak, Ye Fei felt very regretful. He smiled and said, "It's okay, you can think about it. I welcome you at any time. If you want to come, just contact me directly. Let's add a WeChat."

As he spoke, Ye Fei took out his mobile phone and added WeChat with everyone.

Afterwards, Ye Fei continued to discuss scientific research issues with them.

Not far away, a group of people gathered together, looking in the direction of Ye Fei and the others from time to time.

They are the same group of people who won the Innovation Award.

Birds of a feather flock together!
These people are a group of parallel importers, so parallel importers and parallel importers get together.

Academicians gather with academicians, and outstanding scholars gather with outstanding scholars.

Moreover, excellent scholars can still get together with academicians, but they will definitely not get together with parallel importers.

Because they are incompetent, and incompetent people are not welcome anywhere.

Especially in academia, breathing is a mistake for those who are incompetent.

Parallel importer A said: "That's Ye Fei!"

Parallel B nodded: "Yes."

Parallel C said: "Ye Fei has been very popular in the academic circle for the past six months!"

"Whether it is in the mathematics circle or the computer circle, there are many people talking about him."

"Some time ago, he and academician Nan Guodong developed a security system, allowing Xia Guo to lead the world in network information security."

"From this point of view, Ye Fei has still received the attention of the higher-ups."

"Whether it is academic or official career, he can develop very well."

"There is such a future at such a young age, the future is boundless!"

Parallel importer A said: "Let's go, let's get acquainted."

"Wait!" Parallel B stopped everyone and said, "Look, Academician Cai is walking towards Ye Fei."

Ye Fei was chatting with a group of people when suddenly he heard someone calling him from behind.

"Ye Fei!"

Ye Fei turned around and saw that it was Academician Cai Lin. He was startled for a moment, then quickly smiled and said, "Hello, Academician Cai."

"Hello!" Academician Cai smiled.

"Hello Academician Cai!" Several people around Ye Fei greeted Academician Cai.

"Hello." Academician Cai smiled.

Academician Cai said: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "It's just talking about some blockchain issues."

"Oh?" Academician Cai said with interest: "What do you think about the blockchain?"

Ye Feidao: "Blockchain is a very cutting-edge and popular research, and it is one of the necessary products for building a digital smart city."

"Are you interested in blockchain research?" Academician Cai asked.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Of course I'm interested in researching it."

Someone laughed and said: "Academician Cai, Professor Ye was talking to us just now, and he is going to study blockchain."

Academician Cai said in surprise: "Are you ready to study the blockchain?"

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded: "I have already applied for a research fund from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. As long as the money is in place, I will start formally recruiting troops to conduct research."

Academician Cai said: "It seems that Zhonghu University does not have a blockchain research laboratory!"

Ye Fei said: "No, I'm going to apply to the school to establish a blockchain research room after the money is in place."

Laboratories, Institutes, Research Institutes and Research Centers

The establishment of the three laboratories is the easiest, and the establishment of the research center is the most difficult.

The establishment of the laboratory requires five professors with senior professional titles to join the laboratory, more than 150 million scientific research funding and more than five high-level papers.

In addition, the research direction of the laboratory is in line with the long-term development plan of Zhonghu University and is used for scientific research.

Then you can apply to set up a research laboratory.

Funding, papers and research directions are all fine.

The main thing is people, Ye Fei is one of them, he is the deputy high school.

He plans to bring in his mentor Lu Yishan, and Professor Zhou Kang from the School of Computer Science, which he has worked with before.

In this way, there are three senior titles, and there are two left. He plans to recruit two more senior titles from other universities or research institutions.

Academician Cai nodded and said, "If you need help, you can always find me."

Academician Cai still admires Ye Fei very much. Based on Ye Fei's speech at the Global Blockchain Academic Conference, Ye Fei's research on blockchain must have a lot to do.

Although blockchain is very hot research, blockchain is too cutting-edge.

There are very few universities and research institutions that have made major breakthroughs in blockchain research in Xiaguo, and even in the world.

Now, Academician Cai sees that Ye Fei has great potential in blockchain research, so Academician Cai wants to help Ye Fei appropriately.

No matter who develops the blockchain in the country of Xia, it will be very beneficial to the country.

With Academician Cai's current status, he looks at problems not from a local perspective, but from a global perspective.

As long as it is beneficial to the country, he is willing to help.

Of course, it also depends on whether that person is worth helping, and Ye Fei is very worthy of helping.

"Okay." Ye Fei said in surprise, "Thank you Academician Cai."

Academician Cai is the top expert in Xiaguo blockchain.

With his help, it would be of great benefit to Ye Fei's research on the blockchain.

The people around them all looked at the two in surprise.

Academician Cai actually attached so much importance to Ye Fei.

They were very envious and jealous.

Academician Cai is Xia Guo's No. 1 blockchain researcher. He has great energy in both academia and the positive world.

Academician Cai has been to all super-first-tier cities in the country, a quarter of the provinces in the country, various ministries above, Zhengjie, Junjie and these leaders to conduct multiple blockchain special reports.

These provinces are all the eastern coastal provinces and provinces along the Yangtze River, which are all powerful provinces in the country.

It can be said that Academician Cai's energy belongs to the top group in Xia Country.

There are no more than 20 people with his energy in the academic world.

Of course, this is mainly blockchain, cloud computing, and metaverse. These three technologies are too important.

In terms of these three researches, Academician Cai is the person who has studied the most in Xia Guo.

But now, Academician Cai attaches great importance to Ye Fei, so Ye Fei's future development will be very smooth.

Even if Ye Fei doesn't do anything in the future, as long as Academician Cai supports him a little, Ye Fei can reach a position that others can't catch up in a lifetime.

Of course, they also knew that the reason Ye Fei was valued by Academician Cai was because of Ye Fei's strong ability.

If it were them, Academician Cai would definitely not pay attention to them.

This world is very realistic, the capable go up and the weak go down.

In academia, as long as you have the ability, connections, funds, treatment, talents, and many privileges, you are not chasing privileges, but privileges are chasing you.

For people like Ye Fei, he doesn't do anything, and someone automatically comes up to strengthen you and appreciate you.

What others yearn for but can't ask for, Ye Fei can easily get it.

Academician Cai smiled lightly: "It's okay, come, tell me about your understanding of blockchain and your future research direction."

"Okay!" Ye Fei said: "I started with asymmetric encryption first. I studied cryptography with Academician Nan Guodong before, and I myself study mathematics, so I am quite proficient in algorithms."

"So, I am quite proficient in cryptography and algorithms, and it is very appropriate to start from the direction of asymmetric encryption..."

The two had a long discussion on the direction of the blockchain, most of which were said by Ye Fei, and Academician Cai occasionally revised what Ye Fei said or made some suggestions.

This gave Ye Fei a clearer understanding of blockchain research.

Many people came to listen curiously when they saw Academician Cai and Ye Fei chatting.

There are many people present who are researching the blockchain. After hearing the chat between Ye Fei and Academician Cai, some people also said a few words.

Everyone's ideas collided, which gave Ye Fei a lot of inspiration about the blockchain.

Many people were amazed: "Ye Fei can, he has such a deep understanding of the blockchain."

"We have been studying the blockchain for so many years, we are not as good as him!"

"The future is terrifying!"

Academician Cai became more and more surprised when he heard Ye Fei talk about the blockchain.

At the beginning, Ye Fei said that the blockchain still has some deficiencies and needs to be supplemented.

But Ye Fei seemed to speak more and more smoothly, and he even knew some ideas, but didn't say them out.

But Ye Fei said it out.

There are also some ideas that he didn't think of, but Ye Fei said them out, which gave him a lot of ideas.

Anyway, the Ye Fei he thought of also thought of it, and the Ye Fei he didn't think of still thought of it.

Academician Cai was excited: "Talent, great talent, the rise of our Xia Kingdom is hopeful!"

A group of parallel importers looked at Ye Fei and Academician Cai who were surrounded by water, and they only felt envy and jealousy.

Ye Fei is much younger than them, but their achievements and popularity are not worthy of their shoes.

The members of the number theory team were dumbfounded at Ye Fei's popularity.

They knew that Ye Fei was powerful, but this was too powerful!
They used to only know that Ye Fei was a genius, but they didn't have a degree of recognition of the specific degree of genius.

They thought that since Ye Fei was a genius, he was better at scientific research.

But today, it seems that is not the case.

This is where it is more powerful in scientific research, it is very powerful.

One of the team members said: "The team leader is too powerful. You see, Academician Cai and the team leader communicated cordially. Many academicians and scholars gathered around the team leader to listen to the exchange between the team leader and Academician Cai."

"If I have such a scene, no, even if it has one-tenth of the popularity, I can brag about it for the rest of my life."

The rest of the people nodded.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that the people from the hotel came to remind them that they could leave.

All the talents left with unfinished business.

And Ye Fei and Academician Cai kept contact information with each other.

Academician Cai said: "Let's talk again when we have a chance."

"Okay!" Ye Fei smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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