From a university student to a chief academician

Chapter 152 Proving the Twin Primes Conjecture in 26 Days

Chapter 152 Proving the Twin Primes Conjecture in 26 Days
In the blink of an eye, March has passed, and time has entered the beginning of August!

The Blockchain Laboratory of Zhonghu University is working in an orderly manner under the leadership of Ye Fei.

From [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. is the rest time.

Science has shown that work that combines work and rest is more efficient, especially mental work.

After working for three hours, you need to take a break of 10 minutes.

This is more efficient than working without a break for 10 minutes.

Therefore, Ye Fei divided a rest area in one area of ​​the laboratory.

The lounge area is stocked with coffee, tea and snacks.

All scientific researchers can sit here drinking coffee and tea, eating snacks and chatting during this time.

Bao Zhengmin is an intern researcher. He was drinking coffee and said with emotion to an intern researcher named Feng Tian: "The research speed is really too fast."

"I thought that this kind of research would only produce results in at least two or three years, but judging from the current research speed, I think it will produce results by the end of this year."

In just three months, one-third of the research on asymmetric encryption algorithms has been completed.

This is mainly because Ye Fei has been researching algorithms for three years and encryption algorithms for one year.

Ye Fei is very familiar with the algorithm.

Because of this, the speed of research is so fast.

"Who said it wasn't!" Feng Tian sighed, "Professor Ye has indicated the research direction, we just need to follow along."

"I thought it would be fast at first, but I didn't expect it to be this fast."

Bao Zhengmin nodded, admiringly said: "I have done research with my supervisor before, but my supervisor definitely does not have the research speed of Professor Ye."

Feng Tian asked, "Who is your mentor?"

"Gu Fei!"

"Professor Gu Fei from Jiangcheng University?" Feng Tian's eyes widened in surprise.

"En!" Bao Zhengmin nodded.

"He is a master in the field of algorithms. Did he recommend you to come here?"

Professor Gu Fei is a master in the field of computer algorithms, and has long been engaged in the research of machine learning theories and methods at the core of artificial intelligence.

The projects he completed made original and leading achievements in machine learning theory and methods for ambiguous objects, which triggered follow-up research at home and abroad, and related technologies have been successfully applied to large enterprises and major national projects.

Gu Fei is now the chairman of the HUB Provincial Artificial Intelligence Society, the chairman of the HUB Provincial Computer Society, the vice-chairman of the Xiaguo Computer Society, and the vice-chairman of the Xiaguo Artificial Intelligence Society.

For a talented person like him, if a student comes out to work, any letter of recommendation can help his student find a good job.

"No!" Bao Zhengmin shook his head and said, "I wanted to come here myself. My supervisor knew that it was just a good job. Following Professor Ye, there is a bright future."

Generally, just after graduating from a Ph. D. and working, a supervisor with a good relationship will care about it and ask what kind of job he has found.

If the student is not satisfied with the job they are looking for, the tutor will also help recommend a job.

You should know that the relationship network of doctoral supervisors is generally not bad.

"He didn't write you a letter of recommendation?"

Bao Zhengmin glared at him, and said, "What do you think of me, am I the kind of person who needs to go through the back door?"

Feng Tian smiled and said: "I didn't mean that. Students who can become Professor Gu Fei must be very good. Even if you write a recommendation letter, it must be because of your strong ability that you will write a recommendation letter."

The unhappiness in Bao Zhengmin's heart dissipated instantly. Everyone likes to be praised, and of course he likes it too.

Bao Zhengmin smiled and said, "Who is your mentor?"

"I'm from Zhonghu University, and my advisor is Lu Yishan."

"Are you Professor Ye's younger brother?"

"To be correct, it's brother." Feng Tian smiled wryly: "I'm a year older than Professor Ye. He became a Ph.D., and I'm studying for a Ph. D. He graduated with a Ph. D., and I'm still a Ph. As an associate professor, I am still studying for a Ph.D."

"Then I just graduated not long ago, and I was going to find a job in the company."

"Later, my supervisor recommended me to come here, saying that I would work here with Professor Ye for a period of time, and with the work experience here, I would be able to find a better job when I went to work."

Bao Zhengmin nodded and said, "Your mentor treats you well!"

Being able to recommend a student here proves that he wants to pave the way for this student.

"Of course." Feng Tian said with a smile: "My mentor is very kind. Every time we go to a fun place on a business trip, he will take us to see the world. Every time we are busy, he will ask us if we want to stay for two more days. , have fun there."

"The monthly subsidy is never deducted, and the highest subsidy is reported in the accounting department. He often goes to other professors to inquire about the subsidy they give to students."

"If he finds that the subsidy he gave us is the same as that of other professors, he will immediately increase the subsidy."

There are subsidies for masters and doctors, and the subsidies are divided into two parts, namely the national subsidy and the tutor subsidy.

The state provides [-] to [-] yuan of subsidy for master's students every year, and the subsidy given by the tutor depends on the mood of the tutor.

There are thousands of high ones per month, and there may be only more than 100 low ones per month.

Those who give more than 100 are all unscrupulous teachers.

The national subsidy for a doctorate is higher, more than twice that of a master’s degree. The subsidy for a tutor depends on the mood of the tutor, but it is generally not low, and some even reach two to three thousand a month.

In addition to various grants, there are also various scholarships.

For example, some people have not only earned back their tuition fees after finishing their Ph. D., but also have 10 yuan left in their hands.

Bao Zhengmin smiled and said, "Your mentor is really kind."

"Haha..." Feng Tian said with a smile: "Although my tutor is not a big cow, he is definitely a very good character and treats us students very well."

Bao Zhengmin said: "By the way, have you heard of the recent major events in the blockchain circle?"

"What's the big deal?" Feng Tian asked curiously.

"The cross-chain proposed by Professor Ye at the Global Blockchain Academic Conference earlier this year has been developed."

"It has been developed." Feng Tian widened his eyes in surprise and asked, "What company developed it?"


"It's fast enough!" Feng Tian exclaimed, "It's only been a while, and it's been developed."

As we all know, one of the four core technologies of blockchain is distributed ledger.

Each blockchain is an independent ledger, and two different chains are two different independent ledgers, and there is no connection between the two ledgers.

The cross-chain can link two different chains together, so that the value on the two chains can circulate.

In layman's terms, it's like Zhang San has a house and a car.

The house is worth 100 million, and the car is worth [-].

The value of the house is in the A blockchain, and the value of the car is in the B blockchain.

They cannot be linked together, so Zhang San is worth 100 million or [-].

But cross-chain can connect the values ​​on the two blockchains together, so Zhang San's worth is 110 million.

Bao Zhengmin said: "But in less than a month, Ali also developed the cross-chain, and half a month ago, signed a letter of intent in Wuhu with Modu, Hangzhou, Hecheng, and Sucheng."

"Relying on the Hangzhou Internet Bank blockchain platform, the four places will communicate with each other to jointly build the Yangtze River Delta banking chain and jointly promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta banking system."

Feng Tian said with a smile: "Our country's speed is not slow!"

"Yes!" Bao Zhengmin nodded: "Ali has developed it, and I think Baidu, Tencent, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and other companies with strong blockchain capabilities in the world will follow suit."

These companies and banks are places where Xiaguo has a lot of blockchain patents.

"En!" Feng Tian nodded.

In the laboratory, Ye Fei has a dedicated office!
Because Ye Fei's research is to develop an asymmetric encryption algorithm from Goldbach's conjecture.

Therefore, he is currently studying Goldbach's conjecture.

"Hey..." Ye Fei put down the pen in his hand, rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his hand, and said distressedly: "It seems that we still need to study prime numbers."

Goldbach's conjecture mainly studies prime numbers.

If you don't study prime numbers, you can't study Goldbach's conjecture.

Because prime numbers are a sinkhole, Ye Fei has always consciously avoided studying prime numbers.

"I must not fall into this tiankeng. I don't want to be like Song Chengkun, jumping repeatedly in the tiankeng of prime numbers."

Speaking of Song Chengkun, Ye Fei suddenly remembered that the last time he attended the Ho Leung Ho Lee Awards Ceremony, he had invited Song Chengkun to come to Zhonghu University to do research together.

But now more than three months have passed, and Song Chengkun hasn't contacted him yet.

"Maybe he doesn't want to come!" Ye Feixin said, "What a pity!"

Ye Fei felt that if Song Chengkun came, it would be very helpful for his research.

"Call and ask after a while."

"Now let's see where to research."

When studying prime numbers, Ye Fei thought of Mersenne prime numbers.

Ye Fei shook his head immediately: "If I can't study Mersenne prime numbers, the research on this thing will have no end. If I study this thing, I won't be able to study other fields of mathematics."

Mersenne primes are derived from Mersenne numbers.

Mersenne numbers, also known as Mason numbers, refer to positive integers such as 2^p-1, where the exponent p is a prime number.

If p is a prime number, then the number is a Mersenne prime.

There are 51 Mersenne primes discovered so far, and no one knows how many Mersenne primes there are.

Maybe finite, maybe infinite.

"To study Mersenne primes, I might as well study twin primes!"

"Song Chengkun seems to be studying twin prime numbers."

Song Chengkun told him last time that his triplet prime number research failed.

Therefore, I want to find a study of twin prime numbers that is simpler than triplet prime numbers.

"I don't know what happened to his research?"

August 2026st, 9!
Ye Fei wrote on the paper.

[Define two collections:
{odd prime number}={3, 5, 6, 11,...}=p

recursion by contradiction

Since Proposition 1 is established, as a→+∞ increases continuously, the twin primes come successively and gradually appear.

Therefore, the twin prime conjecture holds. 】

What Ye Fei proved is that there are infinitely many twin primes. This proof is true.

Not all the proofs of twin prime numbers have been proved.

There are many proofs for twin primes.

For example, in the eighth question raised by Hilbert, there are infinitely many prime numbers p such that p + 2 is a prime number.

This problem is also studied by many mathematicians around the world.

Another example is the weakening problem of twin prime numbers.

Zhang Yitang, a famous mathematician in the Xia Kingdom, proved this difficult problem.

This is a difficult problem in the world. Zhang Yitang is famous in the world of mathematics for proving the weakening problem of twin prime numbers.

When Ye Fei finished proving, he said in a daze: "Is this the end?"

"Isn't it difficult?"

It took Ye Fei 26 days from the beginning to the end of the proof of twin primes.

"This is a twin prime number, how did I use it in such a short time?"

This is mainly due to Ye Fei’s three years of research on algorithms.

A lot of knowledge of prime numbers is used in the algorithm.

Although he didn't deliberately study prime numbers, he has the knowledge to learn prime numbers.

Moreover, twin primes and triplet primes are the least difficult compared to quadruplet primes.

Moreover, Ye Fei only proved a relatively simple problem in twin prime numbers.

If Ye Fei can't prove his success with the above, he is not Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took out his phone and checked the time, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

"By the way, today is the time for students to report. I'm going to see my students."

In fact, in the first year of graduate school, the tutors did not guide the students very much.

Students generally take classes and lay a solid foundation.

After one year, the tutor will lead them to do research on the subject.

After speaking, Ye Fei put the certificate written in front of him into the drawer and locked it.

Then he left the office.

Ye Fei received his two students in his office in the teacher's building of the school.

Two of his students, one named Lin Yi, were tall and strong, with a square face. They looked very simple and honest, and they seemed to be honest people.

The other student is Wang Yuan, thin and thin, very fair-looking, with twinkling eyes, and looks very clever.

They all studied at Zhonghu University.

Seeing them, Ye Fei seemed to see himself when he was just a graduate student.

At that time, I was the same as I am now. On the first day of Yanyi's school, I was received by my tutor Lu Yishan in the office.

There were three other people at that time, Gao Fei, Zhuang Nan and Zhou Lin.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Hello, sit down!"

After they sat down, Ye Fei said: "In the first year of graduate school, you should take classes to lay a good foundation, you should know that!"

The two nodded.

Ye Feidao: "In the second year, I will take you to do research."

"I'm usually very busy, maybe you won't see me often at school."

"Call me if you need anything."

"Okay!" said the two.

"My requirement is three papers per year. In the first year, my requirement for you is that the papers be submitted to journals with an impact factor of 1 or higher."

The impact factor of mathematics journals is above 1, which is relatively high.

Now that he has become Ye Fei's student, Ye Fei will teach well and don't want to teach fools.

But because it was the first year, Ye Fei wouldn't ask too much of them.

Ye Feidao: "In the second year, I will take you to do research, and I will raise the requirements a bit."

"I hope you are mentally prepared."

"Okay!" said the two.

In this regard, they have already asked their seniors and sisters before going to graduate school.

Writing papers in class in the first year is a basic operation.

In the second year, the tutor will lead the students to do research and write papers.

The more well-known the school, the more well-known the tutor, the higher the requirements for the thesis.

Impact factor 1, although it exceeded their expectations, they can work hard to overcome it.

Ye Fei said: "The thesis is finished, you can show it to me, and I will help you revise it."


Seeing that they agreed happily, Ye Fei nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that the students are still very easy to lead!

I definitely won't bother myself at this stage, and I will worry more about it after a year.

But it doesn't bother too much, it's nothing more than taking them to do some research, and the paper will help them read it.

Ye Fei said: "If there is nothing wrong, you can leave!"

The two were stunned for a moment, but did not leave, they blinked and looked at Ye Fei.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

Wang Yuan said: "Teacher, we would like to treat you to dinner."

Graduate students can no longer be the same as undergraduate students. The relationship between graduate students and supervisors is relatively close.

Therefore, you should establish a good relationship with your mentor, and at this time you should invite your mentor to dinner.

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "No, you're still students and don't have the ability to make money, so you're still spending your parents' money."

"I'm very busy today, and I'll treat you to dinner later."

"It's noon now, you go to eat, I'm going to be busy too."

Lin Yi and Wang Yuan looked at each other, and Wang Yuan said: "Okay!"

After speaking, the two left Ye Fei's office.

Ye Fei also went to the cafeteria to eat, and then began to write a thesis on twin prime numbers in the afternoon.

Three days later, he posted the paper on Arxiv.

(End of this chapter)

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