From a university student to a chief academician

Chapter 172 Belonging to the Internet Era of Xia Kingdom

Chapter 172 Belonging to the Internet Era of Xia Kingdom
In the past few days, the blockchain stock market has been like a roller coaster, making people feel the excitement of ups and downs.

After the latitude blockchain conference, the global blockchain stocks skyrocketed, and after the four top blockchain research institutes united, the global blockchain stocks skyrocketed again.

In less than a month, the stock price has risen twenty-fold.

Especially Bitcoin and Ethereum, Bitcoin has increased by 35 times, and Ethereum has increased by [-] times.

Bitcoin and Ethereum have also experienced pumps in the past.

Bitcoin once rose from $1000 to $20000 in just two months, a [-]-fold surge.

But that was when Bitcoin rose the most, and now breaking history, the price of Bitcoin has soared forty times in less than a month.

When the stockholders saw this posture, it was like a wolf staring at a little sheep.

Many people have invested their entire net worth in the blockchain, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum.

However, the stock market is like a woman's face, smiling one second, and icy cold the next.

The Wi-Fi Alliance suddenly announced that Wi-Fi7 has been developed.

On the second day, all blockchain stocks in the stock market plummeted.

How ruthless the rise was before, and how ruthless the fall is now.

At the beginning, some stockholders were not reconciled, thinking that blockchain stocks would rise in a few days.

So, they continue to hold blockchain stocks.

However, they couldn't hold on in less than a week.

Because, blockchain stocks have been plummeting for almost a week now.

Every morning, when they open the stock trading software, they see that the blockchain stocks in their hands have fallen again.

As a result, they sold their blockchain stocks one after another.

After all, the blockchain stocks, which have already plummeted very hard, have a sharper trend of plummeting.

It was even more ruthless than when it skyrocketed before.

Since the main research on Li-Fi has been completed, only the follow-up work remains.

Therefore, there is no need for Ye Fei's intervention.

But Ye Fei only does two things at work during this time.

The first thing is to find land in Jinling City with the leaders of Jinling.

Looking for land is not just a matter of taking a map and delineating a piece of land, but also considering Jinling's policy tendency for this land, future planning and the surrounding environment of the land.

Anyway, this is a very troublesome thing, and it will take a lot of time to find it.

Ordinary people have to wait at least one or two months to buy a house, and one month to find land.

The second thing is to speculate in stocks!
Ye Fei knew that the stock price of the blockchain was plummeting now, and when the Li-Fi news was announced, the stock price would definitely rise wildly.

Therefore, it is the most suitable time to speculate in stocks.

So, Ye Fei used all his 32 billion cash to buy bitcoins.

Because, Bitcoin has the highest decline and the highest increase.

Ye Fei not only stir-fries by himself, but also asks his colleagues to do the same.

The reason why Ye Fei has 32 billion in cash is that three years ago, the mathematical algorithm earned more than 1 million.

Over the years, I have done research for some companies and research laboratories, held university titles, gave speeches, and earned tens of millions of paper bonuses.

Latitude Blockchain Research Institute Ye Fei owns 10% of the shares. Some time ago, the research institute earned about 367 billion.

The research institute took out 300 billion in dividends, and Ye Fei asked the research institute to distribute the dividends to him in advance, and got 30 billion.

According to regulations, stock dividends are exempt from taxation, and only selling stocks will charge individual income tax in different proportions according to the holding time of the stocks.

At night, Ye Fei stayed at Jinling's home.

In the bedroom!
Ye Fei was sitting by the bed, on the phone, and said with a smile: "Sister Ling, don't worry, trust me, use all the money to buy blockchain stocks, and if you lose money later, I will make up for you."

"If you make money, you can treat me to dinner."

Tan Lingling was relieved when she heard this, she smiled and said: "You said this, if I lose money, I will go to you."

Some time ago, Ye Fei told her that blockchain stocks would definitely go up in a month.

Tan Lingling knew Ye Fei well, and knew that Ye Fei must have found a way to solve the current crisis.

Therefore, she used all her private money of more than 500 million yuan to buy bitcoin stocks.

If she lost money, she would not look for Ye Fei. After all, stock trading is a personal matter, and the loss is also because of her, so naturally she would not look for Ye Fei.

"Yes, I said it." Ye Fei said.

Ye Fei not only asked Tan Lingling to speculate in stocks, but also asked many teachers in the school to speculate with him.

Of course, Ye Fei was just saying, as for whether they fire or not, it's none of Ye Fei's business.

"Son, it's time to eat!" Father Ye's voice came from outside.

"Oh, here we come!"

After speaking, Ye Fei put the mobile phone on his body and walked out of the bedroom.

At the dinner table, a family of three sat and ate together.

Ye Fei's parents see that Ye Fei is getting more and more promising, so they don't have to worry about it in the future, and they don't have to pay for a house or a car.

So, half a year ago, they recruited two waiters and a chef for the noodle shop.

Usually, they don't need to stay in the noodle shop all the time. They can also go fishing, play chess and chat like other middle-aged people when they are free.

Ye Fei stayed at home recently, and they would sit and eat together as a family every dinner.

The noodle restaurant is run by two waiters and a chef.

Of course, the reason why Ye Fei's noodle restaurant tastes so good is because of its unique recipe.

This recipe is solely in charge of Ye Fei's parents. The main thing of the chef is to add the ingredients that have been prepared earlier.

Father Ye said: "Son, your second uncle was trading in stocks a while ago, and he lost a lot of money. I heard it's called what currency."

Ye Fei said, "Bitcoin?"

"Yes, it's Bitcoin." Father Ye said, "I heard that I lost more than 300 million yuan, even a house."

Ye Fei asked: "Then does he still hold bitcoins?"

"It's gone, none of them are gone." Father Ye said: "Stock trading is really killing people, you must never touch this thing, otherwise you will go bankrupt."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Well, yes."

Although Father Ye hasn't read many books, he doesn't have much knowledge.

But one thing is good, never do things beyond your own cognition.

He is good at making noodles, so he will open a noodle restaurant.

Ye Fei would not tell Father Ye that he was trading stocks, otherwise Father Ye would definitely be worried.

Ye Fei said: "He can continue to buy. In the middle of next month, Bitcoin will definitely rise."

Father Ye said: "Whatever you buy, you will lose money like this. If you buy it again, the loss will be even worse."

Ye Fei smiled and said nothing.

The relationship between Ye Fei's family and the second uncle's family is very mediocre, because the second uncle's family used to be richer than Ye Fei's family, so they always looked down on Ye Fei's family.

Besides, although the second uncle lost more than 300 million yuan, even though he was injured, he would not be able to live in poverty if he had to sell the house at home.

Mother Ye said: "Son, are you going back to Jinling to develop in the future?"

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded: "I have agreed with Jinling to establish a blockchain research institute in Jinling, and I will be permanently stationed in Jinling in the future."

"What about the school?"

"The school has also agreed." Ye Fei said: "I will still be a professor at Zhonghu University in the future, and I will only go back to school every half a month."

"At the same time, I am a chair professor at Jinling University."

Chair professors are generally Changjiang Scholars or scholars who have won top international awards.

Although Ye Fei is not a Yangtze River scholar, he has not won top international awards.

But his current achievements are even better than Changjiang Scholars.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for him to serve as a chair professor.

Ye Mu said, "Is the salary high for being a chair professor at Jinling University?"

In Ye Mu's mind, besides Peking University and Shuimu University, Jinling University is the best.

Ye Fei shook his head and said with a smile: "Mom, the salary of a university professor accounts for a very small part of the income. The main income comes from academic research, company temporary positions, scientific research projects and other part-time jobs."

"The salary is only equivalent to the basic salary, and the rest is calculated as a commission."

"The basic salary is very low. The average professor's salary is only 60 to [-] yuan. The money from other sources is as low as [-] to [-] years, and it is very common to get a few million more."

"The salary that Jinling University gave me was [-] a month."

"If I write a paper for a top publication, the school will give me 20."

Ye Fei's parents clicked their tongues, 20 for a top publication?

This is equivalent to the income of their noodle shop for a year.

Mother Ye asked: "Then how many top journal papers can you write a year?"

Ye Fei thought for a while and said, "If you work hard, you can write two articles a month, and 24 articles a year."

Ye Fei seldom writes papers now, he mainly does research now, and the papers are written by his subordinates.

Hundreds of thousands are not considered money to Ye Fei, who has a cash flow of more than 30 billion.

Moreover, Ye Fei has shares in the Blockchain Research Institute. With the current income of the Institute, Ye Fei is a person with a daily income of over [-] million.

For Ye Fei now, hundreds of thousands of dollars are not in his fancy.

Ye Mu said: "Then if you work hard to write, you can earn 480 million a year!"

Ye Fei was amused. Ye Fei didn't tell his parents that he had billions in cash.

Of course, Ye Fei showed his parents his savings of more than 1 million cash before.

At that time, the faces of Ye Fei's parents changed when they were frightened, thinking that Ye Fei had done something illegal.

They once read the news that a certain university professor embezzled hundreds of millions of scientific research funds and was later arrested.

They were afraid that Ye Fei would do the same thing, until Ye Fei said that he earned the money by selling mathematical algorithms.

They naturally didn't believe it, Ye Fei called the principal on purpose, and the principal assured again and again that Ye Fei's money was indeed earned by selling mathematical algorithms, so they believed it.

In view of this, Ye Fei dared not tell his parents that he had billions in cash, for fear that they would think too much.

Father Ye said: "What do you know, can you write a thesis casually? It requires a lot of energy and is very tiring."

"Son, if you want to write a paper, you can write it, and if you don't want to, just forget it."

"Anyway, your savings are enough to spend your whole life now, there is no need to write papers desperately for money."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I know."

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and the time came to October [-]th!

During this month, blockchain stocks in the stock market have been green all the way.

When stockholders see blockchain stocks, they avoid them like tigers.

On this day, the official website of the Institute of Wireless Communication Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China released a message.

[The Institute of Wireless Communication Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China successfully developed a new Li-Fi]

Many people sneered after seeing this news: "Li-Fi? Is that a wireless network that can't pass through walls and is visible light even though the network speed reaches 100GHz?"

"What is the use of developing such a wireless network?"

"Could it be that when I surf the Internet, I still squat next to the cat?"

"A wireless network that cannot penetrate walls and still has visible light cannot be popularized."

"Wireless networks that have not been popularized, even if they have a very fast network speed, are developed like chicken ribs, and they are not useful."


The Institute of Wireless Communication Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China also invited global technology journalists to gather in Chengdu to hold a technology conference.

But many technology journalists are not interested in such technology conferences.

As a result, none of the foreign reporters went, only some reporters from Xia Guo went because of academician Ning's face.

Astoria Hotel, in a small meeting room.

Academician Ning looked at the list of reporters who came, shook his head helplessly and said, "I've thought about this situation a long time ago, but I didn't expect that there are so few reporters here."

This time there were only more than 20 reporters.

This is very rare for an epoch-making technology conference.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Academician Ning, this is also very understandable. After all, in the eyes of many people, Li-Fi is a product that cannot be popularized."

"A product that is not popular, no matter how good its function is, it will not be accepted by the world."

"These reporters are naturally not interested in this technology conference."

Ye Feidao: "However, after today's press conference is over, I think everyone will know how powerful the Li-Fi we developed is. All reporters who didn't come will regret not participating in today's technology conference."

"Yes!" Academician Ning said, "I was stunned. You are right. If they don't come, it's not my loss, but their loss."

Academician Ning raised his hand, glanced at his watch, and said, "It's almost time, let's go there!"

"Good!" Ye Fei said.

At this moment, in the hall next door, there is a podium. On the left and right sides of the podium near the middle, there is a chair on each side, and an LCD screen is hung on the wall.

When Ye Fei and Academician Ning took the stage, many reporters shot them with cameras.

The two walked up to the stage and sat down on the chairs, and the staff gave them microphones.

Academician Ning held the microphone and said, "Welcome everyone to attend today's new Li-Fi technology conference. I am Ning Zhi."

Ye Fei said: "I am Ye Fei!"

"Papa..." There was warm applause from below.

After the applause stopped, Academician Ning said: "Everyone knows that Li-Fi has two fatal flaws."

"Huh?" Many reporters suddenly cheered up, as if today's press conference was a little different.

It stands to reason that Academician Ning would not take the initiative to speak out about the shortcomings of Li-Fi.

But he said it at the very beginning.

Then he must improve on this shortcoming.

Academician Ning said: "The first is visible light, and the second is that it cannot penetrate walls."

"For these two shortcomings, we have found a way to solve it."

All the reporters were stunned for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

"What? Found a solution?"

"You can find a solution to this? Didn't you say that there is no way to solve it?"

"If a method is found, does it mean that it can be popularized?"

"If it is popularized, then with Li-Fi's network speed, it can't beat Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi is still useless!"

"I'm going, big news, today is really lucky."


Academician Ning and Ye Fei looked at the excited reporters and smiled at each other.

All this was within their expectations.

After the discussion of the reporters stopped, Academician Ning said: "The Li-Fi we developed is not only invisible light, but also can pass through walls, and the network speed can reach more than 100GHz."

"Let's not talk nonsense, let's experience it!"

Academician Ning nodded to the researcher standing next to the podium. The researcher saw Academician Ning's nod and walked out quickly.

Academician Ning said: "Now I will ask someone to turn on the cat. You can turn on the computer at hand and test it to see if the network speed reaches 100GHz."

"This is the broadband account and password!"

Academician Ning pointed to the LCD screen behind him, which displayed a set of account numbers and passwords at the moment.

The reporters heard that they all used their computers to connect to their wireless network accounts.

Soon, the reporters were connected to the network, and then they tested it with various software to test the speed of the network.

Then, they looked at the internet speed displayed on the computer, their eyes widened in surprise, and they took a deep breath.

All reporters connected to the broadband Internet speed displayed between 100GHz and 120GHz.

Many people exclaimed in their hearts: "A big event is about to happen, the Internet era belonging to Xia Kingdom has arrived."

Xia Guo has 5G, and 5G is the foundation of the Internet.

While modern people all use wireless networks, in the past, wireless networks were controlled by North America.

But now, Xia Guo overtakes another car in a curve and uses Li-Fi to break the situation where the wireless network is controlled by Bei Li Guo.

Coupled with the joint establishment of the Meta Blockchain Research Institute among the Latitude Blockchain Research Institute, the Treemap Blockchain Research Institute, the Bitcoin Blockchain Research Institute and the Ethereum Blockchain Research Institute, Web3.0 is opened.

The headquarters of Yuan Blockchain Research Institute is in Xia Guo, and Xia Guo has the final say on Web3.0.

This step-by-step development is a ring and a ring, and the rings are interlocking!

Control the source of the Internet, the source is under control, how the Internet develops is up to Xia Guo to decide.

Today's world is the information age and the Internet age.

The Internet is like water and electricity, it is a necessity of people's life.

The Internet is controlled by Xia Kingdom, and other fields of Xia Kingdom will develop more rapidly.

Academician Ning said: "We will form the Li-Fi Alliance to promote the development of Li-Fi. All countries are welcome to join the Li-Fi Alliance and use Li-Fi."

All the Xia Guo reporters present were very excited when they heard this.

"As soon as Li-Fi comes out, Wi-Fi is over, and the Wi-Fi Alliance is over. From now on, wireless networks will belong to the Li-Fi Alliance."

"Some time ago, the Wi-Fi Alliance was disgusted with Ye Fei and others, using Wi-Fi7 to restrict 5G, so that even if Web3.0. And, the Wi-Fi Alliance faces its greatest crisis ever."

"The Wi-Fi Alliance is now stealing chickens and losing money, haha..."

"I have long seen the Wi-Fi Alliance as a dislike, but now it's okay, they are going to die."

"The emergence of Li-Fi kills three birds with one stone. After 5G, there will be no more worries. Ye Fei's Web3.0 will also develop, and Xia Guo will have the final say on the wireless network standard in the future."


Academician Ning said: "Next is the questioning session!"

In an instant, all the reporters below raised their hands.

Academician Ning ordered a few people to answer.

"Academician Ning, how did you solve the two fatal shortcomings of Li-Fi?"

Academician Ning said: "Sorry, this is a scientific and technological secret, so I can't tell you, but I can tell you that the fatal flaw is the solution that Dean Ye thought of."

"Academician Ning, for the Li-Fi Alliance, will you serve as the chairman of the Li-Fi Alliance?"

Dean Ning said with a smile: "I can't say that, I still need to discuss it with the higher-ups."

"Dean Ye, will you join the Li-Fi Alliance?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, maybe it will, or maybe it won't."

"Dean Ye, now that the Wi-Fi7 crisis has been resolved, are you going to develop Web3.0 next?"

Ye Fei said: "Yes!"


When the Li-Fi technology conference was over, all the journalists stayed in the hotel and booked a room.

Write out the press release in the room, and then contact the editor-in-chief as soon as possible to release the news.

The next day, the news spread across the Internet, and the whole country was in an uproar!
Then, the news spread to the whole world, and the whole world was in an uproar!
Anyone who understands knows that the Internet era belonging to Xia Kingdom has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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