Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 104 I Will Be Called the Archdruid

Chapter 104 I Will Be Called the Archdruid
"But it's also a bit dangerous, at least the department can't be built on so many evolutionary plants." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, "Did the commander not plan to move the department out?"

She understands the truth, but she can't build the department on such a bomb. What if the bomb explodes?
At that time, the entire department may be occupied by evolutionary plants.

"Hong'er, it's useless for you to tell me these things, you have to tell the commander." Chen Min shook his head and said, "I also mentioned it to the commander, but the commander has his own considerations."

Since the commander and the minister decided to do this, they naturally had their own considerations.

And when they are team members, there is no way to teach the commander how to do things.

"alright, I got it."

"Hurry up and eat Xiaoju, we should leave after we finish eating." Sister Hong'er who heard this shouted while looking at Cheng Hao who was lying on the ground eating loquat.

Since, even Sister Chen, who is so much older than her, can't persuade the commander, then if she tries to persuade her, the effect will not be much better.

"Hong'er, are you planning to go back to Tiger Garden so late? Don't you live in the department?"

Chen Min was stunned when he heard the words, and said, although there are evolutionary plants planted under the department, there have been no problems for so long, why is Hong'er so careful?She just stayed here for one night, and she can leave early tomorrow morning, so don't be in such a hurry to go back.

It's already past nine o'clock in the evening, and it will be eleven o'clock when she returns to the Tiger Park.

"No, no, I can't sleep when I think of sleeping on top of a group of purification plants." Sister Hong'er shook her head and said, "Besides, I've brought Xiaoju out for so long, so the head of the garden must be very worried. Just take Xiaoju back as soon as possible."

It's other people's business to be careless, but she can't be careless.

Even if there was a one in ten thousand possibility, she didn't want to take the risk, after all, she was not alone in the department, but brought Xiaoju with her.

"Okay then, I'll let Lele go back with you, otherwise I won't worry if you bring Xiaopangju back so late."

Chen Min thought for a while and then said.

For this sake, Hong'er couldn't force her to keep it, so she could only let Lele go back with her.

"Thank you, Miss Chen."

Sister Hong'er said gratefully, it's great that the other party can understand her.

She was afraid that the other party would not understand her and would not let her go.

Fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen, she had to take Xiaoju and leave as soon as possible.

"You're welcome, it's just a small matter." Chen Min waved his hand with a smile, looked at Cheng Hao who got up and said, "Little Fat Orange, you just ate up all the loquats? The speed is really fast enough."

"Aww~ (It's not that I eat too fast, it's that you picked too few loquats.)"

Cheng Hao, who licked his sticky lips, replied that he just ate normally, one bite at a time. The reason why he didn't drop it so quickly was because the other party picked too few loquats.

"You can't be picky, Xiaoju. It's good if Sister Chen is willing to pick loquats for you to eat. You little villain, you have to be grateful to know?"

Sister Hong'er tapped the open Cheng Hao's head and said, Xiaoju is too picky, some of them are too little to eat.

"Aww~ (I know, I know, let's hurry up, sister.)"

Cheng Hao nodded his head and said perfunctorily, now he just wants to run away quickly.

What if the evolutionary plants riot down here?It can directly cause the entire ground to collapse, and maybe it will be buried alive here by then.

"Yeah, Xiaopangju should be grateful. My sister helped you pick loquats and eat them, don't you just say something?" Chen Min looked at Cheng Hao and asked with a smile, his eyes glanced at his big head. lock up.

"Aww~ (Of course I have, let me touch your paw.)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and said, this little loquat is enough to touch his paw.

If you want to touch other places, you have to pay another price.

"Sister Chen, Xiaoju asked you to touch his paw." Seeing this, Sister Hong'er said to Chen Min with a smile.

"Little Fat Orange, shouldn't you lie down and let me touch it, and why just touch your paw for me, can't you let me touch other places?"

Hearing this, Chen Min said, she touched Xiaopangju's head, and now she wants to touch Xiaopangju's stomach.

"Aww~ (It's almost enough, don't ask too much, others can't touch it.)"

Cheng Hao muttered and shook his paw.

Can the other party touch it?If you don't touch it, he will leave.

"Are you getting impatient, you little rascal?"

Chen Min said angrily when she saw it, although she couldn't understand what Xiaopangju said?But looking at the way Xiaopangju flicked his paws, it was obvious that he was a little impatient.

"Aww~ (So are you going to touch it or not? I'm leaving first.)" Hearing the other party's muttering, Cheng Hao was about to put away his paws and leave, when he found that his paws had been caught.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry, you little villain? I never said that I would not touch your paw, so I quickly lifted it up for my sister to touch." Chen Min, who grabbed Cheng Hao's paw with lightning speed, said. .

This little villain, she just said a few more words, but she really planned not to touch her.

"Aw~ow (then hurry up and touch it, after touching it, I will leave right away.)"

Cheng Hao yawned and said, looking around lazily.

"It's such a big soft pad, little fat orange, do you want to stay in the department and spend time with your sister? There is nothing good in the Tiger Garden."

After pinching Cheng Hao's meat pad, Chen Min was surprised to find that it felt very good.

Immediately, he didn't want Cheng Hao to leave, so of course the chubby orange had to stay in the department, how dangerous is it to run outside all the time?
It would be bad if I met someone who stole a tiger again.

"Aww~ (Forget it, it's too dangerous here, I'm afraid I'll just eat the mat and cover the coffin and become a dragon.)" Cheng Hao muttered, then took the claws from Chen Min's hand and shouted at Sister Hong'er Said: "Aww~ (Sister, it's time for us to go back.)"

This benefit was also given, and the other party also touched it, so it's time to go back now, right?
"Okay, let's go now, let's go now." Sister Hong'er smiled and said: "Sister Chen, Xiaoju wants to go back."

"Really? Then let's go back." Chen Min nodded and said, and the group left the fruit and vegetable base and headed back the way they came.

"The instructors are already at this point. Did we go back to sleep after class?"

"Yeah, I feel like all the bones in my body are about to break, and if I don't sleep, I'm about to die suddenly."

"That's right, we have to get up early tomorrow morning for physical training, instructor, please show us mercy and let us go."

On the training ground, the rookies looked at the time and couldn't help complaining.

What is life is worse than death? They finally knew after the other party's training.

If the other party refuses to let them dismiss get out of class, they feel that their life waiting for others may be coming to an end.

"It's only past nine o'clock, and it's still early before get out of class ends."

"Come on, cheer me up, and give me another two hundred punches."

Hearing this, Xu Lele said, at this point in time, they are also playing with their mobile phones when they go back, so they might as well train here for a while, so as not to bleed more in the future.

"Ah? No, please spare us, instructor, we really have no strength left."

"That's right, if you continue to train, you will really die."

When the newcomers heard the words, they immediately turned pale and said.

If they are guilty, please let a judge try them, not let them participate in the instructor's training.

"I can't bear a little training. What should you do when you encounter so many scary monsters in the future? I'm doing this for your own good." Xu Lele looked at the newcomers and said, "Cheer up your spirits." Don’t be too tired, let’s start training now.”

"No, no, no, even if you kill me, the instructor, I won't be able to get up."

"Yeah, yeah. My bones are weak. If I go on like this before I meet those monsters, I feel like I'm going to die on the training ground."

The newcomers lay on the ground and said that they only have one life, and they can take it if the other party wants it, but it is impossible for them to stand up again.

"A group of guys who can't support the wall with mud, how can there be any reward if they don't work hard?" Xu Lele scolded when he heard this.

"Lele, you haven't finished training yet?" At this moment, Sister Hong'er walked over with Cheng Hao.

"Breeder, Miss Sister, you are finally here, hurry up and save us."

"If we continue to train like this, our little lives will be accounted for here."

"That's right, Miss Breeder, you can't just ignore death."

When the newcomers saw the person coming, they begged for help as if they saw a savior.

Why are you here now, Miss Breeder?Hurry up and save them.

"What's going on, Lele?" Sister Hong'er, who heard this, asked suspiciously as she looked at the howling newcomers.

What did Lele do to them?How come all these team members have become like this?
"Sister Hong'er, don't worry about them, these guys want to be lazy and don't want to train." Xu Lele explained to Sister Hong'er with a smile, turned around and looked at the newcomers, and his face became gloomy: "Get up now and continue training for me, don't be lazy .”

This group of guys actually still had the strength to ask sister Hong'er for help. It seemed that she was a little too gentle with them.

"Ahhh~ We really can't move on training."

"Breeder Chief Chen, please save us." The newcomers shouted, casting hopeful glances at Sister Hong'er and Chen Min.

"Lele should let them rest, don't be too strict."

Seeing this, Chen Min said, "Look how frightened these newcomers look like?"Lele's training is too strict, she can't train newcomers with people who have training background.

"Yes, Lele. It's so late now, let them go to rest first." Sister Hong'er followed suit.

"Aww~ (What a poor group of people.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help sighing as he watched the newcomers sweating profusely and swaying.

Fortunately, he is just a little tiger and does not need to join the evolutionary department.

Otherwise, they might have to accept such inhumane training.

"Okay, for the sake of Sister Hong'er and Sister Chen, I'll let you go today, and we'll continue training tomorrow." Xu Lele said after hearing this, glanced at the newcomers.

"Great, it's finally over."

"Yes, I almost felt like I wouldn't survive."

"Yeah, it's just scary."

The newcomers couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and then collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

Too tired, really too tired, they couldn't get up for a while, they just wanted to sleep in the training ground.

"Does Xiaopangju miss her sister? Are you flustered after not seeing her for a while?" Xu Lele ignored the behavior of the newcomers, but went straight to Cheng Hao and asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (No, I'm not panicking at all.)"

After hearing this, Cheng Hao yawned and replied.

He is the king of beasts after all, is he so easily flustered?Did the other party underestimate him a bit?

"I knew Xiaopangju missed my sister the most. Let's go! My sister will take you back to sleep." Xu Lele said with a smile, and stretched out her hand to hug Cheng Hao and leave.

"Aww~ (I never said I want you to hug me.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao immediately jumped away, avoiding Xu Lele's hand.

Why is the other party so familiar?He obviously didn't agree, okay?
"Don't be shy, little fat orange, it's not the first time my sister has hugged you." Seeing this, Xu Lele said with a smile, and was about to step forward to hug Cheng Hao again.

"Aww~ (Sister, take care of her.)" Cheng Hao immediately ran behind Sister Hong'er and said, Sister Breeder, don't just watch the show here, can you stop the other party quickly, the other party is going to make an inch of it All.

"Lele, Xiaoju doesn't want you to hug me, and we have to go back to the Tiger Park now." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when her head was held up.

"Back to Tiger Garden? It's almost ten o'clock, what are we doing back to Fuyuan?" Xu Lele asked puzzled.

"On this way, let me explain to you again. Let them get in the car first." Sister Hong'er said after looking at the newcomers on the side. Evolving plants, I'm afraid these guys will run away immediately.

"Okay then, let's go back to the car first." Xu Lele nodded upon hearing this, looked at Chen Min at the side and said, "Sister Chen, remember to train them well during my absence, and don't let them be lazy."

"Understood, you can go back with Hong'er first, I have a plan for training the newcomers." Chen Min said.

"That's good." After Xu Lele heard this, she turned her head to look at the newcomers and said, "I will leave the department for a few days, but don't think it's over. If I come back, I find that you guys are not strong enough If it looks like I expect, you can ask for blessings."

"Ah? Don't. Don't play like this. Instructor, your requirements are too high. We can't do it even if we are killed."

"That's right, isn't this killing us? This is it?" Everyone who was lying on the ground feeling how beautiful this world is, turned pale when they heard this.

"This is beyond the scope of my consideration, you can figure it out for yourself."

Xu Lele said, and walked away.

Only the stunned and almost petrified crowd remained.

"Lele, are you being too strict with them? They seem to be just newcomers." After leaving the training ground, Sister Hong'er looked at the newcomers who hadn't recovered for a long time and couldn't help but said. .

Looking at their tired looks, it's not like they're pretending.

And Lele is still a powerful evolutionary. Is it too harsh for her to judge the newcomers with her own requirements?
"Aww~ (It's not just strict, it's cruel.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, look at how those guys have been trained?

His whole body trembled, his face was pale, and he stuttered when he spoke.

Those who didn't know thought they had just been fished out of the ice water after being beaten severely.

"These guys are too lazy, I'm already training them with very low standards." Xu Lele explained after hearing this:

"Many of these guys are physical evolutionists. If they are not stricter with them, they will not be able to exert their physical potential at all."

Evolvers are now divided into three categories (physical strength, superpowers, and mental evolution), among which physical evolutionists have to constantly exercise their bodies if they want to become stronger.

Don't look at how badly she trained these guys. In fact, they can recover in a hurry after waking up from sleep. This is the benefit of a physical evolutionist. Recovers faster than the other two types of Evolvers.

"The brain power and super power evolution? Such high-intensity training, they can't stand it?"

Even if Lele is training physical evolutionists with the lowest standard, there are two other types of evolutionaries who do not have an advantage in this regard.

"They really can't stand it, but there's nothing I can do about it. It's impossible for me to compromise on them individually. I can only say that the overall training intensity for them should be reduced, and it won't make it too easy for the physical evolutionists."

Xu Lele nodded and said, the most complaining among the large group just now are naturally these two categories: "Although this kind of high-intensity training is not fair to them, it is also helping them, and their superpowers and brainpower evolution. If you don't have a body to support you, you can't go very far."

"Only by exercising a strong physique can they become stronger and stronger."

"It's true like this. Using superpowers takes a lot of energy. Without a good body to support you, you can't go very far." Sister Hong'er nodded and said after hearing this.

"So, little fat orange, do you want to accept my training? I promise to train you to be the strongest tiger." Xu Lele asked Cheng Hao with a smile.

"Aww~ (No, thank you.)" Cheng Hao replied angrily. He can become stronger by absorbing the power of evolution. Why should he learn human training?

And now his body structure is different from that of a human, okay?The training methods that are useful to humans may not necessarily be useful to him.

"Xiaoju refuses to train with you." Sister Honger translated with a smile.

"Really? That's such a pity. If Xiaopangju can learn from me for a while, I'm sure I'll be invincible all over the Tiger Garden." Xu Lele said with some regret.

"Aww~ (I'm invincible in Tiger Garden now, okay?)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said in a bad mood, he still needs to learn from the other party?You ask who in the Tiger Park can beat him?

"Okay, okay, my sister knows that our little orange is the best, so hurry up and get in the car." Sister Hong'er said, patting Cheng Hao's butt.

Xiaoju is really a gossip, she likes to argue with people about such things.

"Aww (oh oh)"

When Cheng Hao heard this, he jumped into the car immediately.

The fight with the opponent can be delayed, but this run must be done immediately.

I haven't enjoyed the life of national first-level protection waste yet, and I don't want to die so early.

"Lele, remember to take good care of Hong'er and Xiaopangju on the way, you know? Send me a text message when you get to the Tiger Park." After watching the two get into the car together, Chen Min said.

"Okay, sister Chen." Xu Lele nodded upon hearing this.

"Sister Chen, let's go then."

Sister Hong'er who started the car said.

"Okay, goodbye." Chen Min smiled, looked at Cheng Hao, and saw Cheng Hao waving his paws: "Little Fat Orange, please eat obediently, don't lose weight when we meet next time."

"Aww~ (I see, goodbye.)" Cheng Hao replied, and the car left the parking lot and headed towards the gate.

"By the way, Sister Hong'er, you haven't told me why you returned to the Tiger Garden so late? Did something happen in the Tiger Garden? Or did Little Fat Ju cause trouble?" After leaving the department, Xu Lele immediately asked this question. thing.

"Aww~ (I'm a law-abiding one, the tiger didn't cause trouble at all, okay? Why are you like this?)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately became unhappy. How could the other party tarnish his innocence for no reason?
He didn't do any bad things in the department, and he helped the department discover the evolutionary power of the ancient tree, okay?It's not bad to ask the department for credit and ask them to send a few tons of beef.

"It's not because there's something wrong with the Tiger Park, and it's not because Xiaoju got into trouble. It's because I think the department is too dangerous, so I plan to bring Xiaoju back to the Tiger Park."

Sister Hong'er smiled and explained that Lele was teasing Xiaoju again, be careful that Xiaoju will bite her later.

"Under the department? Sister Hong'er, are you talking about the evolutionary plants grown under the department?" Xu Lele immediately understood after hearing this.

"Yes, those evolutionary plants." Sister Hong'er nodded and said, "I always think it's too dangerous for the department to do this."

"Sister Hong'er, you don't have to worry so much. Not only our department, but other departments also do the same." Xu Lele said with a smile:

"If there is really a problem, the higher authorities will definitely rectify it."

"Aww~ (I'm afraid that when the time comes, all the mines will explode and the group will be wiped out, and there will be no chance of rectification.)" Cheng Hao, who was leaning on the seat, muttered.

Good guy, he originally thought that there was only one department doing such a clever thing, but he didn't expect that all departments across the country did it like this.

Then once something happens, there is no need to rectify it, and you can directly announce that the group will be wiped out.

"Xiaoju said something sweeter, don't keep saying these bad things." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said.

"Aww~ (I get it, I get it.)" Cheng Hao replied, his ears suddenly pricked up, and his eyes were fixed on the outside of the car window.

"Little Fat Orange, what did you find? Why did you suddenly look outside?"

After Xu Lele saw it, she asked curiously.

The whole person was stuck next to the car window, and then she finally knew why Cheng Hao suddenly looked outside.

In the wind and snow, the three figures stood under the street lamp, looking at each other's surroundings.

It seems that the light that illuminates the darkness can bring them some warmth in the cold winter.

"Is this a bear? Why is there a bear beside the road?"

Seeing this, Sister Hong'er stopped the car slowly, and carefully looked at the three thin bears.

"Is this Xiong Da Xiong Er and Cui Hua?"

Cheng Hao leaned against the glass and looked at the three bears in the same way, and began to mutter in his heart.

No more, no less, just three bears.

Xiong Daxiong and Er Cuihua are just right for each other.

"Not sure, but they definitely can't be allowed to stay here any longer. Sister Hong'er, you and Little Pang Ju stay in the car. I'll go down and see if I can drive them away."

Xu Lele heard this, thought for a while and then said.

Although I don't know why these three bears appeared here, it's not a good thing to let them be here. It would be bad if they hurt someone.

You have to get them out of here quickly, or if that unlucky guy runs into them on foot or bike, he'll be dead.

"Don't drive them away first, let me ask them what's going on? They should be hibernating in the deep mountains and old forests at this time. Something must have happened, and they will run to the towns where humans live .”

"And if you drive them away, maybe they will run to places where humans are densely populated. It would be bad for them to hurt people. The best way is to catch them and send them to an animal shelter."

Sister Hong'er stopped her voice when she heard the words, looked at the bear who was also looking at them, and felt very pitiful. Bears in such a winter should hibernate in tree holes or underground, but at this time they are looking for the bear in the street lamp. The light trembled.

She could feel that the three bears needed help now, and they had to find a safe and warm place, otherwise, according to their current situation, they might not last until the beginning of spring. .

"Then sister Hong'er, you can communicate with them in the car, but remember not to get out of the car." Xu Lele said after hearing this. The three bears are so thin, if sister Hong'er gets down, they will still Didn't he jump up immediately?
"Okay, I won't get out of the car easily, don't worry."

Sister Hong'er nodded and said, then took her bag from the co-pilot seat beside her, and took out the small chicken legs in a box from it.

"Aww~ (Sister, is this my food?)"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao immediately understood what Sister Hong'er wanted to do?The other party must want to chat with the three bears using the routine of chatting with pets.

But the problem is that the breeder's lady bag contains it, which seems to be his snacks.

"Yes, these are chicken drumsticks for you, but you just ate so much, and now you go back to the Tiger Park and feed them to the three poor little bears, okay? Look, the three bears are shaking with hunger. "Sister Hong'er, who opened the chicken leg box, explained with a smile:
"In addition, my sister has to ask what is going on with them, how did they come to a place where humans live?"

"Can you just feed these little bears chicken legs?"

"Aww~ (It's okay to feed them chicken legs, but sister, are you reading it wrong? These guys are not bears, their heads are bigger than my ass.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, "Look at the size of these guys, where is the little bear?"It's just a big bear, okay?The head was bigger than his ass, and the claws were as big as his head.

Is this the little bear from that family?Whose cub has this size and is not yet an adult?
"That must be my sister's mistake." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words, she reached out and grabbed the chicken leg and threw it out of the car window: "Little Xiong Xiong, hurry up and eat the chicken leg, you must be very hungry, right? Come and eat something OK?"

"Hoohoo~ (Brother, the person in that square box told us to eat chicken legs, can we go over and eat chicken legs?)" The short brown bear saw the chicken legs thrown out of the car window, and the whole bear immediately panicked. His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't help drooling.

But because the bear beside him didn't speak, he didn't dare to rush forward.

"Hoo hoo ~ (Be careful, this is something given by humans, don't eat it, be careful to be fooled.)"

The biggest brown bear looked at the car warily and said.

"Aw~huh (brother, I'm so hungry)"

The thinnest bear looked at the drumstick anxiously and said.

"Little Xiongxiong, don't be so nervous, we won't hurt you, why did you come here? It's very dangerous here." Sister Hong'er in the car heard the conversation of the three bears, and shouted with a smile: "You never Where did you come from? Let me send you back, okay? This is not where you should be."

"Go back? Don't... want to."

Upon hearing this, the two thin and short bears stuttered in fright and ran behind the largest brown bear.

"What happened to you? What happened to the place where you used to live?" Sister Hong'er saw this, and continued to speak: "If you don't want to go back, I can arrange for you to live in a new place temporarily, okay? There There is food and drink, which is much better than what you stayed in the wind and snow."

"Huhuhu~ (No need, we don't need your help. We will find food by ourselves.)" The largest bear said, his eyes still very vigilant.

"Aw~hu~hu (Brother, I'm hungry.)" said the thinnest bear, snuggled up beside the other two bears, staring at the chicken legs that fell on the ground and kept licking his lips.

"Hoo hoo ~ (Be patient, big brother will definitely lead us to find something to eat.)" Although the somewhat short bear was drooling, he still maintained his rationality and did not eat the chicken legs on the ground.

"Sister Hong'er, these three bears seem to be too vigilant. If it's really not good, why don't we forget about it?"

Seeing this, Xu Lele said, although he couldn't understand what the three bears were saying?However, from Miss Hong'er's words, it can still be heard that these three bears are not so easy to get in touch with, and they are very wary of them.

"No, we can't go now. The three of them are very hungry now, and they can easily do irrational things. The other bear is too thin and hasn't eaten. He can't stand it anymore."

Sister Hong'er shook her head and said, although she doesn't know why the three bears are so skinny, it's definitely a bad choice to let them do nothing.

It would be bad if they attacked the passing humans and were killed.

This is the last situation that bears and people want to see.

"But they are so vigilant, they don't believe us at all." Xu Lele said, if we continue at this time, it will be late at night soon.

At that time, the weather will be even colder. If they park their cars for a long time, they will be buried by heavy snow. If the cars can't start, then they will have something to play with.

"It's okay, take your time and don't worry. It's normal for wild animals to be very vigilant, but their natures are not bad. As long as we communicate with them well, they will understand that we want to help them." Hong'er The elder sister smiled, grabbed the chicken leg and continued to throw it outside: "If you don't want to accept my help, little bear, then eat the chicken leg first, okay? Your brother looks very hungry. If you don't give him something to eat, he will Will faint."

The bear was so emaciated that his skin went to the bone, and he was shaking and snuggling up to his two brothers, but if he couldn't eat, his life would be in danger.

"Huhuhu~ (Brother, what this human being said makes sense, or else I should give my little brother something to eat, his condition is very bad.)"

The short brown bear said that he could feel that his brother was very hungry, and something would really happen if he didn't eat food.

"Ow~ Huhuhu (be patient, there must be food ahead.)" The biggest brown bear was still vigilant, looking closely at Sister Hong'er, for fear that the other party would sneak attack them like those trees

"Huh~ (hungry...)"

At this time, the thinnest bear finally couldn't bear it anymore, and passed out from hunger.

"Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (no, big brother, little brother passed out.)"

Feeling the heavy weight on his body, the dwarf bear couldn't help shouting in panic.

"Huhhuhu~(What? Brother, wake up quickly.)" Hearing this, the big brown bear immediately panicked, and quickly turned around to care about his brother's situation.

"You don't need to panic, he just fainted from hunger, if you continue to be so stubborn, your other brother will not be able to hold on anymore."

Sister Hong'er pushed open the car door and came down. She knew that these bears needed help now. As a veterinarian and breeder, she had to get down to check their conditions.

"Sister Hong'er, why did you get down? Didn't you agree not to get out of the car?"

"Aww~ (Sister, why do you care about them? Be careful that they attack you.)"

Seeing this scene, Xu Lele and Cheng Hao were startled, and immediately got out of the car.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt me." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, she could feel that these brown bears didn't have any malicious intentions, they were only so vigilant when they were frightened by something.

"This woman..."

The big brown bear couldn't help but turn its head when it heard this, and saw an unforgettable scene in the whole bear's life. Sister Hong'er was smiling under the light and shining brightly all over her body. That smile even dispelled the uneasiness in their hearts instantly, as if Like the sun that warms the earth.

"Aww~ Hurrah (Humans hurry up and save my little brother, please.)"

Just as he was dazed, the somewhat short brown bear begged Hong'er sister. He didn't understand why the elder brother was so wary of this human being?He felt that the other party would not hurt them, there was something about the other party that made them feel comfortable, and the other party must be a good person.

"Don't be so flustered, Little Bear."

"Let me help you take a look, what's wrong with him?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and walked over with strides.

Seeing this, Xu Lele hurriedly followed, while Cheng Hao stared at the dazed big brown bear. Once the other party wanted to attack again, he would make the other party never feel hungry again.

"This guy..." The scalp of the big brown bear being stared at was a little numb. Although the little cat in front of him looked small, it made him feel a chill down his spine, and his heart speeded up a lot unconsciously.

"Don't worry, he's fine. It's just that he's very hungry. You wait here for a while, and I'll get him a bottle of glucose." Miss Hong'er glanced into the eyes of the fainted bear. , After confirming his heartbeat again, he touched the dwarf bear poking his head aside and said.

"Hmm~ (Okay ok)"

The brown bear's touched eyes narrowed unconsciously. Although it was the first time he saw the other party, the other party gave him the feeling of being like a mother, which made him unable to arouse his fierceness at all.

"Yeah, little Xiongxiong is so good." Sister Hong'er praised, and then went to the trunk to get some glucose.

"Gululu~ (She praised me for being good!)" The dwarf brown bear who was praised couldn't help rubbing his paws on his face, very happy.

"Sister Hong'er is outrageous..."

Seeing this scene, Xu Lele was completely dumbfounded. Although she knew that Hong'er sister had a buff that could talk to animals, seeing these brown bears fall too fast, it looks like she was raised by Hong'er sister since she was a child. Same.

It's just outrageous fucking open the door to outrageous, outrageous home.

She now understands why the commander attaches so much importance to Miss Hong'er, this ability is just too powerful.

"Xiaoju, don't look at him like this, he doesn't have any malice." Just as Xu Lele was thinking, sister Hong'er had already come to Cheng Hao's side, patted his ready-to-go body and said.

Xiaoju is fine, why are you serious with Xiaoxiong?Bear is not malicious.

"Aww~ (Sister's heart to guard against bears is indispensable, you are too careless.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

How can the young lady breeder trust these guys with unknown origins casually?Especially these guys, now that their bellies are empty.

Anything is possible.

"No, Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head and said, "You have to believe what my sister said, they are a good group of bears, but they are too hungry now, and nothing will happen."

"Aww~ (I'd better stare at him to feel more at ease, sister, go do what you want.)" Cheng Hao said out loud, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, he'd better be careful.

"Alright then, little orange."

"Just keep a distance between you and the little bear. Don't wait for a fight." Sister Hong'er warned, although Xiaoju is small, she is not a vegetarian. With your current bear situation, it is really possible to fight. Can't beat Xiaoju.

"Aww~ (As long as he doesn't intend to attack, I won't beat him up. Sister.)"

Cheng Hao nodded and said.

"That's good." After Hong'er heard this, she walked towards the car door in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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