Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 110 I am the person who likes to teach juniors the most

Chapter 110 I am the person who likes to teach juniors the most

"Mr. Director is really good at predicting things. I really have other things to do this time."

The commander said with a smile when he heard the words, put down the teacup in his hand, and his eyes gradually became serious.

"Oh? I don't know what's going on. I'm just an old man. I'm going to be buried in the ground in a short time. If I ask an old man to work, I'm afraid the old man won't be able to do what he wants."

The director said, his expression was not as joking as before.

It seems that such a day has long been expected.

"I checked the information about you, director, and found that you were the head of the group when you were young."

"And it is written in your personal resume, director, that one person is invincible like a superman. As long as there are comrades in arms, you have infinite power."

The commander spoke while recalling the files he had read.

It turned out that he also thought that the head of the garden was just an ordinary person, and he had the ability to lead the tigers in the tiger garden only after the light of evolution shined on him.

But he didn't expect him to check the director's file.Only then did I realize that I was not only wrong, but also very wrong.

Because he checked the dean's file, not only alarmed the higher-ups, even people from the military department called to ask him what he wanted to do?
The key is that there was more than one call from the military department, which surprised him.

It wasn't until he explained the reason of the matter that the above allowed him to check it.

But this time, he finally knew why the director and other files were top secret.

"Hahaha, it's just ridiculous. What kind of Superman am I? I'm just an outdated old man."

The director smiled and shook his head, looking at a group photo on the wall, his eyes could not help but be a little lost.

What a memorable time. At that time, everyone was very young and shy.

"But the information about you, the director, is top secret. It took me a lot of effort to get it from the military department."

"I think there should be a reason for this. I didn't come here this time to embarrass you, Director. I just want to know whether you have become an evolutionary when you were young, Director?"

The commander looked at the principal and said,
According to the records in the file, as long as the director has comrades by his side, he can gain great power. This power is so powerful that even the rain of bullets is ignored by the director.

He believes that this is definitely a power that only evolutionaries can possess.

Moreover, the principal at that time was very young, based on the current age of the principal.

If the head of the garden was really an evolutionary at that time, then this means that there were evolutionaries in the world more than 50 years ago.

Thinking of this, the commander felt his scalp go numb.

For the evolutionaries who have lived for more than 50 years, one can imagine how powerful they are?How will it change the whole world?
"Evolutionary? Interesting." The principal smiled and said, "It's the first time I've heard someone call me that. In our youth, we were called supernatural beings."

"And there are people like me in every country, but we are all just flesh and blood, and we are not worth mentioning in front of powerful thermal weapons."

"As for the evolutionary you mentioned, you should be talking about a child like Xiaohong who understands the language of tigers, right?"

"Supernatural beings?" The commander couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't expect that there were supernatural beings in the country, but there was no information given to him above.

What exactly is going on?Is there something up there hiding from them?What is it hiding from above?

Thinking of this, the commander's expression turned ugly.

"Yes, have you ever heard the saying of extraordinary abilities? We are talking about us. People like us are born with unique abilities. My ability is that the more teammates there are, the stronger our own strength will be. powerful."

Seeing the pensive look of the commander, the director guessed what he was thinking?He smiled and said: "It's just that since more than 40 years ago, there have been no new supernatural beings around the world, and the supernatural powers of our older generation have gradually weakened as they get older."

"So we gradually retired, so it's normal that you haven't heard of it at your age."

The supernatural being was the trump card of the country back then, but no matter how strong the trump card is, it will eventually disappear if there are no new trump cards to join.

Naturally, it is normal for young people like them not to have heard of it.

"Has there been no new supernatural beings in 40 years? Then, Mr. Director, what is the strength of the youngest supernatural beings now?"

A flash of light flashed through the commander's mind upon hearing this, and he asked quickly.

Even if there are no new supernatural beings in 40 years, then the batch of supernatural beings who spoke out 40 years ago are so good, they should be in their 40s now, right?
"What about their strength? It can be said that it is half a bucket of water. The only advantage is that they are young." After thinking for a while, the director smiled and said: "Their group of superhuman Those who have not gone through the baptism of war and the tempering of life and death are very weak, unless they can develop their abilities very well."

"And the ability does not become stronger and stronger over time, it only becomes weaker and weaker over time."

The commander here couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If these youngest supernatural beings are like this, then it's okay, if they are very powerful?That would be difficult.

But are supernatural beings evolutionaries?This needs to be clarified.

"Mr. Director, how do you feel about your abilities recently? Has it become stronger?" The commander asked with a serious face. The light of evolution appeared more than five months ago. If Mr. Director's abilities are restored to If it is at the peak level, or if it becomes stronger, then it can be confirmed that the so-called supernatural beings are actually evolutionaries.

It's just that for an evolutionary like the director, before the light of evolution appears, only one in ten million will appear in the whole world.

"I know what you want to say. I have returned to my youthful strength, and I am in a better state than when I was young." The director said with a smile. A few months ago, he even used a cane to walk, but that night Then everything changed, he felt his youthful strength returned and better.

"Is this really the case? Then Mr. Director, at your time, who were the most powerful people with supernatural powers? Mr. Director, are you their opponent?" Hearing this, the commander suddenly felt like Like an electric shock, he asked quickly.

Now that Mr. Director has returned to his youthful state and is better than his young state, what about the other supernatural beings of the same era?

Does this happen to them too?
"The best of us? I'm in my 70s now. Guess how many guys can stand up to my old man?"

"Old man, although I wasn't the top among the group of people back then, I was the toughest and most capable among them."

Hearing this, the headmaster couldn't help laughing and said, in his time, those who were stronger than him were not as long as his life, and those who were stronger than them were not as long as him.

Even if some old guys are still alive now, the other party dare not say that they can beat him.

"In other words, there are not many people who are still alive. That's great."

The commander who heard this couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then he remembered something and said: "By the way, Mr. Gardener, do you have two abilities? I remember that Mr. Gardener, you seem to be able to understand the conversations of animals." ah?"

If according to the records in the top-secret file, the director's ability is that he can gather the strength of the team to make himself have superhuman abilities?

So what is the other ability of Mr. Garden Principal?He clearly remembered that the principal could communicate with the tigers.

"I have only one ability from the beginning to the end, and there is no such thing as another ability." The director explained with a smile when he heard this:
"My abilities are very strict. Only when my teammates trust me can I use their power. Similarly, as long as these teammates trust me, I can communicate with them."

"Although Xiao Wang and the others are not human beings, as long as they lend me their power, I can understand what they say."

"So that's the case. Mr. Director's ability is really incredible." After listening to the explanation from the director, the commander said in amazement.

This is the legendary enemy of ten thousand people. Just hundreds of tigers lend their strength to the director, and the director is so powerful. If tens of thousands of people lend their power to the director, the director will not know how powerful it will be. What kind of situation?
No wonder the director's confidential file described him as being like a superman, as long as he was there, no matter how dangerous the place was, he could be breached.

"It's just a useless ability. What if there are no teammates around me who believe that I am willing to use my power? I'm just a bad old man." The director said with a smile and waved his hand.

"You can't say that, Dean, you are too modest."

"If you don't object? Our Hongtashan City Evolution Department would like to invite you as a special consultant for our department. Would you like to accept it?"

The commander looked at the head of the garden and asked, a veteran evolutionary who is alive, and has experienced war.

Its significance is self-evident, if the other party joins, then their department will definitely be stronger.

"Old man, I'm getting old, so let's forget about joining the department."

The principal smiled and shook his head and said, he doesn't want to make trouble at his age.

I just want to raise big cats in the tiger park and play with small animals.

"Mr. Director, don't be in a hurry to refuse. After I finish speaking, you can decide whether to join or not. First of all, join our evolutionist department. In addition to enjoying special rights, you can get 500 million annual remuneration as your consultant. In addition, you don't need to stay in the department all the time, you only need to come a few times a week."

"That is to say, Mr. Director, you can take the consultant as a part-time job, and you will continue to stay in the Tiger Park for the rest of the time."

The commander said with a smile, waiting for the principal's answer.

He didn't believe that Mr. Garden Director could resist this temptation.

After all, as far as he knew, the director of the park really raised the tiger as his own child, and not only put all his money into the tiger park.

And in order to let the tigers live better, they go to the top to cry for the poor every year, in order to get a little more food for the tigers.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if it's money or not. The main reason is that I like to educate the younger generation." As expected, the director's eyes lit up when he heard this.

500?The evolution department is really rich. He cries to his father and mother all day long and calls him poor, and the above only gives tens of millions to Huyuan in a year. The evolution department is good, and he gave so much money at the first opening. .

"That's right, those little guys are disobedient, and you need a respected old man like you, Mr. Director, to guide them on the right path." The commander couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and continued:
"There is another thing to tell you, Mr. Director. After we reported it to the higher authorities, we decided to reorganize all the zoos in Hongtashan City and arrange all the animals to come to the Tiger Park."

"Of course the food expenses of these animals are borne by the higher-ups, and you need to teach these animals well in normal times."

After the head of the park led the tiger park to drive the wild animals away from the city yesterday, he was even more sure that it was imperative to form an animal army.

It just so happens that the higher authorities have also approved this project, so now take this opportunity to implement it as soon as possible.

And their preferred targets are the artificially raised animals in the zoo. These animals have been in contact with humans for a longer time, are less wary of humans than wild animals, and are easier to cooperate with.

"Let's clean up all the zoos. As far as I know, many zoos are private." After hearing this, the director was stunned and said.

This puts all the zoos in order, will the owners of these zoos agree?This is cutting flesh on them.

"It's true that these zoos are indeed private, but the animals in them are not private. Nationally protected animals are not allowed to be sold."

The commander said with a smile, they went to the zoo to receive these animals, dare they say that these national protected animals are their private?

As long as they dare to say yes, they will be taken to the bureau for a few years to play.

After all, the foundations of these private zoos are not very clean. Some animals were captured from the wild when the law was not perfect in the early years, and the origin of the animals is unclear, and there is a high probability that they were obtained through some shady means. of.

If you really do the math with these guys?It's enough for them to sit through the prison.

Now it's just taking away the animals in the zoo, and it's not bad to settle accounts with them. How dare these guys say no?
"It turned out to be like this, but with so many animals suddenly added, I'm afraid our Tiger Park will not have enough manpower."

Hearing the headmaster here continue to say, the methods above are resolute.

But their Tiger Park suddenly accepted so many animals, let alone whether the space is enough?The manpower of the Tiger Park alone is not enough.

"Mr. Director, you don't have to worry about this. Before we send these animals over, we will ask their breeders if they are willing to come over? If they are willing, they can immediately join the Tiger Park. If not, we will I won't force it either."

"In addition, the engineering team is already waiting at the gate of the Tiger Park. They will protect the wasteland around the park and build it into a place for animals to live." The commander said with a smile, and took out a contract from his pocket. The land certificate was passed to the head of the park: "This is the land use certificate and the documents approved on it. All the wasteland around the tiger park belongs to the tiger park."

"The department is well-prepared." The principal said with a smile after receiving the documents, "Then I don't know when I will go to the department, old man?"

The evolutionist department is so sincere, it seems that they have made complete preparations before coming.

Since the other party is so sincere, he shouldn't do anything.

"If possible, Mr. Consultant will go to the department with me now, and I will introduce the members of the department to Mr. Consultant."

"Of course, it would be even better if Mr. Consultant can teach you how to better develop your abilities." The commander said with a smile, to be able to fight so many evolutionaries and survive, presumably Mr. Gardener must have A unique way of developing capabilities.

If you are willing to pass it on to the team members in the department, everyone's strength will definitely grow faster.

"It must be. As long as I know what I know, the old man will naturally tell everyone. After all, whether this thing will be brought to life or not, it is best to be able to guide young people."

The director said with a smile, and after locking the file in the drawer, he got up from his seat.

Seeing this, the commander also got up, and the two left the office one after the other.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, where are you going to play here? Hey! Isn't this the commander? Why are you here?)" Cheng Hao, who had just finished eating eggs and drinking milk, bumped into him while strolling in the Tiger Garden. The principal and the commander.

Immediately, he leaned forward curiously, why is the principal and grandpa together with the commander?How is this going?

"Grandpa is going to play with the commander in the department now, do you want to go with grandpa?"

The director knelt down and touched Cheng Hao's head and asked, flicking the egg yolk on his beard with his fingers.

"Good morning, Xiaoju! Why did you eat so badly?"

Seeing this, the commander greeted with a smile.

"Aww~(Go to the department? Grandpa Director, what are you going to do in the department? It's very dangerous there, the underground is full of evolutionary plants, once they are allowed to come out, the whole department will be gone.)"

Hearing that the principal's grandfather actually went to the department, Cheng Hao immediately stretched out his paws and pulled the principal and said.

Although the grandfather of the garden director is a bit long-winded, he is a good person.

Can't he watch the garden director's grandfather jump into the fire pit, is the evolution department a place where people go?Go to the dog and don't go to the dog.

"Mr. Advisor, what is Xiaoju talking about?" The commander on the side asked after seeing it. Although he couldn't understand the tiger's words, he saw that Xiaoju was pulling Mr. Advisor's clothes at this time, not letting Mr. Advisor leave. The way he looked, he definitely didn't say anything good.

"Xiaoju said that there are all evolutionary plants underground in your department. Once they come out, the whole department will be gone, so Xiaoju told me not to go."

The principal touched Cheng Hao's round head and said to the commander.

"Er..." The commander who heard this couldn't help but was stunned, but he didn't expect Xiaoju to tell the consultant so much, and quickly explained: "It's true that there are evolutionary plants under the department, but those plants are all In a weak state, and the entire planting area is isolated with high-strength glass, it is impossible for these evolved plants to break through."

"Mr. Consultant, don't worry, there will be no danger in our past."

"Aww~ (Grandpa Director, you'd better not go, whenever others say there is absolutely no danger, danger will always come.)"

After hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately spoke.

Whenever people slacken, it is often the time when danger arises.

As confident as the commander is now, it is estimated that an accident is not far away.

"Okay, grandpa understands." Hearing this, the director took Cheng Hao's paws off his clothes, stroked his head and said:
"However, grandpa promised other people's affairs, so you have to do it. As for what you told grandpa, grandpa will discuss with the commander carefully and arrange the underground plants to go to other places."

"Yeah, this matter can be discussed slowly, Xiaoju, can you loosen Mr. Consultant's clothes first?"

Seeing Cheng Hao who was biting the director's clothes with his paws lowered by the director, the commander hurried forward to persuade him.

Why is Little Fat Orange so persistent?Mr. Consultant will go back with him, and nothing will happen.

The underground forest garden is monitored 24 hours a day. What if there is an abnormality in the evolved plants?The underground killing device will be activated immediately.

"That's right, Xiaoju, let go of your mouth and let grandpa go, okay, and make sure you'll be back soon." The principal who had his clothes bitten on him coaxed.

"Aww~ (No, no, I'm worried.)"

"Aww~ (Grandpa Director, you have to stay in the Tiger Garden.)"

Cheng Hao, who let go of his mouth and hugged Yuan's long legs, said.

Grandpa, the head of the park, must not go there. If something happens to the other party, the entire Tiger Park will have to drink the northwest wind.

"What should Mr. Consultant do now?" Seeing the large plush slippers on the director's lap, the commander felt his head grow bigger.

He didn't expect that he would have no problem discussing things with the director, and he would have no problem inviting the director to join, but he would encounter a big problem when he brought the director out of the Tiger Garden.

"What can we do? We can only let Xiaohong come over." The director said helplessly. Xiaoju didn't let him go because he cared about him. Could he still blame Xiaoju?

"Then I'll call Xiaohong now." The commander said.

"Yes." The director nodded, knelt down and persuaded Cheng Hao to let him go again.

But Cheng Hao, whose ears drooped and blocked his ear canals, said that even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came today, the head of the garden could not go and had to stay.

If something happens to the head of the garden, the Tiger Park will be disbanded and the family will be gone.

"Xiaoju, how can you play a rascal like this? Let go of the director quickly." After the sleepy-eyed sister Hong'er rushed over, she went straight to Cheng Hao and hugged his big head and said, "Sister I'm here to take care of you before you wake up, you should let go of the principal and go back to sleep with your sister, okay?"

"The department is very safe and there will be no danger."

"Be obedient, okay? Otherwise, my sister will be angry."

"Aww~ (Sister, you can't watch the garden director's grandpa jumping into the fire pit, hurry up and take grandpa back with me.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, how can the breeder watch the director jump into the fire pit?We should take the principal grandfather back with him.

The young lady of the breeder hurriedly grabbed the two hands of the garden director's grandfather, and he was carrying the two legs of the grandfather.Take grandpa back.

"Xiaoju, grandpa really won't be in danger, so just listen to grandpa once, okay? In the worst case, grandpa won't educate you again in the future."

The principal, who had been tossed about for a long time, really had no choice but to ask for conditions.

Then let Xiaoju hug his legs and go down, he reckoned that today would be over like this.

"Yes, Xiaoju."

"The director has said that, so you just believe that the department is good?" Sister Hong'er said helplessly, Xiaoju's temper is really stubborn.

As for this?The minister is not afraid of danger, why Xiaoju is so worried.

"Yeah, Xiaoju, I guarantee with my life that nothing will happen to the head of the garden, so you can let the head of the head go, okay?" The commander said helplessly, what do you mean by a tiger?He realized it today.

Xiaoju is really outrageous, she clings to the director like a piece of brown sugar, and won't let the director go with him.

"Aww~ (This is what you said to guarantee your life. If something happens to the principal and grandpa, I will not let you go.)"

After hearing this, Cheng Hao reluctantly let go of his paws, and threatened with his bloody mouth wide open.

"Okay, okay, it's not that serious, you little guy is nervous, grandpa will be back soon." The principal touched Cheng Hao's round head and smiled, finally feeling his body relax.

Xiaoju has grown up, really grown up.His legs were so crushed that they went numb.

It seems necessary to take a crutch next time.

"Xiaoju, let's go. My sister will take you back to play, okay?"

Sister Hong'er covered Cheng Hao's eyes with both hands and said, don't let him watch the director leave, otherwise, if she runs up again, she really has nothing to do.

"Aww~ (What game are you playing?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this, his two small ears twitched to listen to the direction the car was leaving.

"It's snowing so much now, of course it's time to play the game of making a snowman, Xiaoju, you just don't move, and my sister will make you into a little snowman, okay?" Seeing the car going away, sister Hong'er relaxed a little. After taking a breath, he asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (Not good, I'm not stupid.)" Cheng Hao said as he hit the snow on the ground with his tail, splashing a large amount of snowflakes.

"It's really disgusting that you little cat sneaked up on my sister. My sister must take care of you, this little cat." Sister Hong'er, who was covered in snowflakes, laughed and scolded, only to find that her big orange cat had slipped out.

"Aww~ (Come on, come on.)"

Cheng Hao shook his head proudly, and ran towards the distance with strides.

"You little scoundrel, don't run away, my sister will clean you up today." Sister Hong'er shouted when she saw this, and immediately chased after her.

"Mr. Consultant, are you okay? I've seen you rubbing your legs since just now."

In the car, the commander looked at the principal who was rubbing his legs and asked.

Ever since he came out, the director has been rubbing his legs. Is the director okay?

"There are still some problems, but it should be fine after rubbing it twice. The little orange is a little too heavy, and my legs are numb." After rubbing it several times, the director finally felt a lot more comfortable and said: "But The matter under the department really should be resolved, otherwise it would be very unsafe for so many evolved plants to be under the department."

"I'm discussing this matter with experts, but there is no good solution for a while." The commander explained:

"If these evolved plants are arranged on the ground, these plants will photosynthesize and absorb the nutrients in the soil and become stronger."

"In the underground forest garden built by the experts, we controlled the nutrients in the soil so that they would not absorb too much, and reduced the light time to prevent them from becoming stronger."

It's not that they don't want to move the botanical garden to the ground, but that it will be very troublesome after it is moved to the ground.

"Like this? That's really embarrassing for you. But you still have to let them out from under the ground, you can't let them stay under the ground forever."

"Otherwise, it would be bad for them to evolve into plants that can grow underground." After listening to the commander's explanation, the head gardener could also feel the helplessness of the other party, but it's impossible to continue like this.

Evolving plants will change according to the current environment. Once they adapt to the underground situation, it will be bad.

"Yes, I know."

"Experts have also considered this issue, and we are now trying to solve this hidden danger." The commander replied, and then took out the tablet and clicked on a few videos for the director to watch: "Mr. Consultant, take a look at who this is." ah?"

"This seems to be me, the old man?" Looking at the group of tigers and the backs of the group of tigers appearing in the tablet, he said.

"Yes, it's you, Mr. Advisor." The commander said with a smile: "Yesterday, you led a group of tigers to drive away wild boars, but many people took photos of you and posted them on the Internet."

"However, the higher-ups were worried that it might cause panic, so they blocked these videos. I hope you won't be unhappy, Mr. Consultant."

"I won't be unhappy, but there is something I still want you to tell the higher-ups." Hearing the words, the principal waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's better to comb than to block. It's impossible to hide this kind of thing. It’s better to prepare early.”

"Well, I will pass it on to the higher-ups. Don't worry, Mr. Consultant."

The commander said with a smile, and put away the tablet.

Now that evolutionary plants are appearing more and more frequently, it is indeed becoming more and more unrealistic to hide the truth from the public, and it is time to confess to the public.

But when exactly is the confession?He thought it wasn't up to him to decide.




On the rough sea, a fishing boat was moving fast, and behind them, there were huge black shadows one after another.

It can be seen by their continuous jumping body that this is a school of bluefin tuna, each of which can be sold in the market for thousands of yuan.

But at this time, the huge fishing boat completely ignored the group of banknotes swimming.

"Hurry up, these damn beasts are about to catch up, can't you hurry up?"

At the end of the fishing boat, the first mate watched the bluefin tuna approaching closely with an expression of anger and panic on his face.

"First officer, the ship has reached its limit, and there is no way to speed up."

"Yes, first officer. It's really impossible to fight with these beasts."

The crew members, who were throwing everything on the boat and didn't need anything, looked at the tuna approaching and said.

They've lost a lot of stuff, but haven't gotten the boat up yet.

"Idiot, we are made of flesh and blood, those guys are monsters, if you want to die, don't drag me along."

Hearing the words, the first officer yelled, looking at the bluefin tuna's ferocious fangs and its body like a tiger shark, his calves couldn't help trembling.

No one would have thought that the tuna that was originally in their pocket would turn into such a terrifying monster.

It shattered the speargun made of steel in one bite, it was as sharp as a sharpened blade, and took the life of their captain by leaping high.

He will never forget the image of the captain being beheaded by a bluefin tuna next to him.

These bluefin tuna are definitely no ordinary fish, they are monsters, demons crawling out of hell to avenge fishermen like them.

They can't be the opponents of this group of monsters. They can only run, run back from the open sea, and seek the help of the coast guard.


Just as he was thinking this way, there was a loud noise from the fishing boat under his feet, and then the whole fishing boat began to tremble.

Immediately, everyone slumped on the ground with an unstable center of gravity, and the first officer fell down along the railing of the boat. Fortunately, he quickly grabbed the iron railing, so he didn't roll into the sea.

"Hurry up...pull the first officer up." Seeing this scene, the crew members sitting on the ground hurriedly ran towards this side.

"Leave me alone, go and see what's going on in the cabin?"

The first mate who pulled the window rail and climbed up shouted.

"Not good, first mate."

"The bottom of the boat... was knocked out of a hole, and now the sea water is rushing into it."

As soon as his words fell, some crew members crawled out of the cabin in panic.


When the crew members who were pulling the first officer up heard this, their faces turned pale.

The bottom of the boat was broken and the sea was rushing in. This is God's death for them.

"Don't panic, go get something to block the hole, there is a water pump in the cabin, all go to start the water pump to pump out the water, as long as we run out of here, we will be saved."

"Don't forget that you still have wives and children at home. Now is not the time to despair."

The first mate got up and said, as long as the ship is not completely broken, then they still have hope of going back.

No matter what, they couldn't die at sea, they had to die on land.

"Yes, chief mate."

When the panicked crew members heard this, they acted as if they had grasped the last straw, and immediately followed the chief mate's words.

Just when they entered the cabin and tried their best to rescue the ship, a loud noise came again, and this kind of person saw a huge groove appeared on the cabin.

"No, these damn fish are still bumping."

The crew members who saw this scene couldn't help but panicked.

"Continue to block the entrance of the hole to pump water, don't be in a daze." The first mate who came down saw this scene, his calf was still trembling, but he still said calmly: "We are going to the country's territorial waters soon, and we will definitely be able to escape. , don't panic."

"puff puff"

Just after his words fell, the sound of a large area of ​​bubble explosion suddenly came from around.

Everyone who heard the voice suddenly became nervous, looking around vigilantly.

"Mate, those tunas have escaped."

At this moment, the voice of the companion came from the deck.

"What? Did those tuna run away?" Everyone in the cabin couldn't help being stunned when they heard this.

Immediately, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face:
"Great, these monsters are finally gone, and we are saved."

"Yeah, great."

"Everyone continue to fill in the hole, I'll go up to have a look." The first mate said, then walked up with strides.

Although he was very happy that this group of monsters had left, he had a faint feeling that something was wrong. These monsters were obviously going to succeed soon, so why did they run away suddenly?
"Yes, chief mate."

The crew members who heard this replied, and immediately began to strengthen the iron plate blocking the hole.

"Look over there, first mate, all the tunas have escaped, look." After the first mate got on the deck, the crew immediately pointed to the direction where the tuna swarms fled.

It was good that the monsters were finally out of their fishing boat, and they no longer had to worry about it.

"Well, I saw it." The first officer nodded while looking at the school of leaving tuna in the distance, his eyes suddenly saw the bubbles rising under the boat, and his pupils couldn't help but widen instantly.

"What's wrong with you, Chief Mate? Didn't these tuna schools leave? Why do you still look like this?" The crew asked a little puzzled when they saw this, but when they saw a huge shadow on the deck waving huge tentacles, The whole person froze.

I saw a huge squid in front of the rumbling water pump, waving tentacles as thick as the rollers of a steamroller, and fell towards their fishing boat.

Under the giant squid's tentacles, the fishing boat sank like a toy in an instant.

And at this time, the first mate finally knew why the group of tunas ran away frantically?
Because a predator higher and stronger than them is coming.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

After the huge explosion, the sea was quiet.

An hour later, a warship slowly appeared in this sea area.

"Reporting sir, no ships were found on the sea surface, but the last coordinates sent by the fishing boat are indeed correct here."

On the warship, the soldiers reported after confirming.

Two hours ago, they received a distress signal and rushed here.

But after arriving here, I found that the sea was calm and there was nothing.

"I see." The colonel nodded upon hearing this, and clenched his fists involuntarily while looking at the calm sea.

This is the case again. This is already the tenth case of missing ships this month. Since the light of evolution shined on the entire sea, it seems to have become a garden of hell, with ships disappearing anytime, anywhere.

But they can't do anything, this feeling is really aggrieved.

 Traveling through 60s, possessing He Yuzhu, the vengeful species, and under the blessing of the little master of China and the halberd-eating ghost to change the recipes, He Yuzhu rushed all the way towards the name of God of Cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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