Chapter 112 Aww~
"Dangdangdang! Xiaopangju, do you see what delicious food I brought you?"

In the exhibition room, Xu Lele jumped up to Cheng Hao and said with a smile, then took out a big watermelon from the backpack behind him.

She knew that Chubby Ju liked to eat big watermelons, so she picked one at the department's melon and fruit base before coming here.

I thought that Xiaopangju would be very happy after seeing it.

When she took out the watermelon, she realized that Xiaopangju was still staring out of the window, ignoring her intentions.

"Little fat orange, you little glutton, don't you even want to eat watermelon?" Looking at the direction Cheng Hao was looking at, Xu Lele glanced and found that there was nothing there, couldn't help but smiled and patted Cheng Hao's buttocks and said.

Little Fat Orange, what's the matter?Why staring at the empty outside in a daze?

"Aww~ (You don't understand my sadness.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao yawned and replied, it was still empty, where did the tourists go?

Could it be that he is still working hard at home to study his abilities?

But if you want him to say, don't force it if you don't have talent, why shut yourself at home if you have nothing to do?Instead, come to Tiger Garden to have a look at him and give him some chicken legs.

Where is this ability so easy to develop?If there is such a good development?The evolutionist department has long been too powerful.

"What are you talking about, you little villain? I can't understand." Xu Lele smiled and squeezed Cheng Hao's little ears when she heard this, and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss my sister? My sister misses you very much." Let my sister take a look, how much fat have you gained after not seeing you for a few days?"

After speaking, regardless of Cheng Hao's willingness or not, he began to rub his stomach with his hands.

"Aww~ (Aside from cuddling my stomach and messing up the hair on my stomach, what else can you do?)"

Cheng Hao, whose belly was being rubbed, yawned unmoved, and was used to the other party's familiar operations.

"Lele, why are you here today? Don't the newcomers in the department need your help in training?" Sister Hong'er who walked into the exhibition room greeted her with a smile after seeing her.

"Where does the department need me to train every day, don't you come to see Xiaopangju when you have time? But what's the matter with his sad look?"

After kneading her stomach, Xu Lele held Cheng Hao's paws and asked curiously, she should not have been away from Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park for a long time, but what happened to Xiaopangju like this?
Not only does she look aggrieved and doesn't say anything, why does she suddenly become so sad?
Not at all as happy as she was before she left the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"That's a long story, isn't this the announcement about the evolutionary?" Sister Hong'er put down the beef and said.

"I know, but what does this have to do with Xiaopangju being so sad?" Xu Lele asked with some doubts.

Little Fat Ju is so sad, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't make sense to follow this matter, right?How can you still be affected by this kind of thing?

"It's directly related to Xiaoju's sadness. Because after the evolutionary incident was exposed, many people were thinking at home how to become stronger and not come out. If they don't come out, won't there be no tourists in the Tiger Park?"

"And Xiaoju is a big star in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. He used to be a highly anticipated existence, but now no one comes to praise him and watch him. How can Xiaoju not be sad?"

Sister Hong'er opened her mouth to explain, not only Xiaoju was not used to it now, but she was also somewhat not used to it.

"It turns out that our little chubby orange feels that he has been left out?" Xu Lele suddenly realized when he heard this, he took out his mobile phone and started sending messages in the live broadcast group:

"Where is our little tangerine fan? Hurry up and show off, chubby tangerine is very unhappy recently."

Little Orange Fan No. [-]: What happened to our cute little chubby orange?Why are you unhappy?
Little Orange Powder No. [-]: What's up?Has anyone bullied our chubby orange yet?Tell me quickly, and I'll beat him right away.

Little Orange Fan No. [-]: Just dare to bully our cute little chubby orange and treat us as vegetarians? (angry angry)
Little Fat Orange XX: Exactly. (Super fierce and super fierce)

"Little Pang Ju was not bullied, but our little Pang Ju is aggrieved now because there are no tourists to see him."

Xu Lele watched the group friends in the group actively express their opinions, and took a picture of Cheng Hao's appearance with his mobile phone.

Xiaojufan 17 NO.[-]: Oh my God, our cute little chubby orange, how can he be wronged like this, I will buy a ticket to see him right away. (distressed)

Xiaoju Fan 15 NO.[-]: Yes, yes, it breaks my heart to see it, I can’t do it, I don’t care if other people go to see Xiaopangju, I will go to see Xiaopangju right now. (clench fist)

"Then everyone has to keep their word. If you can come, try to surprise Xiaopangju, otherwise Xiaopangju will be depressed all day long and I will be worried to death." Xu Lele continued typing.

Xiaoju Fan 30 NO.[-]: Let's make an appointment to meet Xiaopangju together.

Xiaojufen 17 NO.[-]: That's right, let's go together.Let Xiaopangju feel how much we love him.

Xiaoju Fan 60 NO.[-]: Well, everyone, remember to prepare Xiaopangju's favorite meat, let's celebrate Xiaopangju's half-year-old birthday in advance.

Xiaojufen 460 [-] No. [-]: You can have this, you can have this.Xiaopangju will be six months soon, let's go to celebrate Xiaopangju's birthday.

"Little Fat Orange, don't be so wronged, someone will come to see you soon."

After Xu Lele saw that everyone in the group started to discuss birthday celebrations, she touched Cheng Hao's round head with a smile and said:

"Everyone didn't neglect our cute little chubby orange, let alone forget it. It's just that I'm a little busy now, so I don't have time to spare."

"But you don't have to worry, little fat orange, everyone will come to see you soon."

"Aww~ (Really? When are they coming?)"

Cheng Hao, who was facing the glass window, couldn't help shaking his ears when he heard this, and immediately turned around and asked.

If the tourists don't come, he will be bored to death.

"What are you talking about, you little villain? You pretend you didn't hear it."

"Now that I hear that someone will come to see you, I don't care about you." Xu Lele muttered, stretching out her hands to pinch Cheng Hao's chubby face and complaining:

"Little bad orange, little bad orange, aren't you happy that my sister is coming to see you? Why must tourists come to see you? Are tourists as good as sisters?"

"Aww~ (Answer my question first, don't pinch my face.)"

Cheng Hao, whose face was being pinched, spoke, and stretched out his claws to slap Xu Lele's hand aside.

"You little scoundrel, thanks to my busy schedule, I took the time to come to you. I didn't expect you, a nasty little bastard, to treat me like this."

Xu Lele, whose hands were slapped away, cursed, pinched Cheng Hao's big round face again, and changed various shapes in his hands.

"Aww~ (I advise you to be kind, if you don't let go, I will bite you.)"

Cheng Hao threatened, and opened his mouth wide.

This woman is really getting more and more presumptuous, and she doesn't care if he wants to or not.

"Okay, Lele, stop teasing Xiaoju, if you continue teasing, Xiaoju will get angry."

When Sister Hong'er saw it, she stepped up and touched Cheng Hao's nose, and closed his open mouth by the way.

Then he grabbed Xu Lele and kneaded her hands, pulling her aside.

"Oh, this little rascal really can't help being teased. If you tease him twice, you'll get angry. His temper is really bad." Xu Lele muttered, shaking Sister Hong'er's hand, "Sister Hong'er, are you free now? Fang No Is it convenient for you to come with me?"

Now there are no tourists in the Tiger Park, and there are a lot of breeders in the park, so it shouldn't be necessary for Sister Hong'er to do everything.

"Huh? Did something happen to the department?" Sister Hong'er asked after hearing this. She knew that the department had been so busy recently. How could Lele have time to come and play with her?

"Aww~ (I knew you must be ordering my sister to come here, what kind of dangerous mission is it?)" Cheng Hao, who was on the side, heard it, and immediately came over.

"Some more troublesome things." Xu Lele sighed and said, "Qiangsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Sister Hong'er, I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Huh? Isn't this company in the business of health care products? What's the matter? Did they do anything?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er thought for a while, and the company's information soon appeared in her mind. According to the information, this company is quite famous in Hongtashan City.

Among them, their best-selling products seem to be elderly care products.

She remembered many of her classmates from the same period, and many of them joined this company.

At that time, the company approached their college to recruit people, saying that they wanted to train a group of breeders who would raise experimental mice and pigs.

It's just that she was very disgusted with these companies that experimented on animals at the time, so she didn't go.

"Yes, they are in the healthcare business, but that's a thing of the past."

Xu Lele said that she took out a stack of photos from her pocket and handed them to Sister Hong'er.

After Sister Hong'er took it, she couldn't help but shrink her pupils when she saw the picture on the photo.

Cheng Hao would soon discover this scene, and Cheng Hao approached with three parts curiosity and seven parts doubts.

"Huh? Is this a zombie mouse?"

Standing up, Cheng Hao looked at the photo that sister Hong'er was holding, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

These mice didn't even have any hair on their bodies, and there was meat in one place, and the bones were exposed in one place without meat, but what made people feel creepy was that these mice seemed to be still alive.

No wonder the lady breeder looks like this, this company is really awesome, what's wrong with researching?He actually started to study the zombie virus.

"Sister Hong'er, do you think this photo is scary? It's right to be scary. After the light of evolution appeared, this company started to carry out genetic modification projects." Seeing Sister Hong'er's reaction, Xu Lele didn't agree. Without much surprise, he opened his mouth and explained:

"Didn't the news about the Light of Evolution be announced recently? Many ordinary people who have not evolved are desperately looking for ways to become evolutionaries, and this company appeared at this time."

"They claim that there is a way to turn ordinary people into evolutionaries. They just need to buy the medicine produced by their company."

"It was at this time that this company came into our sight. According to the genetic evolution medicine they released, we found that this company was illegal and produced medicines without operating licenses."

"The most important thing is that the evolution medicine they released is completely different from the evolution we know. They use viruses to attack human genes and make them have to mutate, and this is the evolution they promote."

"So the reason why this mouse became like this is their masterpiece?" Sister Hong'er felt a little creepy after hearing this: "This is really terrible. How could this company become so mad? Evolution has never It’s all step by step in order to adapt to the environment.”

"They will bring disaster to the whole world by doing this."

Using this method to mutate genes is not evolution.

This is completely contrary to the word evolution. Looking at this photo, you can see what crazy things they did?
"Yes, they have already opened Pandora's magic box, and the monster is being released." Xu Lele said, and took out a stack of documents from his pocket again and handed it to Sister Hong'er, saying: "After our investigation, we found that this powerful group The behind-the-scenes boss of the limited company is a foreign bio-manufacturing company."

"They have been involved in research in this area for a long time. According to our director, this company had research in this area as early as 40 years ago, and at that time some results were obtained and applied to the human body. .”

"Many people in foreign countries have already used the genetic evolution medicine they produced and turned into half-human, half-ghost monsters."

"And these guys don't think they are a little weird, but think they are evolving."

"This is a disaster, what do I need to do?"

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er took a while to calm down and said.

"After this company was sealed up by us, we didn't find out where the genetic medicine is? So we have to ask Miss Hong'er to come out." Xu Lele explained that after they sealed up the entire company, they didn't find those medicines. Now We are trying our best to track the location of the potion.

"Um, isn't there someone in our department who can read minds? Why do you need me to help?" Sister Hong'er asked with some doubts when she heard this. There are so many talents in the department, no matter how you look at it, it seems that she doesn't need to help.

"If it was a human being who knew about this matter, of course you wouldn't need to go out, Hong'er, but the boss of this company is too cautious, and only brings his pet dog out every time."

"But this time he ran too anxiously and didn't bring his pet dog with him, and this pet dog is the only one who knows where the genetic potion is hidden, so it was Sister Hong'er who dispatched you." Xu Lele explained, He took out a stack of photos from his pocket again.

I have to say that the boss of this company is still very cautious. Knowing that there are many people with mixed ears, he only believes in a dog.

"Aww~ (Is this pocket of yours four-dimensional? How can you hold so many things?)"

Cheng Hao wasn't even half interested in what Xu Lele said. At this moment, he was more interested in how could so many things fit in the other party's seemingly small pocket?
Could it be Tinker Bell's four-dimensional pocket?
Thinking of this, Cheng Hao couldn't hold back his curiosity, and Mao Mao sneaked towards Xu Lele's pocket.

"Little Bad Orange, why are you staring at your sister's pocket? It's full of things that are not in the documents." Xu Lele, who was waiting for Hong'er sister to read the information, knocked on Cheng Hao's big button angrily when she saw it. head.

What is this little glutton staring at her pocket?Her pockets are full of important things, if they are torn, there is no place to cry.

"Aww~ (I'm just curious, why you can hold so many things in your pocket, I'm not interested in your documents.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, and finally found out why the other party's pockets could hold so many things. It turned out that the other party's two pockets were connected together.

He said how could there be such a magical space technique in the world?
"Okay, Lele." After seeing it, sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head with a smile, and handed the information to Xu Lele and said:

"I took a rough look at the information and didn't see why. Let's talk to this dog now."

"I hope this dog doesn't have a bad temper, otherwise I have no choice but to let him spit out the location where the genetic evolution potion is hidden."

Aww~ (Sister, don't worry, if this guy dares not give you face, he won't give me face. If he dares not give me face, I can only give him a big mouth.)
After Cheng Hao heard it, he said that the puppy would obediently reveal his position, because if the other party was unwilling to cooperate, he would beat the other party if he was willing to cooperate.

"Xiaoju, you are an obedient tiger, you can't be so violent, do you know?" Sister Hong'er educated after hearing this:

"If this little dog doesn't want to cooperate, just starve him for a few days. You can't beat him like this."

"Aww~ (Then let me eat one of his legs first, and eat the rest of his legs if I don't confess.)"

"Aww~ (It's okay to starve him for three days, what a waste of time?)" Cheng Hao said, a dog like this guy must be a bad guy, and feeding him food is also a waste of food, it's better to let him eat Great.

"No, Xiaoju."

"This dog is a very important evidence and cannot be given to you to eat." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao on the head and said, "Sister only allows you to scare him, but you are not allowed to eat him, you know?"

Xiaoju grew bigger and bigger, and the ferocity of the tiger gradually began to be exposed, and now it actually wants to eat medium-sized pets.

"Aww~ (Oh, oh, actually, I just said it casually just now. I am a good and civilized tiger, how could I drink blood?)" Cheng Hao immediately changed his words when he heard this.

"Sister knows that you are the most obedient, now let's help the department interrogate this little dog." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

It is a good thing that Xiaoju has a fierce nature, at least it proves that Xiaoju has not been crippled by her support.

Moreover, the original intention of the establishment of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is also to restore the Siberian tiger population and allow them to return to the wild.

"Aww~ (No problem.)" Cheng Hao nodded and replied. He understood this trick. When the young lady breeder sings a bad face, he can sing a red face.

Didn't this little dog scare him enough to confide everything honestly?
"Then let's go, sister Hong'er." Xu Lele walked up to Cheng Hao, hugged him directly and said, "Little villain, I haven't seen you for a few days, has this little villain gained a lot of weight? Now there are 120 Is it heavy?"

"Aww~ (nonsense, I'm only 110 nine o'clock two catties)" Cheng Hao, who was being hugged, argued.

Fang Ke don't want to be innocent for no reason, he is still far from 120 catties, okay?

"Sister Hong'er, what is Little Fat Ju talking about?" Xu Lele asked curiously after hearing this.

"Xiaoju said that he is not yet 120 catties, and that you are slandering him." Sister Hong'er smiled and opened the door of the exhibition room and said.

"Oh, then there must be at least 110 five catties?" Xu Lele said after hearing this, and Cheng Hao, who was cursing this time, shut his mouth.

Because he is really that heavy.

"Hahaha, did I guess the weight right? Xiaopangju, you are really fat enough." Xu Lele said with a smile after seeing this scene.

"Aww~ (It's winter now, I eat so fat to keep out the cold.)" Cheng Hao explained, I admit that I am indeed a little fat, but it's all because the weather is too cold now.

When the weather gets warmer, he must... probably lose weight.

Well, in fact, he won't be able to lose weight in spring. With his current growth rate, he will probably go straight to [-] when spring comes.

But who made him just a little tiger trying to grow up?What's wrong with the cub wanting to eat more meat?
Besides, in the animal kingdom, fatter animals are stronger, okay?You can't look at him with human eyes.

"Little Pang Ju is really fat, and when he wakes up, he collapses the kang."

Xu Lele couldn't understand Cheng Hao's words, but it didn't stop her from humming happily, carrying Cheng Hao out of the exhibition room, and went straight to Sister Hong'er's little red car.

An hour later, the little red car slowly stopped at the complex building of the Evolution Department, and quickly attracted the attention of everyone who was interviewing.

After the door of the little red car was opened, a black and yellow meat ball rolled out of the car. When it fell to the ground, it bounced twice on the ground, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

"Aww~ (A lot of people.)"

Cheng Hao, who stretched his body, was a little surprised to see the people queuing up.

I didn't expect it to take so long. After passing the department, there are still so many people queuing up. It seems that there are many evolutionaries in the whole Hongta Mountain.

"Hey! Isn't this Internet celebrity Xiaopangju? How could he appear in this place?"

"Yeah, he looks fatter than in the video."

"Yeah, he's really fat. But he's really cute."

Just as Cheng Hao was looking at the crowd, they also recognized him.

They can be said to be very familiar with this Internet celebrity from Hongtashan City. They either saw it in short videos or often saw it in their circle of friends.

But why does Chubby Orange appear here?This is their biggest question right now.

"Long time no see, little fat orange. Have you missed me recently?" Just when everyone was wondering, they saw their interviewer come out and squat down in front of Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (No, who are you?)"

Facing the person who suddenly squatted in front of him, Cheng Hao asked after a pause.

Does he know each other?Why does the other party come up with a very familiar look?Obviously he has never seen each other.

"Little Fat Ju, this is sister Butterfly from our department."

"Hurry up and call my sister, maybe she will take you to eat meat." Xu Lele who came down said with a smile, and walked towards this side.

"That's right, little fat orange, hurry up and call your sister." Diefeng said with a smile, took out a piece of pork jerky from her pocket and handed it to Cheng Hao. Cheng Hao was not polite when he saw this, and took it with his mouth open. .

"Aww~ (it's a bit soft, miss, did you not seal the jerky properly?)" After chewing two bites, Cheng Hao asked.

Normal pork jerky should be very hard, but the pork jerky the other party gave him was a bit soft, and it looked stale.

"It's good to have something to eat. Xiaoju, don't pick and choose, this time I'm not here for you to eat." Sister Hong'er who came over heard it, knocked Cheng Hao on the head and said.

"Aww~ (I'm just telling the truth, snacks like this should be sealed well.)" said Cheng Hao, who smacked his mouth, and continued to look at the butterfly bee in front of him.

He is as big as a tiger sitting here, does the other party just give a slice of pork jerky?Look at his real eyes, isn't he cute?Shouldn't I be given a few more slices?

"Hong'er, what does Little Fat Orange mean?"

The butterfly bee who squatted down could only hear the continuous sound of "Aww" coming from his ears, and couldn't understand what the little tiger in front of him was thinking at all.Sure enough, what the evolutionary creatures think in their hearts is also their language.

Using mind reading on them is useless at all, unless it is matched with a beast language.

"Sister Diefeng, why don't you even know this? Just look at the way this little glutton is licking his tongue and staring at your pocket. He asked you to feed him again." Waiting for Sister Hong'er Opening his mouth, Xu Lele said beside him.

Do you still have to guess what Xiaopangju looks like?When she thought about it with her toes, she could think of what Xiaopangju was thinking?
"Ah? Little Fat Orange, do you still want to eat pork jerky? But my sister is gone, and that was the last piece just now." After hearing this, Diefeng froze for a few seconds, then turned her pocket He came out and said, "Next time, my sister will buy a few more packs of dried pork for you, okay?"

As he said that, he touched Cheng Hao's head familiarly.

"Aww~ (Sister, she touched me.)" Cheng Hao, who was touched, expressed some displeasure, and dismissed him with a piece of dried pork. He didn't want to lose face.

He couldn't help but said to sister Hong'er at the side, hoping that the other party would let this pork jerky sister down.

"Then give her a touch. Didn't Diefeng say that I'll buy you pork jerky later?" Sister Hong'er said, dumbfounded when she heard this.

The other party has already touched Xiaoju, what can she do?You can't directly interrupt the other party in public, right?
"May I ask that senior, is Little Pang Ju also from our department?"

"That's right, does our department still raise tigers? Then can I bring my second idiot here too?"

"That's right, my Xiaobai is a bit stupid, but he's very good at enlivening the atmosphere."

Seeing this scene, the people who finished the interview asked aloud.

Seeing how familiar these seniors are with Xiaopangju, Xiaopangju must also belong to the department, right?
If this is the case, does it mean that they can also bring pets to the department?
"Although Xiaopangju is not an official member of the department, he has gone on missions with the department. You can call Xiaopangju a senior."

"In addition, if you want to bring pets to work, first of all, your pets must be evolutionary creatures, otherwise they are not allowed to bring."

Xu Lele, who heard this, explained, how could these people's cats and dogs be compared with Xiaopangju?
Let's not talk about whether Pang Ju is so cute, their combat power alone is not enough for Pang Ju to pat with his paw.

"Ah? Our name is Senior Little Fat Orange?"

"Yeah, my God, isn't it too dreamy these days?"

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but sigh.

At first, I thought that everyone was the favored child of heaven, with infinite possibilities in the future, but it turned out that this young tiger who just joined the department should be called senior?

"You guys took advantage of calling Xiaopangju senior." Diefeng heard everyone's words, stood up with a smile, and said, "Although Xiaopangju is a little tiger, his strength is very powerful in the department. .”

"People like you who weigh more than 100 kilograms, Xiaoju can shoot you more than 20 meters away with one paw, just like playing with a ball."

"I'll go, Senior Xiaoju will take me with you."

"Yes, yes, senior Xiaoju took me. My family is in the cold goods business, and I will bring you chicken legs every day."

"My relatives are pig killers. As long as Senior Xiaoju brings me, I promise to bring pork to Senior Xiaoju every day."

Everyone who heard this said one after another, so the cute little fat orange in front of me is so powerful?Hurry up and take them with you.

"Little Pangju can't take you with me, because Xiaopangju only goes on missions with Sister Hong'er." Xu Lele who was on the side saw the enthusiastic people throwing out conditions one after another, causing Cheng Hao to saliva and said: "In addition, Just to remind you, if you have nothing to do, it is best not to get close to Xiaopangju."

"Little Pangju doesn't like to get close to strangers, and when the time comes, I will be bullied by Xiaopangju, don't say I didn't remind you."

Who are these guys with?They actually got close to Xiaopangju when they came up, could they get close to Xiaopangju?
"Huh? Little Fat Ju is so fierce?" After hearing this, everyone who heard this quickly stopped their steps.

"Of course, Xiaopangju is a tiger, do you think I'm joking with you?" Xu Lele said, holding the drooling Cheng Hao into the complex building.

Don't let this group of guys stay and think about it, you must know that she got Xiaopangju, but it took a lot of effort to prevent these people from abducting Xiaopangju.

"Aww~(I'm a good tiger, I won't hurt people, do you know that this is slander? I like to make friends with those who have meat at home.)"

Cheng Hao who was being hugged cursed, how could the other party slander him for no reason?
Obviously, he was about to make friends with a group of friends whose families had mines, but the other party directly cut off his source of income.

"Stop cursing, little fat orange."

"Sister, it's all for your own good. They say those good things, but they have bad thoughts in their hearts. Only sister is the one who loves you the most, you know?"

"You're still a little tiger. You don't understand anything. You don't even understand the dangers of the human heart. So you need your sister to protect you."

Although she couldn't understand what Cheng Hao said, she still knew the tiger's swearing tone.

Chubby Ju reckoned scolding her again.

"Aww~ (And the young lady breeder will protect me, so you don't need to speak.)"

"Aww~ (Do you know how much food you caused me to lose this time?)" Cheng Hao said reluctantly when he heard the words. Originally, he only needed to stick out his tongue to harvest a carload of meat, but the other party turned out to be nice. , causing his plan to fail.

After the news got out, how can he still do business?

"Okay, stop talking, Xiaoju."

"We're not here to cheat Rourou, but we have more important things to do."

Sister Hong'er interrupted, if you don't interrupt Xiaoju, Xiaoju will probably be cursing all day long.

"Aww~ (How can it be called cheating when you love me? And I am friends with them. Isn't it normal for friends to invite each other to dinner?)"

Cheng Hao said, how could his imposing little tiger be able to deceive people?This is utter slander.

"Okay, big sister understands." Sister Hong'er sighed helplessly after hearing this.

He took out an egg from his pocket and stuffed it into the mouth of the chattering Cheng Hao, and the whole world fell silent.

But this quiet time didn't last long, and Cheng Hao spoke again:

"Aww~ (Sister, did you bring a pot of milk? The eggs are a bit dry.)"

"Bring it with you. You just need to be good and stop talking." Sister Hong'er said, then took out the baby bottle wrapped around her waist, and stuffed the pacifier into Cheng Hao's mouth.

Cheng Hao immediately started sucking the bottle with two paws.

"Sister Hong'er, did you also buy a large feeding bottle for Little Pang Ju?" Seeing this, Xu Lele, who was holding Cheng Hao, asked with a smile.

The appearance of Xiaopangju sucking the milk bottle is really fun, like a baby.

Sure enough, no matter how big a cat is, it cannot refuse the temptation of a pot of milk.

"Yes, it's not that Xiaoju licked and broke the iron basin that used to hold the basin of milk? I can only change him to a milk bottle. This way the milk will be colder, so I can take some more." Sister Hong'er said with a smile , reached out and pressed on the fingerprint inspection door, and aimed his eyes at the pupil scanner again.

"Ding! Identity confirmation is complete, welcome the breeder home."

After the sweeping of a green light, a friendly electronic sound came.

"Lele, do you want to put Xiaoju down? It doesn't seem easy for you to come in like this?" Sister Hong'er asked after walking in.

"It's okay, I can."

Xu Lele replied with a smile, supported Cheng Hao with one hand, stretched out his hand and pressed it towards the fingerprint scanner, his eyes were aligned with the pupil scanner, and soon a welcome voice came from his ear.

But it's not over yet, seeing her lift up Cheng Hao who was drinking milk.

"Aww~ (What are you doing? I'm just a little tiger, so I don't need to go through this procedure, right?)" Cheng Hao, who was swept away by the green light, was stunned.

Who can tell him what's going on, and why he has to undergo an identity test for a little tiger?

"Ding! Welcome home our cutest, handsomest and chubby little chubby orange." After the green light scanned, a familiar electronic voice came.

"Aww~(?? Why are all my messages recorded?)" Hearing this voice, Cheng Hao was a little confused, wondering why all the messages of his tiger were included?
"Has Xiaoju's information also been included?" Sister Hong'er was also a little confused.

"Yes, this is the secret place of our department. It would be bad if someone sneaks in, so no matter who comes in, identity verification must be carried out."

Xu Lele said with a smile, originally the department did not have so many inspection procedures, but if there are too many people, it is easy to make mistakes, so this kind of thing is specially set up.

The purpose is to prevent some guys from sneaking in.

"Then the commander's rabbit will also have to undergo identity verification, right?" Hearing this, Hong'er sister couldn't help but think of the German shepherd with two ears like a rabbit.

"Of course I need it." Xu Lele nodded and said, "Even if a fly comes in, it needs to check its identity, otherwise it will be like this."

Xu Lele pointed to the charred insect corpses on the ground and said.

"Aww~ (It's quite fragrant, is this roasted insects?)"

Cheng Hao, who looked in the direction Xu Lele pointed, found that the burnt insect corpses were quite fragrant, so he couldn't help but bend over and poke his head.

"Little Pangju, these bugs are inedible and they were burnt by electric shocks. Wait a minute and my sister will give you some meat to eat, okay?"

Xu Lele, who discovered Cheng Hao's behavior, said, and immediately supported Cheng Hao's head.

Xiaopangju's mouth is really greedy, he has to take two bites of everything.

But what's so delicious about this bug's corpse?Don't spoil your stomach when you eat it.

"Ooooh~ (Okay then.)" Cheng Hao, who originally planned to taste the taste of these bugs, straightened his waist when he heard this, and retracted his bent body.

Since there is meat to eat, there is no need to lose the big watermelon for this little sesame.

"Well, this is our cute little chubby orange." Xu Lele said with a smile, and walked into the door with Cheng Hao in his arms.

Everything changed after entering the electronic gate. The walls were no longer ordinary red walls, but silver-gray special metals.

On the wall, there are many small cameras with red lines, and some strange things are staring at them.

There are also small sweeping robots carrying small pistols walking back and forth on the ground.

"Lele, what are these?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously upon seeing this.

She has never been to a place like the department, and it feels very strange to come here for the first time today.

"This is the second secret line of defense in our department. The first is to verify the identity, but those can be faked. So the second inspection process is needed. These are motion capture micro-robots, they will capture the movements and expressions of the entrants , Observe whether they are wearing human skin masks, fake eyes and other objects?"

"Once they find out, the passage will be closed immediately, and the laser on the wall will instantly sieve the intruder." Xu Lele explained.

(End of this chapter)

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