Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 124 The early tiger has fish to eat, of course the fish think so too

Chapter 124 The early tiger has fish to eat, of course the fish think so too

"Xiaoju, you are late today."

At the entrance of the cafeteria in Huyuan, the uncle chef who was playing with the crows looked at Cheng Hao who came running and said with a smile.

It's already at this point, why did Xiaoju come here?He finished his breakfast.

"Aww~ (I was surrounded by a group of tourists, so I was delayed on the road for some time.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard the words, looking at the empty cafeteria and asked: "Aww~ (Did you save my eggs for me? ah?)"

Isn't the reason why I got up so late today because I cleaned up those two thieves last night?Otherwise, he would come to the cafeteria on time every morning.

Don't tell him his eggs are taken away by other guys, they are his eggs.

"What are you talking about, Xiaoju? Uncle, I don't understand."

"But if you come so late next time, I won't leave any eggs for you."

The uncle chef who heard Cheng Hao say a lot said, what the hell is Xiaoju talking about?Without Xiaohong translating here, he couldn't understand a single word.

"Aww~ (I will definitely come on time next time. Give me the eggs quickly. Uncle.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard the words.

"Come with me, you little glutton."

The uncle chef smiled when he saw it, and got up to fetch eggs for Cheng Hao.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately followed with small steps.

"Wow~ (This little chubby orange seems to have gained weight recently.)"

"Wow~Wow (Yeah, look at him, he's almost fat like a kiwi.)"

The flying crows said after seeing it, looking at Cheng Hao who ran past Pidiandian, feeling a lot of pressure in his heart.

They were not the tiger's opponents, but the tiger is still getting stronger, but they have been standing still, which really makes them uncomfortable.

"Xiao Hong, what do you think of the construction of this tiger house?"

In the newly built site of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the director looked at a small concrete house and asked sister Hong'er.

This is one of the most remote places in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongtashan, and it has reached the edge of the tiger park.

The disadvantage is that it is too remote, and you have to drive a small red car to come here.

The advantage is that the site here is very large, allowing the animals to live quietly.

"That's right, the venue is quite big. And the environment is very quiet. Which tiger are you going to let come over, Director?" Hong asked after looking around.

Since the tiger park took over the right to use the surrounding wasteland, the director has drastically expanded the entire tiger park, dividing each tiger into its own independent territory.

This makes the tigers very happy. After all, they have high IQs now, and after they have their own territory.

I can do what I want to do without being disturbed by the outside world.

Moreover, it is also beneficial for the tigers to disperse. It can protect the entire periphery of the tiger park and prevent the animals coming out of the zoo from escaping.

But the Haohu Garden site is almost built, and all the tigers have lived in their own sites. Who prepared such a large space as the head of the garden?

"I'm going to let that naughty guy live here. That little villain didn't do anything serious. He broke the concrete fence this time. I don't know what to do next time." The principal said. soundtrack.

Xiaoju is now six months old, and it's time for him to live alone.

After all, Xiaoju can hurt people like this at such a young age, if she grows up a bit?There's no guarantee that Xiaohong won't be hurt.

Even if Xiaoju didn't do it on purpose, his strength is not something humans can bear in daily interactions.

So, after thinking twice.He decided to let Xiaoju live here.

"Um, isn't it too early? Xiaoju is still young." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

Xiaoju is still a baby now, so it's really okay to leave him here?
And Xiaoju is used to it in the dormitory now, will there be any problems if he is replaced rashly?
"Xiaoju is not young, Xiaohong, you can't really let him stay in the dormitory for the rest of his life."

"When you go back later, you can talk to Xiaoju about it. I think Xiaoju will accept it more easily if you tell me about it." The director said, and then got on the sightseeing bus.

He hopes that every tiger born in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park will thrive and have the ability to live in the wild.

It is not a sightseeing spot for people to appreciate in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

After all, to expand the tiger population and restore the number of tigers in the wild is the purpose of their establishment of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"I see, Director." Sister Hong'er nodded after hearing that.

It's time to let go again, it seems that she needs to keep a distance from Xiaoju in the future, and she can't let Xiaoju depend on her too much.

And this is what she experienced when raising Doudou.

But I don't know why this time it will be more reluctant.

"Well, as long as you understand. Let's go back."

The head of the park smiled and nodded and said, stepping on the gas pedal, the sightseeing car headed towards the front of the tiger park.

"Good morning, little fat orange, did you get up so early today?"

Cheng Hao was lying at the entrance of the cafeteria basking in the sun leisurely, when Ah Guang's voice came to his ears, he raised his head and saw a human-shaped giant panda looking at him, he couldn't help laughing immediately : "Aww~(You haven't slept all night? Why are you like this?)"

Look at the other party's messy hair, which can be used as a nest for crows, and it's perfect to match those eyes.

Did the other party not sleep at night, or did he say that he did, but did not sleep completely?

"Xiaoguang, what's the matter with you? Did you steal chickens at night?" The uncle chef couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"No, it's just that I had a headache from thinking about songs last night, so I didn't sleep well." A Guang yawned and said, "Uncle, is there anything else to eat in the cafeteria at this time?"

"Yes, there are porridge, steamed buns, steamed buns, pimples and soup. What do you want to eat?" The chef uncle said with a smile, and got up from his chair to get him.

"Little Pangju, you are basking in the sun here, I will come to play with you later." Ah Guang said to Cheng Hao after seeing him.

So he walked to follow the chef uncle, and he was really starved to death.

I don't know where those guys went, and I don't just know to prepare some food for him, really.

"Aww~ (Come on, go, I've reserved a place for you, you can just come and lie down and sleep later.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, waving his paws.

It is so comfortable to bask in the sun in winter, without the noise of tourists and whether you can smell the aroma of food, this kind of life is really comfortable.

"Is it comfortable for Xiaoju to bask in the sun? Do you want to go to a bigger place to bask?"

After Sister Hong'er came, she saw Cheng Hao who was shaking his paws, and came up to ask with a smile.

"Aww~ (bigger place?)" Cheng Hao was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, it's very big there. You can play freely, and there are few people, so it's very quiet." Sister Hong'er knelt down and touched Cheng Hao's big round head and said.

"Aww~(Sounds like a good place, I'm just looking for a quiet place to hide, what about those annoying tourists, sister quickly take me there.)" Hearing that there is such a good place in Tiger Park , Cheng Hao said impatiently.

"Okay, Xiaoju, come with my sister." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and took Cheng Hao to her new home.

"No one, and no one here."

"Very well, you can go this way."

Cheng Hao leaned against the foot of the wall, looked left and right, and jumped out with a sigh of relief when he saw that there were no tourists here.

When none of the tourists came, he admitted that he really missed them a little bit. When they came, he realized that these guys might as well not come.

All the noisy people who wanted to touch him without bringing presents really made him bear it. Now, in order to avoid these guys, he had to check around before coming out.

"Xiaoju, what are you doing? Are you playing peek-a-boo?"

Sister Hong'er saw this and asked with a smile while holding her chin.

"Aww~ (No! I'm hiding from those tourists, they are so unqualified, they always block my way.)" Cheng Hao shook his head and said, following closely behind Sister Hong'er, using Sister Hong'er to cover her Hold yourself so that no one will see you.

"Really? It seems that you are really terrified."

Sister Hong'er couldn't help chuckling when she heard the words.

"Aww~ (Of course, I just want to find a place to lie down quietly.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and licked his lips while looking at the surrounding fence.

There are actually sika deer in the tiger garden. It seems that they live a good life, and all of them are fat and strong.

You can see that the quality of the meat is very good. I don’t know if there is a chance to have a bite. Speaking of which, he has never tasted venison.

"Xiaoju, take your saliva away. These sika deer are raised by the head of the garden. If the head of the garden sees you like this, he will drag you to Hude education again." Sister Hong'er saw this. He reminded, looking at Xiaoju's salivating look, he almost had "eating deer" written on his face.

If the head of the garden sees this, he will definitely take Xiaoju to give him a tiger education, and warn him not to do anything to the animals in the tiger garden.

At that time, Xiaoju might have to pretend to be sick and escape again.

"Aww... (The headmaster is feeding you? Forget it.)"

Hearing that these sika deer were being fed by the head of the park, Cheng Hao quickly sucked his saliva back.

He would have some ideas about changing someone else for this group of sika deer, but if it was the head of the park, then forget it.

Compared with venison, he didn't want to listen to the director's chanting.

"Haha, as long as you know."

Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing and said, as expected, the name "Director" is still very intimidating, Xiaoju was scared away when she heard it.

"Aww~ (Who made the director so verbose?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering, he was not afraid of physical attacks, but he really couldn't withstand the director's mental attacks.

As long as the director's mental attack can make people collapse.

"Who told you to be so mischievous? If you don't mistreat the principal, won't you be dismissed?" Sister Hong'er scolded with a smile. If Xiaoju hadn't been mischievous, how could the principal have held him to educate him?
"Aww~ (I didn't make trouble, I'm a tiger with Hude in the Tiger Garden.)" Cheng Hao retorted after hearing this.

"Oh, so who is destroying the vegetation in the Tiger Park?" Sister Hong'er asked aloud, she still remembered the incident of Xiaoju destroying the vegetation.

Xiaoju dared to say that she had never caused trouble.

"Aww~ (That's not destruction, I'm eradicating evolutionary plants to protect your safety, sister.)" Cheng Haowen said righteously, instead of having his protection, how can the Tiger Garden be so peaceful?How can this be called destruction?

"Well, even if it is like this."

"Then what about Xiaoju who scratched the wall?" Sister Hong'er continued to ask, Xiaoju scratched the wall of the director's dormitory.

"Aww~ (I did it to sharpen my claws to better protect you, sister.)" Cheng Hao replied, and of course he couldn't say it if he wanted to get revenge on the director for tearing his bed.

If he speaks out, then the director will have to educate him about the tiger's thinking again.

"You little villain, you have excuses no matter what you say." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao on the head angrily and said, "Sister wants to tell you bad news. From today on, you little villain, I have to go out of my sister's dormitory and sleep."

"Aww~ (Why? I didn't go to sleep on your sister's bed, but I stayed by the refrigerator very honestly.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this.

If he moved out of the dormitory of the breeder's sister, what would he do if he was hungry in the middle of the night?

"Because you are growing up now and will soon enter the sub-adult stage."

"If you stay in my sister's room any longer, my sister won't even have a place to move her feet, so you have to move out." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "Otherwise, you still want to stay here forever." Sleeping in my sister's dormitory? You have to grow up."

"Don't worry, my sister just doesn't accompany you at night, and she will come to see you when she is free during the day."

Xiaoju was not particularly excited, which is a good thing.

Otherwise, if Xiaoju gets too excited, she really won't be able to persuade her.

"Aww~ (but I'm still young, I'm prone to get hungry at night.)" Cheng Hao muttered, it's not a big deal to sleep by himself, the main reason is that he's so hungry at night.

At night, let him jump out of the fence to find food in the cold storage?

"Well, you little rascal, I thought you were reluctant to part with my sister, but I didn't expect you, a little rascal, to be reluctant to part with the food in my sister's refrigerator." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Haoyuan's head with her backhand and cursed, this little heartless, thanks to her I also worry that the other party will be very reluctant.

As a result, the little villain only cared about the food in the refrigerator from the beginning to the end.

"Aww~ (Who said that? I can't bear my sister, let alone my sister's refrigerator. It's because the refrigerator belongs to my sister, so I can't bear it.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao, who was slapped on the head, quickly opened his mouth to make amends.

He's just a little tiger, what's wrong with wanting to eat more?Why does the lady breeder even care about this?

"You little rascal, have you learned to speak glibly now?" After hearing this, sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's little ear angrily and said, "Sister won't do what you do, you little rascal just can't forget it." The food in my sister's refrigerator."

"Aww~ (Then... will my sister bring me food tonight?)" Cheng Hao asked, since he was found out, he stopped pretending. He was really reluctant to part with the food in the refrigerator of the young lady breeder.

So, Miss Breeder, will you give him something to eat at night?
"I'll give it to you, don't worry. You little glutton." Sister Hong'er said angrily, "If you don't give this little scoundrel food to eat, won't the cafeteria and cold storage suffer?"

Xiaoju is so powerful, the fence alone can't stop him, what if he's hungry?He can turn the canteen and cold storage upside down.

In order to keep the cafeteria and the cold storage, he must bring some food over every time the sun goes down.

"Aww~ (That's good, that's good.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as there is food to eat, other things don't matter.

It's also good to stay in a remote place. He has been staying in the dormitory of the breeder's sister, and he can't continue to become stronger.

After all, every time you make some noise, it may wake up the other party.

This made it impossible for him to leave the tiger garden and find the evolved plants to absorb the power of purification.

"What's so good? If you have something to eat, you little villain would be willing to let go of your sister, right?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, Xiaoju is really a heartless tiger.

As soon as he heard that there was something to eat in the evening, he immediately threw her aside.

"Aww~ (No, I just said it's good to see my sister before going to bed every day.)" Cheng Hao replied with his face pinched.

It is also a troublesome thing for the breeder's sister to understand what he said.

There are other guys that are so easy to kill.

"It's not too bad, let's go, my sister will show you your new place, it won't be as noisy as here." Sister Hong'er let go of her hand and said after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Mmm.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and followed after hearing this, and soon arrived at his new home.

"Come in, Xiaoju. From today onwards, this will be your new home." Sister Hong'er pushed open the iron gate and said, pointing to the cement house beside her.

"Aww~ (The place is quite big, mainly because it is very quiet.)"

Cheng Hao who came in looked at the new home for a while, then nodded in satisfaction. Although the new house is only a few square meters, it is enough for him to live in. The most important thing is that it is so quiet here that he can sleep in late.

Moreover, his place belongs to the outermost side of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, so it is very convenient to get out of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

Don't worry about being discovered by the breeder's sister and the head of the garden. If you want to eat more at night, you may be able to go out to hunt by yourself.

"Yes." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, patted his head and led him to the big sandpit ahead: "This is Xiaoju's toilet, you can go to the toilet here in the future."

"Aww~! (Is there a super-large cat litter box? Not bad, it looks like the new home is okay.)" Cheng Hao, who scraped the sand with his paws, said with satisfaction, although he said he changed the place, but this place is pretty good .

"In addition, there is a swimming pool here, but it is winter and there is no water. Remember to be careful when you walk, and don't fall." Sister Hong'er walked to the big pit not far away and said, since the expansion of the Hongta Mountain Sierra Tiger Park After the expenses were paid by the department, the head of the garden really added everything that should be added, except for raising a group of wild boars here.

"Aww~ (There is also a swimming pool? Yes! Then I can take a bath here in summer.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao became even happier. In the hot summer, what makes you happier than taking a bath of it?
"Well, the director plans to grow watermelons in your place by then."

"In this way, when the time comes, we in Huyuan won't have to go outside to buy watermelons." Sister Hong'er continued.

"Aww~ (666, the grandfather of the garden director is really very thoughtful.)" Cheng Hao admired, planting watermelon here, then he can eat watermelon while taking a bath.

Don't live a happy life then.

"Yes, so you little rascal can live here properly." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, looked at the trees in the fence and urged:

"There are groves for you to enjoy the shade over there, remember not to bite them off, those are not evolutionary plants."

"Aww~ (Understood, I won't bite them.)"

In the scorching summer, he was still counting on enjoying the shade under these trees. Wouldn't it be harming others and not benefiting himself to bite them off?
"That's good, then Xiaoju, you can bask in the sun and sleep here, and my sister will bring you your mat." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, as long as Xiaoju is satisfied with this place.

Now you can go and bring Xiaoju's things to him.

"Aww~ (Sister, walk slowly.)"

Cheng Hao nodded when he heard this, and jumped onto the concrete roof to bask in the sun.

This new home looks very good so far, it is very suitable for him to fish here.

The most important thing is that it is quiet enough here that he can sleep well.

"Got it, you little slob."

Sister Hong'er said angrily, then walked away.

"Aww~ (Today is a good day...)" Cheng Hao shook his paws and spread his belly to absorb more sunlight.

"Xiaohong, how is the situation? Does Xiaoju like her new home?"

After Sister Hong'er left, the director of the garden came to her in a sightseeing car.

"Well, Xiaoju likes it very much."

Sister Hong'er nodded and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory to get him a mat now."

"Really? That would be great." The principal said with a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

He was really worried that Xiaoju would not want to leave the dormitory, and now he was relieved to hear that Xiaoju liked the new home.

"Well, director, if you arrange Xiaoju here? Are you worried that tourists won't be able to find Xiaoju?" Sister Hong'er asked at this point. Although it is said that this year is the Year of the Tiger, the Tiger Garden will usher in Lots of tourists.

But there are still many tourists who come here specifically for Xiaoju. Now that the director has arranged Xiaoju in such a bumpy place, is there really no problem?

"No, you can just tell them in the live broadcast."

"Those who really pay attention will not care about this point of the road, and those who don't pay attention will not go so far to see it." The director said with a smile, keeping Xiaoju and tourists at an appropriate distance, which is for Xiaoju It's also a layer of protection.

No tiger can go on forever, and it will eventually return to mediocrity.

Let Xiaoju get used to all this earlier, there is no harm for Xiaoju.

"En." Sister Hong'er nodded her head when she heard the words, and the sightseeing car slowly disappeared on the road of Huyuan.

"Aww~ (Oh! What time is it now?)"

Under the dark night, Cheng Hao yawned and walked out of the den.

Although the new home is a bit deserted, there are not so many noisy sounds, and it is really comfortable to sleep.

He almost overslept and forgot what he had to do tonight.

The night is beautiful, perfect for doing some sneaky things.

Looking at the six-meter-high fence in front of him, Cheng Hao jumped over it easily with both hands and feet.

Let him take a look at what's around the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, shall we?Hope to have a good harvest tonight.

Walking in small steps on the weedy wasteland for a while, Cheng Hao soon heard the sound of water flowing in his ears, and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a big river appearing in front of him , divided the front land into two pieces.

Lush trees grow on both sides of the river.

But none of this is the main reason that attracted Cheng Hao's attention. What really attracted him was a fat crocodile in the weed pile by the river.

Yes, Fat Alligator.

He checked again and again before he was sure that the one in front of him was not a fat frog, let alone a fat-headed fish, but a fat crocodile that looked like a frog whose tail hadn't faded.

Although the fat crocodile appearing on the snow-covered grass sounds a bit outrageous, but what era is it now?Also relieved.

After all, Cheng Hao remembered that in his previous life, he had seen many people raising crocodiles. The most outrageous thing was that the crocodiles were raised too big in the dormitory and abandoned in the school pond.

So I was not too surprised to see a crocodile appearing in the snow today.

After all, even bears do not hibernate in the winter these days, and it is not difficult for a crocodile to appear in the ice and snow
In addition, as the old saying goes, all fish are taken care of by cats, and crocodiles are of course no exception.

With three parts excitement and seven parts cautious, Cheng Hao bent down cautiously.

This is his first hunt outside Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, he must not fail, and he still counts on this crocodile for extra food.



Under the dark night, Cheng Hao's sound of stepping on the snow was completely covered by the sound of running water.

He quickly touched the crocodile, but he didn't dare to pounce immediately.

Instead, he turned around and walked along the river bank. As long as the fat crocodile didn't run into the water, he still had a second chance to attack, but if he ran into the water, there was nothing he could do. Got it.

After all, he has never been in the water since he came to this world.

I have never been in the river in winter, so I can't guarantee that after I run into the river, will I become the other party's prey?

Therefore, after making sure to seal the fat crocodile's way back into the water, it quietly approached the grass where the fat crocodile was lying.

But when he was about to approach, the lying fat crocodile suddenly woke up. When he saw Cheng Hao who was approaching him, he immediately opened his bloody mouth and rushed forward.

Cheng Hao quickly dodged the opponent's sneak attack with a jump, looked at the long gully left by the opponent on the ground, and couldn't help cursing in his heart:

"I'm going! Boy, pretend to be sleeping and want to sneak up on me?"

Sure enough, there are still many old six in this world. He thought he was a hunter, but he didn't expect this fat crocodile to be older than him.

Fortunately, he didn't rush straight up just now, but chose to approach slowly, otherwise, what if he was tough?Maybe it is really possible to suffer, this fat crocodile said.

"Um~oh (don't hide, little guy, you are looking for me? Why are you hiding so fast?)" The fat crocodile looked at Cheng Hao and said, what a fat little cat, especially That round head looks like a lot of meat.

It's a pity that this little cat's head couldn't be twisted off with one blow, otherwise, he could continue to lie down without eating for a long time.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he is given another chance, he will definitely be able to catch this little cat.

And what he needs to do now is to irritate the little cat as much as possible, so as not to let him run away.

"Aww~ (I can't help it, your mouth is too stinky, if I don't avoid it, I will be stunned by you.)" Cheng Hao returned with small steps, and continued to block the return of the fat crocodile. road.

After finally finding an evolved big fat crocodile, he could run away, and the other party was the source of his strength and filling his stomach.

We must find a way to keep him on the ground as much as possible.

"Um~oh (really? Then little cat, you won't feel smelly when you enter my stomach.)" Hearing this, the fat crocodile moved its four-meter-long body and stood ready to attack at any time.

This little cat is more flexible than him, but fortunately his weight is more dominant, as long as he can bite him, everything will be over.

"Aww~ (I think your stomach is a bit too small for me to go in, but my stomach is quite big, you can go into my stomach and have a look.)" Seeing the fat crocodile move its body, Cheng Hao's sharp nails immediately popped out.

This big fat crocodile's movements are not fast, which is a good thing. He only needs to beware of the opponent's pigs flying fast, and that move is considered a relatively powerful move for him.

As for the others, he didn't pay attention to them at all. After all, this is land now, and the opponent's death roll doesn't work, and he might not lose to Fang Fang when it comes to teeth and bite force.

His only weakness is that he is not as heavy as the opponent, and he may suffer a disadvantage after launching a charge.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't intend to fight head-on with the opponent, just avoid the opponent's charge and bite any part of the opponent's body, then this crocodile will become his dinner.

Who made the other party an evolutionary creature?And when he cleans up the evolutionary creatures, that's called one clean-up.

"Uh oh~ (Really? Let's see who gets into whose belly, shall we?)" the fat crocodile said, and suddenly rushed towards Cheng Hao with his bloody mouth open.

With such a short distance, he is confident that he will kill with one blow.

Even if the opponent runs away again, they will not be able to escape his attack range.

"It's now!" Seeing the fat crocodile rushing towards him with its bloody mouth open, Cheng Haoshen waved his claws and slapped it out.


After the paw touched the crocodile's wide open mouth, a large piece of flesh and blood was brought up, and white bone residue flew out in the splashed blood.

The crocodile with its bloody mouth wide open, its eyes widened suddenly due to the pain. He never thought that with his huge size and charging at close range, he would not be able to withstand the paw of the little cat in front of him.

In an instant, great fear enveloped his whole body, and the fat crocodile subconsciously wanted to run away, but the second pair of claws immediately interrupted his fantasy.

The fat crocodile only felt a pain in the head, and his eyes appeared in the mud.

Before he could think about it, something more frightening happened. He found that his strong body became weak, and his control over his body became less and less.

"Is this crocodile actually puffy? I thought it was so powerful."

Cheng Hao, who was biting the head of the fat crocodile, was a little disappointed. He had prepared several plans to deal with the fat crocodile, but the fat crocodile was only capable of this. Did not flutter up.

If it weren't for this fat crocodile under his mouth now?He was about to wonder if this fat crocodile was up to some tricks or tricks?

"Uh oh... (help... help)"

Feeling the gradual passing of life, the fat crocodile struggled feebly, but in the end it didn't achieve any results.

His huge body quickly stiffened in the wind and snow.

"Is it over so soon? It's a waste of such a heavy weight." Feeling the fat crocodile under the mouth, the body gradually lost its temperature.

Cheng Hao broke open his belly with his sharp claws, and after throwing away some of the garbage inside, he bit the fat crocodile's body weighing hundreds of kilograms and walked towards the tiger garden.

Although it is said that tigers will eat the internal organs of their prey first in the wild, it is because tigers need to supplement various nutrients in the wild to do so.

But he is different. He lives so comfortably in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. The keeper’s sister will give him vitamin tablets and other things from time to time. He doesn’t need these dirty things. He sees Only the flesh of this fat crocodile is in it.

This fat crocodile is really fat, and it takes a lot of effort to drag it. Fortunately, he is a strong little tiger with strong jaws, otherwise he really couldn't drag this big guy.

Speaking of which, the breeder sister seems to have never eaten crocodile meat, so she happened to take the big fat crocodile back later and share some crocodile meat with the young lady.

By the way, let's see if I can peel off a complete skin and give it to the breeder's sister. It is said that it will be Chinese New Year soon, and he has nothing to give to the breeder's sister.

This big fat crocodile really came too timely.

"This... what is this?" Just when Cheng Hao dragged the big fat crocodile, thinking about how he should peel off his skin completely?
The security guards in the surveillance room watched, the images on the surveillance were completely dumbfounded, who could tell them when the little fat orange ran out?And what happened to Xiaopangju dragging a crocodile three or four times bigger than himself?
wait a minute?Why do they have such a big crocodile in a place like this?This is something outrageous.

"What are you doing?" Just when they were in a daze, the security captain asked aloud.

Because there were thieves in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden twice, he enjoyed a lesson from the head of the garden this morning.

And this education class lasted all morning, and his head was about to burst from listening to it.

As for when he came back, there was still a magic voice lingering in his ears, and the director's words kept coming out.

For this reason, he secretly made up his mind to strictly control the discipline of his subordinates.

After all, the two accidents were caused by the poor supervision of his subordinates, and this time he woke up in the middle of the night for surprise inspections.

Then he saw his subordinates Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang looking at the monitor screen with their mouths wide open.

"Boss, hurry up and take a look at this." Xiao Zhang hurriedly said after seeing who was coming.

"That's right, you can't believe what Boss said, you have to come and have a look." Xiao Wang followed up after hearing the words.

"What's the matter? What's the fuss about, your boss, I've traveled all over the world, have you seen anything?" Hearing this, the security captain said indifferently.

Then he saw on the surveillance screen, a chubby little tiger biting an animal three or four times his size and climbing the barbed wire fence.

The point is that this little tiger managed to kill this big crocodile outrageously.

"How about it, boss, you must have never seen this scene before, right?"

"That's right, Boss. Little Fat Orange is really outrageous, such a big crocodile can move in its mouth."

Seeing their boss showing the same surprised expression as them, the two said with a smile.

"Is this the time for you two to be surprised? Hurry up and watch the surveillance for me. I have to go and talk to the director about this." The security captain said angrily. crocodile?This is not a good thing.

I have to report it to the director immediately, lest the director say that he has neglected his duties and only realizes later when something happens.

"Yes, boss."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang nodded and continued to stare at the monitor.

After seeing Cheng Hao landing steadily with the fat crocodile in his mouth, he still couldn't believe what he saw.

This year is really outrageous, such a small tiger can catch such a big crocodile, it is really a dream.

"Mr. Director, can you hear me? I have something to report to you."

The captain who left the monitoring room rode his bicycle and came to the door of the director's dormitory and knocked on the door.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? You came to find me in the middle of the night." The director who was awakened by the knock on the door got up and opened the door and asked.

"Director, Xiaoju has caught a big crocodile from the outside and came back." After seeing the door open, the security captain didn't talk nonsense, and started reporting directly.

"What? Xiaoju caught a crocodile back?" Hearing this, the head of the park couldn't help being a little surprised: "Where did Xiaoju catch it? Is it our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park? No, there are no crocodiles in our tiger park." ah."

Can Xiaoju actually hunt alone?This is a good thing.

It proves that Xiaoju can guarantee her survival even after returning to nature.

But where did the crocodile come from?They are not suitable for crocodiles to live here.

"Xiaoju should have caught it from the river near the Tiger Garden. Besides there, we have no other place to hide the crocodile here." The security captain said after thinking about it. He watched Xiaoju come from the surveillance camera. The directions are from the river and there is nothing wrong with that.

If nothing else happened, the unlucky crocodile should have been caught in the riverside community.

As for why there are crocodiles by the river?In fact, it is not difficult to understand, it is estimated that some other wise man released the life again.

"Well, it looks like that."

The director nodded and said, "Let's go, just to see how big a crocodile Xiaoju caught? By the way, are there any crocodiles by the river?"

(End of this chapter)

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