Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 140 I'm just a little tiger, I don't have the power to destroy the world

Chapter 140 I'm just a little tiger, I don't have the power to destroy the world
Under the moonlight, a chubby tiger looked at them with a big head as round as the moon.

Seeing the familiar face of the other party, several people recognized this tiger in an instant. It was the big singer Xiaopangju who was well known by everyone, and it was the target of the Bone Dragon team to clean up.

But now that the Bone Dragon team is finished, and looking at the aura emitted by the opponent standing here, they subconsciously thought of the reason.

The bone dragon team dared to do something to such a horrible creature, it was really not wronged.

"Captain, I'm back."

At this moment, the little monkey appeared on a treetop not far away, swinging a branch.


The three-headed lizard couldn't help but change his face when he heard this. He didn't expect the little monkey to come back at this time, so their team was really wiped out now.

"What's the matter? Captain."

"What are you all around?"

The little monkey that swung down from the treetop still doesn't know what happened now?Walked over curiously.

Captains, what are you doing besieging the city together?It's so strange.

"Master Tiger, this is our team member Monkey." The three-headed lizard smiled awkwardly when the little monkey king came over.

"Yes, yes, he is a little monkey. A mutant who is not a threat." The other three also laughed.

"Aww~ (I don't care if he is a little monkey or a little pig, as long as he dares to make a move, I will immediately send him to play in the sky.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, turned around and walked towards the river.

Seeing this, the three-headed lizard and others hurriedly followed.

They didn't dare to have any thought of escaping at all, otherwise, the bone dragon team would be a lesson for them.

They don't think that they and others will be more powerful than everyone in the bone dragon team, and can escape from a tiger.

"This...isn't this?" The little monkey who came to the side of the giant was about to say something after seeing the figure walking slowly wagging its tail.The big bear on the side covered his mouth: "This is the mighty, domineering, ferocious king of beasts, Lord Tiger."

"Yeah, he's so strong and tall, he can tear my ass apart with a single swipe of his paws." Ajia followed suit, his two paws trembling uncontrollably.

I'm afraid that the little monkey will say something that shouldn't be said, after all, now their lives are in the hands of each other, and if they are not careful, they may be the same as the bone dragon team.

"Yuan... so it's Lord Tiger? You're a little blind, a little blind." Feeling that the big bear's voice was trembling, how could the little monkey still not understand what was going on?He stammered hastily.

"Aww~ (Don't flatter me here, just come with me.)" Hearing the flattering words of these guys and aunts, Cheng Hao said angrily.

The tail hooked towards them, telling them to roll over quickly.

Is he the one who is so easy to be flattered and happy?What do these guys take them for?
"Okay, ok, Mr. Tiger. We're coming right now." The three-headed lizard and others who saw this scene replied, and immediately chased after him.

After a while, he followed Cheng Hao to the bank of the river.

"Aww~ (Big Octopus, are you there? If you are, how about coming out and helping me bring some guys across the river?)"

Cheng Hao stood on the bank of the river and shouted, his voice rang along the river bank.

"Is Lord Tiger talking to the animals in the river? Or is he clearing his throat here?" The little monkey asked curiously after seeing this scene.

After knowing the other party's identity, he didn't dare to underestimate the little tiger in front of him. This was the existence that could kill them with a single slap.

"Maybe he is planning to drink water? After all, he has traveled so far." Big Bear licked his lips and said, to be honest, he also wants to drink water now.

After walking so far, plus he is so nervous now, his lips are abnormally dry.

"I think it's better for you not to have such thoughts. The water in this river is not so delicious." The three-headed lizard said after seeing it, staring at the rushing river with one head, thinking I couldn't help but panic, as if I saw some terrible monster coming out?

"There seems to be a big guy in the river..."

Ahao hunched over, his clothes were bulging again.

The sharp thorns pierced his already unstable clothes to pieces.

"Calm down, okay? Don't be so excited, you're about to stab my ass." Big Bear said again, his face darkened.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't do it on purpose." Ahao said, moving his body forward, and buried his head even deeper.



While they were talking, a huge figure exploded from the water and slowly appeared.



Seeing the huge creature coming out of the water, the three-headed lizard and the others suddenly had huge mouths in fright, and sweat dripped desperately like they didn't want money.

Thinking that they were walking slowly on such a wide river just now, they felt as if they had escaped from the scythe of death.

"Puff~ (Tiger, did you finish off those guys? Why did you come back so soon?)"

The big octopus who only felt like taking a nap in the river asked, it doesn't seem like a long time has passed, right?Why did the tiger come back? It was much faster than he imagined.

"Aww~ (I originally wanted to get rid of these guys, but they begged for mercy too fast, and you know I can't stand begging for mercy, so I mercifully spared their lives and prepared to kill them. They took them back and handed them over to my sister." Cheng Hao said, pointing with his tail at the shivering guys behind him.

"How are you, Mr. Octopus?"

"Yeah, the moonlight is really good today, Mr. Octopus."

The three-headed lizard and the others who were pointed at quickly opened their mouths and greeted them.

The tiger master brought them to the river, maybe he wanted to give them to the big octopus to eat, if so, then they would be finished.

So they are doing well now.

"Pfft puff~ (It turned out to be like this, then let me help you take them there.)"

Hearing the big octopus here nodded and said, it stretched out its tentacles and grabbed them.

"Master Octopus, what are you doing? We promise honestly that we won't run around."

"Yes, yes, just let us go, okay? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

The mountain lizard and others caught by the big tentacles cried, is their life over?

Mom, save them.

If there is an afterlife, they must change their minds and be good people.

"Puff~(What are these guys doing? I didn't say I wanted to eat them. Why are they crying so much?)" The big octopus, whose hands were stained with tears and snot by these guys, felt very inexplicable. .

He wasn't going to eat them, so why cry so sadly?

"Aww~ (Maybe they have some brain problems, let's go across the river first, leave them alone.)" Hearing the crying of these guys, Cheng Hao said, waving his paws.

"Puff~ (OK.)" The big octopus nodded upon hearing this, and led them across the river.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, you guys, the octopus doesn't seem to be planning to eat us, he just wants to take us across the river." After crying for a long time, he found that the big octopus just raised his hand to take them across the river, and The three-headed lizard, who had no intention of stuffing them into its mouth and eating them, hurriedly shouted at the other team members.

"Really?" The little monkey heard the words, looked at the cold river under his feet, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Really, this uncle octopus really doesn't plan to eat it, we just take us across the river."

"Great, I thought my life was over like this." The others who also found that they had nothing to do also said happily.

"Master Tiger is really amazing, to be able to make such a powerful friend as Mr. Octopus." Hearing the voices of the team members, the three-headed lizard quickly said flattering.

Being able to step on the head of such a powerful big octopus shows how powerful this Tiger Lord is?At least it is the top predator in this area.

"That's right, that's right. Praise the great Tiger Lord, praise the strong Octopus Master." Others who heard these words quickly echoed, and their loud voices echoed across the entire river bank.

"Puff~(What the hell are these guys talking about?)" Octopus said while shaking his head after hearing this.

Even if these guys flattered him, he wouldn't be happy.

Well, that's it.

"Aww~ (Are you sure they are talking nonsense? Why do you look so happy to me?)" Cheng Hao said speechlessly, watching the octopus waving its tentacles and spitting bubbles. .

"Puff~(Where is it? Where is it? You read it wrong.)" said the big octopus, swaying to the bank of the river, and put the three-headed lizard down.

By the way, he took Cheng Hao off his head: "Puff~ (I won't get involved in your affairs with them. Remember to come and play often when you have time. I'll go back and rest now.)"

"Aww~ (Go, go, look at your unflattering appearance.)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paws, and the big octopus spit bubbles and left.

It could be seen that he was so happy that his body was almost twisted into a twist.

At first glance, this child is the Lord who has never been praised before.

"Thank you, Mr. Octopus, for bringing us here!"

After seeing the big octopus sinking into the water, the three-headed lizard and the others said respectfully.

"Aww~ (You guys are almost enough to flatter, don't keep shooting, come with me quickly, while the breeder sister is not asleep yet.)"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was speechless. These guys are not good at fighting, but they are very good at flattering.

He has never seen a few guys who can flatter as smoothly as they do.

"Master Tiger, wait for me, don't go so fast."

"Yes, yes, your stalwart body leaps thousands of miles, and we can't touch duckweed at all."

After seeing Cheng Hao leave, they walked up quickly while talking.

"These guys..." Cheng Hao was speechless after hearing what they said. These guys really chattered one after another.

"Hey! Why did Xiaoju come back so early today? This is a bit unexpected."

In the monitoring room of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, the security guard looked at the little tiger that appeared on the screen and said to his companions beside him.

Xiaoju usually leaves late and returns late, why did she come back so early today, out of the norm?
"Maybe I didn't catch any prey?" The sleepy companion at the side said after hearing this.

Didn't Xiaoju go out to hunt?And it is normal that there is no prey coming back outside.

After all, the mountains and forests are so dangerous, even if there are prey, they have already been eaten by those evolved plants.

"That's a possibility." The security guard nodded and replied when he heard the words, looked at the surveillance inadvertently, and immediately became shocked: "Wait a minute, see if there is something behind Xiaoju, and the number Not too many, five or six?"

"Xiaoju is following something? He won't go and bring someone's cows, will he?" Hearing this, the drowsy companion managed to perk up, opened his eyes and looked at the screen, and saw , The inhuman figures on the screen disappeared.

"Change... a mutant."

The faces of the two changed drastically, and they stammered in unison.

There's nothing wrong with it, Xiaoju brought back the five mutants, and look at them, they look exactly like what the official said.

"No, mutants are extremely dangerous guys, you have to call the police immediately." The security guard who came back to his senses immediately took out his mobile phone, ready to call the police.

Such a dangerous guy must be dealt with by the police.

"Wait a minute, let's call the director. What's the use of calling the police? The police can't deal with them." The companion on the side saw him and pressed his hand angrily and said, "Our director But the advisor of the evolutionary department is a powerful existence who can command all kinds of beasts, and these five little guys are definitely not enough for our garden director to fight."

"That's right, tell the principal quickly." The security guard nodded his head and dialed the phone quickly.

"I'll also call and talk to Ms. Hong'er, Xiaoju doesn't want to bring everyone into the Tiger Garden."

"These guys are not good people. Why does he bring these guys back when he has nothing to do?"

Shocked by the scene in front of him, the security guard couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he quickly called Sister Hong'er.

"What? Xiaoju, the idiot, brought five evolutionaries to appear outside his pen?"

"Okay, I see. I'll deal with it now, you two guys stay in the monitoring room and don't run around."

In the quiet boys' dormitory, the director's loud voice came, and then the lights in the dormitory were turned on.

A few seconds later, the director opened the door and walked out with steps.

In the girls' dormitory, sister Hong'er was also fully dressed and went downstairs, and the two ran into each other in front of the sightseeing bus.

"Director, did you also receive the call? Xiaoju is too serious. If you can't catch the prey, don't bring the mutant back." Sister Hong'er who was driving complained. When I got the phone call, I thought it was Xiaoju who hadn't returned yet, but it was the news that Xiaoju brought the mutant back.

In fact, if Xiaoju can't catch the prey, she doesn't need to catch it, and don't bring all the weird things into the tiger garden.

"Uh, maybe Xiaoju has other intentions, let's go over and have a look first." The head of the garden who heard this was stunned and said, Xiaohong wouldn't think that Xiaoju took the mutants as food and brought them back, right? ?
He felt that there was something wrong with this way of thinking, and he was a little confused when he was asked.

"What is Mr. Tiger doing with us sitting here foolishly? Are we tired from walking? Do we need to go up and help the old man massage his feet?" The little monkey looked around and asked aloud.

A group of them have been standing here stupidly for 10 minutes, and they don't know what this Uncle Tiger wants to do.

"If you want to die, you can go and move. Master Tiger told us to stay here, so we can stay here." The three-headed lizard on the side said, this Master Tiger stayed here Bian is obviously waiting for someone, and the surveillance here seems to be watching them too. If there is no accident, the people from the tiger garden should come soon, right?

"Then...then forget it." The little monkey who heard this muttered, as the so-called tiger's buttocks can't be touched, now it seems that he can't even touch his claws.

"The captain seems to have the sound of a car." A Jia said with his head on the ground.

"No, there seems to be some traffic noise, there is a real car coming." The tall Xiong said, pointing to the light in the distance, it seems to be a sightseeing car, coming here at a very fast speed.

"You guys, hurry up and stand up for me. The adults from the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain are coming soon, do you know better?" The three-headed lizard shouted loudly when it saw it.

"Yes! Captain." Hearing this, several people immediately stood up together, like soldiers ready to inspect at any time.

"These guys..." Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw them, they were really outrageous.

Did they know that they were going to go to the evolutionary department to squat in the dark room next?
"Even if you can't catch the prey, Xiaoju, you can't bring the mutants back, you know? They are not prey, and they are the product of a failed experiment. If you bring them back, they will probably bite other things indiscriminately." " Just after the Three-Headed Lizard and the others had assembled, the sightseeing car stopped, and at the same time, Sister Hong'er's voice was heard.

From her voice, it could be heard that she was very anxious, and she was reprimanded.

"Eh? Did the breeder sister misunderstand something? We are serious mutants, not those who have lost their minds." Ahao said.

Although there are monsters who failed to become irrational among the mutants, they are obviously not good, they have survived the pain of the genetic evolution potion and successfully mutated.

"That's right, the few of us are wearing clothes, obviously different from those monsters?" Ajia also nodded.

"Don't be wordy, this breeder sister is what she says, we just need to listen carefully." The three-headed lizard reminded aloud, it's not their turn to talk now, they should shut up quickly and try to perform well leniency from the other party.

"Yes, Captain."

The few people who heard this nodded, and then closed their mouths.

"Xiaohong and the others seem to be normal mutants, not mutants who have lost their minds." The director came to the fence and said, looking at the five people standing straight outside.

If those mutants who lost their minds, they would have rushed over like mad dogs when they saw them.

"Um, what Xiaoju caught is a normal mutant?" Sister Hong'er who followed up couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words. She thought that what Xiaoju brought was a mutant who had turned into a monster without reason. It turned out to be sensible.

"Yes, sister breeder. We are normal mutants."

"Good evening, two adults, the jungle team has seen two adults."

The three-headed lizard who heard Hong'er's words said, led the team members and bowed deeply, almost buried their heads in the soil.

"Aww~ (Sister, I caught these guys in the forest.)"

"Aww~ (They were sneaking around in the forest, and they didn't have any good intentions at first glance, so I brought them back and interrogated you, sister.)"

Seeing the respectful looks of the five guys, Cheng Hao was very satisfied, and leaned close to the fence with his hands up and chest out and said.

Did the breeder sister see it?When these five guys see him, it's like a mouse seeing a cat. Doesn't he look like a lawbreaker?
"Really? Then Xiaoju, you are really good." Through the fence, sister Hong'er poked Cheng Hao's nostril and said.

"Aww~ (Of course, I'm a good tiger.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head.

"You call yourself the Jungle Team, so you must not be the kind of unorganized mutants? Report the mutant organization you belong to, and explain the purpose of this visit."

The director looked at the mutants in front of him and said.

Since it has a team title, it is not an ordinary mutant.

"Master report, we belong to the mutant organization of Yokogawa City."

"This time I came to Hongtashan City to investigate the disappearance of the bone dragon team in the organization." The three-headed lizard stood upright and reported loudly.

"Bone Dragon Squad?" The principal asked after hearing this title: "What's going on with the Bone Dragon Squad? What's their purpose in coming to Hongtashan City?"

"Master report, the bone dragon team is the strongest force in our Yokogawa mutant organization base. They came to Hongtashan City for..." Speaking of which, the three-headed lizard looked at it, and was enjoying Sister Hong'er's scratching. Cheng Hao's voice gradually became smaller.

"What are they here for? Keep talking," the director said.

"They came to Hongtashan City to get rid of Lord Tiger." The three-headed lizard said after swallowing.

"Huh? They want to deal with Xiaoju? Why? Did Xiaoju get in trouble with you?" the director who heard this said.

This mutant organization is really inexplicable, Xiaoju has never done anything, what are they going to do with Xiaoju when they have nothing to do?
"Master Tiger didn't get in trouble with our organization, it was because someone in the black market offered a reward for Master Tiger's head, and the Skeleton Dragon Squad just took over the task." The three-headed lizard explained, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"There is someone offering a reward for Xiaoju's tiger head in the black market?" Hearing this, the director couldn't help clenching his fists, his eyes radiating a cold chill.

The three-headed lizard and others who were scanned only felt their scalps go numb, as if they were being pressed down by a giant mountain.

Suddenly, his face turned pale and he trembled.

How many monsters are hidden in this Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park?How come one or two have such terrifying strength?

"Aww~ (They dare to ask for my tiger's head, don't they think about it?)"

Cheng Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, he said why those guys have nothing to do when they are full?When you see him, you attack him directly. The feeling is that someone offered a reward for his tiger head.

"What kind of guy offered a reward to Xiaoju, do you know?" Looking at the trembling people, the director asked interrogatively.

"I don't know, we really don't know." The three-headed lizard shook his head and said: "We asked the people in the black market, but the people in the black market told us that the guy who offered the reward was a black family, and he couldn't find their information."

"Like this?" The headmaster couldn't help groping his chin after hearing this, his eyes were a little cloudy and he said: "Then, have you found the news about the bone dragon team and whereabouts?"

"I found... I found it." The little monkey held up his mobile phone and said, "I took a picture of their current situation, sir, do you want to see it?"

"Bring it here and show it to me." The principal said without hesitation.

"Yes." The little monkey ran over quickly after hearing the words, and handed the phone to the director.

After the director took it, when he looked at the content inside, he couldn't help being stunned and said: "What's going on, how did they become like this?"

Inside the scorched black pit, some human skeletons could be vaguely seen.

Take another look at the inside, and you will know what happened to these guys?

"This is exactly the reason we came here to investigate." The little monkey said weakly.

"Yes." A Xiong nodded upon hearing this, and couldn't help but sneak a glance at Cheng Hao, who was turning his belly.

Although the others didn't move, their gazes all turned to this side in turn.

After the director noticed it, he walked up to Cheng Hao, shook his phone and said:

"Xiaoju, did you do all this?"

"Aww~ (Grandpa Director, what are you talking about?)" Cheng Hao, who was asked, tilted his head in doubt, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

It looks like it really doesn't know anything.

"Grandpa wanted to ask you whether the bone dragon team was disposed of by you?" Seeing this, the director explained.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, don't be joking, I'm just an ordinary little tiger, where is there so much power?)" Cheng Hao said, shaking his head when he heard this.

What are you kidding, if the breeder sister knows about his crushing people?Isn't his own image no longer cute?

Of course, this kind of thing would not be admitted even if it was beaten to death.

"Director, are you making a mistake? Xiaoju is a good tiger, how could she do such a cruel thing?" Looking at the photo on the principal's phone, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but cover her mouth. What is it? Who is so cruel?They destroyed people's corpses and exterminated them.

"Aww~ (That's right, I'm just an ordinary little tiger, so I don't have such terrifying power.)" Cheng Hao nodded and blinked his big confused eyes.

"Well, it looks like Grandpa made a mistake."

Seeing that Cheng Hao refused to admit it, the director sighed and said: "It's not a good thing after all that such a guy appeared in the mountain opposite the Tiger Garden. I will report it to the department and let the department know about it."

"During this period of time, Xiaoju, don't run out again, you know?"

He believes that Xiaoju can do it, and will do this kind of thing, but Xiaoju refuses to admit it now, and there is nothing he can do about it.

"Aww~ (No problem, I'm also very scared, of course it's impossible to run out.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head after hearing this.

He didn't care what the principal's grandfather said, it was just one sentence anyway, he didn't know anything, and he didn't understand anything, he was just an ordinary little tiger.

Even if the principal's grandfather went to investigate in person and found some clues, he would act as if he didn't know.

"Okay, you five guys, crawl in, I'm going to take you guys to the evolutionary department." The director looked at the five three-headed lizards and said.

"Yes, sir." The three-headed lizard and others who heard this replied, and then abbreviated their heads and said:
"We are all very kind mutants. We have never done anything harmful to nature, and we just surrendered when we saw Lord Tiger this time. Can you give us some kind words at that time?"

"That's right, that's right. We joined the mutant organization just to protect ourselves. After all, we can't be ghosts or ghosts now. There is no place for us in society."

"That's right, sir, please help us out of mercy."

"Whether you are guilty or not is not up to me. It has to be investigated." The head of the garden looked at their flattering look and said, "Also, if you behave well? Maybe you can join the evolutionary department."

"Join the evolutionary department?" The five people who heard this couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they said with disbelief: "But isn't the evolutionary department actively combating mutants? Why are we still recruiting mutants?"

"Yes, yes, the uncle is not just teasing us because of our pity, is he?"

If the evolutionists still recruit mutants, they will join the mutants and become street rats when they are full and have nothing to do.

"Why do I have nothing to tease you? Now that the international situation has changed, there are more and more mutants, and most of them become mutants because of various accidents." The director looked at them and explained. : "So after a careful and careful decision, the country decided to recruit those kind-hearted mutants."

"One is to give the mutants a place to settle down, so that they won't make trouble everywhere."

"Secondly, there are many mutants who are also very powerful and can serve the country better."

As there are more and more mutants, the usual suppression is no longer the correct method. Using a gentle policy to recruit them is the best way to disintegrate the mutant organization.

He believed that the mutants didn't want to live in a sewer full of sewage, hiding around like a mouse all day long.

"The news is good news, but if we want to become stronger, we must need genetic evolution potions."

"Yeah, otherwise our strength won't improve, and we won't be able to play a big role after all." After the joy was over, the five of them gradually calmed down.

"You don't think that the country can't handle the genetic evolution medicine that even a small company can make?" Hearing the director here, he looked at them and said with a smile: "The country has now started to implement mutations. There is a support plan for mutants, as long as the mutants have passed the review and confirmed that they have not committed any crimes, and they really want to serve the country."

"Then after joining the evolutionist department, you can also enjoy the genetic evolution potion."

"And you can get more resources from the department. Whether it's formal training, stabilizing potions, or swaggering in the sun, these benefits are things that the mutant organization cannot provide to you."

Since overseas cases want to turn their country around, then their country can also use the other party's means to gather these forces that have become mutants and become the sharpest spear in their hands to directly smash the other party's conspiracy. .

He believes that when their country completes the assembly and transformation of all the mutants, the foreign forces will definitely slap themselves hard, right?
"Really? The department not only provides us with genetic purification medicine, but also a series of benefits?"

"Yeah, we're not dreaming, are we?"

Hearing this, the five people couldn't help but feel in a trance, looking at the moonlight in the sky is so beautiful.

Starting today, they will change their minds, behave themselves, and contribute their blood to the country.

As long as there is a country that needs them, they will definitely do their best.

Of course, the prerequisite is that they are not allowed to die.

"Don't be so happy so early. I'm talking about the preferential treatment for those who have never committed a crime. You may not be able to pass it." Seeing them so happy, the director said coldly, and directly splashed They have a basin of cold water.

Seeing how happy they are, they are about to fly to the sky.

But they also need to have a clean criminal history.

"There is absolutely no problem with this. No matter what we do, we will be the last ones." Hearing this, the three-headed lizard assured, patted his chest.

"Yeah, especially when we do bad things, we are so timid. If we can grind foreign workers, we will grind foreign workers, and if we can release water, we will release water." The little monkey nodded and said, they are in the organization, and I can't guarantee anything else, but the point of doing tasks , They are notorious mill workers.

Firstly, he was worried that he would be caught when the time came, that he had done too many bad things, and he would die immediately.

Secondly, the welfare provided by the mutant organization is really bad. They just regard the mutant organization as a temporary place to live.

How can there be an officer who is full and supports the mutant organization with all his heart?Everything is about life.

"Yes, yes, we can ask ourselves, we have never done anything harmful to nature, at most it is petty theft, even if the higher-ups asked us to kill people, we just stunned them with poison, and it was perfunctory."

"Yeah, if it doesn't work, go to the crematorium and funeral parlor to steal a few corpses."

"That's right, and every time we finish stealing, we will send them back afterwards."

The remaining three people talked one after another, but Hong'er sister Cheng Hao and the head of the school were shocked.

They never expected that these guys would actually have such a showy operation.

"Well, it can be seen that you are really afraid of death." Some of the speechless directors said, they were the only ones who joined the mutant organization to come up with such a way.

No wonder when meeting Xiaoju, he raised his hand and surrendered.

This speed is not even comparable to the soldiers of a certain country, right?

"Of course, there is only one life, so there is no need to work so hard."

"Even the organization doesn't have the capital to make us work hard. The benefits they give are too little. Our lives are more precious than theirs."

"Yes, yes, although we will not be the strongest group, as long as we kill everyone else, one day we will become the strongest."

No one who heard this said, there was no embarrassment on his face, but he said it very proudly.

Think about it, they are very suitable for the mutant organization, how many people and how many teams do they have?But under the suppression of the country, how many guys like them have been directly promoted to the top position from the tail end?

This is the way of their team, don't compete with the sky, don't compete with others, and grow with peace of mind.

"It's really powerful..." Seeing this, Sister Hong couldn't help but say, although these people are really shameless, they dare to use any means in order to survive.

But I have to say that they are very right in one sentence.

That is, as long as everyone else is boiled to death, they will have no competitors.

"Thank you, sister breeder, for your compliment." The five people who heard this said hurriedly bowed, and they knew that someone must agree with their way.

Take a look, there is a bosom friend here.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this.

"Okay, it's time to stop talking nonsense, you all come in and follow me." Seeing the five people's fawning faces, the director said.

"Yes, sir."

The five people straightened up when they heard this, and then they began to lie down on the fence and entered the pen.

"Okay, Xiaoju, you can come in too. It's getting late, you have to go to bed too." Sister Hong'er let go of her rubbing hand and said.

"Aww~ (I see.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao jumped lightly and fell in.

"Xiao Hong, talk to Xiao Ju slowly, I'll take these five guys away first." The director looked at the few people who were patting the ashes and said to Sister Hong'er, these guys are really strong enough It's too bad, jumping from such a height, you will still be splashed with dust all over your body.

"Okay, principal." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing this, and after watching the principal leave in a sightseeing car with a few people, she was suddenly taken aback.

"Aww~ (Sister, what's wrong with you? Did you forget something?)" Cheng Hao who found Hong'er sister stunned in place asked.

"Yes, I just remembered that the headmaster drove away the sightseeing car, so shouldn't I go back?" Sister Hong'er said weakly.

Xiaoju's pen is not close to the dormitory, even if she runs back, she will have to run for more than 20 minutes.

Now that the sightseeing car is gone, what should she do?
"Aww~ (Small problem, I'll just take my sister and you back home.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently when he heard this.

What did he think was a big deal?It turned out that it was such a small matter, he just carried his sister back and went back.

"Then I'll trouble you, Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er said happily when she heard that she didn't have to go back.

"Aww~ (You're welcome, but I have to sleep in my sister's dormitory at night, I'm too lazy to come back.)" Cheng Hao said.

"Okay, Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, then sat on Cheng Hao's back and left the pen.

(End of this chapter)

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