Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 145 Eating without speaking, Sleeping without speaking

Chapter 145 Eating without speaking, Sleeping without speaking

"I'm exhausted, you bastard is really hard to chase, you better not let me become an evolutionary."

"Otherwise, I will beat you to death."

Just as Ah Guang was munching, Brother Li's panting voice came from the door.

At this time, Li Ge supported the door frame and bowed his waist. He was gasping for breath as if lacking oxygen, and his face turned red because he was running so fast.

"Brother Li, you look very tired, do you want to eat something to calm down?" A Guang asked after seeing him, waving the steamed stuffed bun in his hand.

"You bastard, I don't want to eat buns, I'm going to kill you." Hearing this, Brother Li raised his head and said through gritted teeth.

He rushed towards Ah Guang, this bastard was still in the mood to care whether he was tired or not?The reason why he is so tired is not thanks to the other party?
"Brother Li can't say that. I didn't do anything. You can't wrong an honest man." A Guang, who was sitting on the chair, said, whimpering and twisting up and down to avoid Brother Li's hand.

"You bastard, don't move, let me beat you up." Brother Li, who couldn't touch Ah Guang with left and right kicks, yelled angrily.

Can't this bastard just let him kick him?What are you doing all the time moving around?
"Brother Li, stop joking. I'm not a fool. Why should I sit here and let you beat me up?" said Ah Guang, who was jumping sideways repeatedly, twisting and turning.


Suddenly, he felt hit by something?The body that was about to avoid Brother Li's kick bounced back, and directly had an intimate contact with Brother Li's feet.


A muffled sound resounded in the cafeteria. Ah Guang, who was still twisting his buttocks arrogantly just now, fell to the ground at this moment, and a five-body throwing gift came.

This immediately attracted the attention of all the breeders. They didn't expect that Brother Li was not joking, but kicked with all his strength.

"Ah? Ah Guang, are you okay? Why don't you run away, you idiot?" Seeing this scene, Brother Li was stunned for a few seconds, and then hurried to the opposite side to help Ah Guang.

He was just venting his anger, and he didn't intend to really kick the opponent.

Why doesn't the other party dodge?Instead, he kicked him stupidly. Isn't this a disease of the brain?
"I don't want to take your kick, but I don't know what I just bumped into. The sudden bounce almost broke my old waist."

Ah Guang, who was supported up, said, touching his nose and exhaling uncontrollably.

It hurts, it hurts, it almost ruined it.

Although it is said that he does not rely on his face for food, it is still useful to keep this face, and it cannot be ruined like this.

"Did you bump into something just now? Did you twist your waist too much?" Hearing this, Brother Li said, he just kicked this guy beside him, didn't he see what he bumped into?

There was no one around them at all, only a little tiger was there, but why would the little tiger kick him if he had nothing to do?This is obviously wrong.

So obviously, this guy Ah Guang twisted his waist.

"It's possible, anyway, I don't know." Ah Guang said uncertainly, helped his old waist, and touched his nose, feeling that today is not going well.

"Okay, go and wash your nose quickly, and take a look at where the injury is? Don't say that it really hurts the waist, it will be difficult." Li Ge said, and walked outside with Ah Guang's arm The faucet went.

"I asked you bastard to jump around while eating, do you know what will happen to you when you jump around now?" Cheng Hao, who was the instigator, muttered while gnawing on the meat bun.

As the saying goes, don't eat and sleep without talking, the other party is really too noisy, he has no choice but to take action to clean up the other party.

And he just slapped his tail. The kick that kicked Ah Guang out was not done by him, and had nothing to do with him.

You can only blame the other party for being too skinny, right?Otherwise, if he eats honestly, nothing will happen without twisting and turning.

"It hurts, you kicked too hard, I feel like your waist is going to be broken by you."

Ah Guang, who was pointing at his nose, said, his nose doesn't hurt so much now, but his waist started to hurt again.

"Who told you to be so naughty? If you were not naughty, wouldn't you have nothing to do?" Hearing this, Brother Li said angrily, "Is it hard? If it's too hard, Let's go to the head of the garden and see if he has any dog ​​skin plasters for you to apply."

"It's not necessary, I think I should be able to bear it, so I'll just take a break." A Guang shook his head when he heard the words and said, he didn't want to stick a dog skin plaster and make his whole body smell like medicine, then Not to mention how uncomfortable it was, he couldn't bear the smell of medicine.

"If you don't put plaster on, can you handle it?" Li Ge said with some doubts, the other party is spoiled, and his foot is not light, can the other party do it?
"No problem, I'm an evolutionary. As long as there is a serious injury, give me some time to recover." Ah Guang waved his hand indifferently and said, he is an evolutionary after all, and his physical recovery ability and physical fitness are not good. Ordinary people can compare, and it shouldn't be a big problem for him to rest for a long time like this.

"Well then, don't be brave if you can't hold on at that time, remember to tell me." Brother Li warned the other party not to resist.

It's not good if you make a big mistake.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go eat first." A Guang waved his hands and said, when he was about to walk into the cafeteria, he suddenly found that the door was empty, and scratched his head in doubt: "Brother Li, Where are our people? Where have they all gone?"

"Are they? Maybe they are still walking slowly behind." Hearing this, Brother Li looked at the competition before speaking, and was speechless about the abilities of the bodyguards, assistants and others.

Are these guys so blah blah blah?Everyone else has come over, but these guys haven't come yet.

"Really? Then don't worry about them first." Ah Guang nodded, and entered the cafeteria with Brother Li.

"Brother Tiger, have you asked enough? We really don't have anything to eat, can you let us in?"

"Yes, yes. We are old acquaintances, so don't embarrass us."

On the other side, Ah Guang, the bodyguards and assistants who were talking about it, were tremblingly surrounded by a group of tigers.

They just ran towards these tigers, and these tigers suddenly launched from the ground and quickly surrounded them with a "whoosh".

They were so scared that they didn't dare to move or move, so they could only stay here stupidly and wait for the tigers to disperse.

These tigers smelled them over and over again, their eyes showed blurred eyes, they looked very scared, and prayed in their hearts that they would smell them as soon as they smelled them, and don't give them a bite.

"Brothers, why do you think these tigers are surrounding us?" As the object of care of Huhuhu, the assistant is about to cry now.

Obviously there are so many tigers here, but for some reason, he has the most tigers around him.

These tigers circled around him and sniffed him over and over again, as if there was some deadly scent on him.

"That said, is there a possibility that these tigers will pester us because of the smell on our bodies?"

The make-up artist who was an assistant spoke, looking at the tigers who had been arching her bag.

In addition to makeup tools, it seems that there is only catnip in her treasure.

And almost everyone in their team has been in contact with catnip, as catnip is very attractive to cats.

The reason why they were surrounded by these tigers, apart from this, she really couldn't think of anything else.

"Smell? Do we have a cat-sucking physique?"

"That's right, we're just a group of big men, where did we get our physique from?"

The bodyguards who heard this said, but couldn't figure out what's wrong with their smell?
"I'm not talking about cat suckers, I'm talking about catnip on us."

Hearing the makeup artist here, he couldn't help but support his head and said.

What's in the heads of these guys?

"Catnip?" The bodyguards couldn't help but change slightly when they heard this.

The catnip that the other party mentioned could be them, holding something to attract kittens all day long, right?

If this is the case, then it is not surprising that these tigers will be attracted. In a way, big cats are also cats.

But they can't get rid of these big cats, and it's all their boss's fault.

Why do you bring so much catnip all day long?I also raised a few kittens to influence them over there.

Well now, they are stopped by these big cats, they can't walk, they can't run.

So can anyone come and save them?They really dare not move.

"You little rascals, why do you surround people when you have nothing to do? Hurry up and spread out for my sister, do you hear me? Otherwise, my sister will spank your ass."

Just when a few people were desperate, their hero appeared in a sightseeing car.

Sister Hong'er, who noticed something was wrong here, after seeing what the tigers did?

Immediately came up to these tigers, a tiger's butt.

"Aww~ (Sister, you've already beaten me, you can't do it again.)" Doudou said while sitting on the ground, protecting her butt.

"Aww~ (Yeah, yeah, my sister lied to the tiger. She beat us before she said she would fight again.)"

"Aww~ (That's right, tigers have the right to be tigers, okay?)" said the spanked tigers.

"Aww~ (Sister, you beat them, you can't beat me.)" And the last remaining tiger sat on the ground, looking at Sister Hong'er who was approaching him, and said.

"It's because my sister beat them, so I can't let you go, otherwise it's unfair to them, you know? Obediently lift your butt up." Hong'er sister heard the words and said, rolled up her sleeves and approached A squatting tiger.

Seeing Sister Hong'er approaching every step of the way, the squatting tiger's eyes were very flustered, and just when Sister Hong'er was about to touch him, he catapulted off and ran away.

"Aww~ (I'm just here to watch the excitement, sister, you can't hit me.)" said the tiger while running.

He is just a predator, how can my sister beat him?

"Doudou, don't you think it's unfair to see that this guy hasn't been beaten? Hurry up and beat him up." Sister Hong'er, who heard the escaped tiger's words, said to the other tigers.

The words were full of connotation, and the eyes of the tigers who heard these words could not help but light up.

yes!Why are they the only ones who get beaten and the other party not?No, the other party has to be beaten up by them.

Think of Doudou and other tigers here.He immediately chased after the tiger in the distance.

"Aww~(What are you guys doing? Why are you chasing me? Aren't we all partners?)" The tiger being chased asked in panic, wondering why his companions suddenly turned against him?

"Aww~ (Because we are companions, we have to share the blessings and share the hardships.)"

"Aww~ (That's right, now we've all been slapped in the ass, how can you just run away? Stop quickly and let us beat you up.)"

"Aww~ (Yes, if you are a companion, stop quickly and let us beat you up.)"

The tigers who came up said in a hurry that there was only one target, to beat up the unbeaten tiger.

"Aww~ (You bastards don't dare to resist your sister, but dare to bully your companions. It's too bad. I can't let you succeed.)" The tiger said when he heard this, and his four short legs swung into pieces. Hot Wheels.

What are you kidding?Do these bastards want to vent his anger after being beaten?
There is no door, and they don't even think about it.

"Aww~ (Hurry up and stop us, you sneaky bastard.)"

"Aww~ (Stop for us, didn't you say that you have the same blessings and share the difficulties?)" After seeing the opponent speed up, Doudou and other tigers had to speed up too.

"Thank you, Miss Hong'er, for the rescue." After the tigers dispersed, the bodyguard and the others finally dared to breathe heavily.

They were so scared to death that they would never play with catnip again before coming to Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park.

"You're welcome. Actually, Doudou and the others are a group of good tigers with good natures. They just want to play with you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, looking at the tiger jumping up and down in the tiger garden, she said, "By the way, why only Where are you guys here? Mr. Aguang and Mr. Li?"

Aren't the gang of them inseparable?Why are you only seeing them now?

"Brother Li and Ah Guang ran away first, and we were surrounded by tigers when we were chasing them." The assistant explained?

"That's right, if Miss Hong'er hadn't come here? We don't know how long we'll be trapped here."

"Yes, yes, this time I was almost cheated to death by Ah Guang."

The bodyguards who heard this said, they still looked around with reason, and subconsciously moved away from the tigers who were looking at this side from a distance.

These tigers are all mature and evolved tigers, not the young tigers who surround them, each weighing six hundred catties or more.

The heaviest King Tiger is now as tall as a buffalo, and weighs an astonishing one ton.

What if you touch them all of a sudden?I'm afraid they will suffer.

"Oh? How did Mr. Aguang trick you?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously, not quite understanding what it had to do with Aguang when they were surrounded by Doudou?

"Isn't that the boss, A Guang, who has nothing to do with catnip everywhere?" The bodyguards sighed and complained:

"That's right, as long as he keeps it better? We won't touch that thing."

"That's right, he's good. As an evolutionary, he twisted and used his ability to run away, and the tigers couldn't catch up very much. It's just a pain for us."

"That's right, it would be nice if we were evolutionaries too."

"Um, did Mr. Aguang become an evolutionary?" Sister Hong'er was a little surprised when she heard this, but she didn't expect that the bodyguards did not become evolutionaries and became objects of protection, but Aguang did.

"Yes, it seems that Ah Guang, the boss who is a scammer, often stays up late, so he has been exposed to the light of evolution."

"That's right, if we knew that staying up late has this kind of benefit, we shouldn't go to bed early and get up early."

Speaking of the bodyguards here, they couldn't help but slapped their hands.

They never thought that the evolutionary is related to the light of evolution that appeared in the sky?Otherwise they sleep during the day and run around at night.

"Well, there's no need to force this kind of thing."

"Evolution is a major trend, and one day you will also become evolutionaries." Sister Hong'er said awkwardly, she understood their desire to become evolutionaries.

But forcing is useless, it is easy to cause problems, just like those mutants.

Not to mention becoming some monsters who can be ghosts or not, it is easy to give birth to various mental diseases.

Like those who used to be a little handsome, but now they have a gorilla face?Completely insane.

She thought the bodyguards in front of her certainly didn't want to be that kind of guy, right?

"Aww~ (Sister, why did you come here?)" Cheng Hao walked lazily, like a little donkey, and walked up to Sister Hong'er.

"What's the matter? You little villain, are you still taking care of my sister's affairs?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face angrily and said, "You little villain, didn't you wash your face again? Black?"

When it was too dark, she didn't see Xiaoju's face clearly, but only now did she realize that Xiaoju's face was similar to that of a coal digger.

Xiaoju, a little villain, can't lick his hair by himself?Why do you want her to wash your face every day?

"Aww~ (What do you mean I don't have a face if I don't wash my face, okay?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said confidently, he just sniffed around, and was soon attracted by the few people standing there.

This smell is a bit nice, he had smelled it on Ah Guang and the others just now, but it didn't seem so strong.

"Little Fat Orange, are you looking for the catnip in my bag?" the makeup artist asked after seeing Cheng Hao's actions.

It's been a while since I haven't seen Xiaopangju, he has changed so much, he has completely lost his childishness, and has the appearance of a big tiger.

"Aww~ (It turns out that this is the legendary catnip, I thought it was the smell.)"

Did he just say something that attracted him?It turned out to be catnip.

I have to say that this smell is indeed very attractive to kittens, but fortunately he is not a kitten, he is a little tiger, and he can control himself not to be affected by this.

"You little villain, don't learn to be bad."

Sister Hong'er saw Cheng Hao sticking to the makeup artist's bag, stepped forward and hugged his big round head and said, "You little scoundrel worked all night last night, go to sleep now, don't wander around here Coming and going."

"Aww~ (I didn't learn bad things, I just want to smell how attractive this catnip is to the other side.)" Cheng Hao said weakly, but his big head still shrank back.

If you don't smell it, don't smell it, he's going back to sleep.

"No matter how big it is? As a good cat, you can't suck this kind of thing." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and said: "The happiness brought by this kind of thing is fake, not real. So you're going to stay away from this?"

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head.

Isn't it just a little catnip?It won't hurt to smell it, why is sister so worried?

He is the fierce king of beasts.

"That's good." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and patted Cheng Hao's buttocks: "Okay, you little scoundrel, go back quickly, my sister has to feed the other animals now."

"Aww~ (ohhh.)" Cheng Hao replied, then turned and walked away with small steps.

"It's fine, Xiaoju has already left. Everyone can continue to do what they want to do." Sister Hong'er said to everyone.

"Okay." After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads and continued to move forward.

When you find Ah Guanglai, let's see if they don't give each other a sneak attack, let the other party experience how uncomfortable they are?
(End of this chapter)

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