Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 147 I am a Kind King

Chapter 147 I am a Kind King

"Aww~ (Really? It seems that something is really wrong.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and leaned in front of the willow tree.

Suddenly, the willows trembled.It was like seeing something scary.

When the director saw it, he couldn't help but put his arms around his chest and looked like a good show was coming.

These willows are very afraid of Xiaoju, and they don't know what Xiaoju did to them?It's just that they trembled when they got close.

"Aww~ (Don't be nervous, I didn't intend to bite you.)" Cheng Hao was a little speechless after seeing this scene. He had become like this before he did anything. If he did, wouldn't he just scare them to death?But in order to find out the situation, he still coaxed: "Aww~ (What's the situation with you now? Why did catkins come into being?)"

"You really don't want to bite us?"

"Yes, you can't lie to the tree."

The willows breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the other party was not going to bite them, but they still couldn't believe it:
"We are just sowing seeds normally, and we haven't done anything bad."

"Yeah, we didn't do anything."

"Aww~ (But don't you have seeds from April to May? Why is it so much earlier this year?)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao resisted the urge to scold the tree and continued to ask.

How are these guys like this?He said no, he won't.

"Because we have enough nutrition this year, we are not affected by the seasons." Said the most luxuriant willow tree.

"That's right, all the plants are blooming ahead of schedule. You can't ask us willows." Other willows also followed suit.

They just sowed the seeds normally when the time came.

It didn't spread to the crowd, but just spread it by the river, and it didn't affect them at all.

"Aww~ (Then do you know any guy whose pollen can float far and make people allergic?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this.

Are all trees like this?Didn't know there wasn't a tree causing allergies in the city?

"We don't know about this. We live by the river, how can we know so many things?"

"Yeah, you should go to the forest and ask." The willows who were asked said, shaking their trunks one after another.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, it seems that you really don't know.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard the words, and the willows were a little bit tingly in shock: "You...you don't want to go back on your word, do you?"

"Yeah, you said you wouldn't bite us."

"Aww~ (Of course I won't go back on what I promised, but others didn't agree.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws and said, "Aww~ (Grandpa, these guys don't know anything. Get rid of them, or keeping them is a disaster.)”

"What?" The willows were stunned when they heard this.

But the director's actions are not, because they have half a sympathy if they are stupid.

Instead, they punched their trunks one after another, smashing them to pieces.

"You...you bastard..."

The willow trees that were beaten and smashed were all smashed to pieces before they could say this sentence.

"Aww~(What scoundrel? I'm a good tiger.)" Cheng Hao raised his head and chest and said, "Aww~(You guys are the real villains. But it’s not good.)”

"Aww~ (This is called threatening, strangling in the cradle, you know?)"

Where is he broken?These guys don't slander him for no reason.

Obviously, he hasn't even moved a single paw until now.

"Okay, stop rambling here, you little villain." The director who pulled out the roots of the tree at the side said, let him do bad things for this little villain, and put the good things on his own head.

He was convinced by this little clever ghost.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, the principal, don't be so anxious, you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and opened his big mouth wide and took a deep breath.

Immediately, a gust of wind blew up around him, sucking all the evolutionary power floating in the air into his body.

Although the strength of these willows is not strong, it is infinitely better than nothing.

"You little villain, do you know that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry?" The director said angrily after hearing the words: "You little villain is dawdling, I'm afraid it won't be our turn to eat tofu."

"Aww~ (Impossible, it must be that delicious hot tofu doesn't belong to us.)" Cheng Hao said, and the surrounding wind slowly stopped.

He is a tiger and doesn't like tofu.

So the principal, Grandpa, doesn't have to worry too much about this kind of thing.

"That's right, you little villain is right about everything?" The principal didn't bother to talk to Cheng Hao, and walked towards the river bank with strides: "Come out quickly, Xiao Zhang, grandpa is going to cross the river today oh."



As the director's words fell, huge splashes appeared on the river.

Then the big octopus popped out of it, spitting bubbles, turned around and came to the river, and greeted one person and one tiger:

"Puff~ (Grandpa and Tiger, good morning, why are you here so early today?)"

"Grandpa is going to investigate something on the other side of the river today, so I have to ask Xiao Zhang to help grandpa." The director smiled and touched the tentacles of the big octopus.

"Puff ~ (No problem, small matter.)"

The big octopus replied with a smile, then lowered its head to let the director come up.

"What? Grandpa really has a double standard. He talks softly to the big octopus, but he always knocks his head on me." Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering, how could grandpa have such a double standard?
"Xiaoju, why are you still staying by the river, you little villain? Hurry up and get down to Grandpa." Just as Cheng Hao was thinking, the director's voice came from his ears.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it. Grandpa of the double-standard party.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and jumped onto the back of the big octopus.

"What are you muttering about, you little villain?" asked the director sitting on the head of the big octopus. He seemed to have heard what Xiaoju was saying?

"Aww~ (I didn't say anything, you misheard, Grandpa Director.)" Cheng Hao murmured, then sat on the head of the big octopus, and patted the head of the big octopus with his paws.

"Puff puff~ (Tiger, have I offended you recently?)" The head of the big octopus that was knocked on the head bounced up for a while, and deflated for a while.Can't help but ask aloud.

"Aww~ (Of course not, why are you asking this?)" Cheng Hao replied, what if the big octopus really messed with him?Then the other party will not be so leisurely as now.

"Puff~(Since this is the case, why did you hit my head?)" the big octopus asked puzzled, he didn't offend the other party, why did the other party hit him on the head?
"Aww~ (Just to let you enjoy my usual treatment, that's how grandpa usually hits me on the head.)" Cheng Hao said confidently, looking at the principal beside him.

"Puff puff~ (Ah? Tiger, do you usually live such a miserable life?)" The big octopus whose head was hit said in surprise.

He thought that Tiger, as the king of a mountain forest, should have a very good life, didn't he expect to be beaten on the head usually?

"Aww~ (Of course, the garden director's grandfather likes to squeeze the little tigers the most.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, with a hint of desolation in his words.

In an instant, the scalp of the big octopus felt a little numb.

So the principal's grandfather is actually like this?It's terrible, it's true that you know people, face, but don't know your heart. If you contact Tiger, you will be bullied like this. Will it be even worse for him in the future?
"Xiaoju, you little bastard, don't go around spreading rumors and slandering grandpa, okay? And Xiaozhang, don't believe what this little bastard says, what he said is all lies." Getting weaker and weaker, the director quickly said.

This little bastard actually held a grudge so much, and made trouble for him at this time.

It made him almost unable to rely on Xiao Zhang's strength.

"Aww~ (I'm telling the truth, which sentence is false?)" Cheng Hao grinned when he saw the director was actually anxious.

The little abacus in my heart was crackling, and I was going to make a good pit of the principal's grandfather.

Otherwise, the other party would think that he has no temper and oppresses the little cat every day.

"You little bastard said that grandpa often oppressed your grandpa, so you asked when did your grandpa oppress you?" The principal pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, "Look at you, who is fat on your body? Are you so fat and big?"

"And who delivered the baby, you little villain? How dare you cheat grandpa now."

"Aww~ (Grandpa kept asking me to carry it last night, it made me bend over, isn't it a squeeze?)"

"Aww~ (Besides, it's true that grandpa often hits his head.)" Cheng Hao raised his head and chest, showing an appearance of not being afraid of the rich and powerful.

Hearing this, the big octopus became even more flustered, and the movement of spitting bubbles was heard.

"You little villain, just tell me how to avoid spreading rumors. You want to kill grandpa, don't you?" Feeling that the last trace of connection between these little chapters is gone, the director can't help crying. .

Why does this little villain hold grudges like this?He hasn't knocked him on the head a few times in total, how come he remembers it so clearly?

"Aww~ (First of all, I want Grandpa to promise you won't oppress the little tiger again, and secondly, you won't hit me on the head again.)" Seeing that the principal was subdued, Cheng Hao immediately spoke out his conditions.

It turned out that the grandfather of the garden director would also be afraid sometimes. He thought that the grandfather of the garden director would become an evolutionary department, and he would not be afraid after being a consultant.

"Okay, grandpa promised everything to you little bastard, can you explain it to Xiao Zhang now?" The director said after hearing the words, didn't he just let Xiao Ju recite it?There will be no loss of a piece of meat. Has this little guy remembered it for so long?
"Aww~ (It's ok.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, "Aww~ (The big octopus grandpa has never cheated, and the little tiger has never knocked on my head either.)"

"Is this how you little bastard explained it to grandpa?" Hearing the director here, he felt his head buzzing.

Xiaoju might as well not explain it, the more she explains, the more she wants to cover it up.

"Puff~(Cheating fish, this is cheating fish.)"

"Puff~ (I heard your conversation.)" the big octopus said, don't the other party think he is stupid, okay?
Their octopus family is very smart and not so easy to fool.

"Aww~ (Really? Then it's none of my business, anyway, I've already explained it to you.)" Cheng Hao hummed a little tune and said, ignoring the director's face that was almost blackened.

Anyway, he had already followed the instructions of the park director's grandfather, and the big octopus didn't believe it, so that was the other party's business.

"You little bastard..." Seeing Cheng Hao's shameless appearance, the director blew his beard and cursed angrily.

"Aww~ (Grandpa is going to fight a tiger again, everyone, come and see, grandpa bullied the little tiger.)" Cheng Hao said after seeing this scene, and shouted at the top of his voice.

"You little villain, shut up grandpa. If grandpa is afraid of you, can you?" The headmaster who heard the voice covered Chen Hao's mouth in a panic and said, if this little villain continues to spread rumors, he may I really can't explain it clearly.

"Aww~ (Nonsense, I'm a little tiger, how can I scare grandpa, this is a lie.)" Cheng Hao said, with a smile of success showing on his face.

Grandpa will have today too?This is the fate of offending him. Grandpa knows how powerful he is now, right?
"Okay, grandpa lied, grandpa lied." The director said helplessly, feeling his head hurting.

"Aww~(That's right.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded in satisfaction, patted the big octopus and said, "Aww~(I was just joking around with grandpa just now, listen Just listen, don’t worry too much, now I’m going to do business with grandpa.)”

"Puff~ (Is this true?)" the big octopus asked suspiciously after hearing the words.

"Ow~ (Of course it's true, if grandpa is really that bad, why do you think I'm so stupid and have nothing to do with grandpa?)" Cheng Hao said, and jumped off the head of the big octopus.

"Pfft~(Makes sense.)"

The big octopus who heard this thought for a while, and felt that what the other party said was not wrong. If grandpa was really that kind of big villain, how could the other party follow grandpa all the time?
After thinking it over a little bit, the vigilance in his heart suddenly became much less.

And the director finally found himself and sensed the power of the big octopus again.

Suddenly, the whole person breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, the misunderstanding is finally resolved.

Next time, I can't play too much with Xiaoju, a little villain, or it would be bad to be tricked by him again.

Thinking of this, the head of the garden hurriedly said to the big octopus: "Grandpa has prepared delicious food for you this time. When grandpa finishes this matter, he will send it to you, okay?"

"Puff~ (Really?)" After hearing this, the big octopus immediately became excited.

"Of course, how could grandpa deceive a good boy?" The headmaster said with a smile, making up his mind not to let Xiao Zhang lead Xiaoju to the wrong.

Otherwise, if you want to correct him again, it will not be so easy.

"Puff~ (Grandpa, hurry up, I'll be waiting for you here.)" the big octopus said, his eyes full of little stars.

"Okay, grandpa will be back soon." The headmaster said, then turned and went into the forest.

The big drooling octopus stayed.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you have prepared delicious food for the big octopus, so I have a share too?)" the person who entered the forest asked aloud, the garden director and grandpa have prepared delicious food for the big octopus, so he has some too, right? ?
"Of course." The principal said with a smile, resisting the urge to knock Cheng Hao on the head.

This little villain slandered him everywhere, and dared to ask him if he also had a part?Be careful that he will give him two punches then.

"Aww~ (That's great, there's something delicious.)" Cheng Hao said happily when he heard the words, and walked towards the younger brothers with cheerful steps. He didn't know what the younger brothers were doing today. Let's hope they're not running around.

"This little rascal..." The principal shook his head when he saw this scene.

"Baa baa~ (Wang, why did you come so early today?)"

As soon as Cheng Hao entered the gathering place, he was immediately surrounded by sheep.

"Aww~ (Because something happened in the urban area, so I'm going to come over and ask if anyone of you knows?)" Cheng Hao heard the words and looked at the sheep.

Such a fat little sheep, but it's a pity that you can't eat it?
well!It was so uncomfortable, as expected, his heart was still too soft.

Otherwise, let these little fat sheep give him a few lambs every month, let him taste it.

"Baa baa~ (I don't know what you're talking about, Wang?)" The head sheep who heard this didn't notice what his king was thinking, but was curious about what it was that caused his king to be born. bothered?

"Aww~ (I don't know where the strange pollen came from, causing many people to be allergic. Do you know what kind of plant these pollen are from?)" Cheng Hao said, describing the pollen to his little brother What does it look like, and how big is it?
"Baa baa~ (These pollen should not have floated over from our side. Judging from the situation you described, Wang, these pollen should be from a large number of flora.)" After listening to the head sheep, he began to say.

With so much pollen, the group of this plant must be quite large.

Maybe it was a large group of plants somewhere else.

"Aww~ (You think the same as I do, so do you know where the pollen came from?)" Cheng Hao asked. Exactly what he thought.

"Baa baa~ (I don't know much about this, but we can ask the trees here. They have well-developed root systems, so they must know a lot of things.)" The head sheep thought for a while and said, the roots of these trees are intricate, and they have to ask Who in the whole forest has the most news, are they absolutely right?
"Aww~ (Okay, then hurry up and let them find out what's going on for me?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

It's good to have a younger brother, he doesn't need to do everything, I hope the younger brothers can help him find out the reason as soon as possible.

"Baa baa~ (OK, Wang.)"

The head sheep replied after hearing the words, and ran around with the flock to find the truth of the matter.

"Aww~ (Okay, Grandpa. Let's just wait here.)" Cheng Hao yawned and said, and sat down to enjoy the warm sunshine.

"You little villain will enjoy the blessing." Hearing this, the principal said, and sat down beside Cheng Hao, and squeezed and carried Cheng Hao to let him sit beside him.

"Aww~ (I protect them, they should do things for me.)" Cheng Hao opened his mouth shaking his paws, while moving his body, stretching his limbs to let the sun shine more fully.

He's a very good "king", isn't he?Where is there such a gentle king like him?He doesn't eat his subordinates, and he doesn't clean up his subordinates.

The subordinates couldn't find such a good king even with the lanterns. Of course, they had to work very hard.

"That's true, put your paws over there. Grandpa is going to lie down and bask in the sun." The principal said after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, I protect animals.)" Cheng Hao, who was being pushed, reminded him that he was protected by the country. Grandpa, can you show me some face?

She actually asked him to step aside, ordinary people begged him to come closer.

"I know, what grandpa is pushing is to protect animals." said the principal who finally squeezed up.

Isn't it protecting animals?He didn't hurt the animal protection, he just pushed it lightly.

Besides, protecting animals is not very popular now.

As long as you dare to hurt people, you still need gestures.

Xiaoju, the little villain, don't use the name of protecting animals as a protective umbrella every day.

"Aww~ (Grandpa is bullying the little tiger again.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, his tail brushing the leaves.

It seems that these leaves are regarded as the grandfather of the gardener.

"Grandpa didn't bully the little tiger, you little scoundrel, go to bed soon." The director who heard this said, knocking Cheng Hao on the head and said.

What bad things is this little rascal thinking again?He had to interrupt his thoughts quickly.

"Aww~ (Grandpa hit the little tiger on the head again.)" Cheng Hao still muttered.

"No, no. You little rascal made a mistake. This is grandpa helping you straighten the hair on your head."

"Go to sleep quickly. When you wake up, grandpa will take you back to eat braised pork." The head of the garden said while pressing Cheng Hao's eyes.

"Aww~ (Braised pork, braised pork...)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, and then let out a rhythmic grunt.

"This... this little rascal, did you sleep pretty fast?" The director said, seeing this scene, a little bit dumbfounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell asleep directly. The ability to sleep with his eyes closed is really amazing.

Forget it, he closes his eyes and takes a rest.

The headmaster thought about it, and then he closed his eyes and waited quietly.

But in the forest, one tree talked to another, and soon formed a dense intelligence network.

In a short time, it spread from the back of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain to a range of dozens of miles around.

It spread again from the surroundings looking for the source of pollen.

1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes passed.

The information was like a stone falling into a wave of water, stirring up waves one after another, and then waves hit the bank of the river, and were fed back in a different form.

"Baa baa~ (Wang, are you awake? We have found the information you asked us to find out.)"

Not long after, the head sheep returned with the information.

"Aww~ (Tell me, what kind of guy is making trouble again?)"

Just after the head sheep fell.

Cheng Hao stood up from the stone and asked.

He wants to see which guy who is not afraid of death dares to do things around?

"To inquire so soon?" The director who was awakened by the noise also sat up, waiting for Cheng Hao to give him an answer.

Now Xiaoju's subordinates still don't trust him very much, which makes him a little headache.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to listen to Xiaoju's report.

"Baa baa~ (According to our information, there is a very large fir forest near Hongtashan City, and the pollen was scattered by them.)"

The head sheep ignored the principal beside him and reported the information to Cheng Hao respectfully.

"Aww~ (So those cedar forests did this bad thing? Okay, I know, you can go down.)" After finding out who did it?Cheng Hao nodded his head and said.

"Baa baa~ (Yes, Wang.)" The head sheep nodded and then slowly retreated.

"Fir forest?" Hearing the words, the director on the side immediately took out his mobile phone: "Hey! Commander, can you hear me? The pollen is spread by the cedar forest. Go and find out where there are large expanses of fir trees near the urban area. forest?"

"Fir forest?" The commander in the Evolution Department of Hongtashan City muttered after hearing this, and said to the team members beside him, "Hurry up and find out where there are large cedar forests around the city?"

"Yes, Commander." The team members who were typing on the keyboard looked up the password on the computer, and the distribution of trees around the community quickly found the information they needed: "Report that the commander found the fir forest Yes, these fir forests are located in the northwest corner of the urban area. They were planted a few years ago to resist the sand and dust blown from outside. These mountain forests are fast-growing trees, and they have become continuous mountain forests in just a few years."

"Very good, just find their exact location." Hearing the commander here, he nodded in satisfaction and said:
"Notify the mecha team to carry out artificial rainfall. Be sure to knock down all the dust for me, and don't allow it to float anymore."

"Eh? Don't destroy all these fir forests, but choose artificial rainfall?" The team members who were waiting for the order couldn't help but asked in a daze.

These fir forests have caused great harm, if they are allowed to continue to exist?It will definitely happen again next year, right?
"Yes, it's not easy for these fir forests to grow, and it's to prevent local soil erosion and dust in the area."

"It's okay to cut them off, as long as they control their pollen so that they don't fall." The commander said, looking at the fir forest on the map.

It turned out that it was the cedar forest in this area, but I didn't expect the trees here to grow so fast.

Speaking of this place, he was still very impressed.In the past, this place was barren due to deforestation in the early years, but now this place has finally returned to green. As long as these evolutionary plants don't specifically target the urban area, they don't need to cut down all these trees.

Furthermore, the trees here are all artificially planted, how long has it been?It is also impossible to give birth to a powerful tree king.

As long as this side is well controlled?The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

"Yes, Commander." The team members nodded upon hearing this, and immediately notified the mecha troops to dispatch.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, is the braised pork ready yet?)" Cheng Hao, who had returned to the Tiger Garden, asked next to the head of the garden. He had already finished his work for the head of the garden. Should the other party fulfill his promise? , Did you give braised pork to the hardworking little tiger?

"Not yet, you little villain, wait a little longer." The principal who sent a text message said that he had forgotten this in his sleep.

I just told Xiao Xu now that Xiao Xu is preparing braised pork.

"Aww~ (Okay, then I'll go to the cafeteria and wait in person.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, looking at the principal's eyes, he couldn't help showing a hint of threat:

"Aww~ (If you dare to lie to me, Grandpa, I will tell other animals about you bullying the little tiger.)"

"You little scoundrel, are you really going to hold on to this matter? Get the hell out of grandpa." The director scolded angrily. This little scoundrel threatened him with an addiction.

"Aww~ (I'm the fierce king of beasts, I won't be afraid of you, Grandpa.)" Cheng Hao said while running, but disappeared from the director's sight in the blink of an eye.

"This little villain..." The principal shook his head when he saw it.

So he got on the sightseeing car and went to the office. Ah Guang and the others were still waiting for him, so he had to go early.

"end to end"

"end to end"

The sound of heavy footsteps sounded in the hall of the cafeteria, reminding the uncle chef in the cafeteria that there are diners coming, so hurry up to entertain the guests.

"Xiaoju, you little glutton, walk softly, don't break the porcelain boards in the cafeteria."

"Uncle is making delicious braised pork for you. Do you want to put eggs or quail eggs in the braised pork?" The uncle chef who was processing the pig hair asked without raising his head. There will be such a movement in the cafeteria. Xiaoju is a little glutton.

"Aww~ (Of course it's eggs, how boring are quail eggs as a snack?)" Cheng Hao said, walking quickly to the window and sticking his big head in.

"Uncle, I don't understand what you said. Uncle will take the eggs and quail eggs out later and ask you."

"You stay in the cafeteria obediently now. It's almost time for dinner. You don't want to disturb other people's meal, you know?" said the uncle chef who had finished scalding the pig skin in a red-hot iron pan.

"Aww~ (Got it, I'm very good.)" Smelling the smell of pork, Cheng Hao nodded his head.

So he sat on a chair and waited. Now that the pork skin had been burnt black, he had to wash and cut it. I believe that his braised pork would be out of the pan in less than half an hour.

"That's good." The director, who noticed the movement here, said with a smile, and continued to process the pork with peace of mind.

And the auntie in the canteen who had already prepared the tableware, saw that there was no breeder coming to eat, so she walked out from the place where the meal was served.

After a few steps, he came to Cheng Hao and sat down, rubbed his head and said, "Is Xiaoju hungry? Would you like Auntie to bring you something delicious?"

"Aww~ (Of course I want it.)" Cheng Hao, who was asked, nodded his head and rubbed the hand of the aunt in the cafeteria.

As the saying goes, a sensible tiger has meat to eat. With his super good looks, the aunt who has always been fascinated doesn't want it, and often treats him a little bit.

I don't know what delicious food the aunt here made for him?

"Xiaoju is so obedient, this time my aunt has prepared delicious pig tails for you, you must have never eaten pig tails, right?" said the aunt in the canteen looking at her acting coquettishly, touching Xiaoju affectionately.

"Aww~(Pig tail? Braised or fried?)" Cheng Hao's eyes were full of curiosity when he heard that today's Xiaozao recipe is pig tail.

He has been in this world for so long, don't tell me he has never eaten a pig's tail.

Immediately, rubbing the head of the aunt in the cafeteria became even harder.

The aunt in the canteen who was rubbed couldn't bear such a fierce offensive, she quickly pulled away and said:
"Okay, stop rubbing. Auntie will get you something to eat, just sit down obediently and understand?"

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard this, and then sat on the chair and waited quietly.

Delicious pig tail, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

"This is the underground of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain? What an intricate and criss-crossed cement maze."

Under the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, a figure in fluffy clothes was crawling forward. Every time he walked a certain distance, he had to stop for a while, and then he continued to move forward after confirming that the above was safe.

As the lurking king of the mutant organization in Hongtashan City, of course he had to do the dangerous thing of breaking into the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongtashan City.

After all, only he is the real king of kings?
"Huh? What is this smell? Why is it so fragrant?" The Mole Man who was digging a hole smelled a wonderful smell.

Suddenly, some uncontrollably trembling body.

The food at the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain is also very good, right?You can tell it's his favorite food just by smelling it.

It's a pity that he is currently on a mission, so he can't go up in an open and aboveboard manner.

Otherwise, he would have to eat it secretly. The taste is really criminal.

"Huh? Where did the big black mouse come from?"

Cheng Hao, who was sitting on a chair, was eating delicious braised pig tail while looking down at the cafeteria's basement.

In his line of sight, the land was black, and there was a mouse-like figure glowing red all over.

He was groping underground, waving his paws and digging holes.

The most important thing is that this guy didn't work well, and he actually paid attention to his food.

From this point of view, he is a bad guy, and he must be punished properly.

But, speaking of which, this guy is underground, how did he smell the smell of pig tail and braised pork?

Cheng Hao was a little puzzled, and couldn't help looking at the pipe leading to the sewer in the kitchen, and he understood immediately.

The oil fume of the emotionally deceased went down the sewer, penetrated the soil and was smelled by him.

"Xiaoju, you little rascal, what delicious food can you eat behind your sister's back?" Just as Cheng Hao was thinking this way, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was Sister Hong'er after taking a bath. She looked at Cheng Hao who was sitting on a chair and looking into the iron basin like a beckoning cat, and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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