Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 175 Parasite Exposure

Chapter 175 Parasite Exposure

"Aww~ (a bit to the left, that's right, this is the place, my sister should use a little more force.)" In the tiger bathroom of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, Cheng Hao lay happily in the water, shaking his head from time to time, Said to Miss Hong'er behind her.

"It's good that my sister is willing to rub your back. You little guy don't have so many opinions, okay?" Hearing this, sister Hong'er angrily took the brush for cleaning the toilet and knocked Cheng Hao's big head road.

She had never seen such a difficult cub.

"Aww~ (Since it's something to do, you must do it well? Sister, you can't be so lazy.)" Cheng Hao, whose head was half thrown into the water, muttered.

After all, he is also protecting animals, okay?Can my sister save face, don't keep knocking him on the head.

In case this is broken by him, my sister can't afford it.

"You little brat has taught my sister a lesson. Does my sister see that you don't have to be beaten?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, and then gave Cheng Hao a slap on the head: "Be good and don't talk. It’s good if my sister is willing to rub your back for you, don’t you have so many opinions? Otherwise, don’t blame my sister for being rude to you.”

"Aww~ (Oh, I got it. Tigers just don't have human rights.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and played with bubbles in the water.

"Ding dong ding~"

At this moment, Sister Hong'er's cell phone rang. She turned on the cell phone and found that it was actually Xu Lele calling.He couldn't help but said happily: "You little villain, take a brush and brush yourself. Lele called, and my sister wants to ask her how she is doing recently?"

"Aww~ (Isn't it? Sister, you help me take a bath, and I have to rub my back by myself. Sister, can you be more serious?)" Cheng Hao was very helpless when he heard this, wrapped his tail around the brush and gave it to him. Brushing his back.

What is that woman calling now?Isn't this cheating him?Did you not see him taking a bath?It's true that I did this.

"It's nothing to be serious about. Look at you, you are over 300 catties now. If you were replaced by another tiger, how could you get this kind of treatment? It would be nice if my sister would rub your back for you. Don't be picky, you know?" Sister Hong'er snapped Patted Cheng Hao's big ass and said, and connected the phone.

"Hello! Sister Hong'er."

"How are you doing recently? Did Xiaopangju miss me? I miss him very much recently."

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Lele's voice came.It can be seen that the other party is very happy after not seeing anyone for a while.

"I've been doing well recently, nothing happened. Xiaoju is also doing well, how is your side?"

Sister Hong'er replied with a smile when she heard the words, pointing the phone at herself and Cheng Hao who was taking a bath.

"The situation on my side is hard to describe. The team members here are a bit stupid and not easy to teach." Hearing this, Xu Lele sighed.

But when he saw the tail curled up to himself, Cheng Hao, who was brushing early, couldn't help smiling and said:

"Why does Xiaoju have to rub his back by himself in the shower? It looks really fun, and it looks like he wants someone to rub his back for him."

"Aww~ (Someone originally rubbed my back, didn't you destroy it? You still have the face to say it.)"

Cheng Hao, who was rubbing his back by himself, said in a bad mood when he heard this.

"Hey! Xiaoju, are you saying hello to my sister? My sister misses you very much too. When will Xiaopangju come to my sister's place to play?"

When Xu Lele heard it, she greeted her with a smile.

"Xiaoju is now a very busy person in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. Among so many people, he is the only one who can't rest. Now he is the big doctor in charge of the tiger park." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words. What if Tachibana leaves?Then the whole Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park has to be messed up?

"Really? Then our cute chubby orange is really busy." Xu Lele said with a smile upon hearing this.

"There's nothing you can do about being busy. Why is Xiaoju the only one capable of treating these people?"

Sister Hong'er smiled and said: "I can only say that he has worked hard for a while, and I hope that Xiaoju can relax when he is not busy."

"That's the only way, even though it's quite difficult." Xu Lele nodded when she heard the words, and then suddenly a big red cape appeared in her hand: "Dangdang! Xiaopangju, see if you like it or not." What about this cloak? This place is rich in silk fabrics, I think this cloak is not bad, it suits you very well."

"Aww~ (I think you can send this thing to Xiong Daxiong Er, I am not a bear, and I don't steal cassocks, why do I need this thing if I have nothing to do?)" Cheng Hao, who was taking a bath, glanced at him. After taking out the red cloak, he said angrily.

Does he still need to wear a cape if he is a majestic tiger?He is very handsome even without a cape, okay?
And wearing a red cape is so eye-catching, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

"Do you like Xiaopangju very much? My sister can feel that you are happy through the screen."

Seeing Cheng Hao who turned his head, Xu Lele said with a smile.

Does Xiaoju really like this cloak?Look at what Xiaoju turned her head to look at.

"This matter, Lele, you are really wrong. Xiaoju doesn't like this cape." Sister Hong'er smiled helplessly when she heard the words. Lele always thinks that Xiaoju likes something, but Xiaoju actually didn't like it.

She felt that this matter was still necessary, so she made it clear to the other party.

Otherwise, when the other party brings it over, and Xiaoju doesn't like it, isn't this a waste of money?

"Ah? This bright red is so pretty, don't you actually like the chubby orange? Then, what color cape do you like, can you tell my sister? My sister will go buy it for you." Xu Lele was not disappointed when she heard it. Instead, he continued to speak.

Anyway, I don't like this bright red chubby orange, so I can give it to other animals.

"Aww~ (Can we not talk about this cloak, can we talk about something else? For example, can you bring me some delicious food? I think you bring some food, which is better than sending me these ghost things Much better.)”

Cheng Hao said helplessly, the cloak is neither edible nor wearable, let alone keep warm, why would he want such a thing?Why not give him some local specialties.

This way at least it can warm up, isn't it my stomach?
"How is it? Little Fat Ju, have you thought about it? What gift do you need?" Xu Lele asked with a smile, looking at Sister Hong'er.

Could she not understand what Cheng Hao said?I can only rely on the power of the translator, Sister Hun'er.

"Xiaoju said that you don't need to prepare a cloak for him, you just need to prepare some food for him. He likes to eat." Sister Hong'er smiled and translated.

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot that Xiaoju is a little glutton. I really should bring him some delicious food and go back." Xu Lele clapped his hands suddenly when he heard this, and said, "Do you like Xiaojue? Eat small dried fish? My sister told you that the small dried fish in this place is famous."

"Every small dried fish is specially selected. It is said that cats from all over the country like this place."

Why is she staying in this place called Baibaishui City?Because there are so many fish here, these fish come out of the water at night, and the whole lake looks white from the sky.

There is also a saying in the whole country that there are three packs of dried fish for every five packs, which come from Baishui City.

This shows how famous the place is.

"Aww~ (What are you doing with the little fish? It sounds pretty good, but if you can buy me the big dried fish, I will be even happier. After all, the small dried fish is nothing to eat. If you really want to eat it Dried big fish is better.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, who can eat small dried fish?Even if it was to stuff his teeth, it probably wouldn't be possible.

If you want to give it away, you must give him a big dried fish. After all, the bigger the dried fish, the better it tastes.

"Sister Hong'er, what does Xiaoju say? Do you want to eat dried fish?" Xu Lele asked aloud, listening to the voice coming from the phone.

"Xiaoju said he wanted to eat dried fish, but he felt that your dried fish was a little too small. It would be nice if it could be bigger." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Little Fat Orange, do you want to eat bigger dried fish? No, you little villain just wants to eat big dried fish." Xu Lele said with a smile and cursed: "I'll bring you some big dried fish back to eat. Yes. But let's agree, this big dried fish can't be eaten for free. You have to give it a hug and a kiss."

She spent money, so Xiaopangju couldn't just give her nothing, right?At least let her touch it.

"Aww~ (Don't say that it doesn't seem like you usually touch it. Don't you usually touch it? These big dried fish are regarded as compensation for your usual touch.)"

Cheng Hao rolled his eyes when he heard the words and said, this guy usually spends so long prostitution for nothing.Don't make her feel like she has suffered a lot, okay?

"How is it? Little Fat Orange, do you agree? If you agree, I'll bring you back dried fish. If you don't agree, there will be no gift." Xu Lele asked with a smile, eyes Full of cunning.

"Xiaoju said he agreed, just bring it back for him." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and then remembered something?He asked, "Lele, are you ready to buy something so soon? Aren't you going to stay there for a long time?"

"I'm going to stay for a long time, but it doesn't mean I don't have time to come back. The department here can't hold me to help with training all the time, I'm also a human being and I need to relax." Xu Lele explained, looking at Looking at Cheng Hao on the phone, his eyes were full of little stars: "The best way to relax is of course to rub the chubby tangerine. Is there anything more relaxing than stroking the chubby tangerine?"

And her way to relax is very simple, that is to hold Xiaopangju and suck it hard, naturally all troubles will be gone.

"Aww~ (You treat me as a decompression toy, don't you? I think you may need the care of the tiger's paw to refresh you.)" Cheng Hao said angrily.

He is the majestic king of beasts, the ruler in the mountains and forests, is he actually a relaxing toy for people?Does the other party look down on him and want to eat his claws?

"Don't be angry, Xiaoju. Lele is just making an analogy. Don't be so excited." After hearing this, sister Hong'er smiled and touched Cheng Hao's head and said to Xu Lele: "Lele, you should still talk to Xu Lele." Be careful, Xiaoju will hold grudges, and if he wants to punish you, I won't help you."

"Don't worry, sister Hong'er. My strength has become a lot stronger recently. I'm just a chubby orange, and I'm not my opponent." Xu Lele shook her fist and said, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. It's not the evolutionary who will be overwhelmed by the strength of Xiaopangju.

Her current ability has reached a new level. She believes that with her own ability, she can definitely crush Xiaopangju with ease. Xiaopangju just wash his ass and wait to be ravaged by her.

"I think it's better not to be so naive, Lele. Xiaoju is not as easy to bully as you think." Sister Honger wiped the sweat from her forehead when she heard that.

Lele really doesn't know how powerful Xiaoju is?How dare you say such a thing.I'm afraid that I will be beaten by Xiaoju, and I can't even find Bei.

"I know Xiaopangju is difficult to deal with, but I have very strong self-confidence. Sister Hong'er, you don't know how powerful I have become this time. If you do, you will understand where my confidence comes from What?" Xu Lele said with a smile, her eyes full of confidence.

Starting today, she must find the place back, and let Xiaopangju know what is the world's number one female wrestler?
"I think it's better for you not to be so optimistic, or I'm worried that you will cry very loudly." Sister Hong'er said weakly.

"Absolutely impossible, sister Hong'er, you have a little confidence in me, okay? I'm not that weak." Xu Lele heard the words and asked, is she capable?Still crying from being beaten by Xiaopangju?

Sister Hong'er, don't talk to her anymore, just joke around, okay?

"If you don't believe me, Lele, then I have nothing to do. I can only say that you'd better not be so optimistic."

Sister Hong'er said helplessly, Xiaoju plays with Lele every day.Lele really thought that Xiaoju only had that little strength?

"Don't worry, I will never be optimistic. If you don't believe me? Sister Hong'er, you will know when I go back tomorrow." Xu Lele said with a smile.

"Um, Lele, are you coming back tomorrow?" Sister Hong'er asked in a daze.

She thought that the other party asked this because he planned to come back after a while, but he came back tomorrow.

"Yeah, I went back first to see Sister Hong'er, you and Xiaopang. Second, the department has a new operation, and I need to direct it personally. After all, the department has left, and I can't do it." Xu Lele He explained with a smile, his face full of complacency.

"What's the department doing?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help asking curiously after hearing the words.

Why didn't the department notify her of new actions?She doesn't seem to have received anything.

"Ah? Sister Hong'er, don't you know? It seems that the commander is trying to hide it from you. I can't tell you. If you want to know, you have to ask the commander yourself." The other end of the phone heard this. Xu Lele who spoke said, since the commander didn't say anything in person, there must be a reason, and she can't tell Sister Hong'er either.

Otherwise, what if the commander knows by then?The unlucky one was her.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to ask the commander myself, isn't it just to ask you what's the matter? Are you so scared?" Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"You can't say it like this. What if you disrupt the commander's actions? He can't say how to punish me." Xu Lele muttered: "Sister Hong'er, ask yourself slowly, don't say yes I told you, I hung up the phone first."

"Got it, got it." Sister Hong'er said, then hung up the phone.Ready to call the commander to ask what's going on?

"Aww~ (Sister, are you really going to ask what happened? If you want me to say, you don't need to ask at all. There is nothing to ask about this kind of thing, and they are not going to tell you anyway.)" Cheng Hao said while brushing his back , These people obviously don't want to tell them what's going on?They have nothing to ask each other what are they doing?Let's just wait and be patient.

"You still need to ask, we can't go there at most." Sister Hong'er pressed the dial button and said, she is a part of the department after all.

So what happened now, she has to ask to understand, she can't be confused, right?
"Aww~ (Then it's up to you, sister. Anyway, I'm going to declare it first. I'm too lazy to go. It's already time for bed at this late hour.)" Cheng Hao yawned and jumped out of the bathtub .

Shaking wet hair, ready to go back to the house to sleep.

"You want to go to bed and wait a while, and accompany my sister first, you little villain." Sister Hong'er, who noticed Cheng Hao's little move, said angrily, and pulled his long tail as he was about to leave.

"Aww~ (I know, I know, then sister, you have to hurry up too.)" Cheng Hao said helplessly when he heard this, and sat aside and waited.

"Tell me, how on earth did you collude with the evolutionary plants? Are you guys so fearless?" The commander looked at the huge tree that was mostly destroyed, and asked the orange-haired foreigner beside him.

Originally, he thought this was just a gathering place for spies, but when he saw the good guy, he was really a good guy.

Among this group of foreigners, there are actually hidden evolutionary plants.

"I don't know either. I only know that Mr. Smith is here to help us. We don't even know that he looks like this." Roger said with an ugly face when he was asked, and he also wanted to know what happened now What happened, but no one told him.

Obviously this Mr. Smith looks like an ordinary person, who knows that what is hidden under the same body as theirs is actually like this?
"I don't believe you are ignorant of this situation, take him down for a good inspection, I must know how they collude with these evolutionary plants?" The phone inside the belt vibrated, picked it up and saw that it was Hong'er who was calling, and immediately connected: "Xiao Hong, is there something you want to call at this time? I have something to do right now. I'm busy, I'm afraid I don't have time to chat with you more."

After searching a ghostly place, and actually found out such a thing, he can be said to be in no mood at all.

Just want to figure out what the hell is going on here as soon as possible?

"What's the matter? Commander? Did something happen?" Sister Hong'er, who was about to ask why she didn't notify her of the action tonight, couldn't help asking in a daze after hearing this.

"Yes, something big happened, and we encountered some trouble." The commander looked at the big tree man who was blown away by the head of the garden, and said, "Did something happen to you? Want to call me?"

"I want to ask the director if you took action and didn't notify me? After all, I am also a member of the department, so I think I should have the right to participate in the affairs of the department." Sister Hong'er said.

"So you're talking about this matter. It's not that we don't intend to inform you, but that the matter on your side is more important."

"After all, a foreign guest will go to the Siberian Tiger Forest Clinic in Hongta Mountain tomorrow for treatment. We hope that you will not be affected by this matter." The commander explained with a smile. Of course, he also thought about notifying Xiaohong. , but obviously the matter on Xiaohong's side is also extremely important.

So, he didn't disturb Xiaohong's side.

"Then what are you doing there, Commander? I seem to have heard a loud commotion." Sister Hong'er asked. He seemed to have heard the sound of an explosion over there, and he didn't know what happened?
"We came here to eradicate the spies supported by other countries. The spies have been found, and the more troublesome guys have come out." The commander looked at the battlefield and sighed: "Among these spies there are people who are parasitized by trees." , can you believe it?"

"Parasite trees? How can trees parasite people?" Sister Hong'er was stunned and asked, but she never expected to encounter such outrageous things.Trees can actually be parasitic?

"Yes, and it's not an ordinary tree, it's a terrifying tree that has reached the level of a tree king." The commander said.

"A tree king-level tree parasitizes a human body? Does the parasitized person realize whether it is a human or something else?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously.

"Of course it belongs to the trees. The parasitized people have already been hollowed out by them and turned into skins." The commander looked at the ground and said a thing that looked like a leak.

This terrible tree eats the parasites without even bones left.Far more terrifying than those mycelia.

In addition, he suspected that these people died the moment they were parasitized.And the reason why they can still move is entirely because of the control of the tree king.

"If it's really like this, it's a bit too terrifying. These guys are so cruel." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but gasped when she heard this.

"This is far more than that. What you see is their one-sidedness. The scariest thing about them is that they dare to penetrate into the human body and obtain our information. Although I don't know what the meaning of their doing is, I don't know. It’s definitely not going to be a good thing.”

The commander explained, his face was full of worry about this matter, and he wondered how many guys were parasitized?And where are these parasitic people hiding?Are there government officials?

"Then what should we do next? Commander." Sister Hong'er obviously thought of the problem after hearing it, and couldn't help but asked worriedly.

The number of these parasitic human bodies is far more dangerous than mycelium, and it has really reached the point where it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and I don't know what to do next?
"I don't know, this needs to be discussed. In addition, screening in the organization is also very important. We must find out the guys in the organization who may have been parasitized." Said the commander, jumping to the side to avoid, falling Gravel Road:
"I don't believe that these trees are only parasitized by these foreigners. They must have a bigger conspiracy."

"Then is there anything I can help with? Commander." Sister Hong'er asked after hearing the words.

"Yes, take care of Xiaoju for me. It's the best thing you can do to keep him from running around."

"As for the other things? We will find a way to solve it." The commander said with a smile, as long as these guys are parasitized, they will definitely be able to find them. This is beyond doubt.

"Okay, I understand. Commander, be careful." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"Well, we will, don't worry." The commander said with a smile: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up the phone first. We still have things to do, so there is no way to continue chatting with you." .”

"Yes, Commander." Sister Hong'er nodded and hung up the phone.

"Aww~ (It seems that the commander's fight is quite lively, I just said that they don't need help.)" Cheng Hao saw this scene, came up and said: "Aww~ (What else is there? Anything else? If not, I’m going to run back to bed.)”

"Of course, my sister asked you. Do you know that trees can parasitize?" Sister Hong'er caught Cheng Hao's ear and asked.

"Aww~ (Of course I don't know, I only know that these trees can eat people, who knew they would do this?)" Cheng Hao muttered, he hasn't met a guy who has been parasitized for so long. And these skills?

"Then you little villain, you know now, hurry up and get some information for your sister, and find out what's going on?" Sister Hong'er said.

Trees can parasitize people and use human body movements, but it's a terrifying thing. Xiaoju needs to help him figure out what's going on.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't force your way. Where can I find out for you at night? Or wait until tomorrow, okay? I'll help you find out when I wake up tomorrow.)" Cheng Hao heard the words , said with a yawn.

Just after taking a bath, he was feeling a little sleepy, but he didn't have the energy to take care of these things. What's the matter with my sister?Let's talk about it after he wakes up.

"Then you little villain, remember what you said, don't forget." Sister Hong'er let go of her hand when she heard this, and said.

"Don't worry, when will my words be ignored? Sister, you can go back to sleep quietly, and then wait for my news." Cheng Hao said, and walked slowly towards the outside.

There are so many things to do every day, let's forget about it.

He went back to sleep first, calm down before talking.

"This little villain really doesn't care." Sister Hong'er sighed, and then walked away.

"Aww~ (Are the little ants at home? I have something to ask you to come out quickly.)" Cheng Hao, who returned to the pen, knocked on the corner of the wall and shouted.

Soon there was a sound from the whole wall, and a group of little ants ran out

"Shusha~ (Wang, do you have any orders?)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, just say it directly.)"

"Aww~ (It's not a big deal, please help me go to the woods and ask those trees, do they know about the fact that trees can parasitize the bodies of organisms.)" Cheng Hao said, with these subordinates, of course It is to let these subordinates go to work. How can Wang Tiantian work by himself?
"Shusha~ (We got it, Wang. We'll do it now.)"

Hearing this, the ant replied, and flapped its wings and flew towards the forest.

Become the king's strongest servants, they will definitely bring back what the king wants to know.

"Aww~ (It's convenient to have subordinates working, I hope they can bring it back to me. I want to know the news.)" Cheng Hao yawned when he saw this.Then he lay down and went to sleep.

"Shusha~ (Wang, I got it clearly.)"

"Shusha~ (Wang, I got it clearly.)"

Cheng Hao in his sleep was still reminiscing about the taste of the big meal he ate today, and the sound of little ants came from his ears.

"Aww~ (Did you guys get the information so quickly? Ah~)" Yawning, Cheng Hao opened his eyes.

As soon as I saw the little ants, they lined up neatly.

"Shusha~(Yes, Wang.)"

The ants who heard this nodded their little black heads and said: "Shusha~ (After we talked with the leader of the wild sheep and the others, we mobilized all the animals, and after asking about the trees all over the mountains and plains, it was finally Got the desired information.)”

"Shusha~ (According to those trees, this kind of parasitic trees can only be done after the powerful trees enter the second stage. They lose their thick trunks and can appear in a humanoid form.)"

"Aww~(It turns out that this guy who parasitizes into the human body is the second form of an evolved plant?)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao suddenly realized: "Aww~(Okay, I already know, you guys If the group of little guys have nothing to do, go back to sleep quickly, it’s getting late now, don’t run around, you know?)”

"Shusha~ (Yes, Wang.)" The little ants replied, and ran towards the ant hole one after another.

"Aww~ (It seems that the guy I met this time is quite difficult, I hope the strength is not too high, otherwise I will trouble me to take action again.)" Looking at the backs of the little ants entering, Cheng Hao muttered Said, then fell asleep again?
The world sleeps the most, anyway, he is just a little tiger, let him be flooded?It has nothing to do with him after he sleeps.

"Mr. Consultant, after you solved the tree king, why don't you look very happy?"

"Yes, Mr. Advisor, this is something worth celebrating. You have saved the city again."

In the evolutionary department, the team members looked at the director who was frowning and asked with some doubts.

Obviously they won this time, why doesn't Mr. Consultant look very happy?

"That tree king is a bit too weak, I think there is something wrong with it." The head of the garden explained after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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