Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 192 Love face?then you will suffer

Chapter 192 Love face?then you will suffer

"Aww~ (I don't care what they want to do? I just know whoever dares to block my way, I want him to look good.)" Cheng Hao said.

He doesn't care what kind of game is up there?He is no longer a human being, so he cares about their life and death?

Who dares to make him feel uncomfortable?Then he will make the other party feel uncomfortable too.

So, don't make him anxious, he is not a good tiger with no power to restrain a chicken, he is a big tiger who can overthrow the whole world.

"Then you have to grow up to that time. Do you know how to obey my sister obediently now?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said: "It is right to do good deeds with a high profile and bad deeds with a low profile. Only everyone If you feel that you are not threatened, you can live a better life."

"Aww~ (I know this, isn't it just a taste of guts? When I grow up a bit, I'll blow their heads off.)" Cheng Hao said, isn't what my sister wants to talk about is a dog?He understands this truth.

"That's right, don't you get angry now?" Sister Hong'er said.

"Aww~ (No, I'm still very angry. If I want to eat, my sister has to feed me. I don't want to delay my meal because of their affairs.)" Cheng Hao emphasized, understanding is understanding, but he is still angry when he is angry .

For the cultivation of these guys, is it necessary not to let him eat?This is cruel to a tiger.

Only when he is full can everyone be safe and sound.What if he can't even eat enough?Then he can only flip the table.

Anyway, he is hungry, so no one wants to eat.

"Okay, okay, sister understands. Let me let you eat next time, don't get angry anymore, you little villain." Sister Hong'er said.

After doing it for a long time, this little villain is still angry because he didn't give him food.

"Aww~ (Then there is no problem.)" Cheng Hao nodded, stretched his waist and said, "Aww~ (Sister, go to bed, I'm going to sleep too, I'm really exhausted today.)"

"Okay, you little villain." Sister Hong'er smiled and rubbed Cheng Hao's big head.Only then did I feel relieved.

Finally coaxed this little guy, she was really exhausted.

I knew it was because there was no food to eat, and this kind of thing happened.She should have let Xiaoju eat at that time.

"How is Miss Hong'er's situation? Is Xiaoju coaxed well now?"

"Yes, yes, is he not angry now?"

Sister Hong'er, who had left the hall, just stepped out of the gate when she saw Zi Shi and Chou Shi standing there.

At this time, the two were asking with worried faces.

"Come on, this little villain is not angry anymore." Sister Hong'er nodded, looked at the two of them and said, "Shouldn't you two go to the treatment cabin? Why did you come here?"

"I'm fine, so I came back after a short treatment." Chou Shi explained.

"Yeah, the old cow didn't suffer any injuries." Zi Shi nodded.

"That's good, you two go to rest early. We have to go to the concert tomorrow morning." Sister Hong'er said.

"Okay, let's go in then." Zi Shi said.

"Well, let's go." Sister Hong'er smiled.

The two of them walked in slowly. When they came to the hall, they did not forget to observe Cheng Hao lying in the hall.

It was only when he saw the overturned big flower belly that he breathed a sigh of relief.Walked towards his room.

"Commander Liu, are you looking for me? May I ask what's the matter?" Sister Hong'er asked after knocking on the office door.

"Xiaohong, you are here, come in and sit down." Commander Liu who was in the office said with a smile when he heard this.

"Okay, Commander Liu." Sister Hong'er nodded after listening.

Then he walked into the office and sat down on the sofa beside him.

"This is the freshest lychee this year, and Fengjian tea, which is a specialty of our Fengchi City. You can try it." Commander Liu said, pouring tea for Sister Hong'er.

"Thank you, Commander Liu, but I'm not here for tea." Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene.

"I know what you want to ask, but don't worry." Commander Liu smiled and put the teapot aside: "Xiao Hong, what do you think of our Peak City?"

"Very good, the mountains are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are tourist attractions everywhere." Sister Hong'er carefully picked up her teacup and said.

"So are you willing to stay here? It's equivalent to Hongtashan City, our place is obviously more suitable for living and working."

"As long as you are willing to stay, I will take care of the old horse's side? At the same time, I will also let people build a comfortable habitat for Xiaoju."

"I think you've seen our environment, right? It's very suitable for tigers to live in. If Xiaoju is willing to stay, it will be very comfortable for him." Commander Liu said with a smile, with a questioning look in his eyes. Miss Hong'er.

"Commander Liu, you came to me this time just to recruit me?" Sister Hong'er, who heard this, showed such an expression.

No wonder the commander repeatedly told her before she came, it turned out that this matter had been expected a long time ago.

"Of course, for someone as capable as you, Xiao Hong."

"Is there any department that won't be tempted? As long as you are willing to join? All conditions and remuneration can be negotiated." Commander Liu said, pushing the paper and pen aside to Sister Hong'er: "What do you need? What do you think? words? You can write them here.”

"As long as we can do it, we will do it as much as possible."

"Uh, there's no need for that. I don't have any intention of changing jobs just yet." Sister Hong'er said upon seeing this.

"It's all right. People go to high places, and water flows to low places. Someone as capable as you, Xiaohong, will think about it sooner or later." Commander Liu said with a smile: "Hongtashan City is not suitable for you. development, your future should be in a broader place.”

"If when did you figure it out? You can tell me, the door of our Peak Crack City will be open for you anytime, anywhere."

"Okay, thank you Commander Liu." Sister Hong'er nodded.

anyway?I still want to thank the other party for recruiting him.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. You should try the lychee, it's very sweet."

"We have a lot of fruits in Peak Crack City. If you like it? You can stay here for a while, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

"Well, I've heard that Fengchuang City is a paradise for fruit lovers. This time I will definitely stay for a few days." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good." Commander Liu said happily.

"Report Commander, this robot has something important to report, isn't your old man asleep?" Outside the complex, No. [-] asked while looking at the lighted office.

"Of course I didn't sleep, what's wrong? Did something happen?" The commander in the evolution department in Hongtashan City asked after hearing this.

"Report to Commander, Miss Breeder has entered Commander Liu's office, but she hasn't come out yet."

"According to the speculation of this robot, they should talk about important things inside, so this robot is going to report." Robot No. [-] said.

"Very well, you did a good job. You have lived up to my trust in you."

The commander who heard this said: "Now go in and listen to me what they are talking about? What bad idea is that old bastard thinking about?"

"No problem, Commander, I'll rush in now, and I promise not to let the opponent's tricks succeed." Robot No. [-] opened his mouth and rushed in towards the lit window with a leap.


There was a sound of glass cracking, and the commander heard it.Can't help cursing and saying:

"Wait a minute, you idiot, I haven't finished talking yet. I want you to eavesdrop quietly, not to rush in openly."

You only hear the sound of glass smashing, so you don't even have to think about what will happen next, you know what it will look like?

If nothing else, this idiot has landed in the office now, right?
"Uh, robot No. [-], what are you doing?" Looking at robot No. [-], whose head was inserted into the ceiling, only the limbs and torso were left outside, and the No. [-] robot kept shaking.

Sister Hong'er who peeled half of the lychee in her hand.Can't help but ask weakly.

Robot No. [-] thinks it's too boring for the two of them to drink tea and eat lychees here?Did you come here to give them a show?
But don't charge it in through the window, it will hurt innocent people, for example, the current Commander Liu is pierced like a hedgehog.

"Sorry, sorry! I don't know which bastard threw a piece of watermelon rind on the ground just now? I was exercising, and suddenly I stepped on it, and then the whole person flew in." The head was inserted into the No. [-] robot in the ceiling opened the mouth.

Although the plan is somewhat different from his own imagination, but fortunately the problem is not too big, it is still in his plan, and he did not expose the task assigned by the commander, did he?
"Robot No. [-], you are the best, everything you say is true. Otherwise, I will throw you into the furnace and melt you today." The whole body was covered with glass shards, trembling with pain Commander Liu said.

He just leaned his back against the window, without the slightest bit of defense, let alone the slightest bit of anticipation, and directly took all the injuries on his back.

If it wasn't for Xiaohong in front of him, he would have to take out the stun gun now and teach this damned broken robot a lesson.

The commander of his majestic city has never suffered such a big loss.But today he not only ate, but also got injured all over his body.

If he didn't do something, then all his annual classes would really be lost.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Commander Liu. I'm really sorry, and I hope you can forget about this incident, I really didn't care." Hearing this, robot No. [-] was directly killed. Terrified, he fell from the ceiling.

He hurriedly ran to Commander Liu, and sprayed disinfectant while helping to pull out the glass slag.

The opponent is the commander of a city, if you really want to deal with him?Still easy.

He didn't expect to rush in these few days, after a handsome debut?Such a thing can happen.

"Commander Liu sees that Robot No. [-] is not too smart, so please forgive him this time. After all, you also know that Robot No. [-] has some problems here." Sister Hong'er who saw this scene pointed out He pointed to his head and said.

She could tell that Commander Liu was really angry, what if she didn't say a few words for No. [-]?The fool is really going to be sent to burn the stove.

"Yeah, yeah, Commander, just because I'm not very good-minded, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"It doesn't matter, the adults don't count the faults of the villains, the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach." No. [-] hurriedly said after hearing the words, and it was the first time he finally discovered the benefits of being called a fool. It can save lives.

"Okay~Okay, for Xiaohong's sake, I will spare you for now, and I won't bother you about this matter."

"But if there is a next time, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people." Commander Liu said, enduring the pain in his body and trying to maintain his demeanor.

If it weren't for someone speaking for this idiot now and to show his generosity, he would like to kick this bastard out of the door now.

"Robot No. [-] hurry up and thank you Commander." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, winking at Robot No. [-].

Seeing this scene, robot No. [-] immediately bent over and said:
"Thank you Commander Liu for not killing me. I will definitely study hard in the future, work hard to correct myself, and I will never do it again."

"It's good if you know, you can go down. If it wasn't for Xiaohong's face this time, I wouldn't let you go so easily." Commander Liu gritted his teeth. It's too insidious for a broken robot to come out to plot him.

"Yes." Robot No. [-] replied after hearing this, and ran out quickly.

"Commander Liu, do you want me to help you to the infirmary? You don't look well now?" Sister Hong'er said, the other party was almost in blood.I'm afraid the injury is serious.

"No need, the team members are already here. Xiaohong, you go to rest first, you have to go to the concert tomorrow morning." Commander Liu said with a smile, his face has changed into a completely different smile from just now.

And the team members who hurried to catch up outside the door couldn't help being stunned when they saw the appearance of their commander.Immediately afterwards, a look of anger appeared:
"Commander, which bastard sneaked up on you? How did you become like this?"

"Yes! Commander, tell us, we will go and kill him now."

"That's right, you dare to do something in our department. You really don't take us seriously."

The commander is the face of their department. Now that their commander has been injured like this, if it gets out, won't they be called a bunch of wimps?
When mentioning their evolutionist department of Fengri City, others will definitely say, "Yo! Isn't this an evolutionist of Fengri City? I heard that your commander was beaten in the department, but there is no response at all. The spirit of punting is really admirable."

"Yes, yes, it's really amazing. If it were us, we would definitely not be able to bear it."

Just thinking about this scene, they can't stand it, not to mention, this scene may really happen by then.

"It's nothing, it's just that the glass has blown up. What's the fuss?" Commander Liu waved his hand and said calmly, "Next time, replace all the glass with barbed wire plastic glass, this glass is too easy to blow up. opened."

"Okay, okay, it turned out that the glass exploded. We thought you were attacked, Commander."

"Yes, yes, it really scared us to death."

The players who heard this breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, help me clean the inside of the office."

"I'm going to the infirmary to treat the wound now." Commander Liu said, then turned to Sister Hong'er and said, "Xiao Hong, go back first."

"Okay...Okay." After hearing this, Miss Hong'er came back to her senses, stood up from her seat, and walked outside.

The commander did not change his face and said that this incident was an accident, which really shocked her. As expected, it was possible to do it. No one in this position is simple.

And what she admired the most was the rapid change in the face of the other party, which was really amazing.

"Does the commander need our help to take you to the infirmary?"

"Yes, Commander. There seems to be a long piece of glass inserted into your back."

After watching Miss Hong'er go away, the team members asked.

"Nonsense, if I didn't need to help, would I have been here for so long? Hurry up and carry me over." Hearing the sound of footsteps, the commander who was going away said, the indifference on his face had long since disappeared. Without a trace.

"Okay, okay." Hearing this, the team members quickly took out a stretcher and carried Commander Liu down. Their commander has a face-saving character.

It really can't be changed at all. In front of outsiders, he was able to speak calmly while bearing the pain for so long.

He is indeed their mentor, a role model in their hearts.

"Report to the commander, I have successfully escaped from danger. Thanks to the help of the breeder lady."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't see you now."

He ran to the No. [-] robot in the safe corner and reported to the commander again.

He was so nervous just now that his CPU overheated.However, this kind of emotion was something that had never happened before, and it brought him a very exciting and very different feeling.

If he had known that this would happen, maybe he would do it again. This feeling of being between life and death is really great.

"Old Liu was able to hold back and didn't tear you down. To be honest, I was a little surprised. But this is not something to be thankful for. You should be more careful and concealed in your actions next."

"The most important thing is to listen to what I say, and then act, you know?"

The commander who heard this said, he just witnessed the whole process.It can only be said that fortunately, Lao Liu loves face.

if not!The No. [-] robot is probably already sent to the waste recycling bin, right?
"I promise there is no problem. This robot has already learned how to behave." Robot No. [-] said, he is a robot who can learn.

He suffered a loss once, how could he suffer a second time?

"It's better to be like this..." The commander who heard this said noncommittally.

I just hope that the other party didn't just talk about it, but really learned it.

"Little fat orange, little fat orange~"

"Little Fat Orange..."

In the morning, there was a huge crowd of people around the gymnasium, and there were loud voices, shaking the surrounding windows.

Fans holding up light sticks and carrying poster photos shouted frantically.Emotions are very excited.

Cheng Hao, who was sitting in the car, heard it, glanced at the fans outside and said:
"Aww~ (Don't be so excited, everyone calm down. It's not okay to do such strenuous exercise in the early morning, be careful when the time comes to lack of oxygen.)"

"There are a lot of fans here this morning. It seems that it is a good choice to hold a concert in the morning." Looking at the scene at the entrance of the gymnasium on the other side, Ah Guang said.

What is it called, concerts can only be held at night, why is it not good to hold concerts during the day?These things are not a problem for him, just look at the concert during the day, isn't it good, there is no problem.

And singing in the morning is so comfortable, why do you have to arrange this kind of thing until the evening?
"It's not wrong to say that, but a concert at ten o'clock is not right." Brother Li said, how can anyone have a concert at ten o'clock in the morning?

In just two hours, I couldn't finish singing this song.Middle-earth fans still have to go to eat, how do you think it should be the most correct choice in the afternoon.

"Isn't this good? Why do you have to stay so late? Let's take a two-hour break for a meal, and then continue for two hours in the afternoon. This will not cause so many people to rush to the night." Ah Guang smiled and said, how troublesome is it to hold a concert on this big night, these fans can't make it back home, and they have to spend extra money to stay in a hotel outside?
This morning the concert will end at four o'clock in the afternoon, and they can still drive home by car. Isn't this better than staying outside?

"It's not wrong to say that, but it always feels weird. I hope this concert will go well." Hearing this, Brother Li said, patted the bodyguards around him, and told them to go to work in a hurry.

The bodyguards who received the instructions raised their horns and shouted:
"Fans who bought tickets, pay attention! Ticket checking is now starting, please enter the venue in an orderly manner, all fans."

"If you encounter any problems, you can ask the staff on both sides of the ticket gate."

"Did the ticket check start so soon? I thought it would be after nine o'clock."

"Yes, yes, but I can't enter the arena now, I have to eat this meal."

"That's right, what if you wait inside? There's nothing to eat."

The people who were cooking near the stadium muttered when they heard this.Then speed up the cooking speed.

"Everything is normal on the east side of the stadium, and no suspicious person has been found."

"No problem was found on the west side of the stadium."

Just after the fans entered the arena one after another, the team members guarding nearby were reporting their security situation.

"Very good, continue to observe and pay attention to suspicious personnel. Since those guys are here, they will definitely pick this opportunity to strike." Commander Liu, who was sitting at the headquarters, said, he did not believe that these escaped spies would let them go so well If there is an opportunity, they must have hidden themselves as fans who bought tickets, hiding in a shadowy corner and waiting for an opportunity.

"Yes, Commander." The team members who heard this replied, their eyes fixed on the surroundings.

"The captain's situation is not very good. There are quite a lot of people here, and it may be difficult to succeed."

"Yes, Captain. If Tommy is here? Using his ability, we will have a very high chance of succeeding, but it is more difficult now."

In the corner where the team members couldn't watch, several figures muttered.They are Tommy's companions. At this time, they no longer have the characteristics of foreigners, but appear here as natives of Xuan Kingdom.

But this is just their disguise. Once they succeed, they will have to fight back.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to try, otherwise, if you just go back like this, I won't be reconciled." Hearing this, the tall and strong man said: "Remember everything according to the original plan, what we want is to live Chubby Ju, and we need him to go back and cooperate with us."

"So, try not to hurt his life, you know?"

Their country is suffering from the threat of parasitic mycelium. If they can't take the little fat orange back, many people will suffer from the mycelium. Therefore, this time, they have to succeed in whatever they say.

"Understood, captain, we will do as you say."

Several people nodded upon hearing this, and they all understood the importance of this mission to their country.

"Very good, let's go in now. Calm down, don't mess around." The strong man said, and a group of people walked in slowly.

"Xiaoju, you can take a rest first, don't be so anxious."

"Yeah, we have prepared pots of milk for you later, you can also sing after eating and drinking."

Just when the fans entered the venue, in the lounge of the gymnasium on the other side, Ah Guang and others were talking around Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Not bad, you guys know how to do things. You know I'll be bored waiting, so bring me something delicious.)" Cheng Hao said with satisfaction after hearing this.There was a lot of food in front of my eyes.

"Little Fat Orange, let me trim your hair for you so that you can wear a cool headgear. Don't move around, you know? Otherwise, your hairstyle will be messed up later."

Just as Cheng Hao was munching, the voice of the makeup artist came from his ear, and when he raised his head.

I found that someone next to me had already taken out a comb and scissors.

"Little Fat Orange, take a look, what kind of hair do you like?" Makeup asked with a smile, and the hair stylist at the side took out the colorful wigs, which seemed to be intended for Cheng Hao to choose his favorite hair.

"Aww~ (Do you have to bring this kind of thing to a concert these days? But the problem is that I'm just a tiger.)" Cheng Hao was speechless after hearing what the two of them said, isn't it just a concert? , why do you still want to bring such a thing?

"Tigers also have to take care of their own hairlines. Small and whoever told you that tigers don't need to pay attention to their external image?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and directly provoked the inner look. Cheng Hao put on Jin Guang's wig: "Not bad, not bad, this color is very suitable for our little orange, and now it has become a fashionable tiger."

"Aww~ (I'm a little itchy when I wear this thing, can I not wear this thing?)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, his tail was about to take off the wig he was wearing.

But one pair of hands is faster than his tail, and it is the makeup artist and hairstylist.The two smiled and said:
"Yeah, Xiaoju, who has long hair all of a sudden, looks really cool."

"It's just that there is no one in the world that is more handsome than Xiaoju."

"Aww~ (Although what you two said is very reasonable, this thing really makes me very uncomfortable.)" Cheng Hao, who was praised by the two of them, said.

The tail quickly slapped away the two blocking hands, he was not feeling well at all, what's the use of this thing?
"Don't, Xiaoju, don't get this out of the way, this is always suitable for you."

"Yeah, yeah, how good-looking are you wearing?"

Looking at the lifted wig, the two spoke.

"Forget it, since Xiaoju doesn't like to bring it? Don't force him." Sister Hong said after seeing it.

Although the wig is very cool, it can be seen that Xiaoju really doesn't like this wig, otherwise, she wouldn't be so resistant.

"Okay, let's comb Xiaoju's hair."

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem like this?" The two people who heard this said.

"Aww~ (This can be used to comb the hair, I like it.)" Cheng Hao said, and lay down on the ground, like a big meat ball.

The makeup artist and hair stylist who saw this scene began to comb.

It's also impossible to do Xiaoju's hairstyle, so I can only comb her hair. Fortunately, not all the celebrities they met are like this, so they have to eat dry food.

"What are you guys doing standing here? Go out and see if the fans have arrived? How many people are still here? I asked you to come here to maintain order." Brother Li stood facing each other after seeing the situation here. The dazed bodyguards said.

"But the question is, are we bodyguards, not security guards?"

"Yeah, I've never heard of it. You have to do this kind of thing when you're a bodyguard."

"That's right, isn't there a lot of security guards outside?"

The bodyguards who heard this murmured, they are serious bodyguards.

Why do you still need to do security work?This is too outrageous.

"Nonsense, do you still need the two of you to protect the safety inside?"

"Don't take a look, how many people in this room are weaker than you?" Brother Li scolded angrily.

In this room, anyone who comes out can hang them up and beat them, okay?How do they feel that they can protect the personal safety here?

The bodyguards who heard this were stunned, and looked at Li Ge in front of them in unison.The meaning is very clear, others don't know whether they can win the fight, but there is still no problem with Brother Li, right?

"Why are you guys looking at me? Do you think I'm weak? Let me tell you that I'm not a vegetarian either."

"I have also become an evolutionary recently. If you are not afraid of death, you can come and give it a try." Li Ge said, fighting hard conditions, there is no way for him to beat these guys.

If you dare to underestimate him?Then their good days are over.

"Uh, Brother Li, have you become an evolutionary? Why don't we know?"

"Yeah, Brother Li, are you kidding us?" The bodyguards said when they heard the words, they got along with each other day and night, and they didn't find anything wrong with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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