Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 195 Kanben Tiger 1 Paw 1 Paw

Chapter 195 Look at Ben Tiger, One Paw, One Paw

"Aww~ (Sister, she still has a gold necklace around her neck, diamond earrings, and gemstone rings and bracelets on her hands.)"

"Aww~ (Sister, search carefully, these are all our money.)" Sister Hong'er took out one by one from the other party's body, while Cheng Hao was in charge of being a supervisor at the side, responsible for monitoring whether there were any missing?
This makes him a spy?At that time, I found that sister Hong'er was really not very quick at work.

There are still so many items left on the other party, and the red envelope festival doesn't take him all, so let the other party go like this, really.

The other party won't accept their favor, and even if they accept their favor, it's useless, the money that should be given still has to be given.

"Okay, okay, big sister knows, big sister won't let anyone go, you little villain, just shut up." Sister Hong'er said helplessly after hearing this, and started to take things from the other party. She also didn't want to leave one or two pieces of jewelry for the other party, but since Xiaoju said so, she was too embarrassed to do so.

"Aww~ (That's right, work quickly. Sister, don't dawdle like this.)" Looking at the jewelry that was taken off, Cheng Hao nodded in satisfaction.

"Little Fat Orange is so serious in doing things."

"Yeah, the appearance of doing everything by yourself is really cute."

"That's right, Chubby Orange is really great."

The crowd watching saw Cheng Hao who was counting the jewelry, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

The little chubby orange is really cute, even if it is counting things, it is still cute.

"By the way, who did Xiaoju learn from? Why is it so easy to search for things?"

"Yeah, it doesn't look like the little tiger who fucked for the first time."

Compared with the fans, Brother Li is a little curious.After all, they had been with Cheng Hao for a long time.

Already taking each other's cuteness for granted, they are even more curious about each other, who did they learn this tricky looting method from?

"Cough, cough, cough~" Upon hearing this, Robot No. [-] immediately coughed pretendingly, and immediately attracted everyone's attention:
"From the perspective of animal learning behavior, they generally learn the behavior of their closest relatives, so according to the speculation of this robot, Xiaoju should have learned it from Mr. Consultant."

Although he is with the breeder every day, according to his observations in the Tiger Garden for so long, it is definitely not the breeder who taught him. Only the head of the garden has this unique temperament.

"Robot No. [-], we advise you to be careful when you speak, and don't slander our master in such a despicable way. Otherwise, we will be rude to you."

"That's right, the master is an expert hermit, how could he be so greedy for money?"

When Zi Shi and Chou Shi heard this, they immediately became unhappy.

Good guy, do you think their master is this kind of person?Have you asked them both for their opinion?
"First, I didn't slander, and second, is what I said true or false? I think they have a right to speak." Robot No. [-] looked at the angry appearance of the two, and pointed to Brother Li who was watching the show by Ye. and others.

All of a sudden, the eyes of Zi Shi and Chou Shi focused on them.

"Um, don't pick us up when you quarrel, we didn't say anything, okay?" Brother Li and the others who were watching the play realized that the fire had burned themselves, and they were about to go numb.

"Don't worry, you don't need to say anything, you just need to tell the two of them how you negotiated business with Mr. Consultant." No. [-] said.

"Um, this matter belongs to the business scope of our director, Mr. Li. It doesn't seem good to talk about it here?" Brother Li said weakly after hearing this.

Mess with a robot, or those two people with strong backgrounds, he can still see clearly, okay?Besides, talking about business is what you like and what I want.

Since they agreed, they wouldn't think there was any problem, and this stupid robot is adding fuel to his fire by saying such things here.

"It's okay, just say what you want. With this robot backing you up, what are you afraid of?" Robot No. [-] said, patted Brother Li's shoulder and clothes, just speak, don't be afraid.

Seeing this scene, Brother Li couldn't help but have black lines all over his head, shouldn't he be afraid?The opponent is just a broken robot, if he is not afraid, he will be stupid.

"Aww~ (A few of you are watching the show here, aren't you? Can you help me? Hurry up and take the money from those two guys.)" Hearing the movement here Cheng Hao, walking in front of the borrower, said angrily.

He is busy here and there, these guys are quite leisurely, watching the show here is very happy, why don't you rush to help him, are you still watching the show?
"Uh, what are you talking about, little fat orange? I don't understand." Seeing Cheng Hao who walked in front of himself and others, he spoke.Brother Li broke away from No. [-]'s shoulders all at once.

This is a good opportunity to start the topic, so we can't let it go like this.

"Don't go, you are fine, there is nothing to be afraid of, there is this robot to help you back up." Seeing that the other party ignored him, he went to chat with Xiaopangju instead.

Robot No. [-] followed immediately, like a piece of brown candy that couldn't be shaken off.

"Xiaoju is saying that you hurry up to help and clean up the other people. He doesn't like you standing here watching the show. I hope you guys can move too." Sister Hong'er got up and said, turning her head away Hidden away, Reina's murderous gaze on the ground.

This search is really an offending idea, anyway, she doesn't want to search anymore, what if Xiaoju wants to search?Let Xiaoju do it by herself.

"So it's like this. Speaking of which, the things these guys destroyed are also related to me, so let me do it." Hearing this, one said, and walked towards the guy lying on the ground, in order to prevent being caught again. When it got involved, he decided to act first.

As for other things?He can't help it either.

"Hey, hello! This robot is talking to you. Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb." Robot No. [-], who saw this scene, kept up with the other party while talking, and the other party did not admit it today.He just kept chasing after him.

"What a troublesome guy." Hearing this, Li Ge only felt one head and two big, and continued to search for the rhinoceros.

"Don't harass him anymore, you stupid robot. It's obvious that there's something wrong with what you said. Look at it, and he doesn't want to."

"It's you, an idiot robot, who must apologize to us. You dare to slander our master's reputation, and you must sincerely apologize to us." Zi Shi and Chou Shi said in unison after seeing each other.

Hasn't this dumb robot figured it out yet?The other party doesn't want to talk to him at all, why is he still pestering others?
Isn't this enough to show that the other party's words are false and slanderous?
"He didn't say how to prove it. What I said was false. It only means that he saw that you two were afraid to tell the truth, so what this robot said was correct." Robot No. [-] said. Dao, the red light in his eyes flickered, and he looked extremely calm.

"You stupid robot is a duck mouth, it seems that we need to teach you a lesson."

"Yes, if you don't clean up today, how will others treat us?"

When Zishi and Choushi heard the words, they immediately rolled up their sleeves and prepared to clean up robot No. [-].

"Come here if you have the ability, just you two guys who can't even beat a little tiger? You want to challenge me too, I am the latest robot developed by the department." Seeing this, robot [-] said, a little Not cowardly.

Today he let the other party know that his No. [-] robot is much stronger than the two of them.

"Uh, what are the three of them talking about going to fight?"

"I don't know, anyway, let's stand far away, and don't be affected by it."

The team members who saw this scene spoke, and all backed away.

Anyway, they can fight if they want to, and they will pay when they lose money. As long as they don't get involved, there will be no problem.

"That stupid robot is going to get beaten up, that's great."

"Yes, yes, that big black guy should beat him to the ground immediately."

The fans who also saw this scene couldn't help saying excitedly, they wanted to beat each other up for a long time, but their strength didn't allow them, now they saw that the other party was going to be beaten, how happy they were?

"Xiaoju, why don't you take care of them?" Sister Hong'er felt very tired listening to the conversation around her, so she patted Cheng Hao beside her helplessly and said.

"Aww~ (Leave it to me, sister. I promise to tidy them up well.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded, and rushed towards the confronting three people, paws one by one. They slapped it on the wall:

"Aww~ (You three idiots only know how to fight in the nest, don't you? I didn't see you being so powerful just now?)"

"Aww~ (Benhu asks you to talk about who is not convinced now, can you speak up?)"

"Ah, I... I have no objection. But can you call an ambulance for me first?" said Shi Shi when he hit the wall.At that moment just now, he seemed to have seen his deceased grandfather waving to him.

"Of course not. The ambulance is parked outside the gymnasium. Let me help you to see them." The team members who stood far away said after hearing it.

Go and call the medical staff to come over and take care of the person.

"Aww~ (Do you two guys have any opinions now? Is there anyone who disagrees?)" Seeing that one had already surrendered, Cheng Hao looked at the No. [-] robot and Choushi embedded in the wall.

These two guys have rough skin and thick flesh, so he used a little bit more strength.But it shouldn't kill them.

"No problem, you have big paws. What you say is up to you." Chou Shi, who was bleeding from his nose, said.

He struggled to pull his body out of the wall, the good guy is lucky that the wall is not thick, otherwise?This paw goes down.

I'm afraid he is about to say goodbye to this beautiful world.

"Yeah, we all listen to you, we will do what you say." Robot No. [-] who pulled out his head also said.

So much strength, so fast?Is this the strength of Xiaopangju?Although I don't want to believe it, I have to admit that the other party is indeed much stronger than them.

"Aww~ (That's about the same, you guys don't cause me any more trouble. Otherwise? I won't be polite to you.)" Cheng Hao said, and walked to Li Ge's side.

Check to see if the other party is working hard?Did he clean up everything on the big rhino?

"Little Fat Orange, you just came here just in time. Can you take a look at what hasn't been cleaned up? Anyway, I took out all the things he was carrying, and there should be nothing missing." Seeing the big furry tail , close to his side.Brother Li said.

"Aww~ (very good, let me take a look.)" Hearing this, the title nodded and said, rummaging through the big rhinoceros, not even letting go of the opponent's shoes and mouth, I'm afraid that the other party has hidden something on his body, and it won't be found out.

"Xiaoju is almost enough, you searched too carefully." Sister Hong'er said with black lines after seeing this scene.

Xiaoju searched like this, not even letting go of the most secret corner of the other party.When everyone sees it, they will misunderstand that they learned from her.

"Aww~ (Got it, I got it, I've already checked this, sister, don't worry, after my repeated confirmation, he really didn't hide anything.)" Cheng Hao said after laying the opponent's head flat.He looked at Natasha who was fainting on the other side.

Now of all people, only the other party has not been checked.

He felt that it was necessary to check the opponent again.

"I'll leave her to my sister to search, so we don't need to bother our cute little orange. Xiaoju can just watch from the sidelines." Seeing this scene, sister Hong'er quickly said, there are so many people watching here, What if I let Xiaoju come?I'm afraid the other party's last piece of clothing won't be kept.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, sister, remember to search carefully, don't let her leave any jewelry on her body again.)" Cheng Hao, who had just raised his paw, confessed seriously when he heard this .

"Don't worry, my sister knows what's going on, so you can rest assured." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head with a smile, and then went to search him.

The fans who saw this scene couldn't help showing envy in their eyes:

"My God! It's so comfortable to be a breeder and you can touch Xiaopangju's big round head, what should I do if I want to touch it too?"

"Yeah, Xiaopangju's big chubby head is very easy to touch, I'm almost envious."

"Yes, yes, I wonder if after the concert is over, can I touch Xiaopangju's big head?"

"Aww~ (This is a concert, not a meet-and-greet in the zoo, and even the meet-and-greet is paw-touching, isn't it ridiculous that you still want to touch my head?)" Looking at the sparkle in their eyes, Cheng Hao was speechless.

He is a handsome little tiger, can this group of people stop treating him like a kitten?

"Okay, Xiaoju. Elder sister has already searched her body, and found nothing else." At this moment, Sister Hong said after searching.

"Aww~ (Really? That's fine. Let's go like this, we should go to eat too.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

Being messed up by these troublemakers, I almost missed the meal time.

Now that the matter is settled, it's time for them to enjoy it.

"Well, let's go." Sister Hong'er smiled, and said to the team members standing aside: "I'll trouble everyone to deal with it here."

"Okay, no problem, just leave it to us, and we promise to get it done."

"Yeah, don't worry, Miss Breeder." The team members who tied up a few people said, sister Hong'er and the others left in peace.

"Okay, let's go back to eat quickly, don't stay here for too long." The team members looked at the fans who were still staying here and said, and then carried away the spies who were tied up like rice dumplings.

"Commander, all the spies have been caught this time." In the office of the minister of the evolutionary division of Fengri City, a team member trotted in to report.

"Really? Good news, how is it? Are these guys still honest after being caught?" Commander Liu, who was looking at the document, asked.

Unexpectedly, the third team caught all these spies without asking him for support.

"It's very honest, Commander. These people are tied up like zongzi, there is no way to be honest." The team member who heard this said with a smile.

"That's fine, watch these guys closely. Don't let them escape, these people are very cunning." Commander Liu warned.

"Okay, Commander." The team members nodded upon hearing this, then remembered something and said, "By the way, Commander. This time, a spy was killed on the spot. Should he be sent to the local cemetery? Or should he be sent to the local cemetery?" He sent them to their embassy?"

It stands to reason that the dead are the most important, and they should be buried as soon as possible, but the problem is that this guy is not from their country.

If you stay with them?In terms of emotion and reason, it doesn't seem appropriate, right?

"Oh? Is a spy dead? Which one is it?" Commander Liu immediately put down the document in his hand and asked.

"It was the guy we caught. He was slapped to death by Xiaoju." The team member replied, explaining what happened.

"Shooting him to death, I didn't expect that guy to be a rare space-type superpower. What if Xiaoju didn't shoot him to death this time?"

"Then letting him run out would do more harm than good to us." Commander Liu applauded applauding.

If you die, don't you die?For them, death is still a good thing.

Let this kind of guy run back?That is really troublesome, no one can guarantee whether they will come to their country again in the future.

And once his ability grows at that time, it will be a very headache for them. They have no way to guarantee that they can catch such a tricky guy.

"Then what should we do with his body? Commander." The team members who saw this scene asked, Commander, don't patronize here to be happy, but talk about what to do?

"Of course they sent him to their embassy. As the saying goes, the dead are the most important. For the sake of him being dead? We don't care about him, he wants to sneak attack on Xiaoju." Commander Liu He waved his hand and said.

If you stay with them?They have to bother them and help each other wipe the stinky ass, how about sending it to the other party directly?First, it can deter the opponent, and second, they don't need to do anything.

"Okay Commander, I'll ask the team members to send the corpse to them." The team member who heard this replied and turned around to make arrangements.

As for when the time comes, will the ambassadors in the embassy be pissed off seeing this scene?It's none of his business.

Anyway, the body had already been sent back to them, so it was up to them to decide whether they wanted it or not.

"Today is a good day. I'm so happy to drive." After seeing the team members leave, Commander Liu picked up the phone and reported his record to the higher-ups.

This time, they killed many foreign spies and destroyed the opponent's conspiracy. Anyway, they should be rewarded.

It's best to give the little fat orange to them, so that they will be the happiest.

"Really? Robot No. [-]. Are you so powerful? You actually captured so many enemies?" said the commander in the Evolution Department of Hongtashan City who heard the report from Robot No. [-].

"Of course, this robot is the strongest robot in the world, can it be the same as the others?"

"Mr. Commander, I have made such a great contribution this time, do you think I should be rewarded? For example, tell Dr. Chen to arrange the most advanced equipment for me." Robot No. [-] said, as the last A powerful robot can't beat Xiaopang Juju?It is very embarrassing to spread this out.

So he must upgrade the body and carry out the strongest evolution.

"But the problem is that you have obtained the strongest equipment, why do you still want stronger equipment?" Hearing the commander here, the tone of the conversation suddenly changed:
"Could it be that what you said was wrong? Didn't you catch him?"

"Of course it's impossible. This robot is so powerful, isn't it easy to catch people? I just feel that my equipment is not very powerful. I just want more powerful equipment. Only in this way can I protect the little one better." Fat orange." Hearing this, Robot No. [-] quickly explained.

Although he didn't knock down people, he tied all these guys, from this aspect.

Everyone was defeated by him, and there was no problem.

"I'm very happy that you have this heart, but the department really doesn't have better equipment. If there is, how can I not equip it for you? Isn't it? So don't be too suspicious, give it to me now." The equipment you assemble is the best." The commander said with a smile, reached out and pressed the video on the side, and a video of robot [-] fighting in the gymnasium appeared on the screen.

Hearing his own voice coming from the phone, Robot No. [-] suddenly showed a look of panic.

not good!He almost forgot that the department could monitor him in real time.Thinking of what I just said to the commander?Robot No. [-] felt that the temperature of its CPU was rising rapidly, and quickly said: "Then... Mr. Commander, I suddenly remembered that I still have clothes confiscated, so I will turn off the phone first. There was a big black cloud."

"Okay, robot [-], you go to collect your clothes first, but remember to be careful when you collect your clothes, don't be struck to death by lightning." After hearing this, the commander tapped his fingers on the table and smiled. Said: "After all, as the old saying goes, good people are doing what the sky is watching, and if you tell too many lies, you will be struck by lightning."

"Ah? Isn't it? God is so lenient?" Robot No. [-] was astonished when he heard this. He raised his head and looked out the window. When he saw that there was no cloud in the sky, he was relieved.

In his database, there are such legends all over the country, but they are all imagined by the people, so such a thing should not happen.

"Of course, God not only cares about weddings and funerals, but also punishes evil and promotes good. So you have to be careful with Robot No. [-], maybe it will hit you on the head if you manage it." The commander said with a smile.

"Impossible, impossible. Commander, you must be scaring me." Robot No. [-] spoke, as if it was talking to itself or to the commander.

"Isn't this scaring you? Don't you know when the thunder strikes? Everything will be clear at that time." The commander laughed and hung up the phone.

If the No. [-] robot doesn't scare him, he is really not good.

"Impossible, how could God be so clever? Commander must have scared me." The No. [-] robot on the other side muttered and stood up from its seat.

But he seemed a little absent-minded at this time, looking so strange.

"No. [-], what's the matter with you? Could it be something wrong with Xiaoju's slap?" Sister Hong'er looked at the taciturn No. [-] robot and asked.

The other party has been like this from just now until now, which made her worried.

After all, Xiaoju's claws are not weak.Don't say what's wrong with taking the No. [-] robot directly?

"Of course not. This robot is so strong, how can it be so easy to have an accident? This robot is just thinking about some problems." Hearing this, robot No. [-] straightened his chest and said, he is so easy to be defeated robot?The other party thought too much.

"Oh, so you're thinking about something? That's good, I thought you were beaten up for something wrong?" Sister Hong'er breathed a sigh of relief seeing robot No. [-] like this.

Judging by the way he answered, there should be no problem.

That's good, then she can go on stage with confidence.

"Miss Breeder, don't leave, this robot wants to ask you some questions." Seeing that Hong'er finished asking, she looked like she was about to leave.

Robot No. [-] spoke quickly.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, our Mr. Robot actually has something to ask me? I don't know what it is?" Sister Hong'er heard this, with a curious smile on her face, wanting to see what he wanted to ask.It's so mysterious.

"That's right, I want to ask you, Miss Breeder, if you will be struck by lightning if you lie?" The robot said, pointing to the sky, with a trace of fear evident on its face.

"Of course it will, isn't it mentioned in your database?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, with a sly look in her eyes.

Would a little robot actually think about this kind of question?What is he thinking about?

"Ah? But isn't this just a folklore? Why do they really exist?" Robot No. [-] trembled inaudibly when he heard the green light in his eyes.

"Folk legends, of course, must have something to pass down. You haven't seen it, so is it something that doesn't exist?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"This..." Hearing this, Robot No. [-] froze for a moment.

There was a look of thought in his eyes, and what the other party said seemed to have some truth.

"Okay, let's talk about robot number [-] after I'm on stage. I don't have time to talk to you about this right now. Xiaoju is still waiting for me outside." Sister Hong'er laughed Dao, then stepped onto the stage.

Robot No. [-] was left behind, alone in a daze.

"Aww~ (Sister, what did that idiot robot tell you? Why does he look a little silly?)" Cheng Hao, who saw Sister Hong'er on the stage, looked at the stunned No. [-] robot in doubt. road.

What's up with this stupid robot?Could it be that he really hit him with a problem?Such a not-so-smart look.

"He? He's on the road of the robot right now, thinking about some mysterious things." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this.

If robot No. [-] can ask this sentence, it is already considered to be thinking.Although I don't know who told him, but as long as he doesn't cause trouble for them, it is a good thing.

"Aww~(Does he even think about mysterious things as a robot? This is really interesting.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this.

Can a robot think mysterious things?It's been a long time.

"That's right, so let's not disturb the No. [-] robot's thinking." Sister Hong'er smiled, pulled Cheng Hao and walked towards the center of the stage.

"Yeah, it's the little fat orange, it's the little fat orange."

"Little Pangju, we love you, Xiaopangju, hurry up and sing us a new song."

"Yeah, chubby orange. We want to hear new songs, hurry up and sing quickly."

Cheng Hao, who stood in the center of the stage, immediately aroused warm cheers from the audience. They were looking forward to this very much, which is one of the reasons why they came early.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, there will be new songs, everything will be there, everyone, calm down.)" Cheng Hao said, and then he began to clap his paws, the iron basin in front of him.

Everyone who heard the voice stopped making noise immediately and began to listen quietly.

At this moment, the singing on the stage spread throughout the stadium:

"Who is playing Dong Feng Po on the pipa~ I can see the ending of the story dyed by maple leaves~"


The fans in the auditorium hummed softly while shaking the light sticks in their hands.

The memory hidden in the depths of memory seemed to appear in his eyes.After a few minutes, the music slowly stops.There was a rare quiet scene in the stadium, and it took a few minutes for the fans to discuss one after another:
"It sounds really good. Is this Xiaopangju's new song? It's really too strong."

"That's right, Pang Ju is the best singer of the year this year."

"That's a must. Our chubby orange is so strong, who won't win the best singer of the year?"

(End of this chapter)

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