Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 198 Robots Are Harmful Garbage

Chapter 198 Robots Are Harmful Garbage
"Aww~ (You are really insidious and cunning, you actually used this method to secretly film me, you gave Xiaoyuji... No, did you give Big Beef? Just like this candid filming, believe it or not, I will never end with you?) "Seeing the other party taking pictures, Cheng Hao finally realized that the other party is a scheming guy.

Talking to him and saying hello, just trying to trick him into turning his head and looking this way, is really disgusting.

"Hahaha, fat orange, are you saying hello to me? You are so cute, do you want to come and play on my sister's bus? There are a lot of delicious food in my sister's bag."

"That's right, that's right. Little Fatty Ju come up to play, don't be polite, we're being polite, and we won't touch you so hard that you can't stand up."

On the bus, the tourists who had finished taking pictures heard Cheng Hao's voice.Can't help laughing and said:

"Yeah, don't be shy, little fat orange. Come up and play."

"Aww~ (I believe in your ghosts to go up and play, all of them are white prostitutes. If you don't pay for taking pictures, I won't talk to you.)" Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and shrunk his head when he heard this. Going back to the window, he stretched out his paw and pressed the window button.

The windows of the car were closed with a click, leaving the dark glass of everyone on the bus.

Through the glass, they can't see anything inside.Suddenly one by one shouted:

"Don't close the window, little fat orange. Why are you closing the window? Interact with us again."

"Yeah yeah, Xiaopangju, we don't play with you for nothing, we will give you delicious food, quickly open the door and play with your sisters."

"Yeah, chubby orange. Open the window quickly."

"There are a lot of people calling you outside Xiaoju, don't you plan to open the car window?"

Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing the shouts outside.

I didn't expect to be on the road.Xiaoju still has so many fans, and wants Xiaoju to open the car window to communicate.

"Aww~ (They didn't bring presents, and they were teasing me. I'd be a fool to ignore them.)" Cheng Hao said angrily when he heard the words, and patted Li Hua's seat with his paw: " Aww~ (Miss, can you please drive faster? It’s better to pass the bus next to you.)”

"What's the matter, Little Pangju, you took pictures of my seat, you don't mean you want to drive? That's not allowed, little tigers are not allowed to drive on the road." Li Hua, who was patted on the seat, saw the furry paw stretching out. After coming, he couldn't help but said with a smile.

"That's right, that's right. Little Pangju, put your paw down quickly, and don't disturb the beauty of Xiaohua's work." Robot No. [-] said after hearing this, Xiaoju must be too blind.

Didn't you see that he was looking at the beautiful little flower with affection?He even stretched out his claws, disturbing their world of two.

"Sister Xiaohua, don't get me wrong, Xiaoju meant it, Xiaoju didn't want to drive, he meant to let you drive faster, it's better to pass the bus next to you." Sister Hong'er laughed when she heard this. explained.

"Oh? Xiaoju thinks my speed is not fast enough? Then Xiaoju, you have to sit down, my sister is about to speed up." Li Hua said with a smile when he heard this. Instead, I want her to drive faster.

"Aww~ (Then speed up quickly, don't worry about me, I'm ready.)" Cheng Hao said with his seat belt wrapped around his tail, the other party quickly stepped on the accelerator to 120 yards, he was already ready for drag racing get ready.

"It seems that you are ready, little fat orange, then I will speed up." Li Hua, who saw this scene through the rearview mirror, smiled and stepped on the accelerator.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Suddenly, the engine roared.In a blink of an eye, it overtook the bus.Seeing this scene, the shouting tourists were instantly dumbfounded.

"Ah? Little Fat Orange, you big villain, it's fine if you don't stop when you hear our voices, but the car is still driving fast?"

"That's right, don't run, you little villain, the driver should speed up and catch up."

The tourists who came back to their senses immediately urged the driver.

The other party should stop driving slowly, can you speed up quickly?

"Okay, okay, I see, all tourists, don't worry, don't worry." The driver who was urged replied, and stepped on the accelerator heavily.

Immediately, the whole bus roared, and rushed out with a "whoosh".But there is still a long distance from the bus in front. After the tourists saw it, they continued:
"Yes, yes, that's the way it is, please speed up, master driver."

"Yes, driver, didn't you say that you have been driving on this road for more than ten years? Let us see how good you are."

"Then you really have to do everything well this time, I really want to speed up." Hearing their urging, the driver said.

Since they said so, then he will show his housekeeping skills and let them see what a real old mountain driver is.

"Don't worry, master. Our seat belts are fastened tightly, so you can rest assured."

"That's right, master, please speed up, we can hold on."

The tourists replied, suddenly feeling a strong thrust pushing them forward.The scenery outside the window has changed dramatically.

Immediately, one by one happily said: "Yes, yes, this speed is necessary. Master, is it correct for you to drive so fast?"

"Yeah, don't hide it, we can eat it, so you can open it boldly."

"Understood, you are all seated, the next thing is a bit bumpy, if you don't do it well, you will fall." The driver reminded while driving, the steering wheel in his hand, turning around, just like the big Same as the wheel.

"What the hell is going on with the bus in the back? It's driving so fast."

"Yeah, I'm afraid there is some serious illness."

The car that was driving in front heard the sound of air waves coming from beside it, and saw the bus soaring.Can't help cursing angrily.

On this kind of mountain road, a bus is still driving so vigorously, this is not a brain disease, what is it?

They had never seen such a reckless bus, and the other party really didn't take all the tourists on the bus seriously.

"Xiaoju, the bus behind is desperately chasing you. It looks like it won't stop until it catches up with you." Sister Hong'er, who was sitting in her seat, saw the bus that appeared behind with a "whoosh" .Said to Cheng Hao with a smile.

"Aww~ (What does this have to do with me? It's not that I told them to rush.)" Cheng Hao immediately put the relationship aside when he heard this. As for the responsibility, he is not that stupid.

This is obviously the driver of the bus, who drove indiscriminately regardless of the safety of the passengers.

"This bus is really crazy. How can it drive so fast on the mountain road? It is not responsible for the safety of the passengers at all. As an excellent robot, this robot decided to take good care of it. Take care of that." Robot No. [-], who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, said after hearing this.Then he connected directly to the traffic control department.

"Hello, this is the public transportation department of Fengcha City. May I ask what you need?" the policeman on duty at the traffic police department of Fengcha City asked.

"Of course, I have something important to report." The robot heard this and reported the name of the bus behind it.

"What? Is there a bus racing on the mountain road of Huacha Mountain in Fengri City? Is it still full of tourists? This is really too dangerous."

"Thank you for your report, I will deal with it right away." The traffic policeman said after listening.

Good guy, it's really outrageous. He actually raced a car on a mountain road, and what's more, it was a bus.

"Yeah, let's deal with it quickly, this bus is performing tail-swinging stunts now." Robot No. [-] hung up the phone immediately after saying that, the hateful bus actually disturbed him and the little flower girl, how could he Playing alone, now let's see how the traffic police deal with him?
"Robot No. [-], you really do what you say." Sister Hong'er couldn't help smiling when she heard that. She didn't expect that Robot No. [-] actually called to report.

"Of course, this robot is the latest type of robot. It is the most annoying thing to do." Robot No. [-] said with its head held high. What does it mean to be selfless and brave?That's it for him.

"Aww~ (Although I usually hate you as an idiot robot, I have to say that you are doing the right thing, and you should deal with them like this.)" Cheng Hao said when he saw this, looking at the people behind him. The bus looked over.It was found that the bus that was still drifting just now began to slow down slowly.

"What's the matter, Boss? I'm driving now." On the bus, the driver asked while lightly stepping on the brakes.

He is drifting and cornering now, why did the boss call at this time?

"Do you still know that you guy is driving? Didn't I tell you to drive slower? Why are you driving so fast again? It's for you to send someone off, not to drive fast." The supervisor on the other end of the phone heard He said, cursing violently with blue veins: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused by doing this?"

"What's wrong with this? Didn't I not go racing in the city?" The driver who heard this said weakly.

"Nonsense, if you dared to race in the city, you wouldn't be so lucky. You idiot was reported, do you know? Someone reported you for racing on a mountain road."

"Hurry up and stop for me, come back and write a review for me. Otherwise, I will go to a small dark room honestly." The supervisor on the other end of the phone cursed, and he was still racing in the city. easy?It was already caught.

"Yes, boss." Hearing that he had been reported, the driver's voice suddenly became quieter.

No wonder the boss got so angry, someone reported him, who the hell is hungry and has nothing to do?

"Don't be, yes, drive slowly for me. Work hard and don't make trouble for me." The person on the other end of the phone said, and then hung up the phone. This day's cleaning did not give him peace of mind.

"Why did the driver suddenly slow down? Hurry up and catch up."

"Yes, master driver, you were very fast just now, just follow that speed as hard as you can."

The tourists who saw the speed of the car slowed down immediately stopped doing it. Why did this good-looking other party slow down?Now Chubby Ju couldn't even see a shadow of him.

"I want to go faster, but I can't go faster at all. I just increased the speed a little bit, and someone reported it. The higher-ups have called to warn me. If I speed up? Then this job will be done. I lost it." The driver who heard the tourists said helplessly: "Everyone is considerate, I really can't speed up."

"Is that so? Who the hell is doing the reporting when they're full and have nothing to do?"

"That's right, isn't this short-sighted? This is it?"

The tourists couldn't help cursing when they heard the words. Those who were in the car didn't say anything, but they didn't know where they came from, and a group of people who didn't take the car reported it.

Now it's over, they really can't catch up with Xiaopangju.

"Okay, Xiaoju, don't look behind, that bus can't catch up." Sister Hong'er saw Cheng Hao, looked back and said with a smile.

"Aww~ (I know, don't I want to see if the report of No. [-] robot is useful? It seems to be useful now.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao replied, turning his head Come back and look ahead.

"Of course, the bus has been reported, how could he still have the courage to drive so fast?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and touched Cheng Hao's head: "But if they know who reported it If so? Robot No. [-] is probably about to die."

"Aww~ (That's okay, we'll be okay anyway, Robot No. [-] is a piece of iron and can't be beaten to death.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently when he heard the words, anyway, it is Robot No. [-] who will be beaten at that time, not them Nothing to do with them.

"Nonsense, this robot is so powerful, but I'm not afraid of these guys. If they dare to attack this robot? Then they will be out of luck. This robot is not a vegetarian." The robot No. [-] sitting in front heard this. , said immediately, he is the latest robot.

Are you still afraid of these unarmed people?

"According to the department's rules, under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to shoot at civilians. Robot No. [-]." Li Hua, who was driving, reminded after hearing the words.

This robot seems to be acting stupid again. Sure enough, like other colleagues in the department said, this robot is not very smart.

"That's right, so what if the robot waits until they take the initiative to attack me before attacking? There will be no problem." Robot No. [-] said.

As the saying goes, there are policies above, even if there are countermeasures, the above will not allow them to attack for no reason.

But as long as the other party attacks him first, then he doesn't count as an attack, right?

After all, justifiable self-defense is also useful for robots.

"Uh, robot No. [-], you don't mean to lure them to attack you, and then wait for the opportunity to attack you?" Sister Hong'er asked after hearing this. The words of robot No. [-] sound so eerie. ?What bad idea is the other party thinking?

"Of course not. This robot is very well-educated. How could it do such a bad thing? You are slandering me." Hearing this, robot No. [-] immediately spoke road.

"Aww~ (Based on how insidious and despicable an idiot robot you are, I think my sister's guess is not unreasonable, you will definitely do this.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard the words, he had never seen such an insidious robot, really It's outrageous.

With the degree of insidiousness and despicability of the other party, without conditions, conditions will definitely be created.

"Well, my sister thinks so too." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"Hey, hey, what are you two talking about? Don't tarnish the image of this robot." Robot No. [-] shouted. Although he couldn't understand tiger language, he could still understand human language.

How could the two of them deliberately slander themselves, who has a sense of justice, in front of Xiaohua beauty?

"Uh, judging from the current situation, you may be over-concerned about Robot No. [-], because you have no image at all." Li Hua, who was driving, looked at the front and said without forgetting to make up the knife.

Who in the department doesn't know that robot No. [-] is a thick-skinned and arrogant guy?

"Ah? What's the matter, Xiaohua beauty, you always talk about this robot like this? Is this robot so bad?" Robot No. [-] heard a voice from the side, and the whole robot was dumbfounded.

Why does even the beautiful little flower say that?Is the latest robot developed by his dignified department so unbearable?
"Although it hurts to say it, but in terms of the current evaluation of the department and the evaluation of you on the Internet, the situation is like this."

"If you don't believe it? You can search the Internet and find out what everyone has said about you." Li Hua shrugged.

The eyes of the masses are discerning. If Robot No. [-] doesn't believe it, you can go to the Internet and see for yourself, and you will understand how suspicious he is.

"That's right, robot No. [-], we say you won't believe it, but if you go and see for yourself, I think you'll understand." Sister Hong'er echoed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. This robot is so good, how can it be evaluated so badly? This must be a good thing done by those guys who are jealous of me." Robot No. [-] steadied himself after being slightly startled. Xin Shen said: "This robot never cares about the words of those little blacks. This robot believes that it is the best."

"Robot No. [-], you really do what they said, you are really too narcissistic." Hearing this, Li Hua couldn't help but sighed.

What does it mean to never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep? Robot No. [-] gave them a vivid lesson, telling them what it means to be unable to wake up a person.

"Aww~ (That's right. This idiot robot is the most narcissistic, I have already felt it.)" Cheng Hao echoed after hearing this.

"This is all fake, all of this is fake, this robot will not be fooled, all of this is the world's prejudice against this robot." Robot No. [-] said while shaking his head.

"Aww~ (Sister, why don't you throw out robot No. [-]? I think he's a little out of his mind, maybe he'll beat people up.)" Seeing this, Cheng Hao shrank back quickly.

Robot No. [-] is obviously a little crazy. He thinks it's best to send him to a mental hospital, because his current appearance is very similar to the legendary psychopath.

"Don't talk nonsense, robot No. [-] is a bit crazy, but it hasn't become mentally ill." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's head angrily and said.

"Aww~ (It's not certain, maybe this guy was invaded by some virus, I think it's the best way to deal with him first.)" Cheng Hao suggested.

For the sake of the safety of all the passengers in the car, he suggested that the No. [-] robot be thrown away first, so as not to cause problems in time.

"Don't worry, isn't there still your little villain here? My sister believes that you can deal with him."

"And it's wrong not to throw rubbish outside indiscriminately. You little villain can't do this, you know?" Sister Hong'er said. If nothing happens to the robot No. [-], it must be in a state of mental disorder again now. Yes, but it will recover by itself in a while.

"Aww~ (It makes sense, after all, robot No. [-] is not an ordinary garbage, and it is true that he cannot be thrown outside.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head in agreement when he heard the words.

Like robot No. [-], if this kind of garbage is thrown away casually?I'm afraid it will pollute the environment.

And for the sake of the surrounding environment, he felt that he had to go into the designated trash can to throw the other party away, otherwise it would be bad if he hit the road and made a big hole in the ground.

"I'm not rubbish, and I'm not mentally ill. Can you stop pretending that I don't exist?" Robot No. [-] asked after hearing this.

"Eh? Robot No. [-], are you recovering from illness so quickly?" Sister Hong'er was surprised when she heard this.

"I'm not sick at all, what do you mean I'm cured?" Robot No. [-] heard this, a pair of blue eyes turned into blazing flames, what's the matter?When did he get sick?They don't talk nonsense, okay?
"But robot [-], didn't you look sick just now?" Li Hua, who was sitting beside him, said.

She even saw robot [-] and was insane. Is there any problem with robot [-]?

"Of course not, I'm just thinking about some problems." Robot No. [-] explained.

"Then Robot No. [-], let me ask you how much is one plus one?" Li Hua asked with a smile, and the gas pedal under her feet was loosened a lot.

"Of course it is equal to two. This kind of pediatric question is actually used to ask this robot. Is this robot so stupid?" Robot No. [-] said with contempt in his eyes.

"Aww~ (Of course you're stupid, if you're not stupid, how could you say such a thing?)" Cheng Hao tilted his head and said, "Robot No. [-], I'm going to ask you a question. What animal has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?"

"Of course it's a human. For such a simple question, do you think you can get this robot? You really underestimate this robot." Hearing the translation of sister Hong'er, the No. [-] robot said proudly: " This robot has collected all the riddles in the world, it is not feasible for you to play brain teasers with this robot."

"Oooh~ (Okay, okay, it seems that you are not crazy.)" Cheng Hao sighed and said, "Oooh~ (This is really a bad thing, I still want to send you to scrap purchase Stop for some money.)”

"You little villain, you only think about money every day. This is not the right thing. Sending robots like No. [-] to the garbage dump is harmful, you know? Others don't want to accept it." Sister Hong'er heard the words, Said jokingly.

"Aww~(It makes sense, after all, he is a harmful garbage, and ordinary garbage stations can't clean him up.)" Cheng Hao nodded.

"Miss Breeder, don't go too far, I'm the best robot, if you do this again, I'll be angry." Hearing the No. [-] robot here, his whole face lit up The raging flames said.

"Robot No. [-], please remember your attitude. You are here to protect Sister Honger." Li Hua reminded, why can't Robot No. [-] be able to play anymore?This teased him and got angry.

"Ahhh? Damn it!" Hearing this, robot No. [-] became even more angry. He was really pissed off.

But he couldn't do anything yet, it was really aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, robot [-], don't be angry, it was our fault just now."

"You don't care about villains, okay?" Seeing that the game was going too far, Sister Hong'er hurriedly said.

The expression on the face of the angry No. [-] robot was much better after hearing this:

"Hmph! This is not too bad. For the sake of your apology, this robot will forgive you."

"But if you dare to make fun of Ben again? The robot will still be angry."

"No, no, isn't this to see how smart you are? So I'm just joking with you. I didn't expect you to be so smart." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Of course, this robot has said it a long time ago. This robot is the latest and most powerful robot." Robot No. [-] said proudly. Seeing that there is no such thing as surrendering without fighting, he did nothing to the opponent. I was so scared that I apologized to him.

This is where his No. [-] robot is so powerful.

"Since you are so good? Then robot No. [-] can pick tea leaves?" Li Hua asked after parking the car.

"Of course I will. This robot knows astronomy above and geography below. It is good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, playing and singing." Robot No. [-] proudly said, isn't it just picking tea leaves?He has the most advanced microcomputer, just look it up and know what to do?

"That's good, come down quickly, let's go and pay for the tea picking." Li Hua pushed the car door open and said, then walked towards the aunt who was standing at the gate of the tea garden.

Here, you can pick tea at will by paying 30 yuan. How much tea you pick depends on your hand speed. What if you want to make these teas into drinkable tea?I have to give some money and ask the aunt in the tea garden to help fry it.

"Okay! Just leave it to this robot, just watch it." Robot No. [-] said proudly, and got out of the car.

"Aww~ (Speaking of sister, it doesn't matter if I go out like this?)" Cheng Hao said as he watched the people coming and going outside.

He felt that with so many people here, he didn't seem to be suitable for it.Maybe it will scare away a lot of people.

"Of course it has something to do with it. You should stay in the car for a while. Elder sister, go talk to the staff here. If there is no problem? Come down again, you little villain." Sister Hong'er said, suddenly a tiger Appeared in the tea garden, this person had no problems, so he was called a ghost.

"Aww~ (Sister, go quickly, I'll be waiting for you in the car.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, and lay comfortably on the air conditioner.

"Okay, you little slacker." Sister Hong'er smiled, patted Cheng Hao's big butt, opened the car door and got out.

"Sister Hong'er, won't Xiaoju come down?" Li Hua, who had paid for the basket, saw Sister Hong'er coming down alone.puzzled.

"Xiaoju won't come down yet, let me see if there are many people here? Will the staff of the tea garden here allow Xiaoju to come?"

"What if it's not allowed? Let's go to the next place, don't cause commotion here." Sister Hong'er explained, looking at the tourists who were picking tea leaves.

I think it's probably useless for Xiaoju to come down, so many people pick tea here.Didn't Xiaoju scare everyone away when a tiger came down?
"Don't worry, sister Hong'er. When I came here yesterday, I told the people at the scenic spot, and they all agreed that Xiaoju should come in." Li Hua said with a smile after hearing this.

The people at the scenic spot were overjoyed when they heard that Xiaoju was coming, how could they refuse?Sister Hong'er was a little too worried.

After all, Xiaoju is a big star. When others heard that Xiaoju came to the tea garden?I just feel that the tea here is really good, even big stars come here in person, this will only increase their reputation here, okay?

"So I've been notified, so I can rest assured." Hearing this, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, she turned around and walked to the car to open the door: "You little scoundrel, come out quickly, the department I have already said hello to this side. There will be no problem."

"Aww~ (Really? Then I'll come out.)" Cheng Hao said, and got up from his seat.He got out of the car with his head.

"Mom, look there, there is a big orange cat. It is several times bigger than the orange cat raised by Grandma Liu downstairs."

Just as Cheng Hao came out, the little girl who jumped out of the little red car parked opposite saw her, immediately blinked her big eyes, shook her mother who was closing the door and said:
"You silly boy, do you know that's not an orange cat, that's a tiger? Look at the leaflet of the tea garden, isn't it there? Today, the big star Xiaoju came to the tea garden to pick tea, so don't panic." Closed The woman who got out of the car door pulled down the sunglasses she was wearing and looked at Cheng Hao, then smiled and touched the girl's head and said.

"So this is the tiger the teacher said, Mom. He is so round and cute." The little girl stared at Cheng Hao with an interested expression when she heard this.

"Aww~ (Sister, let's run quickly, a little girl is following me, I feel like if I don't leave? I'm going to be in trouble.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing the commotion here, and pulled sister Hong'er The bottom of his trousers ran towards Robot No. [-] and the others. Children were the most curious about it.

He didn't want to be surrounded by a group of brats here.

"Are you so scared, little rascal? See how nervous you are?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she saw this.Then he took a step to keep up.

"Look at the big star Xiaopangju, he looks so fat, just like the one in the video."

"Yeah, yeah, I thought the tea garden was teasing us today, but I didn't expect a big star to come."

"That's right, that's right, let's hurry up and see this big star."

Cheng Hao is dressed in bright yellow and black, how conspicuous is it in the green tea leaves?How conspicuous is that?Everyone saw him almost immediately.Immediately, they surrounded him noisily.

(End of this chapter)

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