Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 204 You Two Are Really Capable, You Can Easily Do Things That Other Powers Can't Do

Chapter 204 You Two Are Really Capable, You Can Easily Do Things That Other Powers Can't Do
"Look... I see."

Hearing this, Wang Wu and Lao Liu nodded their heads and said.

It turns out that this car belongs to the evolution department. No wonder the Gundam was sent to chase them. What is it all about?Why are they so unlucky?

"Now that you saw it, do you know why you were arrested now?" said the team member.

"Understood, I understand. But sir, if you have doubts, you wronged the two of us. It wasn't the two of us who wanted to take this Mr. Tiger away, but he let us go." Wang Wu emphasized, already With a charge of stealing from the country, they don't want to add abduction to it, and the country will be held accountable for animal protection.

"Yes, sir. The two of us want to send this Uncle Tiger back, but he won't let us." After hearing this, Lao Liu followed suit.

"Do you two understand animal language or do you have other abilities? Tell us how the little fat orange made you not stop?" the team members said in a bad mood.

These two people will really excuse themselves, they can even say such nonsense, why didn't they say that it was Xiaopangju who asked them to abduct him?
"As soon as we step on the brakes, he stretches out his claws." Lao Liu said.

"Yeah, he's still not happy to stop." Wang Wu echoed.

Why didn't the other party believe their words? What they said was true.

"Nonsense, I abducted you. Are you happy to see that the car is leaving?" The team member looked at the two who were still talking and said, "You two don't explain to me here, come back with us See the commander."

"Huh? Commander? What kind of officer is that?"

The two people who heard this were puzzled, and they were handcuffed.

"When the two of you arrive, you will know who the officials are?" said the team member, escorting them into the car.

"Aww~ (I said, what are you doing here so quickly? I'm having fun here.)" Cheng Hao, who jumped out of the business car, looked at the team members and couldn't help muttering.

This group of people didn't show up sooner or later, but they chose this time to show up for him. Isn't this here to cause sabotage?
He is enjoying the beautiful scenery here with these two guys.

"Don't worry, little fat orange. We will take you to the Jindu Temple soon, and you will see the breeder lady soon." The team member who heard Cheng Hao's voice said with a smile, thinking that Cheng Hao was here Worry about it.

"Aww~ (compared to this, I think we can go for a ride.)" Cheng Hao said weakly, feeling very headache, it's not good if he doesn't understand the language, the other party can't understand what he said?
But what if the other party knows what he said?None of them would say such things.

What can I do at that Kyoto temple now?Why don't you stay there in a daze?
It's better to sit here and enjoy the mountain breeze and see the beautiful scenery.

"Okay, little fat orange, hurry up and get in the car, shall we take you to the Kyoto Temple now?"

The team member said with a smile, let Cheng Hao drive a little bit and get in the car.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Cheng Hao said helplessly, and jumped into the car.

"Sit down, little fat orange, we are going to set off now." The team member sitting in the driver's seat said with a smile.The vehicle was started.

"Aww~ (Let's go, let's go. It's really boring.)" Cheng Hao yawned back, looking outside with some lack of interest.

"Report to the commander, the criminal has been captured, and the little fat orange has been successfully rescued. We are now taking the criminal to the department, and the little fat orange is also heading towards the Kyoto Temple."

Inside the mecha, the captain reported their work.

"Very good, you have done a good job." Hearing this, Commander Liu said with satisfaction, "Bring the prisoners back as soon as possible. I will interrogate them myself."

"Yes, Commander." The captain replied, and drove away in the mecha.

"Lao Liu, I feel that the two of us are about to end this time." Wang Wu looked at the blue sky and white clouds around him, and said with a sad face.

"Yes, I have the same feeling. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have escaped from prison. Who would have known that such a thing would happen?" Lao Liu also said with a bitter face.

Well, they stayed in the prison honestly and had nothing to do, but they just wanted to come out, now it's all right?It was a big mistake all at once.

This is stealing national property and abducting national protected animals. Thank goodness for the two of them if they didn't get jumped this time.

"Little Fat Orange, we have arrived at the place. The breeder lady is waiting for you over there, how is it? Are you very happy?"

In the parking lot of Jindu Temple, after the car stopped slowly, the team members looked at the people waiting not far away and said to Cheng Hao with a smile.

"Aww~ (Not at all, thank you.)" Cheng Hao yawned boredly when he heard the words, what's so interesting about this temple, it's not as fun as the two fugitives took him for a ride just now.

"Little Fat Orange, why did you get kidnapped by others? Ah? You should resist, do you know how worried I am about you?" Just as Cheng Hao was muttering, a crying pear blossom with rain appeared outside the car window Li Hua's face.

"Aww~ (I'll go, can you walk with a little noise?)" Seeing the face suddenly appearing outside the car window, Cheng Hao was startled.

It was really scary that the other party walked without making a sound.

"Xiaoju, you little rascal, are you fine? Why didn't you resist when you were kidnapped? Could it be that your little nose can't smell it? Is the one in the car older sister?" Sister Hong'er came over, Pinching Cheng Hao's nose and asking.

"Aww~ (I'm already asleep, who knows who is here?)"

"Aww~ (Besides, no matter who comes, should they steal the car or not?)" Cheng Hao said flatly.

When he got up, the car didn't know how far he had driven, okay?Even if he wanted to stop it, he had to find a way to stop it.

Besides, aren't those two malicious?He just wanted to steal the car, and he thought it would be fun to play with those two guys.

"So you're quite happy, little villain, aren't you?" Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing the words.

That little villain didn't seem to be frightened at all, but he was quite happy.It's a good thing they are so worried here.

"Aww~ (a little bit happy, after all, those two are quite interesting.)" Cheng Hao said, shaking his paws, looking at Zishi who was standing beside him and waiting for someone to say: "Aww~ (Are you finished shopping now? Don’t plan to continue shopping?)”

"Still going shopping? You lost your little rascal and your car, how dare sister still go shopping?" Hong'er sister said angrily when she heard this, pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and said, "You When the little villain encounters such a thing in the future? Remember it for my sister, you must resist immediately and defeat the criminals, you know?"

"Aww~ (Got it, got it. Sister, let go of your hand first, let's discuss what to do next, shall we?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and slapped Hong'er's hand away with his paw.Just jumped out of the car.

"What else can I do next? Of course I'm going back home." Sister Hong'er said angrily, hugged Cheng Hao's head with both hands and pushed him onto the car.

"Aww~ (Don't be so fast, isn't it not long since you came out?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"Where is it not long? It's already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Do you know how long you've been traveling this time, you little rascal?" Sister Hong'er scolded with a smile, and then pushed Cheng Hao to continue getting into the car.At the same time, I didn't forget to say to Li Hua: "Okay, Xiao Hua, don't cry anymore, if you cry again, you will cry like a black cat. Isn't this little villain all right?"

"Aww~ (That's right, those who don't know think I'm gone, why are you crying?)" Cheng Hao continued.

Didn't he just go out for a while?Look at her crying.

"Done!" Cheng Hao had just finished speaking when there was a crisp sound in his head.

"You little scoundrel, don't tell me the good things, just tell my sister the bad things. Shut up." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao, who was suddenly hit by a chestnut, replied, and he said that he couldn't do it either?He has to be beaten, he is so unlucky.

"Yeah, fat orange, promise me that you won't run away anymore." Li Hua said to Cheng Hao after hearing this.

"Aww~ (I didn't intend to run away, someone stole the car and stole me away, okay?)" Cheng Hao murmured weakly after hearing this.

He put the sleeping soundly in the car, and suddenly someone came and stole him. How could he justify such a thing?Don't make it look like he really wants to run away.

"It's okay, Xiaohua. Xiaoju understands, she won't run around anymore. Don't worry, get in the car quickly, let's go back to the department." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and patted Cheng Hao's big After ass.He dragged Li Hua into the car.

When Zishi and Choushi saw it, they immediately followed.

After they were done, the car drove straight away.

The No. [-] robot, who was looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance and wantonly expressing his insights, shouted after seeing the car start:

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? This robot hasn't got on the car yet, so wait a little longer, I haven't got on the car yet."

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. This guy called him terrified. Is it okay now? The car drove away and didn't take him with him."

"Yes, yes, I am dying of laughter. I want to see if he can run with two legs better than four?"

After the water friends in the live broadcast room saw it, they were very happy when they laughed.

Tell this stupid robot to run around here all day to show off, and now he continues to show off?
"You two are very good. From the past to now, many people who are stronger than the two of you want to steal Xiaopangju, but they either die or are injured. If they had asked you two for help earlier? Maybe they have succeeded now Already."

Inside the evolutionist department of Feng Crack City, Commander Liu looked at the two heads in front of him and said, the guy who looked like a quail spoke.

I really didn't expect that the little fat orange could be stolen by two fugitives right under their noses?
What if it gets out?Those who tried to steal Xiaopangju in the past probably fainted in the toilet.

Think about which of those people is not stronger than these two fugitives, and which one of them is not stronger than them, but they were caught without even stealing a hair from Xiaopangju.

Unlucky?Now the grass on the grave has grown more than ten feet high.

And the two of them, do you see how the two of them are a little injured?

"Sir, don't beat around the bush and scare us. The two of us really didn't mean it."

"That's right, sir, the two of us just wanted to steal two cars and escape. We didn't even think about stealing Xiaopangju."

The two people who heard this became more and more frightened as they listened, and they were almost unable to stand up in fright.

Didn't they just steal a car?Who knew something like this would happen?
If I had known it would be like this?Even if they died in prison, they wouldn't do such a thing.Isn't this innocent looking for guilt?
"Hmph! I know you two were careless. If it is found out that you two were intentional, do you think you two are still alive to stand here?" Commander Liu glanced at the two of them and said coldly: "Do you know how to explain everything honestly and honestly? In this way, you still have your life to go to jail, otherwise, if the higher-ups find out, the two of you are going to be shot."

"I have nothing to do when I'm full, pick the car thieves from our department. I also pick the chubby oranges who are resting. I don't know whether you two are smart or stupid?"

"The two of us must be stupid." Hearing this, Wang Wulaoliu said weakly.

If they were smart, they wouldn't be so unlucky.

"It's good to know that I'm stupid." Commander Liu said angrily, and said to the team members standing aside: "Put them in custody, and send them back to prison after the transcripts are completed."

"Yes, Commander."

The team member replied after hearing the words, and escorted the two of them away.

"Commander, I just got the news from the car that the breeders are coming back now." King Kong said after seeing the person being escorted away.

"Well, I got it. Remember that this matter must not be leaked, especially not to the Hongta Shandong side?" Commander Liu said after hearing this.

If Lao Ma finds out about this, he will be finished.

The other party guessed that he would go to the top to argue non-stop, and he would come over and laugh at him in a different way.

"Yes, Commander." King Kong nodded and walked away.Let everyone keep their mouths shut.

"Sister, are we good sisters?" In the car, Li Hua suddenly tightened Sister Hong'er's hand and asked.

"Yes, why?" Sister Hong'er, who was suddenly grabbed by her hand, asked in a daze.

"Then sister, will you help me later?" Li Hua asked happily after hearing this.

"Um? Help you? Are you saying that you want me to speak nicely to the commander?" Sister Hong'er, who heard this, quickly understood what the other party meant.

"Yes, sister? You must help me. I have caused such a big disaster this time. The commander will definitely scold me to death. You have to help me." Li Hua said tearfully.

"But didn't the commander say that you won't be blamed? Don't worry." Sister Hong'er said with a smile upon hearing this.

Didn't the commander tell you all about it on the phone, won't you blame her?Why is she still so worried?
"The commander said you don't blame me now, but he won't guarantee that you won't pursue this matter in the future, sister." Li Hua said with tearful eyes: "So sister, you have to speak well for me. At least you have to take responsibility for this matter." Push it away for me."

As the team member who brought Sister Hong'er and Pang Ju out this time, even though Pang Ju was chased back in the car, she still has to bear great responsibility for this matter.

What if Miss Hong'er doesn't help her?She's going to die.

"I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee that I can help you solve this matter." Sister Hong'er saw the other party's snot and tears, which were about to fall on her, and said quickly.

Xiaohua speaks as soon as she speaks, don't lean her nose and tears to her side.This made her very scared.

"Yeah, I knew my sister was the best." Li Hua said happily after hearing that.He hurriedly wiped it with a tissue, with runny nose and tears.

Sister Hong'er breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it.

At this time, the car also entered the department and stopped in the parking lot.

After learning about the situation here, Commander Liu came over and waited.When he saw the car stopped, he immediately came up to him: "Xiaoju, are you okay? Did the two fugitives scare you this time? If it scares you, tell me, and I will let you go immediately." Somebody go clean them up."

"Aww~ (Don't leave them alone, they are also very interesting, don't deal with them if you have nothing to do, I think they are very interesting.)" Cheng Hao said hastily when he heard this.

How unlucky it is for these two fugitives to be beaten without doing anything?As a good tiger, he felt that he had to help the two of them talk.

"Xiaoju, do you think the two of them are interesting? Well then, let's not deal with them." Commander Liu, who heard Sister Hong'er's translation, said with a smile: "It's really unexpected that this kind of thing happened this time. Ah, but don't worry, Xiaoju."

"I guarantee that this will never happen tomorrow."

"Aww~ (Why is there still tomorrow? Don't we go back at night?)" Cheng Hao was stunned when he heard the words. They have been out for a few days, so they should go back. Why do we have to go back at night tomorrow? He I still want to go back to sleep late.

In addition, my younger brothers also need someone to help take care of them. It won't work if they have been out for a long time.

"Ah? Don't go back so early. How long have you been here? Let's play here for a while longer."

Hearing that Cheng Hao was leaving, Commander Liu said quickly.

"Yeah, Xiaoju. Don't leave now, and play here again, okay?" Li Hua, who was next to him, said quickly when he heard the words, and hugged Cheng Hao's big head directly: "Little fat orange, look at me For the sake of memorizing it all morning, I will give my sister a face. Can you stay and play more?"

This is one of the few opportunities for her to make meritorious deeds. If she misses this village, she won't have another shop.

Little Fat Orange must agree.

"Yes, Xiaoju. Xiaohua has already said that, can we stay for two more days? Look at Xiaohua brushing your back for so long in the morning, and the hands are peeling off." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's big head said.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, let's play for two more days.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao knocked Hong'er and said.For the sake of the breeder's sister, he will reluctantly stay for a few more days.

"Okay, that's right." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and said to Li Hua at the side: "Okay, Xiaohua, you can let Xiaoju go. Xiaoju promises to stay and play again. "

"Really? Xiaoju, I knew you were the best." Li Hua said happily after hearing this, hugging Cheng Hao's round face, and was about to kiss her.

But it was stopped by the furry paws.

"Aww~ (Wan Gui Wan Nao Nao Gui Nao, do you really know if you don't want to come here?)" Cheng Hao said while pressing the other party's mouth that was about to fall.

Don't kiss him, but stay in front of the breeder's sister.Isn't this cheating him?

"Xiaohua, you better let go, Xiaoju doesn't like someone kissing him like this." Sister Hong'er said after seeing her.

Look at Xiaoju's resisting little paws?I knew how much Xiaoju resisted.The other party should stop talking.

"Okay, okay, you little villain is willing to kiss you, but you are not happy with you?" Seeing this, Li Hua said angrily.Then let go of the face attached to Cheng Hao's paw?Only now did Cheng Hao feel a lot more relaxed.

"Since you are willing to stay for a while, Xiaoju, that's really great." Commander Liu said with a smile: "You must be terrified of following those fugitives today, right? I've asked the cafeteria to prepare delicious meals for you , you go to eat first to suppress your shock."

"Aww~ (Really? Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly.)" Cheng Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Leaving everyone standing here, he ran towards the cafeteria.

I said earlier that the cafeteria prepared delicious food, so why is he talking to them here?

"Little glutton..." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but shook her head with a smile when she saw this, then turned around and continued talking with Commander Liu.

"Mai Mai, do you think the clothes I'm wearing are okay? Is it suitable to appear in the department?" Xiao Ran, who was sitting in the car, asked to the side.

"Of course it's suitable, I think it's pretty good-looking." Hearing this, Mai said, reaching out to help the other party pull back her hair.

"That's good, that's good." Xiao Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

She can do well in this outfit, but she is worried that she won't be able to wear it well.

"Xiao Ran, don't be too nervous. We are mainly going to thank Xiaopangju this time. Don't be so concerned about your own image. After all, Xiaopangju doesn't pay so much attention." Sister Li said with a smile.

They weren't walking the red carpet or participating in any show. They were dressed so well, but they were a little too deliberate.

She thinks that Xiao Ran's current appearance is very good, ah, there is no need to dress up like that deliberately, but it will make people feel a little disgusted.

"Well. That's true. I don't know if Xiaopangju has returned to the department now?" Xiao Ran said with a smile, looking out of the car window.

Then I saw a large number of mechs flying over the roof of their cars.

"What a domineering mecha, is this a high-tech weapon developed by the evolutionary department? It's a man's dream."

The driver of the car saw this scene, and couldn't help saying enviously, how many people dreamed that they could drive such a mecha?
But now half of this dream has been realized and the mechs have been produced, and the rest has to be done by oneself.

"Yeah, I don't know what energy this mecha uses to start it? How much energy does it consume per [-] kilometers? Is it equipped with the latest laser cannon?" The hair stylist nodded after hearing this, his eyes were also full of curiosity.

If you can touch these when you go to the evolutionary department this time?That would be great.

I don't know if they can personally experience the joy of driving a mech?

"Don't you two just look at the mecha and get lost in the road, can you just look at the road? Don't drive the car into the ditch." The people sitting behind reminded the two of them not to patronize Chatting, not looking at the road, it will be fun to drive the car into the ditch later.

"Don't worry, I'm an old driver. Isn't this kind of road a piece of cake for me?" The driver who heard this said indifferently.

Could it be possible that such a mere path could cause him to overturn his car?It was the best joke he'd heard in a while.

"I know you won't overturn your car, but don't be too arrogant. You must know that those who overturn their cars are often old drivers, just like those who are drowned in water, they are all capable of water." Mai reminded.

"That's someone else, with my ability? There will definitely be no problem." The driver said, looking forward, he found that the whole car was shaking.

"What's going on? Didn't you say you were driving very steadily? Why is the car shaking?"

"Yeah, yeah, what's going on?"

After everyone in the car noticed it, they asked questions one after another.

"It's really none of my business, it's not my driving skills, it's the road shaking." The driver who heard this said.

"How could the road be shaking? Don't tell me that a big earthquake is about to happen."

"That's right, if I remember correctly? This doesn't seem to be an earthquake zone." As the people in the car spoke, they saw a lot of muddy water splashing in the nearby fields.

When they looked into the distance, they saw a scene that shocked them for life.

A huge car with wheels the size of their bus was running across the fields.And the huge turret is loaded on this car, which looks like a war fortress.

And on this huge car, the big characters of "Evolutionary Department" five are particularly bright.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help being dumbfounded:
"I'm going, what is the evolutionary department doing here? It looks too scary."

"Yeah, I've always heard that there are people from the evolutionary department doing experiments here from time to time. I always thought it was fake. It turned out to be true."

They had heard that the local department was developing a very powerful weapon. They had always thought it was a fake. After seeing it this time, they realized that they were not lying. What these people said was true.

"Slow down, you bastard, do you want to smash the field here? Have you seen the shore, there are people watching there, how can you drive like this, you bastard?"

Inside the big car, the team members who saw the situation outside on the big screen cursed at the team members who were manipulating beside them.

Is this guy here to play games?How could he drive like this?

"Sorry, sorry, this big guy is too violent, don't worry, I will be gentle, this is a good guy." The team member who was scolded said with a playful smile.

The feeling of crushing everything is really cool.With this car, he felt that their evolutionist department in Fengren City would be invincible, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they would fall under their war castle.

"Nonsense, this is the strongest weapon developed by our department, can you be a good guy? Drive slowly, and the road will be crushed later? The boss will kill us." The team members cursed angrily.

"Yes..." The team member controlling the chariot replied, and drove cautiously.

Driving the War Fortress is really cool, and now there are a few little monsters for him to kill.

"Okay, don't watch it. We didn't come by car to see this thing, we went to thank Xiaopangju for saving Xiao Ran's life."

Seeing this, Sister Li reminded her.

"Yes." The driver continued to drive after hearing this.

But I still have strange feelings for the huge monster behind me. Such a big car must look very different, and I don’t know what it feels like to drive it?

I really want to join the special department, but I don't know if the other party will accept someone like him?

The driver thought to himself, and the accelerator under his feet could not help but increase a lot.

Probably the gate of the evolutionary department appeared in their sight.

At the same time, there were also robots flying towards them.The turrets were exposed on the bodies of these robots, with a new red light in their eyes, and they said to everyone in the car:
"Warning, warning, this is an official key unit, who are you? You are not allowed to enter without permission."

"Warning, warning. Turn the car around and leave, or it will be regarded as an invasion."

Seeing this scene, everyone in the car quickly said:
"Brother Robot, don't be so angry, we are not intruders. We came here this time to thank Xiaopangju."

"Yes, brother robot, can you report it for us?"

"Come here to thank Xiaopangju?" The team members controlling the robot were not taken aback when they heard this.I muttered in my heart what is this?

But just to be on the safe side?Still did not let them in, but said: "I know what you said, I will report to Miss Breeder for you, you just wait at the door."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

The driver who heard this said, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This department of evolution is indeed heavily guarded, known as the future science and technology city, and even the guards are robots.

"Hello, Miss Breeder, someone at the door said they came to thank Little Pangju for saving his life, would you like to go and have a look?"

In the department, Miss Hong'er, who was lying on the dandelion cradle, heard the sound of the loudspeaker installed on the dandelion cradle.

"Come here to thank Xiaoju for saving your life. Could it be that Miss Xiao Ran has arrived?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er sat up immediately, and shouted to Cheng Hao who was sitting on the pumpkin cart on the other side: "Xiaoju, Xiao Ran came over to thank you. Do you want to go to the door with your sister? "

(End of this chapter)

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