Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 206 Bears can also cuddle together?

Chapter 206 Bears can also cuddle together?
"It's true that you didn't hit yourself with the knife, so you're not in a hurry." Commander Liu said speechlessly after hearing this.

The other party was really patient, stepping back and forth every time.

If something happens suddenly, wait for the other party to arrive?Things are supposed to be over.

"It's useless to be anxious anyway, and since it's the agreed time, then we should go according to the agreed time." King Kong said.

"Okay, stop it." Commander Liu raised his hand and said, "Just do what you have to do, don't lie here, you know? I'm going to work now, don't stand by like a door god."

"Yes, Commander." Hearing this, King Kong replied, and then walked briskly to the back of the commander, and jumped out of the window.

"I said, can you go the right way? Who are you to learn not to take the usual way?" Seeing this scene, Commander Liu said unhappily, looking at his window very distressed.

That is, the window is not closed, if it is closed?I'm afraid the window will be smashed again.

Where did these young people learn their bad habits?One does not go through the front door, but likes to go through the window.

It seems that it is necessary to give these guys an ideological education course.They can't be allowed to be so arbitrary and lawless in the department.

They are disciplined and organized departments, how can they be so casual?
"Commander, Miss Breeder, is there something for you?" At this moment, the team member's voice came from the intercom placed on the table.

"Really? Hurry up and connect me." Commander Liu said hastily after hearing this.

"Yes." The team member replied, and Sister Hong'er's voice soon came: "Hi Commander Liu, may I ask where our tour route is tomorrow? Can you bring someone you know with you? "

"Of course there is no problem. Xiaohong, you can take whoever you want. Tomorrow we will go to the primeval forest of Fengri City. It is very big there, no matter how many people go there, there will be no problem." The commander who heard this said The officer said with a smile.

He thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be just such a small thing.

"Okay, thank you Commander." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile after hearing this.

"Well, you're welcome, but if you plan to take someone with you tomorrow? Can you tell me the name of the person you want to go with first, so that I can help you arrange a vehicle." Commander Liu said with a smile.

"Okay, we will go this time..." Sister Hong'er, who heard this, chatted with Xiao Ran while answering the commander's number of people going.

"Well, I've already written down the people who are going. I'm going to start arranging this matter now." Commander Liu looked at the names of the registered people after listening and said, all of these people are people who came this time.

It seemed that the person the other party was talking about wanted to play with these people.That shouldn't be a big problem.

"Okay, thank you Commander." Sister Hong'er replied after hearing the words.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter. Is there anything else? If not, I'll let someone arrange the itinerary." Commander Liu said with a smile.

"It's gone." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile when she heard the words.Then he heard the sound of the phone hanging up from the opposite side.

Early the next morning, Cheng Hao was still yawning when he arrived in the forest.

"Aww~ (Why do we come to this place to play? Sister. Is there a problem?)" Looking at the lush trees on both sides, Cheng Hao couldn't help asking, they came to this place because they thought he was I haven't seen a tree, so what?
After all, you shouldn't bring him here, right?He felt that he should take himself to a more interesting place.

"You ask my sister, she doesn't know, all of this is arranged by the department." The second sister Hong shrugged when she heard this, what's going on with this kind of thing?In fact, she didn't know, all of this was arranged by the department.

She originally thought that the original forest was the name of a theme park, but she didn't expect that the original forest refers to the forest that has not been developed here.

If she had known that this would be the case, she would have told the commander to change to another place to play.

"Aww~ (Then can we play in another place? It's just a forest like this. I've been there many times.)" Cheng Hao muttered, people here wouldn't think he was a tiger born in the Tiger Garden, Have you ever been to a virgin forest?Then they really underestimated him.

Whenever he is free, he will go for a walk in the forest twice, and catch a few king tree gnaws by the way. There is no need to come to the forest here to relive the primitive life of tigers.

"I'm afraid not. The two of us don't like it, but someone seems to like it quite a bit." Sister Hong'er looked at it after hearing this, and Xiao Ran and others who were very interested on the other side said.

They didn't seem to have been to the primeval forest very much. After seeing some things they couldn't see here, they were all very happy.

"Aww~ (Does that mean we can only play with them here?)" Cheng Hao said weakly.

"That's what it means. Xiaoju, don't be too disappointed. Let's take a look here first, and treat it as a stroll." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head and said.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, it seems like this is the only way to go at the moment.)" Cheng Hao said helplessly when he heard this.

What can be done now?It can only be that fewer people obey more people. Since these people like to watch it so much, let's watch it here with them.

"Yeah, our little orange is the most obedient." Sister Hong'er praised.

"Everyone, please look at this tree. This is a precious yew tree in our country. Have you seen its trunk? It will take at least a few hundred years to grow to such a large size." The tour guide in charge of this time came to a red bean tree Next to Shan Shan, he introduced it to everyone.

"Um, can I ask a question? Wouldn't a yew that is hundreds of years old attack people?"

"Yes, tour guide, if you stand so close, be careful of being attacked."

When the people who heard this said heard that this yew was several hundred years old, they quickly stepped back a few steps. They must know that the older the tree, the longer it has grown, the more likely it is to become the king of the tree. big.

And these trees that have become tree kings or evolved plants, most of them are hostile to people, they stand so close.

It's almost like thinking that I didn't die fast enough.

"Everyone can rest assured that this yew is hundreds of years old, but it is not a tree that likes to attack people. I can guarantee this, otherwise I would not dare to approach it like this." The tour guide who heard this said He smiled and said, what if this yew really likes to attack people?Then he will be the first one to finish the calf, okay?
"Yes, the tour guide did not lie, this yew is indeed the least aggressive plant in the area." The team members who followed also said.

There are more aggressive plants in these forests, they have already cleaned them up, and all that are left are these less aggressive plants.

So they don't have to worry about being attacked when walking in the forest, it won't exist.

"Like this? That's good."

"Yes, yes, I was really scared to death just now."

Everyone who heard this couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Since this plant is not too aggressive, otherwise?They were so close that they were the first to suffer.

"Little fat orange, why do you look unhappy? Don't you like forests?" Li Hua asked Cheng Hao beside him while breathing the fresh air.

Obviously the scenery here is so beautiful, as a tiger, why doesn't Chubby Ju look very happy?
He lives in the Tiger Park, so he probably has never seen such a scene before.

Otherwise, the commander wouldn't have specially asked them to bring Xiaopangju here.

"It's not that Xiaoju doesn't like the forest, it's because he's been there a lot and he doesn't feel much anymore." Sister Hong'er at the side explained with a smile, it's quite unusual to come to the forest once or twice.

But if you don't really like the forest, it will still be a bit annoying to come too much.

After all, coming once in a while and coming every day are still two concepts.

"So it's like this? I thought it was because of some other reason, Little Pangju." Li Hua said with a "thump" in her heart when she heard this.

It seems that the commander's beautiful scenery temptation policy is not good, this trick doesn't work for Xiaopangju.

Pangju is not interested in this place at all, they have to find other ways to lure Pangju to stay.

"Aww~ (So boring~)" Cheng Hao yawned, and followed the crowd with some lack of interest.

"Wow! Look here. This frog is so beautiful." At this moment, Mai Mai casually glanced at the several purple frogs lying on the creek, and let out a heartfelt exclamation.

"Really, these frogs are so beautiful." Sister Li also nodded her head in agreement.

"Be careful, everyone, don't touch it. This is the most dangerous animal in the forest, the poison dart frog. What if you encounter it? It's not a fun thing." The tour guide hurriedly shouted.

They still want to go up to take pictures and have fun, because they think they don't die fast enough, don't they?Is it possible to take pictures in this situation?I don't know if I will come back after I go up.

"Ah? Is this the legendary poison dart frog?"

Upon hearing this, the people who were about to go up and lined up backed away in fright.

They have all heard of the name of the poisonous sword frog, what if they were accidentally hit?Then they will all be finished.

"Yes, these little guys live in the primeval forest, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them? There will be no problem."

"After all, you have seen it too. The colors on their bodies are very bright." The tour guide said with a smile, and led everyone away from the stream.

"That's true. Are there any other dangerous animals here?"

"Yeah, tour guide, you have to tell us in advance, don't wait for us to get close."

The people who followed the tour guide were no longer as cheerful as they were just now, and all looked around cautiously.

They hadn't been here long before they encountered the poison dart frog.Who knows in the depths of the jungle?What kind of danger will there be.

"Don't worry, I am very familiar with this place, there will be no problem." The tour guide who led the way said to everyone with a smile, looked around and said, "Everyone must be careful in the vines and bushes when walking. This season is snakes. During the peak season of the event, if one does not pay attention, we are likely to encounter some poisonous snakes coming out, among which the most careful ones are the snakes that like to camouflage on the vines."

"What? Are there snakes on the vines?" Mai Mai, who was walking while holding onto the vines, heard this, and quickly withdrew her hand. Now she suddenly felt that this place was not fun.

"Ah? Do you have to be careful of the grass?" The others quickly moved away from the grass.

Is the virgin forest so dangerous?If I had known earlier, I would not have come to play.

Taking a closer look at this primeval forest, it is actually not much fun, and it is also dangerous, and accidents may happen if you are not careful.

"You don't need to be so scared, as long as we are careful, there will be nothing wrong, and the pungent smell that was sent to you earlier is also used to drive away poisonous insects."

"As long as everyone doesn't take things down, wait for us to approach. These animals will not be able to stand the smell on us, and they will go away first." Seeing their frightened appearance, the tour guide explained with a smile.

Although the jungle is dangerous, as long as you are prepared, playing in it is not a big problem.

"It turns out that the pungent thing I gave you just now is for me to drive away poisonous snakes and insects? I thought it was some kind of prank."

"Yes, yes, thank goodness I didn't lose it."

When everyone heard this, they quickly clenched the sachets hanging in their pockets. It turned out that they thought this stuff was stinky, but now they heard that this stuff is life-saving.

"Little Pangju, you have to protect me well. What if something happens to me? No one will help you take a shower." Li Hua on the side pressed close to Cheng Hao's side and said, stroking Cheng Hao's neck with his hand .

"Aww~ (You are an evolutionary after all, so let them be afraid. You are fine, why are you so afraid?)" Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said when he heard this.

Others are ordinary people, and it is normal to be recruited.After all, their eyes are not very good, so it is inevitable to be tricked?

But the other party is different. As an evolutionary, if the other party can fall into such a low-level trick, he doesn't know what to say?

"Of course I have to be afraid. I'm a girl. Isn't it normal for girls to be afraid of snakes?" Li Hua said after hearing Sister Hong'er's translation.

"Aww~ (Since you are so scared, why do you come along when you have nothing to do? Isn't it good to stay in the department honestly?)" Cheng Hao said helplessly, and patted his tail lightly to the side.

Hearing the movement, the big yellow and black snake who wants to come out to see what's going on?It was shot and flew out.

"Xiaoju, you seem to have shot a snake flying." Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene.

If he was not mistaken, the snake that flew out just now should be a cauliflower snake, and judging from the opponent's fat and strong appearance, it must be at least ten or twenty catties.

"Aww~ (I took pictures of it, let it run over when it's full.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard this.

It's right for these big stupid snakes to fly out, because he took pictures of the other party, so what's the fun with this snake?
What if Li Hua next to him sees the snake and jumps on him?
"Okay, but you should be lighter. This snake didn't do anything bad. You threw it too far, didn't you?" Looking at the cauliflower snake hanging on a vine in the distance, Miss Hong'er said. .

Look at this snake, it just curled up on the tree. How unlucky is this?

Obviously this snake did not do anything, and it encountered this unreasonable disaster.

"Aww~ (Then, I'll be weaker later.)" Cheng Hao looked at the cauliflower snake curled up on the vine.Open your mouth and say.

"Yeah, don't be so strong later, these snakes haven't committed any crimes." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"Little Fat Orange, you saved my life. It's really great, and I have nothing to thank you for, so I decided to hug your big head and give you a loving kiss." Li Hua said with a smile, Holding Cheng Hao's big head, he was about to take a bite.

But it was quickly held down by Cheng Hao's paw:

"Aww~ (Don't touch porcelain, okay? Are you repaying your kindness? Are you repaying your kindness with revenge?)"

"Where are you? This little villain is joking again. I am definitely repaying my favor. Look at my eyes, how sincere?" After hearing this, Li Hua withdrew her face from her paws and blinked. Eyes said to Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Sincerely, I didn't see it, how bad is big-heartedness? I did see it.)" Cheng Hao said angrily, and ran away quickly.

The other party is letting this touch the porcelain, he will not give the other party this chance again.

"Don't run away, little fat orange."

"It's very dangerous here, you'll suffer if you run around, come quickly to my sister and let my sister protect you." Li Hua said while trotting after seeing her.

"Aww~ (Are you taking care of me if you can't even take care of yourself? Are you kidding me?)" Cheng Hao turned his head and squinted his eyes when he heard this.Then he continued to trot.

Tell him to be the majestic king of beasts to be careful in the forest, how dare the other party say such a thing?

The ones who should be careful in the forest should be the animals in the forest.

"Little Pangju, walk slowly, don't walk so fast, be careful that you will get lost." Seeing Cheng Hao passing by, Mai Mai shouted.He reached out and touched Cheng Hao's big head.


Not surprisingly, her hands didn't even touch a single tiger hair.

"Aww~ (You're so brave, I'm running like this? You dare to reach out and touch it. I'm afraid you don't want this hand?)" Cheng Hao, who slipped under the opponent's hand, muttered.

That is to say, if he hides quickly, otherwise the opponent's hand will really slap him?His hands can be pierced by him, but the other party is so dead that he dares to touch him even if he doesn't know how to write.

Know what is the king of the forest?Do you know what it means to be untouchable?

"Little rascal, don't be so bad, give me a quick touch." He touched the empty wheat and shouted, and saw Cheng Hao's tongue sticking out.It seems to be saying "I can't touch it, you can't touch it".

Seeing this situation, Maimai couldn't help mumbling.Just about to catch up, the voice of the tour guide came to my ear.

"Everyone, be careful in front. The front is a place where bears come and go. There are many bear paw prints in front. You must be careful." The tour guide walked in front and said while blowing the horn he was wearing.

"Little Fat Orange, did you hear that? There are bears in front of you, come back soon, do you know? Don't be naughty, or you will encounter a bear." Hearing these words, Mai Mai stopped immediately. At the same time, he did not forget to shout to Cheng Hao who was running ahead.

And all he got was a look back at him.

"Wheat is a little bit, I think you made a mistake, this little villain is not afraid of bears. On the contrary, if Xiong sees him? It should be Xiong who wants to run away." Li Hua, who followed, heard it and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Yeah, don't look at how tall Xiaoju is now, but he weighs more than 300 catties now."

"If there is a real fight, there are a few bears that can resist his claws." Sister Hong'er followed up, looking at Cheng Hao who was running happily, and shouted: "Little villain, don't run around anymore. The animals are doing well, don't scare them all."

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I just kept them away from the roadside, and I didn't say anything about attacking them.)" Said Cheng Hao, who was walking through the forest and slapping a bear poking its head.


The bear who was slapped didn't even have time to figure out what happened?The whole bear just rolled out.Then there was a scream.

"Xiaoju, what did you little rascal do? Are you just chasing bears?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help saying with black lines when she heard the voice, what kind of unlucky bear is this?Why are you so ignorant and ran out to probe? It's all right now, was it beaten up?

"Aww~ (I promise, it's just to drive him away. He definitely didn't hit too hard.)" Cheng Hao looked at the bear rolling down the wheel and replied, it's not that he shot too hard, it's that the bear's luck is too bad alright.

Coincidentally, he just happened to stand in front of Po, and then by coincidence, he ate a big ear of melon seeds.

What does this mean?This shows that this bear has such a calamity in its life.

"Big sister believes in you, a little villain, so she will believe your nonsense. Come back to sister quickly, you don't need to open the way ahead." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and the bear barked so miserable of.He felt pain when he heard it.

"Aww~ (Oh, I'll be right back.)" Looking at the black shadow fleeing in a panic, Cheng Hao replied.Then he came back with small steps.

"I think Xiaoju is more terrifying than a bear."

"Yeah, you listened to that bear's barking, it was really miserable."

"Yes, yes."

Hearing the people here, they couldn't help whispering.

They admitted that they waited for someone just now, and they really wronged the bears. They actually thought that the bears would be very dangerous. Looking at them now, these bears are actually quite friendly.

After all, it's not very powerful for this bear to be hammered like this by Xiaopangju's slap.

"Everyone should not take it lightly. Bears are not very dangerous to tigers, but they are still very dangerous to us." The guide walking in front reminded them after hearing their conversation.

The reason why the bear barked miserably was because the other party met a tiger that was more powerful than him, so it behaved like this.

Otherwise, as one of the top predators in this area, how could he be so miserable?

"Really? Everyone still needs to be careful, what Mr. Good Tour Guide said is not wrong." Sister Hong'er walked up and said to everyone.

"Yeah, we got it." Xiao Ran nodded after hearing this, and the others followed suit.

The vigilance against bears in my heart has returned to the original time.

"Aww~ (Brothers, I was beaten, come and help me, brothers.)"

While Red Ear Sister and the others were talking, the black bear that had scrambled and rushed into the forest shouted.

Soon the whole forest was in commotion, and after a while, the forest was shaking.

One after another, black shadows jumped out from the corner.

After a while, many bears gathered around the beaten bear.

"Aww~ (What's going on? Who dared to hit our brother?)"

"I huh~huh (that's right! Does he know the name of this place, how dare he be so lawless?)"

Seeing his companions whose faces were swollen from beatings, Xiong gathered together and said that he wanted to vent his anger for his brothers.

Thinking that they have been allied with the Bear Alliance for so long, this is the first time they have encountered such a short-sighted guy. If they don't teach each other a lesson, how will they hang around in the forest in the future?

"Then this guy is right in front, brothers, help me to avenge." Seeing the black bears coming out of the pack, they cried out with a "wow", talking about their bad luck one by one.

"Woohoo~ (What? Are these intruders so overbearing? They can't even look at them. It's really disgusting. We must deal with him well.)"

"Aww~ (Yes, we need to let them know that we are not easy to be bullied.)"

"Aww~ (Come on brother, let's find revenge on that nasty intruder.)"

After hearing what happened, the black bears cursed and dispatched together.

Suddenly, the entire forest trembled.

"Have you seen this orchid? This is the internationally famous white mantis orchid. And this kind of precious old flower can only be seen in this kind of untouched virgin forest." The tour guide squatted in a bunch of long In front of the orchid in the crevice of the stone, he introduced it to everyone.

"Really! The white flowers on this orchid really look like praying mantises."

"Yes, let me take a few more pictures, this is a rare situation."

When the people around heard this, they couldn't help but speak one after another.They all took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this orchid. For those of them who work in reinforced concrete, it is not easy to see such a scene.

"Sister Hong'er, don't you want to go up and take a look?" Li Hua asked Sister Hong'er at the side when she saw the crowd surrounding her.

"No, no, if I really want to see it? You can still see it if you go to the mountains and look for it. I won't argue with them." Sister Hong'er smiled and shook her head when she heard this, and suddenly looked at it with a serious expression. Around: "Xiaoju, did you hear anything?"

"Yes, yes, not only did I hear it, but I also saw a group of big stupid bears approaching." Cheng Hao, who was sitting on a rock beside him, yawned.

Could this ghostly place be called Gou Xiong Ridge? Why are there so many bears? It looks like they don’t need money. I don’t know what’s going on. Can anyone explain it to him?
"Ah? A group of bears?" Sister Hong'er's expression changed slightly upon hearing this.He said to the people who were still surrounding the orchid: "Everyone, don't wander around, you all stay here, you know? There is a group of bears running over. If everyone walks around at this time, it will be bad if you run into them. "

"What? A pack of bears coming?"

"Yeah, where are they? I haven't seen them yet."

The people who were taking pictures couldn't help but looked around suspiciously after hearing the words, and found that the surroundings were quite quiet, and there was no big bear mentioned by the other party.

Just when they were about to say if it was a lie?The surrounding forest trembled suddenly, and black bears rushed out of the forest like tanks.

These bears are huge and look almost as strong as brown bears.And the white V on their chests is so conspicuous, indicating that they are indeed not brown bears.

"I'm going, why are there so many bears?"

"Yeah, yeah, the face of the bear in front is swollen like that, could it be the one that was beaten up by the little fat orange?"

The people who saw this scene were not too scared, after all, they were the members of the evolutionary department standing beside them.

How bad are these bears?Can it still be as powerful as today's high-tech weapons?It's just that it's the first time I've heard that bears will hug each other.

"Aww~ (Brothers, that tiger beat me, everyone must call the shots for me.)" With the backing of brothers all over the mountains and plains, the black bear whose face was swollen from the beating suddenly gained confidence. few.

After standing up like a human, he pointed to Cheng Hao who was squatting on the ground and yawning boredly.

"Aww~ (Is this the guy who beat you? It's really disgusting. He dared to attack our brother. I'll beat him up right now.)" Seeing the bruised nose and swollen face of his brother, The culprit, the somewhat scribbled big black bear said, and rushed towards the crowd.

"Aww~ (Don't...don't, brother. That tiger is very powerful. You are no match for him alone.)" Seeing his brother rushing out directly, the black bear who led the way hurriedly shouted.

"Whoooooo~ (Are you looking down on me? I'm going to beat him up right now, no one is allowed to stop me, you know?)" The scrawled bear who was running heard this.Immediately became anxious.

There are so many male and female bears here, and the other party says that he can't do it, and he doesn't want to lose face?

"Awwh~ (Yeah, you just tune it, he's one of the strongest bears we have, he's sure to get your revenge.)"

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, you can watch it with peace of mind, isn't there still us in the lineup?)"

After hearing this, the surrounding bears also said to the beaten bear with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Isn't it just a tiger without an adult?How powerful can it be? Can't their black bears beat adult bears, and can't they beat immature ones?
"Aww~ (You really don't know how powerful he is.)" Looking at the scrawled bear that appeared in front of the crowd in the blink of an eye, the bear with a bruised nose and a swollen face couldn't help mourning for him.

"Is this bear planning to come down and challenge Xiaopangju?"

"I'm afraid it is, but don't say that this bear is really big, and it probably can carry Xiaopangju with two slaps."

"It should be about the same, but are bears so polite when they fight? I thought they would fight together."

"Of course not. Animals also have the dignity of animals. It's not a last resort. I haven't seen many animals fighting in groups, except of course animals that live in groups."

Among the bears that appeared all over the mountains and plains, one bear rushed down directly.Xiao Ran and the others felt very curious. After all, it was the first time they saw so many bears appearing together.

Moreover, these bears are actually singled out, which is something they did not expect.

"This bear seems a little stupid."

"If this is not stupid? There won't be a bear rushing up."

The members of the evolutionary department on the other side didn't intend to do anything after seeing it.After all, it's just a bear, so there's really no point in letting them shoot.

Moreover, this place is the territory of black bears in Heixiongling. These bears are usually harmless, and there is no need for them to control these bears.

(End of this chapter)

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