Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 224 Wang is really amazing

Chapter 224 Wang is really amazing
"Xiaohong, call me now. Could it be that the matter of the prison has been dealt with?" The commander in the evolutionary department who was looking at the file answered the phone and asked.

How long does it take for Xiaohong to go?This has convinced the animals to help.

If so?This speed is a bit too terrifying.

"Well, yes, these animals, Commander, are not bad in character and are very friendly, but we don't speak the same language."

"That's why the previous incident happened. They don't need to be detained now, they can be released. If the department wants them to help, just take them back now." Sister Hong'er looked aside after hearing this. After Cheng Hao blinked his big eyes, he spoke.

This little villain is fooling these little animals like this, and he will see hell if nothing happens, but if he doesn't tell the commander like this, he doesn't know how to explain it to the commander.

"Really? That's really great. I'll have someone prepare a car to pick them up now. This matter is really troublesome for you." The commander said happily when he heard the words, and it was exactly as he thought, Xiao Hong The most difficult thing was solved in one go, and now the department has the help of these little animals, which has increased its combat power by at least one and a half times.

The departments that look at the country are all top-notch. Besides their department, are there any other departments that have animals to help?
And there is almost one animal per person to help.

This can play a very important role in the process of combat and daily patrols.

"No trouble, no trouble, after all, I'm also a member of the department, and I'm very happy to be able to help." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, if the commander knew what Xiaoju said to these animals, I'm afraid I would be grateful She's up.

After all, Xiaoju is really courageous and wants to control the whole city with the animals.

Although I don't know if it will succeed in the end, this kind of thing will really piss off the human authorities.

We must know that human beings have put in a lot of effort to protect the city. In the end, if it is stolen by Xiaoju and the animals, it will be fun.

"I knew I was right about you, Xiaohong." The commander said happily after hearing the words.

As expected of the player he was looking for, his ideological awareness was high.

"Commander, if you want the little animals to work hand in hand with the team members, I suggest that it's best to call back the team members and let them choose each other."

"After all, each animal and each team member have different eye rims. Only by allowing everyone to recognize each other can the future work be carried out better." Hearing that the commander still wanted to praise herself, Hong'er sister interrupted quickly.

The other party should stop praising her, and praise her again?She herself felt a little embarrassed.

"It makes sense, I will notify the team members to come over and look for my teammates." The commander on the other end of the phone said after hearing this, and he didn't want to see the team members assigned animals at that time, and have an unpleasant fight with the small animals .

So, let them choose for themselves.

"Okay, Commander. Then when the meeting starts, I will be there in person." Sister Hong'er said.

What if she didn't host this kind of meeting?I'm afraid the two sides will have a language barrier.

"Well, I will definitely notify you when the time comes." The commander said with a smile after hearing this, "Okay, I'll go and choose a date for the meeting between the animals and the team members first, and you have to continue chatting with the animals first." Go ahead. I'll let you know when the day comes."

"Okay." Sister Hong'er nodded, and the sound of hanging up came from the phone.

"Aww~ (Sister, how happy is our Commander?)" Cheng Hao on the side leaned his head against Sister Hong'er's thigh and said.

He heard everything, and the commander was very happy.

"He's happy because he's happy, but he's just kept in the dark. If he really knows, he won't be so happy." Sister Hong'er said angrily, knocked Cheng Hao's big head and said: "Hurry up and talk to these little guys, let them go to the department by car quietly later, and don't make trouble."

"Aww~ (No problem, we promise to complete the task.)" Cheng Hao said, and walked towards the eagerly awaited animals: "Aww~ (Listen, all animals, I have already talked to the human commander , there will be a car to take you to live in a wide place soon, and then there will be human beings who will contact you and let you become team members with them.)”

"Aww~(All you have to do is to obey and gain their trust on the surface. Behind the scenes, nourish yourself and strengthen your strength. Do you know when the king rises up?)"

"Aww~(This world is our world after all, it belongs to our animal kingdom.)"

"Houhou~(Fat yourself up, strengthen your strength, seize cities, build kingdoms.)"

The animals who heard this shouted excitedly, they were also born in the city, and the city is their home. Why can only humans occupy the city?The city also belongs to their animals.

"Aww~ (very good, before our strength can completely overthrow human beings, you must not expose it, you know?)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and exhorted.

"Ho Ho~ (Understood, Your Majesty.)"

The animals also raised their paws, and the sound they made was deafening and went straight into the sky.

"Wow, chubby orange is so powerful and imposing, he really feels like the king of beasts."

"Yes, yes, look at the hope that Xiaopangju waved his arms. It looks like a big beckoning cat."

After the team members of the onlookers saw it, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"If you knew what Xiaoju said to the animals, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so happy." Sister Hong'er said with black lines on her face when she heard the words. .

"Aww~ (Okay, this is the end of what the king is going to say, everyone remember not to say anything, you know? Now stay here honestly, and wait for the human department to come and pick it up.)"

"Aww~ (After arriving in the human department, behave well to confuse them, and they will willingly feed us delicious food and use all available resources.)" Seeing how excited they were, Cheng Hao was relieved. Slowly put down the paw and exhorted.

"Ho Ho~ (Understood, I understand.)" The animals nodded and lowered their paws.

"Aww~ (very good, this meeting will be disbanded. My Majesty will go to the human department to inspect at any time. If you have any important news, please report to me.)" Cheng Hao was satisfied when he saw this nodded.

"Ho Ho~ (Understood, I understand.)" The animals replied, and scattered in a hurry.

"Aww~ (Sister is done, we can go home now.)" said Cheng Hao who returned to Sister Hong'er.

"Understood, you are careful and smart." Sister Hong'er said unhappily, and after chatting with the team members, she left in the car.

"Baa baa~ (You finally came out, Wang, we have been thinking about you these days.)" In the forest at night, the wild sheep couldn't help saying happily after seeing Cheng Hao coming.

After waiting here for so long, they finally saw the king came back.

"Aww~ (Are you guys missing me? Did something happen during this time?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but tense when he heard this.

Could it be that during his absence, his territory was invaded by someone again?If this is the case, he will have to find these little guys to talk about it.

"Baa baa~ (That's not true, but we are a little uneasy because you are not here, Wang.)" The head sheep replied, and brought the lambs to Cheng Hao.

Let these little lambs know their king here.

"Aww~ (That's good, I thought something big happened here during the time I was away.)" Looking at these little lambs, Cheng Hao couldn't help feeling that these sheep are really capable of giving birth, how long will it take?So many little lambs have been stretched out.

"Baa baa~ (How is it possible to know that this is our territory, those guys don't have the guts to come here.)" the head sheep said, who knows Wang's reputation?Who dares to run over and die?

"Aww~ (That's all right, how are the other little ones doing recently? Haven't they been parasitized again?)" After patting the lambs with his tail, Cheng Hao asked what he cared most about.

Don't say that as soon as he left, his subordinates were in trouble again.

"Baa baa~ (Report to the king, since the big mushroom was cleaned up. There has been no parasitism again.)" said the head sheep.

"Aww~ (That's fine, let everyone guard the place, don't move around if you have nothing to do, come to Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Garden to find me, or grandpa, you know?)" Cheng Hao urged.

Since his subordinates had no problems, he didn't have to go through the trouble of looking one by one.

"Baa baa~ (Yes, Wang.)" the head sheep replied, and Cheng Hao was about to leave.

But just when he had just taken two steps, he suddenly remembered that he hadn’t told him about a major event, so he immediately said: "Oh~ (By the way, I forgot to tell you, in the city we still have a The team is mingling with humans, I will let you meet them when the time comes.)”

"Aww~ (With news from them in the city, it will be more convenient for you if you want to enter the city.)"

"Baa baa~ (Really? We actually have companions in the city. Does the king want to capture the city?)" Hearing this, the head sheep couldn't help but said excitedly, he knew that the king must have a plan for the next step, no It turned out that the king's plan was actually the city.

"Aww~(I don't have this idea at the moment, it's just a back-up preparation. After all, there are too many human beings, and there are many lethal weapons. If we fight hard with them? We can't take advantage of it, why don't we give the city to them? , let them watch for us.)”

"Aww~ (When human beings have no way to defend the city in the future, it won't be too late for us to take over again.)"

Cheng Hao said, looking helplessly at the head sheep, why do these little guys always like to make up their minds?Obviously he didn't say it.

But each of these little guys felt that he wanted to do this.

You must know that occupying the city and guarding the city will not only consume a lot of energy, but also the effort is not proportional to the return.

Most importantly, how good is it to have a human standing by?Their safety is not a problem, and they can do fishing steadily.

"咩咩咩~(So the King thinks so, I understand, I will tell everyone about it, and I promise not to disturb the King's plan.)" Hearing this, the head sheep suddenly realized, saying that he would let the animals not go to the city Mess around inside.

Even if you go, you should inquire with your companions in the city.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the king's plan would be delayed.

"Aww~(It's good that you know, just don't fight against humans anyway, our power is still very weak, we need to develop slowly, you know?)" After hearing the words of the head sheep, Cheng Hao couldn't help being full of black lines, but thought about it. The more I think about it, the more confusing it becomes, so I don't bother to explain it.

"Baabaa~ (Understood, I understand.)" the head sheep nodded and Cheng Hao left in peace.

This little guy didn't enter the city, but just stayed on the outskirts, so it shouldn't matter.

"Baa baa~ (Did you guys hear it? This is our king, who has the great talent and strategy to conquer the world. Following the king is definitely the most correct decision. You should learn it well.)" Looking at The figure that disappeared in the darkness, the head sheep said to the little lambs.

Did these little lambs hear that?What is a great talent?That's what their king is called.

As the younger generation of wild sheep, they should learn to be calm and calm like a king.

"Baa baa~ (Yes, we will definitely learn from the king.)"

The little lambs who heard this nodded and said, their eyes were ignited with blazing flames, the king is so powerful, he has already started plotting human towns, they have to be like the king.

Sooner or later, the town where human beings live will become their own place.

"Wow woof~ (Are you a dog here too? Have you ever heard of our king's name?)"

"Wow woof~ (Yeah, you little dog knows our king? Our king is very powerful.)"

In the department of the evolutionary, the German rabbit wandering around was having fun on the road, when the sound of a strange dog came to his ears.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a mighty dog ​​walking over.

"Woof~ (I haven't heard of it, who is the king you are talking about?)" De Rabbit asked suspiciously, who is the other party talking about?He doesn't seem to have ever heard of it.

These dogs are from outside, right? He has never met each other, let alone who the king is talking about. What is the idea of ​​these guys telling him this?

"Woof~ (Speaking of our king, that's amazing.)"

"Wow woof~ (Yes, yes, our king is the king of beasts, a ferocious tiger. He can gnaw down an entire mountain with one bite, and the breath he gives off can scare you to death.)"

"Wow woof~ (That's right, the most important thing is that our king has an extraordinary aura. If you follow our king, I guarantee that you can also become an extraordinary dog.)"

When it comes to the dogs here, there is a look of admiration on their faces.

"Wow woof~ (Are you so powerful? Are there any conditions for joining you?)" the rabbit asked curiously when he heard this, although he didn't understand, he seemed very powerful.

I don't know if there are any conditions for joining the other party?

"Wow~(Of course not, as long as you are an animal or an animal in the city, there is no problem.)"

"Wow~(Yes, yes, as animals in the city, we should learn to help each other. Human beings who hug each other for warmth are unreliable. We must rely on our own strength.)"

"Wow woof~ (After you join us, you have to understand this truth.)"

The dogs said, and told De Rabbit about the following ideas they developed, and how they suffered from human disasters in the first place.

"Wow woof~ (I didn't expect there to be such a nasty guy among human beings. Don't worry, I will help.)" After hearing what happened to them, De Rabbit chose to join them without saying a word.

After all, I am also a dog, there is no guarantee that I will not encounter such a thing in the future, so there is nothing wrong with choosing to join a force.

"Wow~(That's right, all our animals should unite.)"

"Wow~ (That's right, only in this way will you not be bullied among humans.)"

The dogs opened their mouths, and continued to chat with De Rabbit to discuss the matter of finding more animals to join in.

"Meow meow~ (Are you the cat in this department? Do you know the story of our king?)" Just as the dogs were talking with De Rabbit, the cats also found it in the house on the other side. The cat that hangs out in the department.

"Meow meow~ (Is it the story of your king? Who is that?)" Mao Mao asked with a dazed face after hearing this.

"Meow meow~ (You will know after listening to us.)"

"Meow meow~ (Yeah, yeah, you are lucky today, you are lucky to know our king.)"

"Meow~(Yes, yes, our king is a great animal, you will understand after listening to our explanation.)"

The cats and cats pulled each other and talked, and began to tell each other about their king.

"Meow meow~ (It turns out that our majesty has such lofty ambitions and plans to benefit all animals?)" Mao Mao said with admiration after listening.

Unexpectedly, there are such powerful animals in the city, but it is a pity that he has never heard of them before.

"Meow~(Of course, you won't regret joining us now, because what we want to guarantee is the safety of all animals.)"

"Meow~ (Yes, yes, our own safety should be in our own hands.)" said the cats.

"Meow~(It makes sense, it makes sense, you just say what to do? I will definitely cooperate.)" said the cat who heard this.

"Meow meow~ (It's very simple, just listen to us.)"

"Meow~ (Yes, yes, our king has already thought of a way.)"

Mao Mao said, took the other party and left.

"How is it? These cats, cats and dogs are all right in the department, haven't they hurt anyone or made trouble?" Inside the department, the commander asked Chen Min who was on the side.

These little guys have been here for an hour or two. I don't know how they are getting used to the department?

"They now regard this place as their own home. Just now, a team member sent news that the rabbit is playing with those dogs now."

"In addition, some cats used to catch mice in the department also got mixed up with those cats and cats." Chen Min replied.

These animals are not afraid of life at all, and they directly regard it as their own territory.I got acquainted with these animals when I first came up.

"Really? It's good for them to relax like this. Let the team members get in touch with them more, and see if they can pick out their favorite cats and dogs?" The commander said with a smile after hearing this.

As long as these cats and dogs are not afraid of life, they can help the department.

"Okay, Commander." Chen Min nodded and walked down.

Not long after he left, the wolf bee came:

"A message came from the commander, let us be careful about the flocks of birds flying recently. These flocks of birds have the ability to form hurricanes. It is best not to let them gather."

"Oh? The ability to form a hurricane? Is it the situation that Xiaoju and the others encountered on the road last time?" Hearing the commander here ask, talking about hurricanes, he thought of the hurricanes formed by those birds.

At the beginning, it caused a lot of damage to the side of the highway.

"Yes, so let's be more careful." The wolf bee nodded.

He also heard about Xiaoju being on the road last time, and the tornado was terrible.

It took a lot of effort to solve that matter.

"I see. I'll call back later. You guys can continue to contact the team members patrolling everywhere."

"Make sure that the whole city is safe and sound, and nothing happens." The commander urged.

During this period of time, there was no change in the mutant organization, and there was no change in the evolved plants. He always felt a little uneasy.

After all, once these lively guys don't do anything, they are going to be holding something bad, and they have to be on guard.

"Okay, Commander." Wolfbee nodded, then turned and left.

After the commander saw it, he got up and called back to contact the higher-ups.

(End of this chapter)

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