Chapter 230

"I didn't say I don't like him, I just hope that he will work harder, be more diligent, and become what I want." Li Xing'er squeezed Corgi's face and said: "From today on, little fat chicken, you will be my dog. Yes, you have to work hard and go up every day, you know?"

"The most important thing is to learn to help me. After all, it's very troublesome for me to do things alone, and I need help."

"Wow woof~ (You are so demanding, why don't you find someone?)" Corgi rolled his eyes and said, the other party's requirements are so high.You can go to a human for help, why do you have to embarrass him with a puppy?

"Because I don't want to be an idle dog." Li Xing'er laughed after hearing Sister Hong'er's translation.

The little puppy wants her to take care of him, so of course he has to do something, she doesn't want a dog with this kind of clothes to reach out for, what she needs is a dog who can help.

"Woof~ (My lord, there is something wrong with this person's appointment.)" Corgi said with a look of lovelessness after hearing this.He could see that there was probably something wrong with this guy that made such high demands on a dog.

"Aww~ (Just get used to it, bear with it, and find a way to make her poor before you can get revenge? Why don't you do this? You can't get revenge.)" Cheng Hao walked over and said.

It would be great if the other party is so easy to deal with, it's because the other party is not easy to deal with.

Therefore, this little Corgi has to work harder, so that the other party will pay a painful price.

"Woof~ (Understood, I will definitely follow her and find a way to make her poor.)" Corgi nodded when he heard this.

He said that he understood that if the other party is so bad, he must eat the other party to go bankrupt. Only in this way can he avenge his hatred.

"Aww~ (That's right, I want you to bankrupt her, you have to work hard.)" Cheng Hao encouraged.

The little dog has a lot of dreams, and he is very optimistic about the other party, so the other party must work hard.

"Wow woof~ (I will definitely, my lord, just watch it.)" Corgi said, looking at Li Xing'er, his eyes hardened.

He decided that he must take revenge and let the other party know how powerful he is.

"What did you little plane say to Xiaopangju Qingmimi? Why do you look so unscrupulous?" Li Lixinger, who was stared at, said, what did this little villain say to Xiaopangju Qingmimi? ?

Why is it not a good thing to look at her so unscrupulously?

"Don't talk nonsense, this little dog is very kind. Where is it unscrupulous?" Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard this.

Look at how cute this little corgi is, it's just that Xing'er has gone bankrupt, it's not bad at all, okay?

And most importantly, this matter was completely provoked by Xing'er.

There's nothing wrong with this little guy.

"Really? But I always feel that something is weird." Li Xing'er said, putting down the corgi she was holding.

"There's nothing wrong with it, so don't think about it." Sister Hong'er pushed Li Xing'er's shoulders with both hands and said, "It's getting late, go back and do your research as soon as possible, don't think so much if you have nothing to worry about." Do you know?"

"But the problem is that it's not time for work yet." Li Xing'er who was being pushed said, why did the other party drive away when she had nothing to do?It's not time for work yet. As for this look?

"It's okay if you don't arrive, won't you be here after a while? Anyway, you also like to study." Sister Hong'er said.

"You look like this without my sister, I still want to talk to Xiaopangju for a while, so don't rush me away." Li Xing'er who was pushed off the stage muttered.

"Aww~ (Hurry up, don't let her go.)" Cheng Hao reminded after seeing this scene.

"Wow~ (Understood.)" Ke Ji, who was determined to be poor, nodded and followed quickly.

"There will be plenty of opportunities to speak in the future, so hurry up and finish your research." Sister Hong'er, who was pushing Li Xing'er, said.

This little girl, don't think about playing all day long, it's the business to finish the work quickly, you must know that the commander is waiting for his armor to be completed.

"Then...then we have agreed, after I finish the final form of the armor, you have to let Xiaopangju accompany me for a while." Li Xing'er who was being pushed said.

"If Xiaoju is willing, I will naturally agree, but if he is not willing, then there is nothing I can do." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

"Then sister, isn't it the same as if you didn't say it?" Li Xing'er muttered after hearing this.

It's crazy that Little Fatty can agree, otherwise, she wouldn't need the other party's consent.

"This has nothing to do with me. I can't go against Xiaoju's wishes." Sister Hong'er said, pushing Li Xing'er into the underground base.

"Aww~ (The guy is really tough.)" After seeing the gate of the base closed, Cheng Hao couldn't help but muttered.

"It would be strange if she wasn't difficult to deal with." Sister Hong'er said angrily, "Okay, the matter here is almost settled, we should go back."

"Aww~ (It's good or bad, I just happen to be a little sleepy, so I can go back to rest earlier.)" Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this, then turned and left.

It took a little effort and it was finally done. Now, he can finally go back to sleep with peace of mind.

Speaking of which, the newly installed air conditioner in Huyuan is very powerful, which is very friendly to him.

Mom no longer has to worry that he will die of heat in summer.

"Breeder, are you going back to Huyuan right away?" The wolf bee that came in asked after seeing it.

"Yes, the weather is too hot now. Xiaoju is not used to it, so we plan to leave now and go back to the Tiger Park to turn on the air conditioner." Sister Hong'er nodded.

She doesn't know what to do in the department?At most it's just chatting with cats and dogs.

In contrast, returning to the Tiger Park will do much more.

So, after the matter here is resolved.The first thing she thought about was going back to take care of the little tiger.

"The weather right now is indeed a bit weird. It has risen to 43 degrees in many places, and it's not the hottest time yet." The wolf bee said after hearing this, looked at Cheng Hao and said, "Xiaoju You can take off your clothes when it’s no hotter than us, but you can’t take off this stiff and fluffy hair, so it’s normal to feel very hot.”

"Huh? It's only the beginning of July, and it's already 43 degrees in many places?" Sister Hong'er was a little surprised when she heard that.

She originally thought it was just an abnormally hot place here, but she didn't expect that it was already 43 degrees in other places.

It's much hotter than last year.

"Yes, and this is not the hottest time yet. According to the calculations of the weather station and various experts, the hottest temperature this year is likely to reach [-] degrees."

"So, this summer will be very difficult." The wolf bee sighed: "And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if there is no accident, the winter will be very, very cold. Now the temperature of the entire planet has entered extremes. gone."

"And this is just the beginning, it will be like this every year in the future, and the weather may not return to the same way."

"Like this? That's really cold and cold, hot and hot." Sister Hong'er said.

"Yes, so we humans have to be prepared to fight against nature." The wolf bee said, suddenly slapped his head and said: "I almost forgot that the breeder and Xiaoju are going back, so I accidentally said It's a shame that there are so many."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, there is no harm in knowing a little more about things." Sister Hong'er laughed.

"That's good, keepers, let's go. I'm going to work too." Wolfbee said.

"En." Sister Hong'er nodded, and left with Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (The weather is getting hotter now, isn't the watermelon in the field getting sweeter?)" Cheng Hao said suddenly after getting into the car.

The higher the temperature and the longer the sunshine time, the sweeter the watermelon should be, right?
"You little glutton, you only care about the sweetness of watermelon, don't you? In such a hot day, the watermelon seedlings are all overheated to death. Whether the watermelon can grow or not is a problem." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

Ganqing, this little villain just listened to it for a long time, and he only cares about whether the watermelon is sweet or not, right?As for other things, I didn't listen to it at all.

"Aww~ (Otherwise, what can I do? The weather is so hot, can I make it less hot?)" Cheng Hao shrugged.

This weather is obviously beyond the control of human beings, not to mention that he is just a tiger.

This kind of thing that changes the weather should obviously be done by them.

"Then don't just think about eating, think about it for my sister, how can I keep the weather from being hot and keep the animals cool?" Sister Hong'er was a little helpless.

"Aww~ (There is no serious way, but there is a simple way. It depends on whether you want to hear it or not.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

"You little villain is willing to speak, of course my sister is willing to listen, tell my sister quickly, don't play tricks here." Miss Hong'er said angrily.

"Aww~ (Shouldn't we dig a huge underground cave in the Tiger Garden? As long as the distance is far away, you won't be afraid of the sun.)" Cheng Hao said.

Don't you just want to escape the heat?It's very simple, just dig a deep enough hole, how cool is it like in the subway?
"That makes sense. It looks like you, a little rascal, are quite capable. Then my sister will suggest it to the principal when she returns." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

It was just a random question at first, but I didn't expect this little villain to really have a way.

"Aww~ (By the way, isn't there air-conditioning in our Tiger Park? Why do we need to use other methods to avoid the heat?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this, didn't they build a lot of air-conditioned rooms in the Tiger Park?Why think of other ways to escape the heat?

"Is there anything wrong with our Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? But you little idiot, don't forget that there is nothing in the mountain behind. Don't you think it will be cool in the mountain behind?" Sister Hong'er Said angrily.

This little rascal shouldn't just think that the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain is cool, he should also think about the animals on the mountain.

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, I almost forgot, the animals on the mountain must be very hot.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded his head suddenly and said: "Aww~ (After I go back later, I will let them Go digging, try to dig a big cave to escape the heat.)”

If my sister didn't say anything, he almost forgot about it. Now that my sister suddenly brought it up, I really should have made preparations earlier.

"Well, you little villain just needs to understand, and remember to go back and work hard when the time comes." Sister Hong'er laughed.

As long as the little villain knows what to do, she doesn't need to talk too much.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, and sat on the seat to rest. There is still a tough battle to be fought later, so he needs to recharge his batteries.



There was the sound of leaves rubbing against each other in the jungle, and then the animals ran out one after another.

"Ho Ho~ (Good morning, King.)"

When the arriving animals came to an open space, they went to say hello to Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Good morning everyone, is it hot in the jungle?)" Cheng Hao asked looking at the animals coming.

"Baa baa~ (It's hot, it's almost to death.)"

"Moo~ (Yeah, yeah, I've never crossed it like this before, and I don't know what's going on.)"

"Aww~ (That's right, we sweat all over during the daytime when we sleep.)"

Upon hearing this, the animals immediately started talking in a hurry.

Can the weather be hot now?They were all hot to death.

"Aww~ (Since everyone is hot? Then I will make a summer vacation plan for everyone.)" Cheng Hao looked at them and said.

It seemed that the situation was as he had imagined, everyone was very hot.

"Ho Ho~ (Wow, wow.)"

The animals who heard this said happily that they were also looking for a place to escape the summer heat recently, and they didn't expect the king to bring it up first.

"Aww~ (Very good, from now on, everyone, find a place with hard land and few trees.)"

"Aww~ (we're going to dig a huge underground cave there, only in this way can we cool down.)" Cheng Hao said to the animals whose eyes were shining with anticipation.

As long as a place is found, the speed of excavation can be much faster.

When the time comes to dig an underground cave, the animals will no longer have to worry about the heat.

"Ho Ho~ (Okay, Wang.)" The animals who heard this replied, and all of them dispersed at once.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao lay down in the shade of a tree and waited.

I have to say, the weather is really hot enough, he can feel like he is going to be scalded lying in this kind of place.

Sure enough, this summer work has reached the point where it is imminent.

What if you don't trim a place to escape the heat in the forest?Don't know how many animals will be killed by heat?
"Whoa Whoah"

"Whoa Whoah"

Just as he was thinking this way, the sound of water flowing suddenly came from afar.Looking around, I saw a big octopus crawling out.

"Aww~ (Why did your big octopus suddenly come out today? Are you not afraid of being dried out in the sun?)" Cheng Hao asked curiously.

On such a hot day, this big octopus still came out for a walk, doesn't it mean that he has lived too long?Can this kind of ghost weather come out?He didn't even think about it.

"Puff puff ~ (I know the weather is very hot, so I came out this time to say goodbye to you, the weather is too hot, I can't stand it, I have to go back to the sea for a while.)" writhing The big octopus with big tentacles said that as he got bigger and bigger, the big river could no longer satisfy his activities.

Not to mention that this year's weather is so hot, if he continues to stay in the big river, he will be cooked, and he has to return to the sea to the deep water area.

"Aww~ (Really? Then you have to be careful on the way, don't bend halfway at that time, it's just a bargain for others.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, the big octopus was in the big river After mixing for so long, it has successfully grown to a length of more than [-] meters.

Don't use other seafood as food after you go back.

"Puff~ (How is this possible? I'm also very strong, okay? It's not so easy for others to kill me.)" said the big octopus waving its tentacles. He was no longer the big octopus at the beginning. Kong Wu is powerful, and his strength has more than doubled.

After returning to the sea with confidence, break out of your own territory.

"Aww~ (That's fine, you go, I won't send you off.)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paw.

The other party is going by water, so he won't see him off.

The main reason is that he is busy now, so there is no way to deliver it.

"Puff~ (I don't need you to send it off, but you have to help me with something.)" the big octopus said when he heard this, the other party should not be in a hurry to send him off so quickly, he still needs the other party's help .

"Aww~ (What's the matter? It's not like asking me to send you one or two animals as rations on the road, that's not okay. They are all my little brothers, and I can't bear to eat them myself.)" Upon hearing this , Cheng Hao immediately became vigilant, this big glutton won't leave when he is about to leave.Do you want to give him that?

"Puff~(What are you thinking? I didn't intend to eat your little brother, I just asked you to help me talk to the human side, let them put down the dam along the way and let me go, I The body is too big now.)”

"Puff ~ (If you don't tell them, it will cause panic.)" The big octopus said angrily.

There are so many big fish in the river, and he has to wait until he is full before attacking the opponent's younger brother. He has to peel the fur after eating these guys, how can he come as fast as eating fish?
"Aww~ (So that's what you asked me to help with. It looks like you've become smarter when you grow up? You even know how to say hello to humans before you leave.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile.

"Puff~ (Don't care if I'm smart or not, remember to tell the human beings, and I'll be ready to leave at night. I won't scare people in broad daylight.)" the big octopus reminded.

It's too hot during the day, he doesn't want to hurry, it's better to wait until the evening, when it gets dark at night, the temperature drops a lot, making it easier for him to hurry.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I'll tell my sister when I finish my work here, and ask her to notify the department to let you go all the way.)" Cheng Hao said, this kind of trivial matter, wait for him to finish dealing with the animals. Just help the other party to inform.

"Puff~(That's good, then I'll go back to the water first, it's too hot on land.)" said the big octopus, wriggling its body and returning to the water.

If it wasn't for always not being able to see the other party going to the water?He was too lazy to climb to the shore on this sunny day.

"Aww~ (Go, go, you big stupid fish.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw and continued to lie down.

Unexpectedly, this big octopus will also go back to the ocean. It seems that it is really hot this day. We must quickly build a cool underground cave for the little brothers.

"Baa baa~ (My lord, we found a good place. There is a big hole there, but it is not deep enough. If we can get through that place, it will definitely save a lot of time.)" Cheng Hao muttered in his heart At that time, the head sheep ran over and said.

Just now when he was looking around, he found a hole beside a mountain not far away.

It's just that the hole is not deep enough, it can only accommodate a few sheep, and it doesn't go deep into the ground.

"Aww~ (Really? Take me there quickly. Not deep enough? Just dig a little more, it doesn't matter.)" Cheng Hao said, and got up from the ground.

"Baa baa~ (The king please come with me.)" the head sheep said, and ran towards the place he found.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately followed.

It didn't take long to reach the place the other party said. This is a raised rock mountain. There is indeed a hole under the mountain, but the hole is a bit small.

It can't accommodate many animals, but it doesn't matter, all this is not a problem in front of him.

"Aww~ (Stand farther away, don't get too close to me, my lord is going to widen this hole to the ground, so that you can come to a place for you to escape from the summer heat.)" Cheng Hao said with red eyes.

To deal with such a hard and stubborn stone, of course, a high-power laser cutting is required.

"Baa baa~ (Yes.)" Hearing this, the leader replied and hurriedly jumped away. He could feel that the king's eyes were very dangerous now. If he was targeted, his life would definitely be lost.

"Aww~ (Okay, now we can start unscrupulously.)" Looking at the head sheep hiding behind the stone in the distance, Cheng Hao aimed at the hole in front of him with satisfaction, and turned on the laser with the highest power Eye.

Immediately, thinking of the huge beam of light hitting the mountain, it made an earth-shattering sound.

"Moo~(What's going on? What's going on? What's that sound?)"

"Aww~ (It's not good, it's not good, is there an earthquake? Everyone, run to an open place and hide.)"

"Nunu~ (what's the matter, what's the matter?)"

All the animals in the forest panicked when they heard the sound.

They couldn't figure out what was this voice that was louder than thunder and lightning?Are there new dangers emerging?

"Baa baa~ (It's amazing, this is the strength of the king, it's simply too terrifying.)" Looking at the mountain that was pecked through, the head sheep couldn't help shivering.

No wonder the king told him to run away, if he came across this, I'm afraid the ashes would be gone.

(End of this chapter)

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