Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 242 I'm here for acting, not for snacks.

Chapter 242 I'm here for acting, not for snacks.

"Everyone, wait a little longer. Xiaoju is already working hard to cook, and I believe it won't take long." In the director's office of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, the director looked at the picture projected on the wall and said.

According to the situation on the screen, this little villain still has three restaurants to eat.At that time, we will return to the Tiger Park.

"There will be no problem when the time comes, as long as Xiaopangju can come back."

"Yeah, we are now worried that Xiaopangju's height is not enough. After all, he is still a sub-adult tiger and has not achieved the effect we want."

The director, screenwriter and others stared at the screen and said, how can I put it, Xiaopangju is indeed very cute, but the problem is that it is useless for them to be cute.

Their new version of Outlaws of the Marsh.What is needed is a mighty and domineering tiger.It can show how powerful Wu Song is.

And what about the appearance of the little fat orange?It's a bit unsuitable, but the principal has been strongly recommending it to them, and there's nothing they can do about it.

"It's okay, Xiaoju still has room to grow, and it will be almost ready when he grows up a little more." The director said with a smile, pointing to the projection and saying, "Take a look at Xiaoju's head, and then look at his big paws? Guarantee the effect of the shooting is very good."

"But he's too cute, he doesn't have the aura of the king of beasts." The screenwriter said weakly: "Why don't you show us other tigers, Director?"

"Yeah, we know that Little Pang Ju is very famous and cute, but this TV series is not useful just because it's cute." The director also followed suit.

They came to Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park in the hope that the King Tiger of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park would come out.

After all, Tiger King's figure is so tall and mighty, and his appearance is so domineering.What if he could make a scene in Jingyanggang?It will definitely be very shocking.

"Okay then, since you guys still don't give up, I'll take you out to have a look at the other little guys." The director said helplessly after hearing what they said, and walked towards the office.

Why don't these guys distrust their own judgments? The tigers he raised didn't know that those little guys had good temperaments, and didn't those little guys have bad temperaments?

If the other little guys were willing to cooperate and film, how could he only let Xiaoju appear in the scene?It must be eager to let other tigers also emerge.

"Great, let's go out and have a look."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gardener. Let's start with the biggest King Tiger in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain."

The director and screenwriter who heard this said, and hurriedly followed.

"Actually, I think the tiger doesn't have to be big, right? As long as it looks like a tiger when it's photographed, it's enough to be ferocious enough." Seeing the director, screenwriter, and staff members so happy, the actor played by Wu Song said.

This group of people really don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they don't think it hurts their backs when they talk. Then this Tiger King weighs several tons.

Just standing there is more than two meters tall, a head taller than him, how can he fight this kind of tiger?
He can't stand that stop, okay?On the contrary, the chubby orange looked cute, and he dared to do something.

"Don't be afraid, Wang Wu. The tigers in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain are very friendly, and nothing will happen."

"Yeah, and it's just filming, not letting you fight for real. Why are you so afraid?"

The director and screenwriter who heard this said that the TV series is just a form of expression, don't be afraid of the other party, he is Wu Song, the legendary tiger-fighting hero.

"But I'm not really Wu Song, can I not be afraid?" Wang Wu couldn't help muttering.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, I'll let Xiao Wang come over." Just as everyone was chattering, the head of the garden said.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Director, please call him over quickly, we have wanted to see the Tiger King for a long time."

"Yes, director, please call."

When the screenwriter and director said, the director shouted loudly.

Then the whole ground trembled, and a gigantic tiger jumped and ran from a distance into their sight.

The director, screenwriter and others who saw this scene couldn't help but stare blankly:

"My God, where is this a tiger, this is simply an elephant?"

"That's right, such a big tiger seems a little too much."

"It's true that he is so big, Wu Song hit him on the ground, or he stomped Wu Song flat, or he can tell at a glance."

You are the size of the Tiger King, and the Wu Song they are looking for is probably ten times taller.

"I just said no, you let me challenge this kind of tiger, you'd better let me die." Wang Wu looked at the big tiger, and then looked at the muscles he had trained. With his appearance, he might not even be able to withstand a slap from the opponent, right?
"How is it? I've told you all that it won't work." Looking at the shocked expression of the screenwriter and director, the director said.

They want to see Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang is here, they have the ability, and now they really take Xiao Wang to film.

"It's really not good, sir, do you have a tiger that is a little smaller than Tiger King?" the director asked.

The shocking effect is there, it is such a big tiger.Wu Song isn't too big, it would be nice if he was a little smaller.

"Of course there are, not to mention those who are smaller than him, there are many smaller ones." The director replied, and the big head, which was much bigger than a tire, came together.

"Aww~ (Old man, why did you call me over? Why didn't you talk when I came here?)" Xiao Wang turned his big head.Looking at the director who was talking to the director and others.

What's wrong with this old man?Called him over and didn't talk to him, just left him here.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, they wanted to invite you to make a TV series, but they changed their mind when they saw that you were too big."

The principal smiled and patted Xiao Wang's head and said, "You can go back now, I'll call the other guys over. See if they are suitable."

"Aww~ (It turned out to be like this, so remember not to call me anymore, I'm sleeping.)" Xiao Wang said after hearing this, wagging his tail and left.

"Mr. Director, you are so capable. The tiger is really obedient in front of you, just like a cat."

"Yes, yes, it is really too strong."

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but praise, their eyes were full of admiration.

What is powerful, this is called powerful, look at this big tiger in front of the director, it doesn't dare to make mistakes at all.

"It's no big deal, just get used to it." The headmaster waved his hand indifferently and said, "Everyone, please wait a moment, I'll call the other tigers over."

"Okay, okay." Everyone nodded their heads and heard the horn in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden, and the director's voice sounded: "All the tigers except Xiao Wang, come to the gate of Grandpa's office to gather?"

"If anyone doesn't come? Then grandpa will take the time to educate him on Hude."

"Aww~ (what?)"

The tigers who were playing around in Wuyuan immediately froze when they heard this.

Then he started running towards the office of Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

In a short time, tigers, big and small, gathered outside the office, blocking the grass in front of the office.

"I'll go! There are a lot of tigers, and they're all quite big."

"Yeah, it looks really scary, my God." The directors and editors who saw this scene were shocked again.

Although I knew that the tigers in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain were not small, I never thought that all of them could grow to such a large size.

"Well...well, if it really doesn't work, we should choose Chubby Orange, the smallest adult tiger here is heavier than a buffalo." Watching these tigers look at him, Wang Wu has never felt his heart beating so violently in his life.

Do you really want to use these big tigers to film?It must be dead.

No matter which one it was, it seemed that he couldn't deal with it.

Although there are also sub-adults, but that head is smaller than that of Xiaopangju.

Knowing the director and editors without even thinking about it, I knew it was impossible to agree to let him pick these little guys.

"Wang Wu, don't worry, let's see which little guy is the right size, shall we?"

"Yes, there are so many tigers here, there must be one suitable."

The directors and editors who heard this said, their eyes searched among these tigers.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, what are you looking for from us? Can you tell me?)"

"Aww~ (Yeah, yeah, if it's okay, we have to go back, we don't have time to stay here.)"

The tigers spoke while looking at the person standing on the steps.

They all have their own things to do. If Grandpa has anything to do, just say it directly, and don't play tricks on them.

"It's nothing else, just that there is a crew that wants to make a film, so let's see if there is a suitable tiger among you. Does any of you little guys like filming?" The director looked at the tigers and said, hoping that these little guys can be more active and take the initiative to stand up.

But obviously, as a group of tigers who eat and sleep, they have no interest in this kind of thing at all.They all shook their heads and said:
"Aww~ (What can't be done in such a hot day, why go to filming when you have nothing to do?)"

"Aww~ (It's just such a troublesome thing we can't do, grandpa, you'd better find another tiger.)"

"Aww~ (Yeah, grandpa. We're not interested.)"

You can comfortably blow on the air conditioner in the air-conditioned room, why do you have to eat and run out to work?
They're not terribly smart, but they're obviously not dumb either, okay?They will definitely not do such thankless things.

"Mr. Director, what do these tigers say?" Wang Wu, who was beside him, saw the tigers opening their mouths one after another, and quickly asked the director next to him.

He doesn't have the time to choose which one the director and screenwriter will choose?He now knows how the tigers are feeling?
After all, if these tigers don't cooperate?No matter which one you choose, there is nothing good for him.

"Then we have to see, do you want to hear the truth or lies?" The director said with a smile.

Wang Wu immediately understood, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and stuffed it into the director's hand.

After the director saw it, he said with satisfaction: "Your luck is not very good, the tigers are not willing to film. These little slackers just want to stay in the air-conditioned room on a hot day."

"Really? That's really great." Hearing this, Wang Wu couldn't help but excitedly said, what if all these little guys are unwilling to cooperate?That means that instead of shooting real tigers, they can be synthesized directly with a computer, so that he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt.

"I don't know if it's good or not, but I think you'd better not be too happy too early."

"The tigers on my side are not willing to cooperate. Aren't there tigers from other cities? Will they find tigers from other places? I can't guarantee that." The director said slowly, directly calming down the excited Wang Wu.

"Yes... yes, if there are tigers in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, Mr. Director of the park can still watch. If it is replaced by tigers in other tiger parks, who will protect me?" Wang Wu was almost dumbfounded.

Mr. Changchang's true colors, he has seen with his own eyes, such a big tiger is as obedient as a cat.

He believes that even if the filming starts, the tiger will not hurt him as long as the director is by his side.

But if it is replaced by tigers in other zoos, who knows whether what the breeders said will work or not?
If you get playful and give him a slap, won't he die with hatred?

Thinking of this, the whole person panicked.He hurriedly said to the principal beside him: "Mr. Principal, you have to help me, you can't just ignore death."

The opponent is so powerful, he must be able to solve this problem.

"There's really nothing I can do about it. I want to help, but what can I do to help? How can I help?" the director rubbed his hands and said, with a troubled look on his face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Wu immediately took out another pack of cigarettes and stuffed them into the director's hand.

After putting it in his pocket, the director looked at the director and screenwriter who was circling around the tigers and said, "It's actually not difficult to handle, just wait for Xiaoju to come back. I'll be there to make sure you're okay."

"After all, they really can't pick out tigers. They can't really let you pick tigers elsewhere."

"Then it's all up to you, the head of the garden." Wang Wu said, and he almost said, "If you don't give up, Wu is willing to worship you as a righteous father."

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." The director waved his hand indifferently, and waited for the screenwriters and directors to come back.

"This tiger is good. This tiger is good. You can see that the head is thick and the claws are sharp. It looks like a very good tiger. I think there is nothing wrong with picking him." Walking in front of a tiger with its tongue sticking out, the director immediately fell in love with this big tiger. Look at the body and look.

What a perfect tiger?If such a tiger was lying on Jingyang Ridge, who would dare to say that Wu Song was not powerful?
"The director's tiger has a straight head, a burly body and is full of domineering aura, but director, look at his size, do you think our Wu Song can hold him down?" said the editor beside him.

"That's right, director, let's choose a slightly shorter tiger. You've chosen the one that Wu Song can easily kill. Don't just pick such a big one." The other staff also echoed.

The director should not just look at how big the tiger is, he has to consider the situation of the actor. The actor is not good, and no matter how big the tiger is, it won't work.

"Then you can't pick these little guys, can you see how well their heads are shot?" The director who heard this said pointed to the pumpkin waiting for the tiger watching the show.

This tiger was already the smallest one he had picked, and if it was smaller, there would be only these immature ones.

It's better to pick an acceptable one than to grab these little guys to take pictures, right?Otherwise, if such a small tiger was filmed, the audience would definitely not like it.

"But this tiger is indeed too big. Why don't we ask if there are any other tigers in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? It's impossible to say that there are only a few tigers in such a big tiger park."

"Yeah, maybe there are still some out yet."

It’s true to say so, but it’s not written in such a big tiger book, so it’s a bit too self-deceiving to shoot like this.

After the audience saw it, would they still have to say that it didn't match the original?

"That's okay, let's go and ask if there are any tigers that haven't come." After thinking for a while, the director said.He walked towards the director on the steps: "Mr. Director, do you have any little ones in the Tiger Garden who haven't come yet?"

"Yes, of course there is. Xiaoju hasn't come back yet?" The director said after hearing this.

I told them that there are no suitable ones in the Tiger Garden, but they refused to listen. After searching around, I believed it, right?

It has been said that these little guys are either too big or too small.

"It's just chubby orange, are there any other tigers?" The director quickly asked after hearing that there was only one tiger.

"Don't tell me there is one, it's just a tigress, and it's even smaller, are you sure you want to see it?" After hearing this, the director thought carefully and said.

"Forget it then, the tigress is smaller, let's wait until Xiaopangju arrives." Hearing that there was another tigress not coming, the director immediately shook his head and said.

"Then everyone, please come and sit down in the office. He should be back soon." The director said, inviting everyone to enter the office again. After hearing this, everyone could only walk in.

No way, the weather is really hot, what if they don't go in?It can only be exposed to the sun outside.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, is there anything else? If there is nothing else, we will go back first.)"

"Aww~ (Yeah, yeah, it's hot outside, we can't take it anymore.)"

Seeing a group of people walking towards the office, the tigers sitting on the grass quickly said, Grandpa and the others ran to blow up the air conditioner, so they should not be idle.

I have to go back to turn on the air conditioner, it's really terrible to stay outside on such a hot day.

"Okay, okay, you little bastards, go turn on the air conditioner." The director waved his hand and said, and the tigers immediately slipped away.The director who watched couldn't help shaking his head.But there is no time to bother with them now.

Four or 10 minutes later, at the gate of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.A red car slowly entered.

It's just that they didn't enter directly, but stopped beside the security booth at the door.

The security guards on guard saw it and said quickly:
"Miss Hong'er, you didn't bring Xiaoju in, why are you still waiting here? Hurry up and go in, the director is probably in a hurry."

"Yeah, hurry up and take Xiaoju there."

"No hurry, no hurry, I've been waiting for so long, I don't care about the time." Sister Hong'er rolled down the window and said, she took a bag of fruit from the passenger seat and handed it to them: "Here, these are the fruits sent by the merchants in the mall. There are too many, you can eat some."

"Why is this so embarrassing?" The security guard said embarrassedly when he saw a bag of fruit.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You can just take it. This time they gave away a lot of fruit. Just look at the back and you'll see." Sister Hong'er said, and opened the back window.

Then two security guards saw a tiger surrounded by fruit.

And this tiger has a watermelon stuffed in its mouth.At this time, he was staring at them with rounded eyes.

"Um, Xiaoju, aren't you afraid of choking to death? Why do you swallow such a big watermelon in your mouth?"

"Yeah, spit it out quickly, you glutton."

Seeing this, the security guard said helplessly.

I saw the tiger in front of me, and really spit out the watermelon against the car window.

(End of this chapter)

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