Chapter 262 Huh?interesting

"One hundred and three, one hundred and four..."

"Oh my God! Little Fat Orange has such a terrible appetite, he actually ate up all the steaks on our aircraft."

"Yeah, it's hard to imagine how he can fit so much?"

The staff in the aircraft said dumbfounded.

When Xiaopangju ate a steak weighing five catties, they dismissed it.When Xiaopangju ate ten yuan, they were a little surprised.When Xiaopangju ate 100 yuan, they were left dumbfounded.

"Aww~ (The taste is not bad, with a faint milky smell, do you have any steak here? I think I can eat a little more according to my appetite.)" Cheng Hao swallowed the last piece of steak said, blinking his big eyes and looking at the surrounding staff.

"My God, how big is your little belly, little fat orange?"

"Yeah, Xiaopangju, why are you so good?" The staff members were almost dumbfounded when they heard sister Hong'er's translation. The steaks Xiaopangju ate exceeded his weight, but Xiaopangju It looks like it's not full yet.

Is this chubby orange's belly connected to a big black hole?How can it be so edible?
"Aww~ (I only showed less than one-thousandth of my strength now, why are you so scared? If I really showed 100% of my strength, wouldn't you be scared to death on the spot? ?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, looking at the waiter who was pushing the cart, he licked his lower lip: "Aww~ (Can this young lady help me get something to eat? Don't just look here, okay? ah?)"

"I'm afraid this is not allowed, Little Pangju. Because we have nothing to eat here." The waiter who was watching said with some embarrassment, if he could get something to eat for Xiaopangju, he must have gone to get it a long time ago. But now there is no food, she can't do anything.

"Aww~ (Isn't it? Didn't it mean that I can eat the meat in the aircraft? Why is there no meat so soon?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering.

In such a large aircraft, there is only this little meat?It is really unexpected.

"Because I never thought that Xiaopangju would have such a large appetite, otherwise we would definitely prepare more."

"That's right, little fat orange. Don't worry, we are not far from our destination now, and you can eat as much as you want when you get there." The staff members said.

"Aww~ (well, I hope there will be more food in the headquarters.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, and looked forward to the headquarters.

Beautiful headquarters, be prepared to be poor by him, his stomach is already hungry, and he urgently needs a place to eat.

"It's coming, it's coming, the aircraft is coming."

"Yeah, Little Fat Ju should be on this aircraft."

Around the landing field of the headquarters, two figures, one tall and one thin, sat on the fence, watching the aircraft that was about to land, and said happily.

Xiao Pangju must be very happy to see them here, maybe he is so happy that he is speechless.

"What are you two doing here? We are going to receive players from various places ahead, don't you know?"

The short-haired woman who jumped a few meters tall landed beside the two of them and asked, why did these two guys come so far behind if I didn't go to the front to help?

"The two of us know, but the two of us have more important things to do now, so this matter has to be put aside first." Zi Shi jumped down from the fence and said.

"That's right, our master's baby chubby orange is here. The two of us apprentices must come to greet us in person, right?" Chou Shi also said, and immediately followed Zi Shi.

"Yes, you two are really dedicated to your duties." The woman who heard this said, and quickly followed?
"Aww~ (this place is the headquarters, it looks a bit like it, but I don't know how the guys here are? Are they a bunch of good people?)" Cheng Hao, who came out of the aircraft, looked around and said.

The densely packed weapons and incomprehensible aircraft are quite bluffing, but I don't know how the quality of the guys here is?
"It shouldn't be too bad, but you little guy, where did you learn so many swear words?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, this little scoundrel has learned to swear?What does it mean to be a good thing?
"Aww~ (It's the sister who was taught by robot No. [-]. If you want to scold someone, just go back and grab robot No. [-] and scold you.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, anyway, that idiot robot also If not, just throw the blame to him.

"Since you've said that, it certainly wasn't made by robot No. [-]. You little villain is really too bad. You blame robot No. [-] every day." Sister Hong'er laughed and cursed.

The little villain of Little Orange said that robot No. [-] did it, so it must not have been done by the other party.

After all, Xiaoju is a steal.

"Aww~ (Who said that? I'm only telling the truth. Sister, go beat up that stupid robot.)" Cheng Hao said, his ears trembled suddenly, and he looked in one direction.

There are several figures approaching rapidly.

"Hey! It's the mouse and the old cow. Did the director ask them to come pick us up?" Hong'er, who also noticed the situation here, said.

"Aww~ (It's also possible that they wanted to come and pick us up themselves, not necessarily grandpa.)" Cheng Hao said, looking at the bouncing figure behind the two of them, and said: "Aww~ (Sister, guess the two of them Who is behind me from Twelve Hours? I think it should be a rabbit. See how happy she is bouncing around?)”

"Well, there should be nothing wrong with Maoshi." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing this.

"Miss Hong'er, how are you, Xiaopangju, we're here to pick you up, is Xiaopangju obediently staying on board the aircraft?"

"Yeah, you came out on behalf of the master, so you can't make trouble here and there."

said the two who came up to them, and greeted them.

"Aww~ (If I really want to make trouble, you have to be able to stop it. It's a bit too confident to rely on you alone to tell me this.)" Cheng Hao muttered when he heard this, and he Does it look like you like to make trouble?How can you tell him not to make trouble?

"Xiaoju didn't make trouble, but he probably ate a lot. I don't know if the headquarters can handle it?" Sister Hong'er beside him said with a smile, and pressed Cheng Hao's chattering mouth.

How can this little rascal talk so much?But be honest.

"Of course I can bear it. The headquarters has prepared a lot of delicious food for Xiaopangju."

"Yes, that's right. Ms. Hong'er can rest assured." Hearing this, Zi Shi and Chou Shi laughed and asked them what Xiaopang thinks about their appetite and what do they like to eat?They reported it truthfully, so Xiaopangju can open up and eat freely.

"That's fine." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said in satisfaction, and saw the woman who had finally rushed over and said, "Old Mouse, what did you two learn in Tiger Garden? How did you run so fast. "

Obviously, when everyone was training, they were all equal in strength, except for some strengths and weaknesses, they were all about the same in terms of physical fitness, but she couldn't keep up with these two guys, it was too outrageous.

What did these two guys learn in Tiger Park during this time?Why can the strength be improved so much?
"Of course I did my best to become stronger." Zi Shi clenched his fists and said, did the other party discover their changes?Then the other party has to watch carefully, this is just their beginning, they still have a very powerful thing that they haven't shown.

"That's right. Apart from eating and sleeping, we even dream about how to become stronger." Chou Shi nodded and said. Sure enough, the hard-working practice still paid off. The gap between them and others has already appeared. It is not their opponent.

And it's just the beginning, the gap between these guys will only get bigger and bigger.

"Aww~ (It's almost enough to brag, take me to find a place to eat quickly, don't talk about it here anymore.)" Cheng Hao who was on the side heard it and said.

"Okay, ok, don't be in such a hurry, little fat orange, we'll take you to dinner right away."

"Yeah, don't you need to lose weight recently, little rascal?" Zi Shichou asked with a smile when he heard this.

"Aww~ (Of course I don't need it, because my sister finally found out that I don't need to lose weight at all.)" Cheng Hao said, these two guys really want to get beaten up, don't they?

"Really? That's really congratulations, little fat orange can eat openly and aboveboard."

"Yeah, isn't Fatty Orange very happy?"

The two talked with a smile, and acted as a guide to lead them the way.

"Little Pangju, you are so chubby and cute, do you want to stay with me in the headquarters this time?" Mao Shi asked when he saw that he was being ignored, and moved close to Cheng Hao, blinking his big eyes, thinking about himself Where should I start to touch it? This fluffy big kiwi is really rare.She wanted to take her home and raise her.

"Aww~ (I think it would be better if you go back to your room now and take out a quilt to cover your head. If you want to dream? Go do it under the quilt, don't do it here.)" Hearing this Cheng Hao rolled his eyes as he spoke.

He is one of the important members of the entire department of the king of beasts, the other party treats him as a pet, right?
Believe it or not, he has a higher status than her in the evolutionary department?

"Obviously he looks so cute, but the words he speaks are so hateful, he really is a disobedient little tiger." Hearing the words, Mao Shi muttered, blinking his eyes as if thinking about some bad idea.

"Rabbit, you'd better be honest and don't play tricks on Xiaoju, or you will suffer a loss when the time comes, don't blame us for not reminding you."

"Yeah, Xiaoju has been an evolutionary animal since he was born. He is much stronger than you, so be careful if you fight against him."

Zi Shi and Chou Shi who were on the side saw it and reminded them.

Everyone has trained together more than once, and they still know each other's personality. Looking at each other's current appearance, they may be thinking of some bad idea.

"Where is it? I was just thinking about how to get close to Xiaopangju." Hearing this, Uoshi said, not caring much about his little things being exposed.

"It's a lie when you hear it."

"Yeah, anyway, you can ask for more blessings." The two said very speechlessly.

"What are you doing?" Just then a cloud of mist floated over, revealing a tall and thin man.

"Of course I came to pick up Xiaopangju, Chenshi." Maoshi said with a smile, and walked around Chenshi: "Dalong Dalong, hurry up and show off your special skills."

"Do you think it's possible? I'm not an acrobat." Hearing this, Chen Shi said with black lines all over his head, and asked him to perform when he saw someone?Did the other party think he was born in a circus?
"It's okay, I won't make fun of you. Isn't your ability very useful? Hurry up and let Xiaopangju open his eyes." Mao Shi said bouncingly, like a monkey jumping into the sky.

"Okay, I don't want to be a monkey. Follow me quickly, the instructor is looking for us." Chen Shi urged, and turned into a cloud of mist again and disappeared.

"Aww~ (Good ability, looks pretty good. It's very suitable for stealing food in broad daylight.)" said Cheng Hao who saw this scene.The ability to turn into clouds and mist is quite good, and it is very suitable for good food in broad daylight.

"You only want to eat secretly." Sister Hong'er at the side said very speechlessly, this little villain only wants to eat.I really don't want anything else.

"Aww~ (After all, Husheng is alive, and he has nothing to do except eating, drinking and having fun.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

He has become a tiger, so he can't think about playing computer every day, right?Of course I was thinking about eating.

"That's true." After Hong'er thought about it, she realized that it really was the case.

Xiaoju is a little tiger, what can I ask him to do?
"Wow, it's the big star Xiaopangju."

"Yeah, it's a chubby tangerine. It's a real chubby tangerine. It's fluffy and bouncing around."

"Yeah, it's just as cute as the ones on the Internet."

After Cheng Hao and his party came out of the landing field, exclamations erupted from the surroundings immediately.

The team members who arrived at the headquarters immediately turned into fans, and surrounded them one by two.Soon it will be completely surrounded here.

"Little Fat Ju, it seems that we have many fans of yours in our headquarters." Seeing this scene, Zi Shi said with a smile, look at how enthusiastic these people are.

"Yes, is Xiaopangju happy?" Chou Shi asked.

"Aww~ (Benhu is a super star, is it normal to have so many fans?)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said proudly, he was just a fan.

He's used to it a long time ago, what's the fuss about it?But his erect tail still proved restless.

"Instructor, our headquarters seems to have turned into a large fan meeting." Yinshi who came out of the building said.

In this scene, they still want to go in?I'm afraid it's somewhat unlikely.

"That's no way, let them go crazy first." The instructor said with narrowed eyes, and could only stand aside and watch.

It's not time for training yet, what can I do?I can only watch the show.

"Oh, it looks like someone is going to be unlucky." Hearing this, Yin Shi couldn't help but gloated.

(End of this chapter)

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