Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 264 He eats so hard, he won't eat us too, right?

Chapter 264 He eats so hard, he won't eat us too, right?

"The problem is that there must be something wrong. After all, anthropomorphic emotions are added to it, but there shouldn't be any major problems." Looking at the vegetable-making robot, the R&D director said.

"That's good, otherwise he will be in trouble if something goes wrong." The minister who heard here replied.

"Little villain, wake up quickly, don't sleep anymore, all the officers are here, if you go back to sleep? It will be bad." Sister Hong'er said after seeing the situation here.

This little villain is still asleep, which will give a bad impression in front of the minister.

"Aww~ (Got it, don't rush, don't rush, can I wake up now?)" Cheng Hao, who was woken up, replied, his eyes were full of sleepiness.

He ate so much meat just now, let him sleep and calm down, don't bother him like this.He still has to digest the meat.

"The little guy has finally woken up, but he seems a little reluctant." The logistics minister couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

The little guy ate all the stored meat, and he still showed such a confused look.

I really want someone to pinch his big round face and ravage him.

"Isn't this a normal thing? You wake up when you fall asleep, and you probably behave like this."

"That's right, what's more, it's still a little tiger?"

The other ministers laughed after hearing this, and they glanced around and slapped Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Why are you looking at me when you have nothing to do? You are busy with your own affairs, so you don't need to stare at me like this?)" Cheng Hao, who was stared at by a group of people, muttered, they don't want Looking at him with such eyes made him flustered.

"Little villain, don't talk to you like this, be good." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao on the head and said.

Does this little villain want to be beaten when he speaks these words to ministers in such a tone?
"It's okay, we don't mind."

"Yeah, he's just a little tiger trying to sleep, we're not so narrow-minded."

Hearing the ministers here said with a smile, they would not be angry because of this kind of thing, so how small-minded are they?

"That's good, thank you all ministers." Sister Hong'er breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and patted Cheng Hao's head: "You little villain, why don't you hurry up and say hello to all the ministers?"

"Aww~ (Hello ministers, may I have any meat for me?)" Cheng Hao asked, staring at the ministers after hearing this.

"Do you want to eat meat as soon as you come up? Why aren't you full yet?"

"Yeah, you little villain ate a lot. If you eat any more, be careful to burst your big belly."

When the surrounding ministers heard this, they couldn't help laughing, this little guy really has a big belly, after eating so much, he is still not full.

"Aww~ (It's not enough, I can eat more. If you don't believe it? All the ministers, go and get it for me.)" Cheng Hao said, never forgetting the mission this time, but he brought I came with an important task.

You can't just give up like this. It just so happens that these ministers are here, and you can give them a meat-eating performance.

"You little guy, can you still eat it? Don't force yourself to burst your little belly."

"Yeah, it's not us old men who are stingy, we are all thinking about the safety of you little guy."

The ministers who heard here said one after another.

Good guy, I thought this little villain was already very hungry, but the other party told them that he was not full.But something I've never heard of.

"Ministers, you don't need to worry. Xiaoju won't be full. His appetite has grown. So far, nothing like this has happened."

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er at the side added.

Although she didn't want to bully the officers, but when she came like this, the head of the garden had explained it.

"Is it like this? It seems that we have underestimated you little guy."

"Yeah, let's see how much you can eat, you little rascal? You actually ate so much, it doesn't look like it's enough."

When the ministers heard this, they immediately showed a look of surprise. Is this little villain still not full?This is a novelty.

Then they want to see how much this little villain can eat?

Thinking of this, they asked the team members to hurry up and deliver the meat.

Not long after, as the carts of meat were delivered, the empty cafeteria also became crowded.

"Eat, eat, little guy. You can eat all these meats, and you don't have to worry about not having enough. If not? We will call for you again."

"Yeah, little guy, we're going to see how much you can eat today?"

The ministers sat down while talking.

"Aww~ (This is what you said, so I'm not going to be polite. Sister, you have to testify for me.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao said.

Is this the first time he has heard such a request in his life?Then the other party has to look forward to coming, don't blink.

"Well, eat quickly, you little rascal, don't talk too much." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

That little guy got cheap and acted like a good boy, what a beggar.

"Aww~ (Ok, ok.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and licked his lips.

He took a deep breath under the watchful eyes of the ministers, and then something terrible happened.

I saw that frame of meat seemed to lose gravity, and flew directly towards Cheng Hao's mouth. Cheng Hao just sucked it lightly, like sucking jelly, and the meat disappeared in his mouth up.


The ministers sitting on the side saw this scene, their mouths were almost filled with the next apple.

They have lived for so long, and this is the first time they have seen such a meat-eating army. This is not eating meat, this is completely sucking meat.

Seeing the frame of flesh emptied and fell heavily on the ground, everyone felt their hearts sinking.

And this scene.It's still happening, like a machine on an assembly line, never stopping.

"Ding Ding Ding ~"

"Ding Ding Ding ~"

"That's the end of this speech. All the team members can go to rest first. As for other things, we will talk about them later."

In the huge lecture hall, the instructor spoke into the microphone.

"Great, great, get out of class is finally over, my God, I almost forgot how many years I haven't had this class?"

"Yeah, I'm dizzy and my legs feel weak."

The team members sitting below suddenly became happy. They can finally finish this class, which is really great.

This time, it was the same as listening to the principal's speech when they were in college, it was long and long.

"We still have a meet and greet tonight, everyone, don't forget." The instructor looked at the excited team members and said, then strode away.

"A meeting? It sounds good, but I don't know what it looks like?"

"Yeah, it would be great if all the evolution potions were piled up at the meeting."

"Don't think about it, you don't need money for this thing, it's better to think about it honestly."

"That's right, let's go to have a meal first."

The team members said loudly, walked out of the lecture hall, and walked towards the cafeteria.

This talk for so long will starve them to death, they have to go out and eat a good meal.

I don't know what delicious food the headquarters prepared to welcome them?
Thinking of this, everyone couldn't hold back anymore, their hearts were full of anticipation.



Just as they were thinking this way, the oncoming car quickly attracted their attention. Looking at the approaching car, everyone couldn't help showing puzzled looks in their eyes:

"By the way, did these cars come from the cafeteria? Look at the baskets piled up on top, maybe the food hasn't been cooked yet."

"It shouldn't be for fun. This is the headquarters. It's impossible for such a thing to happen."

"Yeah, maybe I'm preparing something for today's meeting."

"That's true, after all, it's the headquarters."

It is impossible for such a large headquarters to allow them to drink the northwest wind here. They must have prepared food. They don't need to worry about anything, they just wait honestly.

After thinking of this, they felt relieved and continued to walk forward.

Then, they saw the car parked in front of the cafeteria.

I saw the robot responsible for loading and unloading the meat on the car into the cafeteria one by one, and then another group of robots moved the meat outside one by one, like some special assembly line.

"What is the situation? Do you understand?" said the team member who saw this scene.

"I don't understand it, but it looks very powerful."

Some people who were confused by the monk said, and walked into the cafeteria with strides.

Then they saw the dumb ministers on a table, and Cheng Hao who was performing acrobatics.

"These seem to be our ministers?" The team members walking in the front said with some uncertainty. In their view, the ministers at the headquarters are all calm people, the kind of people who don't change their face when the mountain collapses in front of them. people.Why are they all showing this look now?

"Yes, when we first came to the headquarters, didn't we see the photos of these ministers in the hall?" The team member next to him said.

"Then what are they doing? Could it be that they are watching Xiaopangju perform sucking meat?" Some team members asked curiously.

"It doesn't seem like it. I think the ministers seem to be frightened." The female team member on the side said.

"It shouldn't be so, they are ministers. How can they be so easily scared." The other team members said.

While they were discussing, the stunned ministers finally moved:

"Old Chen, what do you think? Do you think our department has enough for the little guy?"

"I think it might not be enough. I wanted to stay with him in the headquarters. Now it seems that I should send him away quickly. If I continue to eat, I will eat up all the funds in our department."

"Yeah, this little guy is a bottomless pit, it's just too scary."

"That's right, his little stomach hasn't bulged after eating for so long, who knows how much he will have to eat to be full?"

Everyone said it was a waste of money, but they not only saw it today.

And I also found that the description of this idiot is a bit condescending. The meat this little guy eats can no longer be described in tons, but in cars.

If this little villain stays for a few more days, they don't know how to reimburse him. Could it be that a little tiger ate more than 70 cars of meat?And this is still a meal. If this is reported, no one will think that they are filling their own pockets, right?
Although it is said that they dare not speak out on the surface, it is definitely not good for their reputation in private.

Speaking of which, they were all admiring that Xiaopangju was able to raise such a big Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden. Such an edible little guy, how much did Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden spend to raise him to one year old?
Now they finally understand why this little guy is a tiger, but he doesn't do business every day, singing, making movies and selling albums everywhere.

What if you don't develop more side businesses?Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park has already closed down.

"Aww~ (Ministers, grandpas and uncles, don't stand around stupidly, the meat is gone, you have to get someone to bring the meat quickly.)" Looking at the robot that stopped delivering meat, Cheng Hao said.

Where is this? He hasn't shown his true strength yet, so why is his flesh gone?

"You little villain, don't you still want to eat it? Why don't you just tell us how much meat you want? We're a little frightened."

"Yeah, can you tell us how many times we have to eat meat to be full?"

Seeing Cheng Hao coming bouncingly, they licked their tongues in front of them.The ministers said that everyone was going numb.

Don't scare them, this little villain, how much can you eat, let's just say it?

"Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" Cheng Hao said after thinking about it, since his sister said, don't go too far.

Then he should eat less today, give these robots a rest, and give these ministers time to adapt, and he will eat more after they have finished adapting in the past two days.

"Ah?" Hearing this, the head of logistics felt his blood pressure soar and his eyes darkened.As if it could fall down at any time.

"Don't, don't, cheer up, don't be stunned by the direct shock, there are so many juniors watching here."

"Yeah yeah."

Seeing this, the other ministers quickly helped each other. Fortunately, this little chubby cat didn't eat the machine or play with other things, otherwise they would be miserable.

"Little girl, let me ask you, do you, the little villain, eat so much in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?"

"That's not true. We didn't feed him so much food in the Tiger Garden. If he can't get enough to eat, he will find a way to get food elsewhere." Sister Hong'er replied.

If she said that Xiaoju ate so much in the Tiger Garden, it would definitely be impossible. This investigation would show that she was lying.It can only be said that this little villain is not full and went to find food by himself.

"It's like this, so this little villain is eating hard at the headquarters?" Hearing this, the logistics minister finally understood, the little guy has never had enough to eat, no wonder he came to the headquarters to eat like this.

Can't they usually feed this little guy more?See how frightening it was to starve him, she was really worried that this little rascal would be happy and eat all of them old guys.

"It's probably like this. After all, he heard that there is a lot of meat in the headquarters that can be eaten freely, and he plans to live in the headquarters." Sister Hong'er nodded.

This little villain ate so much, the headquarters should have figured it out, if this can keep her here, then she can only live in the headquarters and ask for blessings.

"Huh? Does this little villain still want to live in the headquarters? That's not possible. We like him very much, but we can't let him stay."

"Yeah, after all, our side is not a habitat for tigers. It's better for him to go back after this meeting."

"That's right, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to find a wife here."

The ministers who heard this were terrified and said that they had an idea to keep this little villain down.

But after today?They just want to send it away now.

(End of this chapter)

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