Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 272 If I cooperate so much, will you fall first?

Chapter 272 If I cooperate so much, will you fall first?
"Aww~ (This crew is fine, the beef tastes delicious, sister, would you like a piece?)" Cheng Hao asked.

"Forget it, as long as you think it's delicious." Sister Hong'er looked into the distance and said.

"Aww~ (That's fine, then I know.)" Cheng Hao nodded upon hearing this, and then continued to eat.

"Guest officer, here comes the food you asked for."

Xiao Er came over with the dishes, Wang Wu who was sitting in the shop nodded, stretched out his chopsticks and picked the beef.


The beef didn't move when the chopsticks went down, but there was a lot of resistance.This made Wang Wu stunned, and the voice of the staff came from next to his ear:

"Above~ above, don't poke below, the above is real."

The staff standing in the corner danced and shouted.

"Like this?" Wang Wu murmured in his heart when he heard this place, and clamped the beef on it.

This time, the situation just now did not happen, and everything went smoothly.

But when he drank it in one gulp, a painful mask appeared on his face again after a long time.

"This...what the hell is this? This wine is too bad." Wang Wu's expression twisted, feeling that he had directly drank alcoholic water in one gulp.

The whole person is not well. If he knew this was the taste, he would never believe their nonsense.

"Be happy on your face, you are Wu Song." The director and screenwriter who saw this scene shouted quickly, how could the other party behave like this?It's not like someone who likes to drink.

"Good wine, good wine." Wang Wu, with a distorted face, said immediately after hearing this.

After gulping down the wine, the director was satisfied when he saw this.

"Aww~ (He is such a ruthless person, it's outrageous that he can drink such a bad drink.)" Cheng Hao said after seeing this scene, and looked at the beef he ate.His heart was full of happiness, fortunately he didn't need to drink this wine, otherwise he would also have a mask of pain.

"Hi, hi, hi! It's so bad, it's so bad." Wang Wu walked out of the store with strides, walking staggeringly.The whole person is very uncomfortable.

From the point of view of the director and screenwriter, it is another scene:

"Not bad, this drunk's acting skills are very good, it looks like the real thing, it seems that his acting skills have improved."

"That's right, I said it's definitely not wrong to ask him to act."

"I can't, I have to go to Jingyang Ridge as soon as possible. There is something wrong with this wine." While they were talking, Wang Wu felt pain in his stomach, and his face turned pale.

I just want to finish filming this scene quickly and find a place to squat right away.

"Little Pangju, Xiaopangju, get ready, it's your turn to play." Seeing Wu Song leave the shop, the staff ran up to Cheng Hao and agreed.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it, I'll squat him right now.)" Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this, and got up from the ground.

"Wait a minute, little rascal, wipe off the sauce on your mouth first." Sister Hong'er at the side said angrily when she saw this.

This little villain eats sauced beef so much that he doesn't even know it's dark.

Where is the tiger like this outside?With sauce on his mouth.

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, I almost forgot, my mouth is full of sauce.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, stretching out his big head to wipe it off for Sister Hong'er.

Only then did he take small steps, and walked towards Jingyanggang unsteadily.

"Why isn't Little Fatty coming here? I feel like I can't hold back anymore. Which conscientious guy bought this wine? Can people drink this thing?" Relying on the huge turquoise, Wang Wu felt his stomach churning, and his whole body felt a little uncomfortable.

But now he couldn't stop it, so he could only close his eyes and pretend to be asleep, waiting for Xiaopangju to come over.

"Aww~ (I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to go from here, you will save money to buy roads.)"

Cheng Hao, who came trotting over, was not confused, and shouted at the top of his voice as soon as he came.

The huge roar made the whole Sangang tremble.

Hearing this voice, Wang Wu quickly got up and stared at Cheng Hao with an ugly expression.

"Aww~ (I said you have nothing to do? Why is your face so ugly? Do you want to stop and give you a rest?)" Cheng Hao, who jumped in front of the opponent in three steps and two steps, looked at the other party's face. asked loudly.

As long as the other party seems to be quite uncomfortable, can this situation continue?He felt it was a little hanging.

If it is really not possible?They take a break.


Seeing Cheng Hao appearing, Wang Wu's face was covered with beads of sweat the size of pimples.He urged in a low voice.

"Aww~ (You tell me to hurry up, that's what you said, I'm not responsible for hurting you.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, and rushed towards Wang Wu.

Seeing this, Wang Wu immediately dodged away, and then Cheng Hao stood up again.Wang Wu dodged again, and the sweat on his face evaporated even more.

He felt that there was a sharp knife stirring in his stomach, which made him very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Cheng Hao made another move, and saw his big tail hitting Wang Wu.

But at this time, Wang Wu was in so much pain that he couldn't straighten his back, and he couldn't dodge at all.

"Aww~ (I knew you couldn't do it, why do you say you're okay?)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw this scene, and a strong suction emanated from his tail.

He grabbed Wang Wu's hand directly, making it look like Wanwu suddenly grabbed Cheng Hao's big tail.


Feeling the uncontrollable hands, Wang Wu was a little stunned at this moment, he didn't know what happened, why did it happen?

But at this time, he was even more dumbfounded. Cheng Hao, who he was holding, had floated into the sky at some point?He was grabbing the opponent's tail and swung it like a copper hammer.

"Uh, Wang Wu has such great strength?" Wang Wu was not the only one who saw the trachoma in this scene, even the director beside him was dumbfounded.

In his impression, is the other party so powerful?
"I don't think so. If he is so powerful, it's impossible not to say it." The screenwriter who heard this said weakly.

If the other party has the ability to lift the chubby orange, what kind of actor should he be?

"That's the question, how did he lift the little chubby orange?" asked the other staff who heard this.

"I don't know, maybe it's because of Wia's ability."

"Yeah, otherwise it would be too scary."

The onlookers talked one after another, and they couldn't understand what was going on?But what is certain is that they certainly did not do it.

"Uh, what's the situation now? Does anyone know?"

"I don't know, I know our cute little chubby orange won't get hurt, right? After all, it's his big tail that's being pulled."

"Yeah, little fat orange looks so pitiful."

After seeing this scene, the fans were very worried.

If there were no team members blocking it?They're all going to rush over.


After three and a half circles in the air, Cheng Hao dissipated the suction on his tail.The whole tiger flew out directly and crashed into the woods beside it.

It stopped after breaking several trees along the way.

"Aww~ (I have performed so hard, this guy owes me a big favor. It is unreasonable not to send me a few cars of meat.)" Cheng Hao, who fell to the ground, was thinking so, but after a long time he found that Wu Song hadn't Coming over, as soon as he raised his head, he saw Wang Wu who had turned several times in a row on the boulder and fell down, foaming at the mouth.

"Aww~ (Ah? Do you want to be so weak? I fully cooperated with your performance, but you are finished now?)" Cheng Hao was shocked.

He showed his own big tail here again, was wheeled like a big windmill, and fell down a few trees in cooperation, to set off the might of the other party, is that the result?
"No, hurry up and see what's going on with Wang Wu?" The dumbfounded director shouted immediately after recovering.

"Yes." The staff members who heard this replied, and rushed to Wang Wu to look at the situation.

"Let's make room, let's see what's going on with the patient?" The ambulance staff on the other side rushed over after seeing it.I thought someone would be scratched by the tiger, but the tiger didn't do anything at all, and the other party turned himself dizzy.

"It deserves it, tell him to bully our cute little chubby gentleman, God will punish this."

"It's simply abominable how dare to treat our little fat orange like a big windmill."

"That's right, I don't know if our baby, Pang Ju, was injured by the fall?" The nervousness of the others was different, and the fans of Xiao Ju were jumping happily when they saw this scene.

"Just now I thought he was a powerful Wu Song, but now it looks like he was made by Little Pang Ju."

"Yeah, he was too overwhelmed by Xiaopangju's cooperation, and he fell first."

After the team members saw this scene, their doubts about whether the opponent was an evolutionary or a power-type evolutionary disappeared instantly. As long as the opponent was still evolving like this, he was almost the same as a broken person.

"Aww~ (This is really mud that can't support the wall.)" Cheng Hao walked over helplessly. The other party was so nice, why did he fall down?You should hold on for a while longer, let's talk about it after the filming of this scene, now it's all right, one scene has to be filmed twice.

"Doctor, doctor, what's wrong with him? Is he okay?"

The director looked at Wang Wu, who was foaming at the mouth and unconscious, and asked.

"I don't know about this. He has to be sent to the hospital for examination. In addition, you'd better provide me with the food he has eaten."

"I think he looks a little bit poisoned. It's probably because of the food he just ate." The doctor who packed Wang Wu on the stretcher said, and asked the medical staff to carry the stretcher away.

"Ah? Food poisoning?" The director was taken aback when he heard this, and then immediately asked someone to pack up the unfinished drinks and food.

"Little fat orange, are you okay? Lie down quickly and let me check and see if there is any injury?" Xu Lele walked up to Cheng Hao, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to check.

"Aww~ (What could happen if I fell down by myself, do you think he can really shake me up?)" Cheng Hao jumped away when he heard this, and asked the other party to check, if nothing happened Make things happen for him.

"What should the director do now? Mr. Wang Wu has fallen, should we continue shooting?" Sister Hong'er walked up to the director and asked.

"Of course there is no way to continue filming, so today's filming can only stop here." The director said helplessly when he heard this. He wanted to continue filming, but how can he film when everyone is hospitalized?

But one thing to say is that the shot just now is really good, especially the part where Wang Wu throws the chubby orange away, Wu Song is really alive.

"Well, then let's deal with the fans' affairs first." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, he didn't forget that there is still a vote of fans here, waiting to interact with Xiaoju.

"Okay, okay." The director smiled, and after sending them away, he began to investigate the crew.

He was really pissed off, he could have passed it all at once, but in the end he made such a mess.

He wants to see which bastard did the good thing?

"Everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, everyone can get the signature of Xiaopangju's green claws, everyone, please line up in an orderly manner."

"Yes, yes, everyone has it. Don't worry, don't worry."

In the wide open space, the crowd was packed at this time, and the fans who were frantically pushing forward stretched out their hands to touch Cheng Hao's big head.

Fortunately, Cheng Hao's eyesight is quick and his brain is quick, so he dodged it in a few moments, otherwise he would have been bald by them.

"Come on little fat orange, come on little fat orange."

"Yeah, yeah, it's still so early, little fat orange, just sing us a song."

Seeing the fans who couldn't touch Cheng Hao's head, they shouted loudly.

"Aww~ (It's okay to sing for you, but you have to leave immediately after listening to it. Can you keep it? If you agree? I'll sing for you.)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this.

These fans are really annoying him to death, they all want to get something from him, but this is his fan again, he can't do it.

"No problem, as long as Xiaopangju is willing to sing, we promise to leave after listening and never stay."

"Yeah, little fat orange will sing blue and white porcelain for us."

Fans here are heard shouting.

"Aww~ (Sing blue and white porcelain with a hammer? I want to sing Huo Yuanjia for you. If you don't obey the rules, I will just hammer you and tell you.)" Cheng Hao said cursingly, he wanted to become Huo Yuanjia now , Give each of them a fist.

Blue and white porcelain?Blue and white porcelain and a hammer lollipop, they are so disobedient, think of a hammer and blue and white porcelain.

"Huh? Huo Yuanjia? Is it Xiaopangju's new song? That's great, Xiaopangju has released a new song."

"Yes, yes, Xiaopangju, hurry up and sing, hurry up and sing." The fans who heard this immediately ignored the second half of the sentence, they only knew that Xiaopangju was going to sing a new song for them.

"Everyone, don't make noise, let's spread out and yell for Xiaopangju to sing. Now the fans who are squeezing in front push back, and the fans standing behind lean closer." Sister Hong'er laughed when she heard this. He said, and Xu Lele on the side went to get the pots and pans.

After the rest of the team members heard it, they rushed to pass on the good news:
"Go, go, Xiaopangju is going to sing a new song, going to sing a new song."

"What? Is Xiaopangju singing a new song? It's a good thing that the sky is falling."

The team members who were patrolling around the crew didn't care about anything, and ran over here.

"Director Xiaopangju is going to sing a new song, why don't we scold him later?" The screenwriter who heard the voice poked his head and asked tentatively.

"Well, let's do this first. You are lucky to meet Xiaopangju singing, otherwise I will have to teach you again." The director said with a bit of lung pain. These guys are really muddy and can't support the wall. ah.

Asking them to buy a drink can cause problems. Fortunately, Wang Wu has nothing to do, otherwise, he doesn't even know what to do?

"Yes, yes." Everyone who heard this quickly admitted their mistake, but luckily Xiaopangju sang.Otherwise, they don't know how long they will be scolded.

"Okay, let's go listen to the song. When we come back, the person in charge of the purchase will apologize to Wang Wu himself. Even though the others are right, they must also write me a review." The director said, and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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