Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 287 Little Tiger Gets Bad, That's Really Too Bad

Chapter 287 Little Tiger Gets Bad, That's Really Too Bad

"I think he should be more wronged than Dou E. You are flying invisibly, and he can't see you at all. How do you let him hide?" said the principal sitting on Cheng Hao's back. The reason is quite easy to find.

"Aww~ (That's also his problem, even if he can't see me, he can't fly around like this.)" Cheng Hao said, can he fly around without seeing him?I really don't understand the traffic rules at all.

"Well, no matter what, you are justified, you little villain." The director said angrily, but he could see it.

The little rascal knows nothing but sophisms.

"Aww~ (Of course, you can't be merciful to the enemy. This is what you taught me, grandpa.)" Cheng Hao said, raising his head.

"That's true, but next time you do it faster. Don't always do it when the plane is in front of you. Don't forget that Grandpa is still on your back."

"Don't you have nothing to do at that time, grandpa was hit by the plane and flew out."

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I'm all set to come. There will be no problem.)" Cheng Hao replied.

The little fighter was so ridiculous that it couldn't even knock him down. How could it possibly turn grandpa around?Grandpa, don't worry so much, there will be no problem.

"Okay, as long as you know what's going on," the director said, looking at the power station below and saying, "It's time for the little rascal to get to work. There's another power station down there."

"Aww~ (received.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao replied, opened his mouth and sent the electric ball down.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from the entire power plant, and the dazzling flames reflected the sky red.

There were even wailing sounds coming from around the power plant.

Hearing these voices from below, the director couldn't help showing a look of unbearable.But then he turned his face away and said, "Let's go and attack the local military facilities."

"Aww~ (Understood.)" Looking at the flames soaring into the sky below, Cheng Hao continued to set off.

"Mr. Mayor is not well. There was an explosion in the power plant, and at the same time the patrol plane also crashed." At the same time, in the mayor's office, you said that you passed the bad news to the mayor. His face was almost bitter like a bitter melon.

"What's going on here? What's going on? How come it's like this? Did you find out who did it?" The mayor kept walking around. Didn't he find out that such a big thing happened? Any clues?Even a little bit is fine.

Otherwise, his career may be over soon.

"No, there are no traces at the scene, but some witnesses saw that the power station was hit by lightning." The secretary said.

"It's like this, that's really damned, it can't be done, you have to direct public opinion to other places."

"Thunder and lightning attack again and again, the other party must have premeditated." After thinking for two seconds, the mayor said: "By the way, our side borders the whole country, so we say it belongs to Xuan Kingdom." We were attacked by people."

"That's right, that's it. I will report to the superiors now."

"But the attacker hasn't been investigated clearly yet, so there's really no problem in saying so directly, Mr. Mayor."

"If it's not the case, it will be troublesome then." Hearing the mayor's bold words, the secretary's heart skipped a beat.

They splash dirty water like this, but it is easy to cause international problems, and if they are exposed by being linked, it will be troublesome.

"I can't control so much now, this is already the best way, you just do as I said." The mayor said, as long as he can keep his position, then everything is worth it, if he If you can't keep your position, then everything is useless.

"Okay." The secretary nodded and went to work.

The mayor also called the governor and began to tell them about a series of things he encountered.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

While he was reporting, deafening sounds came from the military area near Tomato.

I saw large expanses of flames rushing into the sky, and the sound of continuous explosions resounded like firecrackers.

At the same time, the top management of Ming Country also immediately contacted the top management of Xuan Country.I hoped that the other party would give them an explanation on this matter, but what they didn't expect was that the phone was hung up just after they dialed.This caused an uproar in Ming country's top management, and immediately asked people to continue contacting.

At the same time, they sent people to Xuanguo hoping to resume the conversation between the two sides.

"What on earth do these guys from Xuanguo want to do? Could it be that they really did this thing, are they planning to fight us now?"

"I don't know, but the diplomatic channel must be restored as soon as possible. If we fight against the whole country now, we must be the ones who suffer."

"That's right, the Xuan Kingdom has recharged its energy all these years, and it's not like our places are in such a mess. Based on our strength, we can't fight it."

In Ming country's high-level meeting, a group of high-level sects said with ugly faces.

When a person is reasoning with you, you are not afraid.But I'm afraid that the other party will attack directly without reason, and Xuanguo is obviously like this now.

This made them panic, because since the appearance of the mutant light, many changes have taken place in Ming country.

They could never afford another major war.

"Ming Guo announced to the international news that we destroyed the power plant and dam in Xihong City. What do you guys think?"

"I don't have any opinions. They just say what they say. When they talk about our fire, they really do it."

"That's right, these guys didn't beat them back then, did they? Now they're barking here again, always pouring dirty water on us."

"That's right, they need to know that we reason with him, not because we are easy to talk, but because we don't want to do anything, but now we don't want to reason with him."

In the evolutionary headquarters on the other side, the major ministers also gathered together and sat on chairs to discuss this matter.

After all, Ming country attacked them all over the world Xuan country.This is very annoying to them.

"You don't need to be so angry. In fact, he was right this time. What happened in their country was indeed done by us." He looked at the companions on the table who were gearing up and ready to fight.The Minister of Manpower said.

"Uh, what did you say? The people who caused damage in Ming Country are really ours?" The Minister of Weapons couldn't help but be stupefied when he heard the words, scratching his ears and asking, as if to make sure if he heard it wrong?

"Yeah, you're not mistaken, are you? Why don't you make a decision on such a big matter without notifying us?" the logistics minister said.

"Yeah, what if that's the case? I'll let him go with hundreds of people." The management minister nodded and said, why didn't the other party tell us about such a good thing about beating these guys?I said earlier that he would definitely ask many people to do it together. He didn't like this neighbor in the morning. "Because I didn't receive the news not long ago." The Minister of Manpower distributed a stack of documents to everyone and said, "The minister of Hongtashan City just called me on the phone. Long and chubby orange left Hongtashan City."

"He went to the country of Ming, and the direction they entered was Xihong City. According to the director of Hongtashan City, the directors and gentlemen are going to prepare for a big fight with Xiaopangju in Xihong City."

"And if there are no accidents happening there, they should have done it alone."

"Which one is the enemy of ten thousand in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? If it is him? Then this matter is not surprising." Hearing this, the Minister of Weapons had to look through the information.

"Yeah, he's a hot-blooded old man." The chief of the military department nodded and said, "I guess he was stimulated by something again, but after letting him vent, it shouldn't be a big problem."

They are all old acquaintances, what does the other party look like?He knew it in the army.

That's the real role of doing it if you don't accept it, and if you don't like it, you can take the role of the bus.

"The problem is that there is no problem, so how should we announce it to the public now?" the Minister of Manpower asked, looking at the people sitting there.

"Announce what? What's there to announce, they deserve us to announce anything?"

"It means they have the guts to arrest people by themselves. If they don't have the guts, don't talk about it over there. They want to fight? We will accompany you."

The ministers who heard this said strongly that they have endured it for so many years.They don't want to endure it any longer, they don't have to be afraid if the opponent makes any moves.

"Okay, everyone calm down. From my point of view, the other party didn't investigate it at all, otherwise? It wouldn't be condemned over there again and again." The Minister of Manpower looked at the angry crowd and said: "We just need to Just ignore them, they will come to us by themselves, and then play with them again."

"Okay, that's all we can do now. I really want to punish these bastards."

"Yes, but for the sake of this stinky fish and shrimp, there is no need to hurt the younger generation."

As the ministers spoke, they left one after another.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, where are we going now?)" After destroying the military base near Xihong City, Cheng Hao raised his head and asked.

At this point in time, he doesn't want to work anymore.I just want to find an air-conditioned room to eat and sleep comfortably.

"Now?" The principal said after looking at the sky after hearing the words: "Let's go eat first, it's getting late. You've been busy for so long, you should be very hungry, right?"

"Ouch~ (Yes, I'm almost starving.)" Cheng Hao looked at the shabby environment around him and said: "Ouch~ (Then let's go to the next urban area to rest, and loot the local food along the way. I think it would be better to eat up all their food than to cut off water and electricity.)”

There are no shops in this place and people are wreaking havoc everywhere. If you live here, maybe the bed will be smashed in the middle of the night.

"If you can eat up all the food? Grandpa doesn't care." After hearing this, the director couldn't help but smile and said.

What if Xiaoju can really do this?Soon the whole Ming country will be in panic.

Nothing scares a country more than lack of food, and the chaos that will be extended will be endless.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, look good, I'm really good at this kind of thing.)" Cheng Hao said, it might be a little troublesome to eat up the food in the entire city.

But he can absorb the energy of all food and make them rot faster.

In just a few minutes, he can make food look like it's been sitting for weeks.

At night, Panni City is quiet and peaceful. It is only eight o'clock, and there are no people on the road. This is not because the people here have the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

It's because all kinds of illegal things will happen in this city at night.

But none of this had anything to do with Cheng Hao in front of the large supermarket. He was sucking something with his mouth wide open against the crack of the door.

It soon indicated that the fruits, vegetables, rice noodles, and meat inside had shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even packaged bread and other foods are also doomed, it's just a matter of a few minutes.The whole supermarket is full of bad smell.

"Aww~ (The first part means it's resolved, where is the next step?)" Cheng Hao said, after sniffing, he started to act again.

As long as half a night's work, he can make the whole city without food tomorrow night.

Whether it is food stored by individuals or food in major catering industries, all will be looted by him tonight.

And this is just the beginning, he will move on to the major farms next.

Completely cut off all their food supplies, and then went to the major pastures to release all the cattle and sheep.

Also, perform a fuel dump at a local gas station.Let them fast for a while.

It would be even better if there were any cute mutant animals on the road.You can invite them to come and stay for a period of time, and have friendly exchanges with the local citizens.

Of course, this is probably unlikely.

Because he found that there were very few mutated animals around the city, and he didn't know that they were eliminated by some unscrupulous guys.

Humming a ditty and singing a song, stepping on the moonlight until dawn.Cheng Hao came back with a big belly.

"Where have you been, you little scoundrel? Why is your stomach so round?" In the early morning, the principal who was staying with someone else asked Cheng Hao who came back with a full belch.

Last night, he didn't go out with the little rascal.What the hell has he done?How can you eat like this?
"Aww~ (I didn't go anywhere, I just ate a little more.)" Cheng Hao said, belching, and lay down on the sofa.

It was beyond his expectation that there were so many foods to eat in one city.He had to lie down and digest for a while.

"You just ate a little something. Grandpa feels that you ate at least several hundred tons." The director pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and said, "Now grandpa is going to make breakfast, you little rascal, can't you eat it?" Want to eat pan-fried chicken legs?"

"Aww~ (Eat, eat, grandpa who is medium-rare, remember to add some black pepper for me, and some tomato juice by the way, I don't want that kind of tomato sauce, I want the freshly roasted one.)" Lying Cheng Hao After hearing this, I immediately raised my head and said, "Aww~ (Also, add less water to the milk, just soak it in warm water, don't put sugar, I don't want to eat sweet things recently.)"

"Aww~ (I don't need bread or something, if it's cake, you can consider it. Of course, grandpa, it would be even better if you are willing to make steamed buns.)"

"Where do you get so many requests? What does grandpa do? You just have to be responsible for what you eat." Hearing this, the director gave Cheng Hao a brainstorm and said.

(End of this chapter)

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