Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 297 It’s OK to enjoy the blessings, but forget about the tribulations

Chapter 297 It’s OK to enjoy the blessings, but forget about the tribulations

"Ouch~ (I know, I know, I'm so good at making money, but I still have to come here to move steel bars. It's so outrageous. Where did all the money I earned go?)" Walking towards the materials Cheng Hao muttered, his big star still had to wear a safety helmet to lift the steel bars, couldn't grandpa find someone to lift them?
Obviously he has tens of millions of assets in the garden.

"What are you babbling about, you little lazy boy? Grandpa looked over here, you are the only one who is lazy, look at how hard the other little guys are working." After hearing this, the principal who was walking over , walked up and said.

These little guys have been eating and drinking for free in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park for so long, and it’s finally time to work hard for a day.

But everyone is working hard, what is this little lazy guy talking about?

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae to my grandpa? He said, mumbling and looking at the director in front of him.

"Didn't all your money go to you? Not a penny went to other places." Hearing this, the director pointed at Cheng Hao's big belly and said, "You get fresh goat milk every morning. It was paid for with this money, as well as the snacks you eat every day, and the grassland you walk on and the house you live in were all built with your money."

"Even the air conditioner you blow every day is the same."

"Ouch~ (Even if this is the case, it won't mean that all my money is spent, right? Grandpa, are you so stingy that you still let me do the work?)" Cheng Hao said aggressively.

"This is not stingy, you know? Grandpa, this is for your own good. Look at how fat you are. This is to help you lose weight, do you know?"

"And everyone is working. Grandpa didn't specifically target you as a tiger. Do you understand that you have to have the awareness of teamwork?" The principal knocked on Cheng Hao's big head and said, "If you feel dissatisfied, If so, grandpa can also find a place to sit down with you and have a long talk until you feel satisfied."

"Ouch~ (Let's forget it, I'd rather move the steel bars.)" Cheng Hao heard this.Shaking his head quickly, his tail wrapped around the steel bar and ran away.

Is it possible for a tiger to listen to grandpa’s reasoning when he is joking?It's almost as if his life is at stake.

The director of the park snickered when he saw it, and he was indeed dealing with these little guys.Or education is more practical.

"Mr. Director, what are you doing? Are you planning to expand the grounds of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park?" Just as the director shook his head, a voice came over.

The principal heard the sound and turned his head to look around, and found that it was an old acquaintance who came.He couldn't help but smile and asked:

"Mr. Supervisor, why are you free to come to our Tiger Garden today? Are you here to give holiday gifts?"

"Of course I'm here to give gifts, but that's just one aspect. I have another thing to tell the director. Our Xiancha Live Broadcast has held an offline event. I hope Xiaopangju can be free to participate."

"After all, Mr. Director, you also know that Little Fat Orange is the treasure of our live broadcast platform."

Pangpang's supervisor smiled and said that everyone who is willing to come to the offline event is going there because of Xiaopangju. If Xiaopangju doesn't participate, then this year's offline activities will be bleak.

"Okay, I'll talk to this little rascal and I'll get back to you later. Mr. Supervisor, please go sit in the main hall first. This little rascal is still working. It won't end so soon." The principal heard this. After thinking about it for a while, he said after receiving the benefits from the other party over the past year.

"That's not necessary. I'm anxious to reply to the company, so I can just stand here together." The supervisor said with a smile.

If the matter is not settled, does he still dare to stand here?If the superiors find out, their heads will be torn off.

"Okay, you stand here for a while, I'll wait for this little guy to come over, and I'll tell him about this." The director said.

"Okay, okay." The supervisor said happily and waited quietly.

After a while, Cheng Hao walked over, shaking his head.It's just that he didn't pay attention at all. His tail wrapped around the steel bar like a puppet, and he turned around and ran away.

"Xiao Ju, don't look over here. Look at Grandpa's side. Grandpa has something to tell you." The principal said after seeing this scene.

"Ouch~ (What's wrong? What's going on? Aren't I already working obediently? Grandpa, what's wrong with you?)" Cheng Hao, who was called out, said, with happiness written all over his face .

"Don't be so straight-faced. Grandpa asked you to do some work. Why does it sound like he's abusing you?" the principal said, why is this little guy like someone who owes him 80 million? Those who don't know think that What did he do to this little guy?
"Ouch~ (I don't want to work, grandpa, please let me work. Who else would be happy?)" Cheng Hao said, looking at the fat supervisor beside him and said: "Ouch~ (Why are you here? How have you been lately? You seem to be doing well, and you seem to be having a good time. Look at your food, you must be eating very well.)"

Then remember that when you saw each other this year, the other person was not so fat. How long has it been?Why does the other party look like Zhu Bajie?

The food is good, but a little too outrageous.

"Hello, little Fat Orange. I haven't seen you for a long time. You have grown a lot stronger." Looking at the burly Cheng Hao in front of him, the supervisor greeted him with a smile. He is indeed the famous Orange Seat. He grows very fast. How old is he? It has grown into a big tiger.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (The same goes for you, you are also growing fat faster.)" Cheng Hao said.

"Xiao Ju, since you saw the supervisor coming, you should understand that it's not grandpa who has trouble with you, right? Xiancha Live Broadcast is holding an offline event, so I came here to invite you to participate. What do you mean?" The principal? Seeing this, he asked.

This little villain is sulking at him, so he won't be sulking at the live streaming platform, right?

"Ouch~ (I don't know what I mean yet, but what I want to know is what is the process for participating in offline activities?)" Cheng Hao heard this and did not rush to say whether he was going or not. Instead, he asked about the live broadcast. What content?After all, if it's too boring, he won't be interested.

"We have a lot of content, starting with a red carpet autograph signing and award ceremony, followed by a talent show, fan interaction and a sumptuous cake feast."

"In addition, all the anchors we signed have bought their tickets, accommodation, meals and clothes are all included. For big anchors like Xiao Pangju, we also specially prepared snacks and dedicated services. "

"I guarantee that after you go, the treatment you will enjoy will not be bad." The supervisor who heard the director's translation said quickly. If a big star like Xiao Pangju goes, the treatment will definitely be different from other anchors. Yeah, you have to know that the number of event reservations on their platform has exceeded 10 people. What if it can be confirmed that Xiaopangju will go?It is estimated that the venue they rented is not enough.

We need to find a bigger venue, at least a stadium that can accommodate 10,000+ people. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae, what good food are you preparing for the event?" Cheng Hao asked after listening to the process. This process didn't sound like there was anything wrong with it. It was like an ordinary live broadcast meeting event, so he could enjoy it. What are the discounts?For example, what’s in the food?
"Fresh lamb shanks, lamb chops, beef, pig's trotters and lobster, salmon, tuna and delicious desserts."

"As long as you want to eat little fat orange, you can tell me. Although it can't be delivered right away, we will contact you for air transport." The supervisor who heard this said quickly.

Knowing that Cheng Hao asked this question, he should probably go there.After all, what if the other party really doesn’t want to go?He doesn't care about what he has to eat.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a You don’t have to stay in the tiger garden to work.

He was so stupid that he continued to move steel bars here. After he went there, he became a real superstar, and others were serving him.

"Yes, that's right. Are you going to go there by yourself, little Fatty Orange? Or should our company send someone directly to pick you up?" The supervisor agreed with a smile and asked.

It’s great that Xiaopangju is willing to agree, then he can report it to the company.

"Ouch~ (No need to go to such trouble, let's just leave now. Does it matter whether I go by myself or the company takes it with me?)" Cheng Hao shook the dirt on his body and said. He had long wanted to run away.

Don't you want to take advantage of this opportunity?When will you leave?

"Um, now?" The supervisor couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Cheng Hao to say that.

"Ouch~ (What else? What's the problem?)" Cheng Hao asked, staring at the supervisor.

If he doesn't leave now, will he still move bricks here for four or five days?
Come on, he's not a working tiger, so he doesn't want to do this kind of thing.

"You little scoundrel, are you like this? The offline meeting hasn't started yet, what are you doing here so early?" After hearing this, the principal rolled his eyes and asked, does this lazy guy not want to work so much?Why do you want to leave now?
"Ouch~ (Of course I rehearsed in the past, as a super star. Grandpa, do you think I don't need to rehearse?)" Cheng Hao said confidently, and walked towards the supervisor.

"Then... there's no problem with that. I'll talk to the company now. Little Fat Orange, please wait a moment." The supervisor who saw this scene said quickly, although Little Fat Orange is very cute and will not hurt anyone.

But when Little Fat Orange walked over like this, the feeling of oppression was too strong.

"Ouch~ (Then go quickly, remember to ask them to prepare the room and bring food.)" Cheng Hao reminded, and then ran towards Sister Hong'er who was directing with small steps.

"Wait a minute, what do you want to do, you little scoundrel?" The principal asked quickly after seeing this scene.

"Ouch~ (Of course I went to call my personal translator, why don't you come with me, grandpa?)" Cheng Hao asked as he stopped.

If he doesn't call his sister over, who will translate for him? Grandpa, can you please stop being so funny?

"Then don't call her Xiaohong now. She is helping me with something. After you call her here, you little scoundrel, who will help me command the animals?" the director asked. Now the entire tiger park can The only one who communicates with them is Xiao Hong. The others can't understand what animals say at all. After this little villain calls Xiao Hong away, he can't possibly come over to supervise the work while counting the materials, right?

"Ouch~ (If my sister doesn't accompany me, then who will be responsible for helping translate when the event starts?)" Cheng Hao asked.

"When the event starts, can't I just ask Xiao Hong to go there in advance? If you want to be lazy and don't want to go, you little scoundrel, you can go to the venue to play first, and don't take anyone with me." The principal pinched Cheng. Hao's big round face said: "How can you tell me whether you agree or not, you little rascal? If you agree, we will make the decision. If you don't agree, you can stay and continue moving the steel bars."

"Ouch~ (That's okay, I'll run away now.)" Cheng Hao said, turned around and ran towards the supervisor.

"Um, aren't you a little bad guy who is very clingy to Xiao Hong? Why are you so determined?" the principal asked weakly.

"Aaaaa~ (I have grown up and am a big tiger. I can't rely on my sister for everything. This time, I will take the first step bravely.)" Cheng Hao, who was running at a trot, replied, following his sister. If you are tired, you will be blessed if you leave. He is stupid and will stay here and continue to work.

Moreover, it is still a salary.

"Okay." The principal heard this and said helplessly.

There is no such thing as a sneaky person, this little villain is awesome.

"Uh, little Fatty, if you don't stop the car, I'm going to be hit by your head and die." The supervisor who had just finished the phone call looked at Cheng Hao, who was carrying the dust all the way.

With Xiao Pangju charging at him at this speed, would he still have a chance to dodge?
"Aww~ (Don't be afraid, I won't hit you.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao dug his claws into the soil to outline a spark path.

Why is such a big person so scared?At worst, he will be a good man again in 18 years.

"Mr. Supervisor, please take this little guy with you first. Xiaohong has to be busy here for a while before he can pass." At this moment, the director came over.

"Um, how should I communicate with Little Fat Orange?" The supervisor asked weakly after hearing this. How could he understand what Little Fat Orange meant, as he was not an evolved person?

"Whatever you say, Xiaoju will nod or shake his head back to you. If that doesn't work, you can get him some ink and a piece of paper and let him write on it," the director said.

"Um, can little Fatty Orange know how to write?" The supervisor was shocked when he heard this and asked in disbelief.

It's like discovering a new continent.

(End of this chapter)

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