Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 300: If I don’t show you how powerful I am, do you really think I am Hakimi?

Chapter 300: If I don’t show you how powerful I am, do you really think I am Hakimi?

"end to end"

"end to end"

"Come on, come on, little Fatty Orange, come and take a nap."

In the magnificent presidential suite, the captain sat on the bed and patted the pillow beside him and said.

It looks like my beloved concubine is coming here quickly.Cheng Hao's head was covered with black lines.

He just wanted to know how the other party could sit so contentedly?If he is not mistaken, this presidential suite should be his territory. Can the other party not be so shameless?

"Little Fat Orange, don't be shy. Come up quickly. Sister will love you very much. Why are you so shy for a big tiger like you?" When Cheng Hao didn't respond, the captain immediately urged.

He couldn't wait to touch the cat's head and go to sleep. Little Fat Orange, come here quickly, don't be so open-minded.

"Ouch~ (You really don't regard yourself as an outsider, I almost want to kick you and send you out to play.)"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae It's even easier to do it.

Did you know they were doing things like this?They should have been allowed to stand outside the door and act like wooden figures.

"If you can't come over, little Fatty Orange, then I will go over. I have to be responsible for your safety. I can't let you stay on the sofa. This way I won't be able to protect you personally." Seeing Cheng Hao With no intention of coming over, the captain immediately ran over, ready to give him a cheeky kiss.

But as Cheng Hao raised his paw, she instantly flew weightless to the ceiling, having a close contact with the ceiling.

"Captain, captain."

"Everyone, be careful. An enemy is approaching. Don't be careless."

The team members standing around saw it and couldn't help but panic.

Their all-powerful captain was attacked by surprise?Who is this hateful guy who is causing trouble in the dark?

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, it's nothing." Compared to the panic of the team members, the captain, who pressed his body tightly against the ceiling, said nonchalantly: "Little Fat Orange, even if you don't want to be intimate with me, you still can't. You don’t have to treat me like this, right?”

"Ouch~ (You are so annoying, calm down on the ceiling first.)" Cheng Hao said, putting down his paws, and slowly jumped down from the sofa.

He has been very restrained, but this guy still keeps annoying him, so he can only give the other party some means to make the other party remember it for a long time.

"What? Is this made by Little Fatty Orange?"

"Yeah, I've never heard of Little Fat Orange having such an ability. Could it be that he has dual abilities?"

After the panicked people below heard this, they couldn't help but wonder, and then they discovered that they and others had also risen into the sky at some point.He was so frightened that he shouted quickly:

"Little Fatty, what are you doing? Don't hang us on the ceiling. We are very honest and have never done anything to you. Please put us down quickly."

"Yes, yes, I feel like my head is about to run out of oxygen. Please let us down quickly."

"Ouch~ (You are too noisy, so just stay up there.)" Cheng Hao said after lying on the big round bed and rolling around comfortably.

If he doesn't show these guys how powerful they are, they'll just be chattering here endlessly. After this incident, who would dare to chatter again?

"Captain, what should we do now? Little Fatty won't let us down." The team member who was close to the ceiling asked. Although you won't fall to death at this height, it looks a bit scary, okay?If little Fat Orange falls asleep later, they will fall down with a bang.

"Now we have two plans. One is to wait for the Fat Bureau to put us down, and the other is that we can only ask for help." The captain said, and there were immediately more oranges in his mouth.

Suddenly, everyone was speechless.

And just like him, there were other team members on the side.

"Aww~ (Thank you for reminding me, I almost forgot. You may have asked for help, but you probably won't now, unless you ate the orange with the peel.)" Cheng Hao put down his paw and was very satisfied. No more. It was so comfortable that the guys were in the way.

He rolled around first, and then went directly to the kitchen to find something to eat. They just hugged the ceiling obediently.



The people whose mouths were gagged with oranges were screaming on the ceiling.But he couldn't make any sound and could only communicate with his eyes.Just like a crucifix.

"Ouch~ (The bed in the presidential suite is so comfortable, it's not comparable to ordinary small bunk beds. You guys stay here slowly, I'll go have some food first.)" I turned over and over on the bed, I don't know. Cheng Hao said.

He jumped out of bed and walked towards the door.



The team members who saw this scene immediately became excited. They were told by the superiors that they would be following Little Fatty Orange 24 hours a day.

But now that Little Fatty Orange has left directly, how should they complete their mission?When the commander finds out, they will be doomed, but now they are all nailed to the ceiling and cannot get down.

They could only watch helplessly as the shaking figure pushed open the door, and the last big tail disappeared from their sight.

"Ouch~ (It smells so good. It seems that I came out just in time? This hotel is cooking a big meal, so I won't be polite.)" Cheng Hao, who smelled the fragrance in the corridor, said happily, taking one step at a time. He walked quickly towards the elevator. When he was in the elevator, he had looked at the signs and knew there was food there.


Looking at the running elevator, Cheng Hao reached out and pressed the button.The elevator began to rise slowly.

Looking at the beating numbers, Cheng Hao waited patiently. I have to say that this hotel is quite tall.

It's just that if there's a fire, it's a bit difficult to escape.

I hope the fire protection facilities here can be better. "Ding!"

While he was thinking this, the elevator had already arrived.Then a bell rang and the elevator door opened. Just as Cheng Hao was about to step in, he saw the fat manager who was a little surprised.

"Little Fat Orange, why did you come out? I was just looking for you." Seeing Cheng Hao, the other supervisor said happily: "The food has been prepared on the third floor. You can go down to eat now. After we finish eating, we will go Take a big poster, and then you can lie down in the presidential room and sleep."

He just said that he was about to notify the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party actually came over. But what's strange is that the people from the Evolver Department didn't follow Little Fatty Orange?Where did they desert?

The supervisor felt a little strange and didn't understand what was going on. However, it was not his responsibility. All he needed to do was to do his job well.

"Ouch~ (If that's the case, let's go eat quickly, don't waste time.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws and walked into the elevator.He stretched out his paw and pressed the button for the third floor.

I hope that after he goes back after dinner, these guys will be more honest.

Don't be rude to Zilaisu. He is the majestic king of the forest. Do these guys really regard him as a kitten?
"ding ding"

At this moment, the sound of the elevator reaching the third floor rang. As the elevator door opened, the rich aroma of meat mixed with the compound aroma of milk and other aromas rushed in.

Cheng Hao licked his lips instantly. This place was simply paradise. He had delicious food.

Looking at the prawns and fish meat laid out, Cheng Hao immediately started scanning mode.

"How did you guys become like this? Are you performing some acrobatics? Or are you learning some superheroes?"

"Yes, I remember that the climbing gloves issued by the department can only be worn on the hands. I have never heard of anyone being able to climb up like you."

After the team members who had not received news for a long time entered the presidential suite, they looked at the people whose backs were pressed against the ceiling and turned into a big font.

They were really in a leisurely mood, running to the ceiling one by one to catch cats on the net. No wonder they didn't see anyone when they came in. What if they didn't see the drool hanging down?They all thought that everyone here was gone.



Everyone who had been on the ceiling for a long time suddenly became happy when their companions arrived.

Great, someone finally came to save them and they were finally free.

"Okay, stop screaming, we'll put you down right now."

"Yeah, it's really comfortable for you guys to lie down and bite the orange." The team member said, while moving the chair over, and turning on the communicator he carried: "Report to the commander, the smart team has found their person in the presidential suite. They have oranges stuffed in their mouths on the ceiling and we are trying to get them down now.”

"Really? That's great. I was almost scared to death that they lost contact." The commander couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Smart Team 10 didn't contact him for [-] minutes, but he They were so scared that they thought some serious accident had happened to them.

"However, we didn't see Little Fat Orange in the presidential suite, Commander." The commander's heart, which had just been relieved, immediately hit his throat following the words of the team member: "What? Little Fat Orange is missing. Really? Find it for me, find it for me quickly."

If Little Fat Orange disappears from his territory, the ministers at the headquarters can hang him directly.

Do they know the portion size of Little Fat Orange?
"Commander, there's no need to look for him. It was Little Fatty Orange who got us to the ceiling. He walked down there 10 and [-] minutes ago. If nothing else, he should be eating."

The captain, who had picked out the orange from his mouth, said.She was finally able to speak. It was really suffocating her to death. It was so abominable that the hateful little fat orange treated her like this.

"What? Did Little Fatty get you to the ceiling? Tell me clearly what happened?" The commander in the department was stunned and asked. This matter is a bit complicated. What happened? ?
How could Little Fat Orange do such a thing for no reason? This has never happened before.

"This is what happened." The captain recounted the process.

"So you really don't plan to feed him any food, do you? He hasn't eaten anything on the highway for eight hours, so he's just waiting for this meal in the hotel."

"People can bite when they are very hungry, let alone a tiger who is very hungry? Don't you know that this glutton is famous for his gluttony?"

"Besides, don't really think of him as a kitten. He is a tiger, and a tiger with very powerful abilities."

"You came up and touched him randomly when you were unfamiliar with him. He didn't bite you and let you eat. You're lucky."

The commander who heard the process said helplessly, no wonder Xiaopangju would take action to deal with them.

These guys don't let Little Fat Orange eat and don't take care of them. Who will they take care of?People will become anxious after being starved for seven or eight hours, but tigers will be fine after being starved for seven or eight hours without eating them as dinner.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter if the other person is familiar with the person, but if he does this with the tiger, can the tiger compare with the person?
Little Fat Orange just hung them from the ceiling and blocked their mouths with oranges, which was already good. But if they were replaced by someone with a bad temper, all that would be left in the Presidential Room would be the murder scene.

"Ouch~ (Eh? Why are there so many more guys in Ben Hu's room? And why are you sitting on Ben Hu's chair?)" Cheng Hao, who was full of wine and food and came back with cheerful steps, saw The guy in the presidential suite couldn't help but be stunned.

The next second, the team members who were rescuing their companions flew up one by one, and were firmly sucked by the ceiling, unable to move.

"Commander, something serious has happened, and we are going to jail too."

The faces of the team members who were leaning against the ceiling changed dramatically.The walkie-talkie he was holding in his hand fell down.

"Ouch~ (It's good to know, let you come in casually. Don't you know you have to be polite when entering other people's rooms and knock on the door in advance?)" Cheng Hao muttered with his tail curled up on the walkie-talkie. Do you regret it now?That's too late.

They should just stay on the ceiling with the other guys.It just so happens that there is still a lot of empty space on the ceiling.

"Little Fat Orange, can you hear me?" At this moment, the commander on the other end of the intercom asked helplessly, holding his forehead.

Wouldn't these idiots explain themselves first?Now it's all gone.

"Ouch~ (Of course I can hear it.)" Cheng Hao, who was sitting on the big round bed, said. He was not deaf. How could he not be able to hear such a loud voice?

"Little Fat Orange, I am the commander of the Evolutionary Department of Xinghui City. Don't get along with them. They are all unstable people. Can you put them down? I guarantee that they will all behave after they come down. ." Hearing Cheng Hao's reply, the commander quickly opened his mouth to discuss.

Xiaopangju is so smart, he should be able to discuss this matter, right?After all, the other party is a tiger who can write songs and lyrics.

(End of this chapter)

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