Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 302 The Tiger King is so powerful

Chapter 302 The Tiger King is so powerful

"Ouch~ (Is there any fuss about me knowing how to write? Look how scared you are.)" Cheng Hao was speechless. How could they be so scared?What's all the fuss about?

"Hoo~ (It's so awesome.)" The gorilla on the side was also stunned after seeing it.You know that he can't even write a few words, but he didn't expect that the other party could actually do it.

"Ouch~ (Don't join in the fun, now is not the time to join in the fun.)" Cheng Hao said with a black line on his head, and let all the team members go.He wrote another line of words with his paw: "Hurry up and call your commander. Do you understand if the gorilla has something to tell you, commander? If there is any delay, your commander will whip you with a cane." Ass."

"What? We are not three-year-olds anymore, and we will be spanked? Little Fatty, are you thinking too much?"

"Yeah, I've never heard of tigers being able to write."

The team members who landed on the ground murmured, but still followed Cheng Hao's wishes.

The call was quickly connected. The commander, who was soaking his feet and preparing to sleep comfortably, took the phone and said helplessly: "Why are you little guys so endless? What did you give me again?" Are you in trouble?"

How much time has passed? Why are these little guys so restless?Didn't you tell them not to bother him all the time, let alone the little fat orange?They didn't hear a word of it.

Originally, he had been losing some hair recently due to poor sleep. If it continues like this, his handsome face will encounter the biggest crisis.

"Um, Commander. We are not here to cause trouble for you. We have good news to report to you." The captain who heard this said: "The orangutans in the Nanmen Forest have found Little Fatty Orange. He has something to tell you."

"The orangutans in the Nanmen Forest are hanging out with Little Fatty Orange. Do you still have something to say to me? You should tell me earlier." After hearing this, the commander said.

Why are these little guys notifying him of such an important matter now?

"I wish I had done it earlier. Didn't it just fly up to the ceiling again?" the captain complained.

"Okay, you guys bring some fruits to the hotel to entertain the guests. Don't let the guests think we are rude. I'll go there now." The commander said as he took his feet out of the water. Why bother washing for such an important matter? A hammer-foot?The top priority is to get to the hotel as soon as possible.

"Uh, Commander, are you coming here in person?" The captain was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that such a thing would alert the Commander to come in person.

"Nonsense, the orangutans from the South Gate Forest are here. They must represent the animals in the entire forest. How can I appear sincere if I don't go there in person?" the commander said angrily. Now the animals in Xinghui City are united. .

What if we could reach a consensus with these animals and form a cooperation?This cannot play a significant role in the security of the entire city.

"Oh." After hearing this, the captain couldn't help but shrink his head and said to Cheng Hao and the gorilla who were looking here: "You have to wait for a while, the commander is coming here now."

"Ouch~ (This is a bit polite, let's go in, gorilla.)" Cheng Hao said, turned around and walked towards the room.

When the gorilla saw it, he immediately followed.

"Captain, what are we doing now?" Looking at the big birds circling outside, the team members asked.

"Of course I'm going to get the fruit. The commander said to get some fruit to entertain him." The captain shrugged and walked towards the elevator.

Team members, listen and you look at me, and I look at you and quickly follow suit.Soon the room was filled with fruits.

"You guys treat the little orangutan with so much fruit? But I don't give you anything. Are you looking down on me?" Sitting Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes as he looked at the baskets of fruit being brought up. Eye.

Is this all a big deal?He was so angry that he, a big star, didn't even have fruit to eat, so he still wanted to rub against the gorilla, right?Are these guys so stingy?

"We're not looking down on you, but we bought these fruits from the hotel ourselves, not from above."

"That's right, little Fatty Orange, don't think about it. Besides, you are a tiger, not a monkey. Why should we prepare fruit for you if you have nothing to do?"

Looking at the white line, the team members asked, who would give fruit to the tiger?Are you just giving meat to the tiger?
So this is not a question of looking down on others at all.

"If that's the case, then why didn't I see you bringing me delicious food?" Cheng Hao heard this and continued, since they said that tigers don't eat fruits but meat, then where is his meat?

"Um, aren't they everywhere in the hotel? Just look for Little Fat Orange in the hotel."

"Yeah, are you worried about not having any meat to eat when you live in the presidential suite?" said the team member who heard this.

Gorillas are not guests here, so they want to buy it.And Xiaopangju is a guest in the presidential suite, so where else do I need to buy it?

Just tell the hotel and food will be delivered soon, okay?

"You guys are really clever..." Cheng Hao was speechless after hearing this. These guys were so glib and there was really no way to explain it clearly to them.

"Hoo~ (Fruits grown by humans are so delicious, unlike fruits in the wild, which are small and astringent.)" The gorilla sitting on the sofa eating fruit, exclaiming from time to time, how delicious the fruits grown by humans are. .

"Ouch~ (Of course, if you want to eat good fruits, you must fertilize and loosen the soil, otherwise the fruits that grow naturally will just be a mouthful of dregs.)" Cheng Hao said, are the damn guys not giving him fruits? ?Then he insists on eating it and letting these guys feel the heartache.

"Little Fat Orange is so strange. He is obviously a tiger, but he likes to eat fruits so much."

"Yeah, I've never heard that tigers are omnivores."

The team members who saw this scene said that they took out their mobile phones to record the scene.

It would be a pity if this scene was not recorded. I believe many people don’t know that Little Fatty Orange also likes to eat fruit, right?


Also shocked was the gorilla on the side. He looked at himself and then at the other person. For a moment, he was confused as to whether he was an orangutan or the other person.

How come a tiger eats fruit so smoothly? It's simply outrageous.

"Tread Tread Tread"

At this moment, hurried footsteps were heard outside, and then a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

"Hello, Mr. Orangutan, I am the commander of the Evolutionary Department of Xinghui City. I am very happy that you can come and discuss this matter with us humans. What do you need? You can just talk, no problem." Come in. The commander looked at the sitting gorilla and said, sitting in front of him.

"Hello~ (Hello, I ask you on behalf of the animals in the Nanmen Forest.)" The gorilla replied with a smile after hearing this.

"Uh?" The commander couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. What is this gorilla talking about?He couldn't understand anything, so he couldn't help but look at the people standing aside: "Aren't you going to come over and translate?"

"Commander, how can we translate this? You've got the wrong person."

"Yes, this is not what we are capable of. Have you forgotten?" After hearing this, the team members watching the theater couldn't help but said in a daze.

"Then how did you just know that Mr. Orangutan wanted to talk to me?" the commander asked. If these guys didn't know clearly, how did they know just now?Is it possible that they can also read minds?
"Little Fat Orange said it." "Yes, Little Fat Orange told us."

The team members pointed to the big orange lying on the bed and said, what does the commander want to know?It's very simple, just go up and pat the big orange awake.

"Can Little Fatty Orange still translate? But I remember that he doesn't seem to be able to speak human language." The commander who heard this said suspiciously. Although evolved animals might be able to talk after being with people for a long time, he didn't I've heard that Little Fat Orange can talk.

Otherwise, Xiao Pangju wouldn’t have to carry a translator with him.

"Little Fat Orange really can't speak human language, but he can write, Commander."

"Yeah, he writes very well. We don't even understand what kind of ability he has."

The team members said, who said you have to be able to speak to be a translator?Wouldn’t it be the same if you could write?
"If that's the case, go get me some delicious food." The commander said.

"Um, Commander, you're not so late and haven't eaten yet, are you?"

"Yes, Commander, how many dishes and soup do you want? Do you want it spicy?"

When the team members heard this, they were ready to leave immediately, but first they had to find out what kind of food the commander likes to eat?Let me find out whether you want to eat spicy food or not.

"Did I say it was me who ate it? I asked you to get some delicious food for Little Fatty Orange to eat." The commander said with a black line on his head. He was about to go to bed just now, and he still ate a hammer. Where's the meal?
"Well, it seems that little Fatty Orange has eaten."

"Yes, the breeder lady also asked us not to give him midnight snacks." The team members said.

"Nonsense, don't give Little Fatty Orange something to eat. Wait a minute, wake him up and ask you to feed him?" the commander scolded, is there anyone with free hands when asking for help?If you can't even understand this, why do you still need him to hand it over?

"Then let's go to those delicious places."

"Yes, if he gets angry or something like that, we will be doomed." Upon hearing this, the team members immediately ran away in despair.

"Mr. Orangutan, don't pay attention to them. Let's continue drinking tea. After waking up Little Fatty Orange later, we can continue." The commander who saw this scene said to the sitting orangutan.

"Whoops~ (Okay, okay.)" the gorilla said and continued to peel the peanuts and eat them.

After a while, all the team members who went down came back.And they also came with all kinds of meat.

"Commander, do you think this food is okay?" the team members asked.

"It should be possible." The commander heard this and said helplessly, holding his big belly.

This little fat tangerine is really greedy and will sleepwalk over to him when he falls asleep.

And it still hit him directly, and he was almost crushed to death.

"Did Little Fatty Orange turn into a ball of cotton?"

"Yes, how come it floats so silkily?"

The team members carrying the dishes looked at Cheng Hao like Yun Duo and couldn't help but be shocked.

The little fat orange is too outrageous, just like a cloud.



Just when they were wondering, Cheng Hao, who had his eyes closed as if he had no bones, was already chewing on the leg of lamb.

"Little Fat Orange, are you awake or not?" Looking at Cheng Hao who looked like a big yellow python, the captain asked.

They say cats are liquids, but this time she has learned a lot.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (I woke up, but I didnt wake up. Just like I came quietly without leaving a cloud behind.)" Cheng Hao muttered quietly while chewing on the leg of lamb, sliding across the dinner plate.When I came to the next plate, I sucked away three big waves like noodles.

Then, continue your sweep along the dinner plate train.

The team members who saw this scene couldn't help but take a deep breath. Fortunately, the food was taken from the hotel, otherwise, what if they paid?It’s not a big loss to them.

"Little Fat Orange, are you satisfied with your meal? If so, can you come over and help translate?" the commander said after seeing it.

The big orange cat flew over in a dangling manner, and the gorilla on the side looked in admiration.

To be able to make human beings beg like this, King Tiger is really awesome.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (Gorilla, what do you want to say? Let me convey it to the commander for you.)" Cheng Hao, who was lying down, had no intention of opening his eyes, but he spoke directly.

When the gorilla heard this, he immediately replied: "Whoops~ (Hello, respected representative of human evolution, I am here to discuss with you about the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.)"

"Like this? That's really great. In fact, we humans have had this idea for a long time, but we have never found the opportunity." Looking at the words generated in the void, the commander said with a smile.

"Huh~ (Really? If this is the case? Then we have a basis for conversation.)" the gorilla said happily, and then talked about the need for cooperation.

"No problem. I will tell you about the difficulties you encountered and will reply to you soon." After listening, the commander smiled and said that the animals' request is not difficult, and it is not difficult for them. , as long as you report it to the above, then the next star meeting will be very stable.

"Whoops~ (That's great, thank you, Mr. Commander.)" the gorilla said happily, as long as humans are willing to help.

I believe everyone will be very happy when they find out.

"Now that you've finished talking about things, shouldn't you consider going back? I'm going to bed soon." Cheng Hao, who was in charge of translating, asked. It's already past nine o'clock, and they have finished talking and have nothing to say. It's too late, shouldn't it be time to go?

"Okay, little Fatty Orange. I've really troubled you this time. When I go back and report to the superiors, I will definitely ask the superiors to reward you well in the future." The commander said with a smile.

"There's no need for a commendation. You can't eat or drink that thing. You might as well give me beef a few times to make it more real." After hearing this, Cheng Hao complained. The commander, the gorilla and the team all Floating up: "Okay, now I have to see off the guests. Don't struggle, otherwise you will get injured, and I won't care."

White writing appeared in front of them, and the next second, everyone was sitting outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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