Chapter 309

"Um, is it that times are changing too fast, or am I too behind the times? I seem to hear Xiao Pangju talking about people. Did you hear it?" Everyone in the live broadcast room said cowardly after hearing this.

"We said we didn't hear it, do you think we believe it?"

"Yes, little Fat Orange has evolved too quickly, right? Now he can speak human language. I wonder if he will be able to walk like a human in a while?"

Other fans in the live broadcast room said that although they were shocked that Little Fat Orange could speak, it was actually quite normal in this era.

After all, even roosters can play cards.If something outrageous happens again, they won't feel the difference.

"When did you little rascal learn to speak? Why doesn't sister know? If you can speak, why do you ask your sister to translate and sing?" Sister Hong'er said after hearing Cheng Hao's voice.

This little rascal can actually speak, so why do she have to do so much work?This nasty little rascal.

"This is not an aw, my aw is not very fast." Cheng Hao opened his mouth to explain, but his words were as if the back of his tongue was knotted, and his words were not smooth.

"You little rascal, don't you always say "ouch" at the end of every word you say?" Sister Hong'er smiled bitterly after hearing this.

This little rascal is so awkward when he talks.

"No, I didn't think so." Cheng Hao shook his head and swung his tongue wildly, trying to straighten it out.

Otherwise, if he always talks like this, he might as well just speak tiger language, which is too unsmooth for human speech.

"Okay, you little scoundrel, let's improve your tongue-tied problem first. You can't straighten your tongue like this, and you can't understand anything you say." Sister Hong'er said with a smile. , now I believe that this little villain is probably speaking for the first time, otherwise why can’t he speak smoothly?
"No, I've worked very hard. You ask not to be too arrogant, that won't work." Cheng Hao said, it's good if he is willing to talk, why are you still demanding so much?

"Sister, I don't have high requirements, as long as you can sing, so can you sing now?" Sister Hong'er asked with a smile, why is this little bad guy talking so loudly?This is really fun.

"Of course it won't work. Let me get used to it first. Otherwise, how can I sing like this?" Cheng Hao stuck out his tongue and said. My sister didn't hear his voice. Did she ask him if he could sing? Isn't it very obvious? Under the circumstances, it is outrageous that he can sing.

"Then you should get used to it first. Do you need sister's help to straighten your tongue with an iron?" Sister Hong'er joked.

"Sister, are you trying to help? Ouch~ You obviously want to kill me, it's just such ambition. Ouch~" Cheng Hao said emotionally after hearing this.

"Not bad, not bad. You can also use idioms. You have learned a lot while watching TV." Looking at Cheng Hao's angry look, Sister Hong'er said happily.

"That's Ao Ao, Ao Ao is very powerful." Cheng Hao said proudly, although he no longer reads.But the smart big head is full of knowledge.

He can now recite high-level mathematics, not just speaking, but can also recite hundreds of Tang poems.

"Then our awesome Mr. Tiger, can you sing for us now?" Sister Hong'er asked, looking away from the live broadcast room.

I found that the number of people in the live broadcast room now exceeds one million, and I don’t know where so many people come from?

"Brothers, don't watch games here anymore, let alone watch offline live broadcasts here. Come on, come on, Little Fatty Orange is speaking human language. Do you know what this means? It means we can hear it right away. Little Fat Orange sang the original song."

"Brothers, stop watching the rubbish live broadcast here and rush to follow me in Xiaopangju's live broadcast room. Xiaopangju has already started talking humanly. Hurry and follow me."

"It's my birthday, it's my birthday. Little Fat Orange is talking about people. This is the best news I have heard today. Everyone, hurry up and follow me. Little Fat Orange is going to sing with a human voice."

While Sister Hong'er was talking to Cheng Hao, the army of little orange fans had already rushed to various platforms to spread the news.

And everyone who got the news rushed into the live broadcast room.

This is also the reason why Sister Honger saw the real number of people in the live broadcast room.

"Boss, don't you know if I'm dazzled? The number of people registered on our platform has exceeded one million in just a short time." Also stunned were the operators of Xiancha Live. They looked at the number of people registered on the platform. I couldn't help but be stunned.

When had they ever seen such a battle?People came in one after another, and more and more people came in, and the crowded servers began to freeze.

"I don't care if you are a firework or not. I will immediately call all the staff to ensure the normal operation of the server. Do you hear me?" The chairman who was drinking tea immediately said after hearing this. Could it be that this unprecedented wealth is finally coming? Have they?Then they have to stop it.

"But the problem is that we don't have enough manpower now, boss." Looking at the colleague with two big cats and three kittens in the office.The staff member spoke.

Even if they were all involved, they still wouldn't be able to spare their hands.

"What? Damn it." Hearing this, the chairman patted his head with a headache and said: "You guys do this first, I will take care of it, remember, don't make any mistakes."

What kind of thing is this? All the money was spent on the head, but the pot turned out to be too small to fit in. If you tell me this, people will laugh to death.

"Yes." The staff member nodded and hung up the phone.

"Xiao Wang, is there an interview going on at your place?" In the office building where Xiancha Live Broadcast was held, the interviewer who was conducting the interview picked up his phone and heard the voice of the boss.

"Yes, Chairman." The interviewer nodded after hearing this.

"Then you don't need to interview them now. Take them directly to the technical department and operations department. Let's do a practical exercise. If there are no problems, we will all stay."

"Um, but aren't we only recruiting four people this time? Chairman. There are already fifteen here." The interviewer said weakly. Didn't the chairman say that their recent market situation is not good and asked them to Why don't you want to recruit fewer people? Why are you planning to recruit fifteen people now?

"This is not something you need to know. Just follow me immediately. The operations and technical departments will tell you. Remember to go now. I will see them start work in 3 minutes." Chairman He spoke.

Today is different from the past. The original plan was to lay off employees and recruit people with better skills, but now it is no longer possible. There are not enough people, and the servers are facing collapse.

"Uh..." Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, the interviewer couldn't help but be stunned, but he quickly came back to his senses.He said to the job seeker sitting there: "Get ready to start work right away. If there is no problem with your work ability, we will sign the contract later."

"Ah? So soon? But I haven't introduced myself yet." The job seeker couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. He didn't seem to say anything. How could he be accepted?
"As long as you have work experience, it's fine. Pack your things immediately and prepare to follow me." The interviewer said and walked outside.

Everyone who was waiting outside raised their heads when they heard the sound. The most nervous among them were the few people who had just finished the interview. They were waiting here just to wait for news.

"You, you, you, you, all of you, bring your things and come with me. Now let's do the actual exercise. Let me see your abilities. As long as there are no problems with your abilities, you can be ready to sign the contract right away." The interviewer pointed. They spoke. "Huh? So fast?" The job seekers who heard this were also stunned.

"Otherwise? Our company is all about efficiency. I'll give you one minute to prepare." The interviewer said, turning to the assistant on the side: "Go and inform the operations and technical departments, turn on all the machines and talk to them. One minute." People will pass in the future.”

"Okay, manager." The assistant nodded when he heard this and went to do it immediately.

The job seekers were also a little nervous about dressing up.

They say it’s hard to find a job now, and the live streaming industry is so difficult. But Xiancha Company doesn’t seem to be like this.

"Everyone is ready. Let's go with me now. Remember not to talk nonsense about anything you see. Our company has confidentiality rules." The interviewer said, leading them to the stairs.

"Manager, the computers have been turned on. The new colleagues can start working immediately."

After arriving on the fourth floor, the busy staff immediately stood up and said.

"Very good, please arrange for seven of them to do their work, and the rest come with me." The interviewer said, leading the remaining people to the sixth floor.

"Okay." The staff who heard this nodded and said to the seven people: "Your job is very simple. You are responsible for setting up another server and diverting registered people to another server to reduce pressure."

"This job won't be difficult. As long as you have done it before and understand it a little bit, then we only need to stare at the computer for the rest of the time. There is no need to be too tired."

"Okay, okay." The seven people who heard this nodded and sat down on the open machine to work directly.

At the same time, I am very curious, what is going on, why do I need to build a new server?How popular is Xiancha Live Broadcast? The number of registered people is so terrifying?
"Of course not, but I can sing to this sister first to get used to it, don't be so anxious." Cheng Hao said with his mouth open.

"Then you little scoundrel, start your performance. Sister is here to listen." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, sister, please keep an eye on the road. Don't just tilt your head and look at me." Cheng Hao reminded, smacking his lips and shaking his head:


"Is this rock music? I feel like Little Fatty is humming a little happy."

"But it's not like his previous style, but it's understandable that Xiaopangju is so talented."

"Yes, yes, little Fatty Orange can do everything."

Hearing the fans here typing, Cheng Hao started singing:
"Let me take your heart off and try to melt it slowly, to see if I am still perfect in your heart..."

"Huh? This song sounds a little happy." After listening to it, Sister Hong'er couldn't help but shake her head.

Although I don’t know why, this song does have the magic power to make people shake their heads.

"It's not good, it's not good. Our users are almost gone, boss." Just as the number of people in the live broadcast room slowly increased, other live broadcast stations on the other side.The number of online users is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene of operations, I quickly reported the matter.

"What happened? Why did all our users run away? They are very sticky with the anchors. Have you found the reason?"

When the boss who was sitting in the office heard this, he almost jumped out of his chair in fright.

He is still thinking whether he should exchange for a car worth more than 300 million?Or is it better to change to a car worth more than 400 million?Did you tell him that all the users were gone?

"I found it. Little Fatty Orange from Xiancha Live Broadcast has spoken. He is singing in the live broadcast now. He has sucked all our users." Run said.

"Are you kidding me? Can a tiger speak human language? Do you think I'm a fool?" I heard the boss here curse angrily. No one knows that Little Fatty Orange is a tiger?Even though I can sing, I still need a keeper to translate by my side, okay?You told him he could talk, how is this possible?

"It's true. Take a look, boss. If you check the live broadcast first, you will know that Xiao Pangju's live broadcast room has tens of millions of hits."

"And it's still rising, and it will soon exceed [-] million." The scolded operator said, why doesn't the boss believe it?Is this all he said?

"Then let me see how a tiger speaks human language?" the boss cursed and opened the web page.

Then, overwhelming gifts and a cappella singing appeared in front of him.

"It's great, the singing is great, Little Fatty Orange is so awesome. If you have money, please give Little Fatty Orange an aircraft carrier reward. If you don't have money, please order some free flowers."

"Yes, yes, Xiaopangju sang so hard. We can't be too stingy."

"Yes, yes, give Little Fatty Orange a gift."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were excited and scrolled their screens crazily.

"This this"

When the boss saw this scene, his eyes almost turned red: "Asshole, these guys are taking the money and not treating it as money, right? Why don't you come to our platform to swipe so much?"

An aircraft carrier costs 99, and looking at what’s written on it, it’s at least several hundred thousand.

And it has not been reduced. What if this is placed on their platform?Now I have put together a few wheels.

"Uh, boss. Isn't there no little fat orange on our platform?" The operator reminded weakly after hearing this. Is the boss so angry that he has brain congestion?To actually ask such a question.

"Shut up, you're the only one who can tell me, right?" The boss cursed after hearing this.His fists clenched in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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