Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 324: Line up and open your mouth

Chapter 324: Line up and open your mouth
"Of course, I am a generous king." Cheng Hao said proudly, scanning the little squirrels peeking on the tree and said: "If you want to watch, just watch openly, what are you doing to peek? Are you? Where did it come from?"

"Susuo~ (We came from a very far away place, Your Majesty.)"

"Hey~ (Yes, yes, the forest we live in is too chaotic. I heard it is safe here, so I came here.)"

After hearing this, the squirrel with its head shrunk in the tree cautiously jumped onto the branch from behind the trunk and replied.

"It turns out that I came from somewhere else. No wonder I'm always timid." After hearing this, Cheng Hao lazily rubbed the stone and said: "Since you have come to my territory, you must abide by the rules here. You must Just look at it openly, don’t be sneaky all the time, you know?”

"Otherwise, be careful and other little guys will take pictures from the tree."

"Hey~ (Okay, Your Majesty.)" The little squirrels nodded and replied, standing on the branches and looking at Cheng Hao with wide eyes.Like a row of statues.

"These little guys..." Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw this scene. He asked them to look, and they really looked at it.

"Haha, it seems that these little guys are a bunch of upright little animals." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes." Cheng Hao nodded his head and waited.



Not long after, the sound of animal footprints was heard in the distance.Then one animal after another appeared in the sight of Sister Hong'er and Cheng Hao.

"Meah~ (The king has called all the leaders over according to your instructions.)" The leading sheep reported to Cheng Hao respectfully.

The animal leaders running behind also shouted at the top of their lungs:

"Hoho~ (Hello, Your Majesty!)"

"Well, I'm very energetic." Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction, then pushed the box forward and said, "These evolution potions are for you. You can share them among yourself. Try to be as fair as possible. I I’m too lazy to do anything.”

"Hoho~ (Thank you, Your Majesty.)" The animals who heard this said with fiery eyes and gathered around one by one.

After looking at the evolution potions in the box and their number, the animals all started to have their own thoughts:
"Huhu~ (I think I should be the one to divide this thing. My memory is better than yours. Can I accurately judge how much each animal should get?)"

"Hufufu~ (You fart should be divided by me, I am fairer, and if you divide it, who knows how much it will be?)"

"Ahhhh~ (I think you should all shut up and let me do it, I am the fairest one.)"

"Aren't you going to give them a point? Looking at them, I think they are about to start a fight." Sister Hong'er, who saw this scene, said to Cheng Hao who was standing aside.

Is this lazy guy really comfortable lying down?I don’t even want to take a look at what’s going on here.If this little guy hadn't been here, she doubted that there would have been a fight here.

"It's not easy for me to get involved in this kind of thing. After all, if the division is not done well, it will be biased towards one party, so I'd better let them resolve it themselves." Cheng Hao turned over lazily after hearing this.

It would be too troublesome to divide it among these guys.He doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"But what if you don't intervene? They will start fighting again after you leave." Sister Hong'er said angrily. This little guy should not think about his own convenience. He has never thought about what might happen. What should we do if the animals are divided unevenly and fight among themselves?
"Oh? That seems to be the case, but it seems that my hands and feet are not convenient for me to separate. Otherwise, sister, you are a little tired and can help me." After hearing this, Cheng Hao raised his head and said, not helping these guys. If it's divided, it seems that the situation mentioned by his sister will indeed happen, but if he does it himself, he doesn't have the patience.

Therefore, I can only trouble my sister to take action.

"You little scoundrel, you make me work all day, really." Sister Hong'er scolded angrily, but she still got up and came to the side of the quarreling animals: "Little guys, please stop, please? Sister, please stop. How about I help you divide it? If you keep arguing like this, you won’t be able to divide it even tomorrow."

"Hoho~ (Okay.)" The quarreling animals nodded when they heard the words. Their mouths had already moved before their heads could react.

Although they don't have deep communication with each other, they trust each other for some reason.

"That's good." Sister Hong'er nodded with satisfaction, after counting the animals present.Xiao Qing clicked on the remaining medicine in the box.

I found that there were eight more animals present than there were potions, so I wanted to get a fair share?You have to create a new container.

Thinking of this, Sister Hong'er looked around.He quickly looked at the small bamboo on the side: "Xiao Ju, don't sleep in, go help sister chop a small piece of bamboo, how about it?"

"Oh." Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this.With a wave of his paw, the thumb-sized bamboo on the side broke into two sections.

Sister Hong'er saw it and picked it up. She used Cheng Hao's claws as a knife to remove the excess branches on the bamboo, and then cut a short piece of bamboo into a suitable size.

"This size should be about the same." After making some gestures, Sister Hong'er said with satisfaction.Patting Cheng Hao's paws: "Okay, you can take your nails back. Your nails are quite easy to use."

"Of course, sister, why don't you take a look at whose nails these are?" Cheng Hao said proudly, leaning on the stone and watching Sister Hong'er share it with everyone.

"Now, everyone, please line up and don't be crowded, you know? Each animal has its own bamboo tube of medicine, no one will have less, and no one will have more." Sister Hong'er held the purification medicine in one hand and the bamboo tube in the other. Open your mouth.

"Hoho~ (Yeah.)" The animals nodded their heads after hearing this and lined up in an orderly manner.

"Look, it's flat inside. If you don't come young, just open your mouth." Sister Hong'er held up the bamboo tube and waved it in front of the wild donkey and said, asking the wild donkey to open its mouth.

After hearing this, the wild donkey obeyed and a powerful energy spread throughout his body. Then he felt that every cell in his body was swelling, as if he had endless strength.

"Bah ah~ (It's so awesome.)" Seeing the wild donkey that was rapidly growing bigger and stronger, the other animals couldn't help but sigh. They looked at the box on the ground, and their eyes became even hotter.

As the transformation of the wild donkey was completed, Sister Hong'er raised the inverted bamboo pipe and said, "You have adjusted it well. There is not a drop of it. The rest has been emptied. The next animal comes over." "Huh." Huh~ (Uh-huh.)" Seeing this scene, the wild donkey nodded.He happily walked aside and carefully experienced his changes.

With the wild donkey as an example, the other animals followed suit in an orderly manner.

Soon the tubes of medicine were all consumed, until after the last animal had finished drinking, there was still a small half tube of medicine in Sister Hong'er's hand.

Seeing this scene, all the animals' eyes lit up.They all hope that this tube of medicine will be distributed to them.

"It seems that the bamboo tube is too small. There are still some left, but this is a good thing, at least all the animals have received it." Looking at the potion in her hand, Sister Hong'er muttered.Then he looked at the animals with fiery eyes and said, "You don't have to look at my sister like this. To prevent you from continuing to argue. This potion? Sister, drink it yourself."

With that said, he drank the potion in one gulp.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of all the animals dimmed. In the end, it was not their turn, but luckily every animal got the same share.

"Okay, you little guys, don't worry about gains and losses here. My sister has worked so hard to help you share it. What's wrong with having a drink?" Cheng Hao jumped up from the stone and said, "You all go back and guard your territory now. , if something happens? Remember to inform me, the king, that this is the end of today’s affairs, let’s adjourn the meeting!”

"Hoho~ (Yes. Your Majesty.)" Although the animals felt a little pity after hearing this, they all obeyed and left.

"It seems like these little guys are still very afraid of you." Looking at the animals leaving one after another, Sister Hong'er put away the test tubes.He walked to Cheng Hao and hung the box on his big tail.

"Of course, you don't know who I am?" Cheng Hao said proudly, and said to the leader beside him: "You should guard the territory here and pay attention to the situation in the water. I will leave first. ."

"Yeah~ (Yes.)" Tou Yang nodded, and Cheng Hao walked away with Sister Hong'er on his back.

"Baa baa~ (Leader, leader, what does that potion smell like?)"

"Yeah~ (Yes, yes, is that potion really so powerful? Why did your appearance change after you drank it, leader?)"

After seeing Cheng Hao leave, all the young sheep gathered around him.

"Bah ah~ (This potion has a very delicious smell of grass. As for whether it is powerful or not, can't you tell?)" the sheep said, showing off its shiny horns. Did you see these strong horns?This can break even rocks directly.

Now he possesses terrifying strength. No one can resist his horns in front of him. Do these little guys still ask?
"Bah ah~ (Your Majesty is so good.)" The sheep who heard this could only say with envy.



The wind blew loudly, and snowflakes the size of goose feathers fell, decorating the entire Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park into a blanket of silver.

On the snow, a big orange tiger skin cake is rolling on the ground, covering itself with frosting.

"It snowed really early this year, and it's the first time we've seen it snow so hard." Cheng Hao rubbed his belly against the snowflakes, looked at the sky and muttered: "But if it keeps falling like this? It won't kill me. Is your house flooded?"

This year's snow came early and heavy, and it looked menacing. You know, he had to dig a hole to get out this morning.

It's a good thing that the snow hasn't been compacted, otherwise, I would probably have to spend today inside the house.

"Little rascal, are you okay?" Sister Hong'er, who was wearing snowshoes and dragging her flesh with her snowflakes, asked. It snowed so heavily overnight. It was really outrageous. They had to get up in the middle of the night to clean it up. Snow, so as not to flood the first floor.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I'm not afraid of the cold with this fur coat, but the big lizard next to me seems a little weak." Cheng Hao jumped up when he heard Sister Hong'er's voice, and pointed to the side full of Said the big lizard of Snow.

This guy's heart rate has been very low since last night, and now he can hardly hear it at all.

You must know that this guy is very big. His heartbeat sounds like a car starting, but you can't hear it now. Can you imagine how much the heavy snow has affected it?
"Really? Maybe it's because he is hibernating." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er took a look and said.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, it was impossible for him to freeze to death, so he could only be hibernating.

"That's good. If it hibernates, our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park can save another expense." Cheng Hao said happily. This guy has to hibernate for at least three months in winter, so that's one day. How much money will be saved? When the director of the park knows the news, he will be so happy that he will roll around in place, right?
"Uh, is this what you're thinking about?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this.

"Yes, after all our Huyuan family has a small business." Cheng Hao nodded his big head and said.

This big lizard sleeps next to him all day long. To be honest, he is not very good to this neighbor. He doesn't take a bath, doesn't brush his teeth, and doesn't care about hygiene.

He didn't curse the other party. It would be fine if he died as soon as possible. What else did his sister expect?
Sister Hong'er couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard this. What if she didn't know the current situation of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain?She really believed the lies told by this little villain.

The current Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park is the richest zoo in the entire province and even the country, okay?How can the other party say that he is so poor?

"Okay, don't explain. In addition to bringing you breakfast, sister also brought you a task from the garden director. The garden director said that you should use your power to clean up all the snow in the Tiger Garden." Sister Hong'er said. , placed the bucket in front of Cheng Hao.

"No, there are many cleaning aunties and cleaning uncles in our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. Why do you need me to do it?" Cheng Hao said speechlessly after tapping Bangbang's hard meat with his paws.

Everything was fine in winter, but the meat was a bit hard, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Otherwise, this season is the most comfortable season.

"It's very simple, because the principal is afraid that something will happen to these aunts and uncles, so he asked you to do it. After all, shoveling snow is also a physical job." Sister Hong'er explained, if such a thick snow really allows these aunts and uncles to shovel snow?If something happens to them, the principal may feel sorry for his wallet.

But Little Orange is different, Little Orange wants to move her paws.It can be cleaned up in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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