Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 328: One bucket after another

Chapter 328: One bucket after another

"Isn't the meaning of a tiger's life just to sleep and work? Without these two things, what's the point of a tiger's life? Do you think I need to live as tiredly as you?" Cheng Hao complained, he didn't need to get married and have a wife. , let alone buy a house or a car, of course you can eat, drink, play and sleep all day long.

After all, he can no longer play with mobile phones and computers.This is all that can be done.

Could it be that the other party wanted to deprive him of these two remaining pleasures?Then he really knows how to teach.

"It's really heartbreaking when you say it." Xu Lele muttered after hearing this: "You all know that my life is so difficult, why don't you quickly cooperate to please me and make me happy."

"What does this have to do with me? I didn't ask you to do this. Who can you blame for what you want to do? Isn't it good to lie flat? I think lying flat is very comfortable." Cheng Hao said angrily, and the other party passed by Does being so tired have anything to do with him?It's not like he made the other person so tired.

It's very simple for the other party to be happy. You don't have to worry about anything, just lie down on the ground.

"It's very comfortable, but if everyone lies flat, the world will collapse." Xu Lele said, holding his chin with both hands and looking at Cheng Hao, whose mouth was like a bottomless pit, crazily swallowing steamed buns: " You bad guy, you didn’t come here just to get some food, right?”

"Of course not. What kind of tiger do you think I am? I came here this time to check the situation of the department, especially to see if anyone is slacking off? For example, you are slacking off." Cheng Hao looked at Xu Lele said: "What are you still doing here? Why don't you go to training quickly? Have you washed your clothes and shoes? Have you cleaned the dormitory well? Do you usually read more books to enrich yourself?"

"Of course I'm staying here to watch you, otherwise you would have eaten all the food. As for other things? You still have nothing to do with me." After hearing this, Xu Lele looked at Cheng Hao and said, "You Who did this little scoundrel learn from? He is still educating people here. Did you work well today? Did you eat well, and were you friendly to others? "

"You're such a slut at work. You've ruined my beautiful day. I was having a great time playing in the snow in the tiger garden."

"As a result, Benhu had to go out and clean up the mess because of your unfavorable performance." When Cheng Hao heard this, he suddenly became angry: "What do you think happened to Benhu eating something? Benhu did everything you did. What the team members are doing, but you are still here disturbing Ben Hu’s meal, do you still have any conscience at all?”

"Well, this is none of my business. Don't talk nonsense. You should go find the commander." Seeing that the finger was pointed at him, Xu Lele said quickly.

She said that she would not take the blame, nor could she afford it. If the other party wanted to ask, they should ask the commander. She was just an ordinary team member and was not qualified to take the blame.

"Since it's none of your business, then go away quickly and don't affect my eating. I hate people being nagging around me when I'm eating." Cheng Hao waved his paws like a lustful fly.

"Okay, eat slowly. You glutton." Xu Lele muttered, then stood up and left.

This little villain really likes to complain. She should wait until this villain doesn't eat before annoying him.

"Yeah." Cheng Hao was very satisfied to see the other party leave. Without the other party's nagging, the whole world became quiet.Even the steamed buns are delicious.

But then again, why did the girl who delivered the food become mute?

"Miss, why don't you speak? Do you not want to speak? Or are you introverted, or do you mean you have nothing to say?"

"Uh, little Fatty, don't you say you don't like to hear people nagging you when you're eating?" The team member who put the steamed buns on the table was stunned for a moment and then said.

It's not that she's introverted or doesn't want to talk, it's mainly because Xiaopangju said she didn't want to hear anyone nagging her while eating.

"That's for others. Miss, can you sing?" Cheng Hao asked.

"Yes, what's wrong? Little Fatty Orange, you want to teach me how to sing?" the team member asked happily after hearing this.

"Of course not, I want to listen to the song. Miss, you can sing some songs for me." Cheng Hao said.

"Okay, okay." The team members nodded when they heard this, then sat across from Cheng Hao and started singing.

After Cheng Hao heard it, the two drooped down and blocked his ear canal.

This young lady can really sing, but she doesn't sing very well. Fortunately, he can't hear it when his ears droop, otherwise it would be simply torture.

"Is the song I sang good, Little Fat Orange? Is there anything I need to correct?" the team member asked after finishing the song, blinking his big eyes.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao raised his ears slightly and said, "You can sing very well. Your singing voice is no worse than that of an average singer? Miss, you are really wasting your time in the department. Your path should lead to the stars and the sea."

"Really? Little Fatty Orange, you are really good at complimenting people." The team member's face turned slightly red after hearing this.

"No, no, I'm just telling the truth."

"By the way, little sister. Is there anything else delicious? Listening to your singing makes me hungry again." Cheng Hao said appropriately.

"Yes, yes, I will get you dough sticks. There are other delicious ones, please wait a moment." The team member replied, and went to get them.

As for what the commander told me?It has already been thrown thousands of miles away.

"I am so smart." Cheng Hao felt very proud after seeing this scene.

Just asking are you strong?With just a few words, you can successfully live a food-free life.

"Commander, why do you look so absent-minded?" The director sat in front of the chessboard in the office and looked at the commander opposite, who was staring at the clock.

"No, no, I was just checking the time." The commander heard this and replied with a smile, but couldn't help but complain in his heart.

That glutton hasn't come to the office for so long. How much has he done in the cafeteria?You won't eat up the entire canteen, right?

"Time is just a concept. It doesn't matter to us anymore. Commander, you should play chess seriously and don't be affected by these irrelevant things." The director said with a smile when he heard this.

Is the other party getting anxious now?That was a bit early. With that glutton’s appetite, he probably wouldn’t come back so early.

"It still needs to be influenced. After all, I still need to be responsible for the security of the entire Hongtashan City." The commander replied awkwardly, looked out the window and said: "It's getting late now. Mr. Consultant, you must be hungry. How about we go to dinner?"

"Okay, speaking of which, I am indeed a little hungry." After hearing this, the principal nodded and stood up from his seat.Seeing this, the commander hurriedly walked towards the cafeteria.

There has been no news for so long.He really experienced what it means to live like a year.

"Eighteen barrels, my God! This is the first time I've seen such an eatable tiger. Little Fatty's appetite is really amazing."

"I'm not. I've always heard that tigers are carnivores, but after seeing Little Fatty Orange, I think that's all a lie. Tigers are obviously omnivores."

In the cafeteria, the team members gathered around and looked at Cheng Hao, who was eating bucket after bucket of rice, with a look of surprise on his face.

They didn't expect that a tiger could eat so much food. This was outrageous.The total of these dozen buckets of rice exceeded Xiao Pangju's weight, but the other person's big belly was like a black hole, and he kept eating bucket after bucket.

"Xiao Ju, can you really still eat it? Do you want to stop for a while? Eating too much starch is not a good thing for you. After all, tigers eat meat."

The team member who was serving the meal looked at Cheng Hao who was feasting and asked, with some worry in his eyes.

Is it really okay for a tiger to eat so much rice?And the rice is obviously more than his weight.

"It's okay, that's an ordinary tiger. I'm an evolved animal and have long been born with the ability to digest starch, so I can eat whatever it is." Cheng Hao said while he was cooking, looking at the chives on the window. Scrambled Egg said, "Miss, can you bring that plate of food over for me? I really like vegetarian food."

"Okay, then you eat slowly." Hearing the team members here say, they went to serve the food.

"Nineteen barrels. It's so strong. Little Fat Orange is so strong." The team members who saw this scene sighed.

"It looks like the cafeteria is very lively. Should we go over and take a look?" The director heard the sound and asked the commander on the side with a smile.

"Okay." After hearing this, the commander showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

He had already heard that the glutton had eaten nineteen buckets of rice. What if he continued to eat like this?That's really not enough food for the other party to eat.

"Commander and Mr. Advisor are here, disperse quickly." After the onlookers discovered the situation here, they quickly said to their companions.

The surrounding team members all dispersed, revealing Cheng Hao who was eating very happily.

"Aren't these the commander and the director of the park? Are you two hungry too? Come sit down and eat. I just discovered today that the food thieves in the department are delicious." Cheng Hao raised his paws when he saw the two of them. He said hello, waving his tail and two bowls flew over.

The commander couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his eyes when he saw this scene.

Why does this little villain seem to be the owner here, but he is the one who came from outside?

"Commander, don't be polite. Come sit down and eat. Just treat this place as your own home. You can eat whatever you want. Don't do it. I'm sorry." Cheng Hao hurriedly spoke out after noticing that the commander was in a daze. road.

"Just eat your food obediently and don't be verbose. This is a department. Doesn't the commander still need you to teach him?" The principal held the bowl and chopsticks in a bad mood, then picked up the vegetables and ate.

I have to say that the food in the department is really good. No wonder this little villain is eating here.There is no special choice of meat to eat.

"That's right." Cheng Hao nodded his big head, curled his tail around the spoon and gave the director a spoonful of fat meat and said: "Here, grandpa. I know your teeth are not good, so I specially prepared the rotten braised pork for you. Where’s the meat?”

"Do you think my teeth are bad? Are you just trying to get tired of me?" Looking at the big spoonful of fat, the director couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his eye.

This meat is really fat, so fat that it turns white.

"Where is it? Grandpa, you have lost weight recently. Eat it quickly. It's better to be fatter, and fatter will make you fat." Cheng Hao said, looking at the commander who sat down beside him and said: "Commander, you are welcome, come on Let’s eat meat together.”

Good things need to be shared, especially the fat meat. Let the two of them eat it together.

"It's just fat. How do you want me to eat it?" After the commander saw it, he said helplessly: "Go and call the chef over. I want to ask him how he cooks such fat meat. Who can eat it?"

"Woof woof~ (I can, I can.)" As soon as the commander finished speaking, De Rabbit ran over.

"Go, go, I have nothing to do with you, so don't come over and join in the fun." After hearing this, Cheng Hao scooped up a piece of fat meat with a spoon and threw it out. De Rabbit immediately stuck out his tongue and chased after him with gleaming eyes.

"Hello, Commander, Mr. Advisor. How can I help you two?" After the neatly dressed chef arrived, he asked the two of them with a smile.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask why your braised pork is so fat?" the commander asked, holding up the meat in the bowl and scanning the other person's body.

"You can't blame me for this. I wanted to make pork belly that is not fat, but the meat is so fat when delivered."

"Commander, what do you think I can do? If the meat is not lean, I won't cut it on myself, right?" Upon hearing this, the chef immediately complained.

He is just the chef, and he is not in charge of the ingredients.Whatever ingredients he purchased, he cooked them accordingly.For example, someone left a message on the blackboard yesterday that they wanted to eat braised pork. Wouldn’t they just do it today?
"It makes sense. Not only can you not pour so much fat into the vegetables, isn't this damaging your own reputation?" Cheng Hao on the side said: "How good is this fat for extracting oil? It’s a shame to cook braised pork.”

"Yeah, don't do it like this next time. If there's something wrong with the ingredients and you can't cook it? You can tell me that there's no need to do it like this." The commander then said.

"Yes, Commander." The chef nodded after hearing this.

"Well, take these fat meats away. If you don't even eat the little fat tangerines, I guess not many people will eat them. Don't waste them here and take them out to squeeze the oil." The commander waved his hand and said, Not to mention eating fat meat.Just looking at it a few times made him feel oily in his stomach, as if he had eaten a lot of oil.

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the team members immediately carried the braised pork down.

They don't want to eat this braised pork later.After all, who wants to eat something so fat these days?
(End of this chapter)

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