Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 330: Work hard, struggle

Chapter 330: Work hard, struggle
"Ah?" The security guards here couldn't help but look confused.

They have said so, why should they continue running?

"No, if you want to become stronger? You have to be able to endure hardship, otherwise you can only remain unknown."

"Either you will be reborn in madness, or you will perish in silence. Choose one for yourselves, and don't make it look like you are training for me." Cheng Hao said angrily.

"Of course you are reborn in madness, go ahead! You can't live without madness."


When the security guards heard this, they couldn't help but roared and rushed out.

This is their only chance to change their own destiny. If they don't seize this time, there will really be no next time.

"That's right, it looks decent." Looking at their desperate efforts, Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction.

He continued to lie inside the sedan made of iron cages and looked outside.

"They seemed to be having a hard time, but fortunately we succeeded in the first try."

"Who says it's not? It looks very heavy, okay?"

In the security room, the two security guards who had become evolutionaries watched the scene on the surveillance camera.He couldn't help but say happily.

Xiao Ju's training seems too difficult. Fortunately, they don't need this kind of training. This is also a blessing among misfortunes.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

Just as the two of them were thinking this, there was a knock on the door.The two people who turned their heads when they heard the voice looked at the team members wearing Evolution Department clothes in front of the door, opened the window and said:

"The gate is not closed. If you want to find the director, just walk in. There is no need to tell us."

When the team member standing at the door heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said:
"What if we are looking for Mr. Consultant? Of course there is no need to tell you. We are here to register you."

"Yes, according to the latest regulations, evolved people must be registered and recorded uniformly. This is to prevent someone from using their abilities to commit crimes, and also to protect you. Although there are no more evolved people hunting down evolved people, but After registering, it will still be good for you."

"Ah? Did the news that we became evolutionaries reach the evolution department so quickly?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't be monitoring us here, right?"

Hearing this, the two security guards expressed a little panic and looked around, looking for hidden cameras.

They only told their relatives and friends about this kind of thing, and never spread it to the outside world. How could the Evolutionary Department still know about it?

"We are not so bored and just staring at you. It's just that the big network data has monitored it, so we came here."

"Yes, the Internet is not a lawless place, so you still need to be cautious when speaking."

The team members said, looking at the two people in a daze, "Aren't you going to open the door yet? Do you want us to find a way to get in by ourselves?"

"No...no, I just want to ask if we are doing what we usually do? Are we being observed?" asked the somewhat uneasy security guard as he opened the door.

"Yes." Another person also said, if according to what the other person said, wouldn't all their secrets be gone?

"Yes, but I won't care about your little things. Who has nothing to do when they are full? What are you doing to keep an eye on you? As long as you don't do anything illegal." The team member said after hearing this, and stepped forward Step into the security room.He took out his notebook and collector and started to register the two of them: "Can you two talk about your respective abilities first? If your abilities are very strong, you are likely to be recruited into the Evolution Department under special circumstances. Yes. If it’s normal? Once the registration is completed, nothing will happen in the future.”

There is no need for them to tell each other their names, grades, home addresses, and jobs.The department also has recorded information. The only thing that is unclear now is the ability of the two of them.

Departments have always valued some scarce or powerful abilities.

"Um, which department's system is confidential? The data will not be leaked, right?"

"Yes, it would be bad if someone knew about our abilities and targeted us specifically." The two people who heard this did not rush to answer, but asked aloud.

They now read a lot of things on the Internet, and the most mentioned point is that abilities cannot be known to others.

"Let me tell you, two brothers, are you suffering from persecution paranoia again? Who is going to look up your information and target you when they are full and have nothing to do?"

"Yes, are you two important figures or top scientists?" The team members couldn't help but rub their eyebrows after hearing this.

Do the two of them regard themselves as little fat oranges or the top scientists in the department?There are so many people with abilities, but they are just two little security guards. Who has nothing to do when they are full and have nothing to do but look up information and squat them two?

Although they have become evolved, they should not think too highly of themselves, okay?

After hearing this, both of them fell silent, with embarrassed looks on their faces.

"Okay, you two should talk about your respective abilities quickly, don't waste time."

"Yes, our time is very tight."

Seeing the two of them looking like this, the team members began to urge them.

"Okay... okay." The thinner security guard said, "My ability is to be able to endure pain."

"Um, endure the pain. Is there anything else besides this?" The team members who heard this said in a daze. This ability of endurance is still rare, but this ability alone does not have combat effectiveness. It seems to be of no use, right?

"Of course, the more damage I receive, the greater the power I can explode." The security guard replied, his ability is the same as getting stronger after being beaten.

However, the drawback is that it cannot take too much damage.For example, if you were hit by a big truck, he might have died before the force burst out.

"That's not bad. It sounds like a pretty strong ability." After hearing this, the team member nodded and said.He turned his head and asked the security guard on the other side: "Then what is your ability?"

"I have some special abilities. I can self-hypnotize myself. I can do some things that I can't do." The security guard who was asked scratched his head and said.

"Self-hypnosis? This is not a very common ability. Can you tell us about your ability and what it can do?" After hearing this, the team members suddenly became interested.

They have a lot of registration capabilities, but I have never heard of something like this.

"Well, for example, I don't know Kung Fu. But after showing me a complete boxing drill, I can hypnotize myself to do it. In this state, I can complete this set of boxing skills. "The security guard thought for a while and then said.

"Is this like this? Then this ability is very strong. It's like a snake oil skill."

"Yes, this ability is too powerful."

The team members who heard this couldn't help but said, can you do this just by hypnotizing yourself?That's awesome.

"Actually, it's useless. As long as I get out of this state, I won't be able to remember it at all." The security guard said, scratching his head. Although this ability sounds very powerful, it is actually useless. He If you can't use it when you're awake, what's the use if you can only use it when you're hypnotized?
"No, no, you underestimate your ability. Although you say you can't remember it when you are awake, there is something that you can use whether you are awake or hypnotized." The team members heard this with envy. Said: "That's training. Your ability to reproduce one to one without getting tired is perfect for training. As long as you master a boxing technique with your ability, you can practice it to the point where you can Due to the instinct of the body, you can have strong strength even when you are awake." "Yes, the most fearful thing about training is giving up halfway and irregular movements, and after you use this ability, even if you are hypnotized Sometimes, you also need to exercise, so that you can still become stronger after you wake up." Another team member also said.

Where is this useless ability?It's simply a magical skill.

There is no perseverance in overcoming all procrastination.

"Like this? That sounds like it's really powerful." The security guard here said with some embarrassment.

I originally thought that my ability was quite useless, but now it sounds like I am quite awesome.

"Yes." The team member nodded and took out the camera and pointed it at the two of them: "Come and look at the camera, record your 3D image, and then record your fingerprints. This collection work is completed."

"That's good. It looks very simple."

"Yeah, we thought it would be troublesome."

The two people who heard this couldn't help but said happily.

"It's not that difficult in the first place. Why do you two think this kind of thing is so difficult?" the team member said, handing two thick books to the two of them: "You two, take a look at this. This is Code for people with abilities, remember to abide by the law and don't do anything illegal, otherwise if a person with abilities is sentenced, it will start at least 20 years."

"Huh? Small crimes too?" The security guard couldn't help but froze when he heard this.

"Yes, because people with abilities are too destructive and easy to lose fear. So the pressure is always on the top, and it is impossible to relax." The team member nodded. Once people have abilities, they will lose fear. .

The above was done with this in mind. After all, having abilities is completely different from ordinary people.

After taking this into consideration above, the penalties for abilities will be specifically increased.

"What about underage ability users?" the security guard on the side asked.

Since the punishment for ability users has been increased, will it be the same for underage ability users?

"Are you talking about this? Of course it has been adjusted. Now the age of minors is set to 12 years old."

"And the younger you are, the more severe the punishment will be." The team member said with a smile. Are you an adult now?
Just look at your mental age, and people over the age of 12 are basically capable of independent thinking.

And they only want to do bad things at this time?You need to accept punishment.Otherwise, if they encourage their arrogance, society will become more chaotic.

After all, as the old saying goes.Education starts from childhood, so naturally we cannot leave them behind.

"That's good, as long as we treat everyone equally, then we won't be afraid."

"Yeah, I'm just afraid that we should keep to ourselves. Others will make trouble, especially the children nowadays."

The security guards couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard this. If you play like this, then they will obey the rules.

"Well, take a closer look when you have time. It won't do you any harm." The team member stood up and said, took out a pack of dried fish from the bag and handed it to the two of them.

"Um? Why is it popular these days for departments to give away small fish?"

"Yeah, how many fish did the department catch?" The security guards who took the dried fish were stunned. They had heard of people giving gifts, fruits, milk, and drinks. This was the first time they had seen people giving dried fish.

"You beauties, who told you this is for you? This is for little Fat Orange to eat." The team member who put the laptop into the bag said angrily.

"Yes, I also have this for Little Fatty Orange. Remember to give it to him for me later." Another team member said, holding a box of cans.

The two of them thought they were here to give gifts, and you gave them to the two of them?Beautiful them.

"Um, why do you all give food to Xiaoju?"

"Yes, Miss Hong'er said not to feed him randomly."

The security guards who heard this spoke up and said, Miss Hong'er saw the little orange they were delivering and was scolded?
"It's okay, can't you just be careful?"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's not heavy on oil and salt." The team members said, got up and left.

The two of them have to go back and put their information into the database, but they don't have time to explain to them here.

"What do you say now?" Looking at the team members getting into the car and running away, the security guard asked his companions on the side.

"Of course I'm here to help." The security guard shrugged his shoulders after hearing this. What else could he do?You can only do what the other person says.



The security guards on the other side who were carrying Cheng Hao and running finally couldn't run anymore.They were all lying on the ground, breathing heavily.

In front of them, two Amur leopards were looking at them with their big heads tilted.

"You two little guys, be careful and don't get too close. Be careful and wait for the stick to hit your legs."

"Yeah, go find your mother quickly. Don't run around here."

The security guards who were watching said, why did these two little guys come over to join in the fun?What if Xiaoju asks him to join in later?Aren't they going to die from exhaustion?
So, he quickly waved his hands to drive them away.

"Ouch~ (What are you doing for fun?)"

"Ouch~ (Yes, yes, take us to play together.)"

But after hearing the two Far Eastern leopards here, they had no intention of leaving.Instead, he ran to the sedan made of iron cages.He kept pulling at it with his claws.

Growing up in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, they are not afraid of humans at all.He also particularly likes to join in the fun.

Anyway, the entire Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park is their home, and they can play freely here.No one will hurt them.

Today I suddenly saw them playing with novel gadgets, which immediately aroused their curiosity.

"You two also want to sit down?" Cheng Hao, who was lying inside, saw it and asked.

These two little guys are growing up very fast, weighing over 200 kilograms now.Except for the slightly thin claws, it looks pretty good.

"Ouch~ (Yes, yes, Brother Orange.)" When the two Far Eastern leopards heard this, their heads nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

(End of this chapter)

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