Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 337 No matter how hard it is, it’s not as hard as training

Chapter 337 No matter how hard it is, it’s not as hard as training
"The human side is surprisingly easy to handle."

Willow, who was walking among the mountains and forests, couldn't help but said: "If I had known this earlier, I could have bypassed the Tiger King."

Speaking of which, they spent a lot of time on this tiger king.

Although the result was relatively good, he felt that if he didn't pass the other party?It can obviously save more things.

"Then I'm afraid you are thinking too much. Without him, do you think we can meet the powerful people among humans?" Feng Shu said angrily. The main reason why this negotiation will go so smoothly is because of this Tiger King. He has a high status, so he can shake people over directly.

Otherwise, if they had done it themselves, it might not have been so smooth.

"Yes, Feng is right. Don't keep thinking." Yang Shu said, looking at the mountains in the distance and said: "Stop talking next, let's go back and recover quickly."

"Yeah." Maple Tree nodded and got into the ground.

"You two really don't respect me, you always leave me out." Willow muttered after seeing this scene, and followed him underground.

"Kings, there is news coming from afar." In a large sinkhole somewhere, a tree with small red fruits hanging on its head walked to several human-shaped trees and said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" After hearing this, huge eyes appeared on the body of the human-shaped tree.

"There are rumors in the forest that Master Liu is very close to humans. It seems that he has reached some kind of agreement with humans." The tree with small red fruits replied.

"Xiaoliu is very close to humans and has reached some kind of agreement? Is his stupid brain capable of this?"

Hearing this, the big banyan tree covered with roots spoke.

How could that fool with a simple mind and well-developed limbs do such a thing in front of the other two little guys?To be honest, he didn't quite believe it.

"Now is the critical time. It's better to believe that he did it than to believe that he didn't do it. If he really didn't do it, we can find out afterwards, right?" Wutongshu said after hearing this.

"Yes, as the saying goes, flies don't bite unsealed eggs. If he really hasn't done it, how can there be such rumors? We'd better be on guard against him first and find out later."

"Yes, don't spread this matter out yet. Xiao Hongdou, you are responsible for the investigation."

The other trees also spoke up.

"Yes, King." The standing tree replied after hearing the words and slowly retreated.

Now that Master Liu is not being reused, this is his opportunity.As long as you can climb up?Then it will definitely be reused by the kings.

"Huh? Are the kings of the clan cooperating with the humans of the Xuan Kingdom? They won't live too long each and every one of them. Maybe there is something wrong with their brains. We are so powerful, why do we need to rely on the power of other guys?" The red-haired figure said. Dao, he has already carried out operations in several countries.

And things went very smoothly as he thought, as long as these humans and mutant creatures were almost at war.

Then they can reap the benefits and successfully take over these countries.

I can’t figure out why the kings of the clan still cooperate with Xuan Guo?Is the Xuan Kingdom more difficult to deal with than several countries?

"According to the information from the clan, the Xuan Kingdom is now very powerful. It is not afraid of mutant creatures at all. Although the entire country has some minor disturbances under their governance, overall there is no big crisis."

"And those mutated creatures are wreaking havoc in the jungle. The kings want to unite with Xuan Kingdom first. Then deal with these mutated animals and plants, and then slowly erode the entire Xuan Kingdom." The green-haired one The young man spoke.

"Okay, they don't have to really cooperate with humans." The tree beard on the red-haired man's back was retracted from a shriveled corpse: "Continue to act, I want the entire city to become the nourishment of my impact king. "

"Yes." The young man nodded, and the mutated animals and plants in the distance were attracted by a corpse and rushed towards the city.

"Are you in such a hurry? The more you train for a while, the chance of success will be greater, otherwise you will only suffer in vain now." In the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, Cheng Hao looked at the security guards with firm eyes in front of him and said, How many days have you been training?Why would they try? The failure rate would be very high.

"Because we have suffered enough, we want to give it a try. I am sleeping now, and my legs cannot move involuntarily while pedaling a bicycle."

"Yeah, I kicked my wife off the bed last night. If it doesn't end soon, I won't be able to live like this."

The security guards here said that they were even dreaming about riding bicycles now. This feeling was too painful, so they made up their minds to try again.

No matter what the result is?They all want another wave of impact, and they believe that they are not the same as before.

The past few days of training have exhausted them physically and mentally. Their endurance is now extremely strong, and they can withstand even a flying kick.

"Okay, okay, seeing as you are in such pain, I will give you a chance." Cheng Hao heard this and said, these guys really can't stand the torment.

Now it’s no longer possible and you’re starting to complain endlessly?
"Okay, thank you. Xiaoju, please bring out the pills and give us a try."

"Yeah, we're ready."

Everyone said, looking at Cheng Hao with burning eyes.

Under their gaze, Cheng Hao took out the small green pill.

Seeing this scene, there was no need for Cheng Hao to urge him.They swallowed the pills very consciously.

Then, one by one they turned into prawns that had fallen into the oil pan.

"If you can't hold on, remember to shout. Don't hold on, okay?" Cheng Hao reminded, sitting on the sofa and waiting.

At this time, the security guards had no energy to reply at all. They were all gritting their teeth and enduring the pain.

Although they are in pain now, it is much better than training every day.

As long as they can endure it, they can be reborn in Nirvana.

"How many do you think we can succeed this time?"

"How do I know? But I think it should be at least double digits. You see how seriously they usually train."

"That's true. There is a bicycle for them to ride when they lie down in bed."

The two security guards who had succeeded for the first time were talking to each other, looking at their companions with bulging veins and twisted and twitching bodies.

They couldn't help but tremble subconsciously. Although they had endured it, this scene still left them with lingering fears.

"By the way, you two, don't just talk nonsense. What delicious food have you hidden here? I can smell the fragrance. Bring the food quickly." Cheng Hao, who was lying down, urged, and he could smell the sesame oil. , garlic, onions, and the smell of soy beef. They are having a good life.

"Well, since they are still alive, why don't we just have a dinner?"

"Yeah, at least we have to wait for some people to gather."

The two people here said weakly.

"Stop being so talkative here and get the food quickly." Cheng Hao said angrily: "Otherwise, if I do it myself, it's hard to say what will be left." "Oh." Upon hearing this, The two hurriedly went to the refrigerator to get food.

Soon there were green onions, radishes, mixed pork head meat, large pork knuckles, roasted duck and roasted goose, and roasted duck cold dishes on the table.

"I knew you guys must be hiding food. You stay in the security room every day, and you have wives and children to raise at home. How do you eat so well every day?" Seeing the food on the table, Cheng Hao asked curiously.

I haven't seen them working any other part-time jobs. How come they all eat so well?

"Of course there are other ways, otherwise we can't just sit back and have nothing."

"Yes, as the saying goes, the wool comes from the sheep." The security guards said, taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Not bad, the expression on Xiaoju’s face is much richer.You will definitely like the website.

"Um, so you are selling my photos for money?" Cheng Hao said weakly when he saw this scene. It was obvious that he was the sheep with coarse wool.

But is he that valuable?You can eat this good every day just by taking some photos.

"Yes, we will post your photos on emoji websites and in the galleries of major websites. A good photo can be sold for three to 25 yuan, but there is nothing wrong with just taking a few photos of you for a whole meal. of."

"Yes, Xiaoju. Open your mouth wide, reveal your cute little love nose, and then raise your tongue a little, yes, yes, that's what it looks like."

The security guards taking the photos said that it would be good if Xiaoju was willing to cooperate.This photo can be sold for at least 75.

"You are really a bunch of geniuses." Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard this. No wonder the food was so good.It turns out to be the same way to make money as Uncle Xu.

"That's of course. How can I support myself these days by just working hard? Of course I have to take some sideways paths."

"Yes, Xiaoju, you shouldn't want to share the dividends with us, right? We call you every time we eat." The security guards said, looking at Cheng Hao nervously.

"Come on, I'm not that stingy. But the food you prepared is a bit small." Cheng Hao rubbed his tail on his legs, took out a card and said: "There are 20 on this card, and the password is eight Eight. Each of you will take five thousand, and with the rest, you can give me something delicious to eat when you come back from home every day, you know?"

"Our new chef is good at cooking hot dishes, but his skill at making braised vegetables is a bit too bad. Even the food I eat is tasteless."

"No problem, Brother Ju. Leave such little things to us."

"That's right, Brother Ju, you can go up in flames with just one word. Brothers, you don't even frown." The security guards who took the card said happily, Xiao Ju is indeed a big star.This was a generous move. When they were still struggling for a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, the other party easily took 20 yuan.

"Don't talk about useless things. It's true that we will have more food tomorrow. If you run out of money, tell me. I'll tell the company and they will send the money."

Cheng Hao said, since Chef Xu returned.There is no one to help him.

What if we don’t start from their side?Then his mouth will really fade away.

"Okay! Brother Ju." The security guards said happily, following Xiao Ju who is indeed a popular drinker.

"Well, is there any Coke? Pour me some." Cheng Hao asked, chewing on his big elbow.

"Yes, of course." The security guard smiled and went to get it, and soon a large box of Coke was brought over.

When Cheng Hao saw it, he curled his tail around the Coke and opened the lid with his paw.



Then, the sound of Coke being downed came from the entire security room.

Seeing this scene, the security guards couldn't help but praise him for his amazing drinking capacity.

"I...I said you guys are eating so happily? I'm almost dying of sadness, don't any of you take care of me?" Just when they were eating in full swing, a figure climbed to the table and asked with his hands raised. road.

"Brother Chen, are you successful?" The security guard who heard the sound was stunned and asked.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? It almost hurts me, but it makes it even worse when I hear you eating and drinking here." Brother Chen, who struggled to stand up, said: "I said you two can't be here Are you eating radish over there? Can you give me a hand so I can get up?"

"Huh? Sorry, sorry. We are here to accompany Xiaoju, and we forgot about this."

"Yes, yes, don't blame me."

When the two heard this, they quickly helped Brother Chen up.

"Would you like a cup of Coke to calm down? You seem to be sweating a little too much." Cheng Hao, who was drinking Coke, asked, and the other person looked wet.It looks like I'm sweating a lot, so I need to replenish my fluids quickly so I don't get dehydrated and faint.

"If possible? It's best to have some. Anyway, I have no strength at all now." Brother Chen said after being helped onto the sofa, after the huge pain passed.

All the muscles in his body are twitching and he has lost some strength. If the other party is willing to get him a Coke?Of course the best.

"No problem, go and pour him some." Cheng Hao said to the two people beside him.

"Uh? Xiaoju, don't you go and pour it." The two people who had just sat down couldn't help being stunned after hearing this. Didn't the other party mean that the other party would pour it?
"I want to stay up late, but I don't know where you put the cups?" Cheng Hao said while chewing on the chicken legs, saying that he was powerless and they had to do it themselves.

"Okay." The two people who heard this were speechless and could only get up again.

"Wait a minute, if you want to pour a drink? Pour me a glass too."

"Yes. There's still me." At this moment, the voices of other security guards came from the ground one after another.

"You are the seven-year-old cicada, right? Why did you start talking all of a sudden?" Lao Wang, who got up, said very speechlessly.

"Yeah, you guys are a little outrageous." Lao Li nodded.

Are these guys sincere?Why didn't you realize that they were so capable of causing trouble?
"Did you all succeed? The time is quite right." Compared to the two people who were speechless, Cheng Hao turned his head and asked.

This is really strange, these guys actually woke up at the same time.

"Yes, thanks to you, Xiaoju. No matter how hard it is, it's not as painful as your training."

"Yeah, think about it carefully, we can even endure your training these days, what else can't we endure?"

The security guards who heard this spoke up.

"Okay, it seems that I really have the talent to train people." Cheng Hao said proudly, looking at the lying security guards and said: "Then you should get up quickly, don't lie down. Be careful of catching a cold."

(End of this chapter)

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