Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 343: Leopard is not easy to cheat

Chapter 343: Leopard is not easy to cheat

He is already the director of the garden, is he tired of having to go on patrol by himself?Of course, leave this kind of work to others.

In addition, the canteen will be doubled in size and a few good chefs will be hired to cook.

It would be best to give yourself a secretary or something, so that the other party can handle these chores and let you lie down in the office and sleep.

"You little rascal, you really dare to think about it, but your idea is quite good. Next time my sister does this kind of work, I will leave this job to others." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's big head. He said, this little rascal has no serious ideas, but he has a lot of bad ones.

"That's right. Sister, you see my idea is so good. When are we going to go out for a walk and eat some delicious food?" Cheng Hao asked with a smile, showing an expression asking for reward.

"It's not possible recently. Sister needs to have a good rest. I'm tired of being the director of the garden." Sister Hong'er heard this and sighed: "If you really want to go out, I can help you contact Lele. Yes, let that girl take you out for a walk."

"Forget it then, I'll go find some security guys to chat." Cheng Hao muttered, relying on Lele to lead?Don't be ridiculous, the other person is even less reliable than him.

"That's fine, just don't run around. Sister has to go back and take care of the little ones. Remember not to mess up the security room, especially not drinking." Sister Hong'er looked at Cheng Hao and pinched His ear said: "Otherwise, sister will twist your ears off when the time comes. What can a tiger do wrong? It actually imitates people to drink. Are you going to imitate them to smoke next time? You bad guy."

"It's nothing, okay? I've never drank wine, and the grape juice is sweet. It was just an accident." Cheng Hao opened his mouth to quibble.

"Then you will know what alcohol is after you drink it. Next time, I will pull out all your beard." Sister Hong'er threatened.

"I know, I know." Cheng Hao replied and ran away in a few steps.

I wonder if it was his misunderstanding?He felt that his sister had become more and more nagging recently.What if this continues?My sister may have to enter menopause early.

"This slippery guy." After seeing this, Sister Hong'er couldn't help but shrugged her shoulders.Then he turned around and headed towards the animal kindergarten.

Over there, there are a group of naughty eggs like this little villain waiting for her to take care of.


A sonorous and powerful shout came from the security room, and Cheng Hao, who had just arrived, heard it.I couldn't help but stood up and leaned against the window to take a peek. What tricks were they playing?Why did everyone shout?

This doesn't seem like their style. Could it be that the sun rises from the west today?

Through the window, Cheng Hao saw the security guards doing military exercises.It's quite a bit like the serious expressions and unified movements of each one.

"Not bad, not bad. You actually know how to work hard secretly. Very good." Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction and waited in front of the window for them to finish playing before going in.

Who makes him a polite and good tiger?Of course I won't do this kind of thing like suddenly barging in and disturbing other people's exercise.

"Captain, are you sure that we can become stronger by boxing?" the security guard who was practicing asked, feeling that this level of training was not very good.

"Of course I'm not sure, but it's better than doing nothing, right?" the security captain said after hearing this. He was not sure that it would be useful after training, but it would definitely be useless if you didn't do anything. use.

"Since you think this is useless, how about joining my training? Under my hands, I guarantee that you will become stronger." Cheng Hao, who was watching from the window, knocked on the glass after hearing their conversation. , volunteered.

Do these guys feel that training is not necessarily making progress?Then leave it to him.

He will train them well and ensure that they become the best evolvers. After all, he is very experienced in this aspect.

"Xiaoju, why are you here?" Everyone who heard the voice was stunned, but they didn't notice what was behind the window.There was such a big face looking at them.

"Of course I heard someone needed help, so I came over." Cheng Hao said, patted the window and said, "Come out quickly, don't stay in the security room all the time, how will the flowers in the greenhouse grow? ? If you want to become stronger, you should go through the baptism of heavy rain."

"That's true, but judging from your training methods, you will push us into the water to face the storm, right?" Lao Li said weakly after hearing this.

"Yeah, I think your method is only suitable for animals."

"Yes, it seems that we humans have no way of going through such cruel training." The security guards who heard this said in unison.

"So, are you going to train or not? If you don't train, I will go in to eat." Cheng Hao said, these guys are really timid and don't even have the guts to train.

If that's the case?Do they still need to train?No need to train, he has to eat.

"Of course, we are already evolved. Although your training is a bit cruel, I believe we can handle it."

"Yes, after all, the people at the Evolutionary Headquarters are training with you. There must be a reason."

The security guards said that they had not forgotten that Twelve Hours at the Evolution Headquarters was training after Xiao Ju.

"If that's the case? You go run five or six laps first, and then I'll find you a training partner." Cheng Hao jumped through the window and landed in the security room, then sat down on the sofa: "Yes Yes, remember to put the dishes on the table for me first, so that I can think about how to hurt you and formulate a training plan."

"Oh." Hearing the nods from the security guards here, they immediately went to the refrigerator to get the food.

Then I went for a run, although Xiaoju’s training method was very tiring.But I have to say that his training methods are indeed somewhat useful.

"This is the right thing to look like." Seeing the security guards running, Cheng Hao couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately after eating, he asked the ant to help him call the leopard over.Prepare to conduct training for security guards and others.

After a while, a rather strong cheetah came over.

"Ouch~ (What do you want from me, King Orange?)" Cheetah said, looking at Cheng Hao sitting at the door, regarding the uncrowned king in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.He was still very afraid.

After all, the aura on the other party's body was simply terrifying.

"Don't be nervous, little cheetah. I called you here because I have a great opportunity for you." Cheng Hao smiled and comforted: "The security guards in the security room need to train, but the intensity of their training is too low, so I want you to Please cooperate."

"Ouch~ (No problem, I just don't know how I need to cooperate?)" Hearing this, the cheetah asked, and it was not difficult to cooperate.The question is how to cooperate?

"It's very simple. If you run in front, they will chase you. Just make sure you don't get caught up by them." "As a reward, I will ask the canteen to prepare more beef for you." Cheng Hao Said with a smile.

"Ouch~ (Thank you, King Orange, I will work hard.)" Cheetah nodded after hearing this. Although he eats meat every day, it is not very comfortable for him to always be stuck in his appetite.

What if the food could be increased now?That's really great.

"Hmm, get ready. They should be coming soon." Cheng Hao said, and asked the bird on the side to call people.

Soon the security team came over. They looked at the cheetah on the side and said, "Xiaoju, you don't want us to train with the cheetah, do you? Then we have no way to defeat him."

"Yes, we have just become evolved beings."

Although the person in front of me is just a cheetah, the opponent is an evolved animal weighing more than 400 kilograms. They rely on their small arms and legs to fight with the opponent. Is that a food delivery?
"What are you thinking about? How could I let you fight? I asked you to train with the cheetah." Cheng Hao said angrily: "If any of you can catch the cheetah, I will give him 1 yuan , remember, there is no limit to the number of times, as long as you can catch up with him, you will get 1 yuan if you meet him."

"Really...really?" The security guards' eyes lit up when they heard this. Although training is difficult, it is different if there is a reward, and it is two months' salary at a time.

This is all as long as they can catch up with the cheetah. This is real money, not like a painted pie.

"Of course, do I look like that kind of deceiving tiger?" Cheng Hao said.

"Okay, okay, let's start quickly. We can't wait."

"That's right, it's the first time I feel that money is so close to me." The security guards said excitedly. Looking at the patterns on the cheetah's body, they felt that it was made of real gold.

"Don't worry, let's talk about the rules first." Cheng Hao said: "Every time the big bell of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain rings, you must stop and no longer chase. Wait until the second ring. Only when the time comes, you can chase.”

"Um, why is this?" When the security guards heard this, no one asked, since it is training, why is there such a rule?
"I'm afraid that you guys will be too excited and tire yourself to death." Cheng Hao said angrily, why do these guys think that the cheetah is easy to chase? After all, the other party also relies on speed. No matter how bad it is, it is impossible for the other party to be like this. Easily caught up.

These guys if money goes to their heads.If you keep running, it will be bad if you are exhausted.

"Don't worry, we are not fools, how could we be so stupid?"

"Yes, Xiaoju. Let's start quickly." The security guards said, am I just a little ghost girl and a cheetah panting?They gave the other side a chance to breathe. Anyway, the other side would definitely not be able to beat them if they had the endurance to do so.

"Okay, the competition officially begins. Cheetah, as long as you don't get touched, you can eat more than 100 kilograms of beef every day." Cheng Hao said.

"Ouch~ (Okay.)" Cheetah's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

Do you eat a hundred pounds of beef every day?a.

Thinking of this, Cheetah turned around and rushed out like an arrow, leaving only the security guard and the others standing there dumbfounded.

"By the way, this fat leopard can run so fast. Didn't he always run slowly before?" Lao Wang said weakly when he saw this scene, and suddenly realized that the 1 yuan did not seem to be so easy to earn. With the opponent's speed, it would be crazy if a two-legged one could catch up with a four-legged one.

"Nonsense, I'll give you a hundred pounds of beef a day. As long as you don't get caught? How about you run faster than him instead?"

"Just stop talking nonsense here and chase him quickly. Otherwise, you won't be able to see the shadow later, and you won't be able to catch up."

"That's right, that's right." The other security guards said and immediately chased him out for 1 yuan.

"You don't like money?" Cheng Hao asked curiously when he noticed that Lao Wang had not made any move yet.

Why is it that everyone ran away but the other person didn’t? Is the other person the one who doesn’t like money?

"No, I just haven't come back to my senses." Lao Wang said, and immediately chased after him.

After seeing this, Cheng Hao sat down on the big chair in the security room with satisfaction.

The security guards were training today, and he took over the security room.All vehicles passing by the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain must be inspected by him.Especially the ones loaded with food.

"Brother Leopard, Brother Leopard, can we discuss it? Don't run so fast. We can actually cooperate."

"Yes, yes. When the time comes, you will have meat to eat and we will have money to take it. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"Yes, if we continue like this, it will not be good for everyone."

The security guards who had been chasing for a long time but failed to catch up were panting from exhaustion and finally started to use their brains. Since they couldn't catch up with them, they should use their best method to negotiate.

They believe that if they fight for their heads, the other party will definitely not be able to fight them.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (You want to lie to me? Don't think I don't know what you are planning, there is no way I will be fooled.)" Upon hearing this, the cheetah didn't even bother to pay attention to them and continued to run.

Living in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain for so long, he knew that these guys were a lot of tricksters. Once he believed their lies, he would be encountered soon, and then the meat would no longer be with him.

"Captain can't do it. He's a little too smart. It seems we can't compete with him when it comes to using our brains." Seeing that Cheetah was not fooled, the security guards couldn't help but said.

"Then what can we do? Since we can't deceive him, we can only chase him hard. Let's spread out a little and don't stand too close together." The security captain said.

Some security guards spread out and ambush the cheetah along various routes it might pass by.

"They are just running around. Did the director of the park give them the task of training?"

"I don't know, but they seem to be running pretty fast."

The keepers at the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park couldn't help but murmured after seeing it.

I saw Lao Chen stepping on the iron pillar and walking up, as if he was performing acrobatics.

(End of this chapter)

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