Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 348 It turns out that my sister is very strong

Chapter 348 It turns out that my sister is very strong
"Well, it's just a small thing. No need to thank you." The principal waved his hand nonchalantly and said to Cheng Hao on the side: "Okay, since you are planning to give the hedgehog a blind date? Why did you bring him to the turtle house? You little guy is too unreliable in what you do."

A hedgehog came to their Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park for a blind date. This little bad guy was able to build a turtle house for him. It was really wrong.

"Who says I'm unreliable? I'm very reliable, okay? It's not just the hedgehog who comes here for a blind date." Cheng Hao, who was mentioned, spoke up and pointed at the opening with his paw: "Brother Oogway is having a blind date inside right now."

"Yes, Mr. Principal, you have misunderstood Brother Tiger. Brother Tiger is very reliable at work." The hedgehog heard this and said.

"Is this like this? It seems that I have indeed wronged you." The director said, looking at the big hedgehog and then at the turtle house.

Suddenly I realized that this little greedy guy was really capable. Not long after he left, he brought back two powerful animals.

This greatly strengthened the strength of their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park.

"Of course." Cheng Hao nodded and said, "We'd better not get too close to the turtle house, so as not to disturb Brother Wugui's blind date. Let's go sit next to it, and by the way, Grandpa Director, you can also ask around. Where are the hedgehogs?"

"Okay." The principal nodded and walked aside.

When the big hedgehog saw it, he immediately followed him.After all, this was a matter of concern for his lifelong happiness. How could he not enjoy it himself?

"Huh? What a big hedgehog." At this moment, another figure arrived.

Just as they arrived at the big rock and were waiting, a jumping figure landed in front of them.

It was Sister Hong'er who locked the little ones in the kindergarten and came to check on the situation.

"Uh, sister, did you eat popping candy? How can you jump so high, far and fast?" Cheng Hao saw Sister Hong'er falling.Don't be stunned and said.Did he get up too hard, or was he hallucinating? Can my sister jump so far and so high?

"Of course not. Even if you eat popping candies, you can't dance like this." Sister Hong'er said angrily. This little villain is so greedy that he can even associate it with popping candies. If he eats If people with popping candy can jump like this, then the world is full of people with big jumps.

"Then sister, how did you manage to jump so far and so fast?" Cheng Hao asked curiously. He didn't remember that his sister had awakened other abilities.So what's going on?
"I'm telling you, little glutton, you don't think that Xiaohong looks as weak as she appears, right?" The principal on the side said: "Xiaohong is very strong, not much worse than me. It’s just that she doesn’t take action very often.”

"Ah? How is this possible?" After hearing this, Cheng Hao showed an incredulous look. He looked at Sister Hong'er in astonishment and said, "Sister, are you cheating? Why have you suddenly become so powerful?"

"What do you mean by cheating?" Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's big head angrily and said, "I walked through it step by step, okay? It's just that you, a little bad guy, didn't pay attention at all."

"That's right, Greedy Ghost, you don't think that ordinary people can withstand your high-speed running, right? Then he has to try to see if he can withstand it while sitting on a naked airplane." The principal laughed. Then he said: "Xiaohong was originally one of the first batch of evolvers to awaken during this period. Coupled with the fact that she took a large amount of evolution potions and the tree heart you got her, she has already surpassed ordinary evolvers."

"And Xiaohong is far ahead in developing abilities, so it is very normal for her to be able to jump so far."

"So that's it? My sister is so secretive." Cheng Hao suddenly realized after hearing this.

He always thought that his sister was very weak and was a key target of protection.Now after listening to it, I realized that my sister is not weak at all and can definitely defeat many people.

"I can't say that I'm hiding it, but there's really no need for me." Sister Hong'er smiled and came to the big hedgehog: "What's your name, big hedgehog? You're so big. Ah, I've never seen a hedgehog as big as you."

"Really? I have never seen a human being as beautiful as you." The big hedgehog sitting on the ground said with light in his eyes. The human in front of him must be a very loving and gentle person.

In his eyes, the other party's whole body was exuding an indescribable light.

It made him feel protective. No matter who it was, if he dared to hurt such a beautiful human being, he would tear him to pieces.

"Thank you for the compliment. Do you mind if I touch the thorns on your back? I have also touched such a big hedgehog." Sister Hong'er said with a smile. Everything about their Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park is good.There are just some small animals missing, such as hedgehogs. She still remembers feeding a few hedgehogs in the fields when she was a child. It was at that time that she had the idea of ​​becoming an animal keeper.

This way you can be with the animals every day.

"Of course there is no problem, as long as you are willing to touch it casually." The big hedgehog said, and the sharp thorns on its back suddenly turned into swaying seaweed, which felt like soft plastic.

"It's so soft. It's not as scary as it looks. Big hedgehog, do you plan to live in our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park?" asked Sister Hong'er, who was touching the big hedgehog.

"Yes, yes." The big hedgehog who was touched nodded his head and replied. He was so happy to be touched by the other person.

He will stay in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park for the rest of his life.

"What a terrifying ability." Looking at this scene, the principal couldn't help but feel envious.

Xiaohong's ability to develop is simply terrifying. No matter what kind of animals or plants they see, they will be friendly to her and subconsciously protect her.

Even mutated animals will get close to her when they see her. If she develops it to the most terrifying level, it may become compatible with all living things.

"All beauties, wait for me for a moment. I'm going to get you some delicious food. We'll have a long chat later." At this moment, the door of the turtle house was pushed open by the old turtle. The old turtle walked out with some shaky steps. This place was simply paradise. There were all kinds of turtles, which opened his eyes.

He knew that he had made the right trip this time.

"How's Brother Wugui doing? Did you get the beauty back?" Cheng Hao, who saw Old Wugui come out, looked away from Sister Hong'er and asked.

"How can it be so fast? We turtles are all chronic, we won't be in such a hurry, and it takes a long time. We just need to cultivate basic feelings." The old turtle heard this and said with a smile, the female turtle here It's so beautiful.

There are also exotic foreign turtles. How could he capture his heart so quickly now?It will definitely take some time.

"Really? Brother Wugui, please keep working hard." Cheng Hao cheered. After the old Wugui had a wife and children here, he would be even more reluctant to leave.

"Yeah, thank you, Brother Tiger." The old turtle nodded, looking at the big hedgehog like a dog and said, "Brother Hedgehog, what are you doing?"

"I...I recognize my sister." The big hedgehog lying next to Sister Hong'er raised his head and rubbed Sister Hong'er's hand and said, "Ah, sister, you are so warm. It reminds me of the time when I followed my mother. It's been a while." "Really? You little hedgehog has such a sweet mouth, just as glib as other animals." Sister Hong'er, who was scratching the big hedgehog, smiled. She didn't know how other animals would talk like this. How many times have you heard it?The animals said the same thing.

"No, no, I am honest. Sister, you have to believe me." The big hedgehog said, showing his belly in a flattering manner: "I am the most honest hedgehog in the world."

"Okay, I believe you." Sister Hong'er patted his big belly and said, "You have your belly exposed, be careful of catching a cold and a cough."

"No, no, I'm stronger." The big hedgehog turned over and said, "And my mother also said this, sister."

"Really?" Sister Hong'er knocked on his head and said, "Then did your mother ever say that you are too slippery to be a good hedgehog?"

"I never said that." The big hedgehog said, not noticing that the old turtle beside him was almost stupid.

"What's going on with the big hedgehog? Why is it so well-behaved?" the old turtle said weakly.

Isn't the other party too well-behaved for a human?

"If you want to know, go and ask." Cheng Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, having long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

"Okay." The old turtle said, taking small steps over to ask.

Soon, another turtle was having fun with its shell exposed next to Sister Hong'er.

He had never thought that a human being could be so gentle, which made him want to open his heart unconsciously.

"Okay, okay, you two are so big, why do you like to act like a baby so much? Get up quickly." Sister Hong'er touched the two of them and said, "I still have to take care of the little tigers, but it's just for Just to make sure there is no danger in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

"Then...can we go with my sister?" the big hedgehog asked.

"Of course, but you have to be obedient. Don't scare the guys." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"No problem, I'm obedient and I promise not to scare the little ones." The big hedgehog nodded.

"That's good." Sister Hong'er replied and stood up.

When the big hedgehog saw it, he immediately followed it with small steps.

"What a human being who exudes a comfortable atmosphere." Watching Sister Hong'er leave, Old Oogway said with some reluctance.

"Of course, why don't you take a look at my sister and whose nurse she is?" Cheng Hao said as he jumped over.

"Um, whose wet nurse is she? It can't be yours, Brother Tiger, right?" Old Turtle asked.

"Of course, I have been taken care of by my sister since I was a child. If you have a baby in the future, your sister may also take care of you." Cheng Hao nodded.

"Like this? Then I have to work hard." After hearing this, the old turtle's eyes lit up and said: "By the way, where can Brother Tiger get food? I just promised all the ladies to bring them food. of."

"You can get it from the cold storage, but you probably can't find it. You'd better ask the director to have it delivered to you." Cheng Hao said, looking at the director aside.

When the director heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Want food? No problem, I'll have it delivered right away."

"Really? Thank you so much, Your Excellency. There are so many good people among humans." The old turtle said happily.

"You're welcome. We are here to protect animals. As long as the demands are not too excessive, we will be willing to help. What's more, it's a rare turtle like you?" The director smiled. There are not many turtles of this size. .

And he is at least a few hundred years old, so he needs to be protected even more.

"So that's it." The old turtle couldn't help but suddenly realized after hearing this: "If I had known that humans are so protective of us now, we should have come to live here earlier."

If he had known that this was the case on the human side, maybe he would be full of descendants by now. No wonder, that damn yellow man sent him the wrong message, causing him to remain a bachelor for decades more.

"Yes, but it's not too late to come now." The director said with a smile: "I'll go get someone to prepare the food first. Sir Wugui, please wait here with Xiao Ju for a moment."

"Okay, okay." The old turtle nodded and watched the director go to work.

"How's it going? Brother Oogway, let me tell you, it's not the past now. Now we are endangered protected animals. Humans will not harm us." Cheng Hao on the side lazily basked in his belly and said: "But the weasel is still alive. Do you think he is evil if he stirs up troubles in a desperate place?"

"It's so disgusting. When I heard the news, I wanted to go down the mountain, but they refused to let me go down. Otherwise, how could I have been a bachelor for so long?" the old turtle said cursingly, and then cautiously said: "Brother Tiger, They live and eat here for free, don’t they need to do anything else?”

They don't have to do anything here, so they can eat and drink for free?It always sounds a little unrealistic.

"Of course it's not necessary. At most, it's just for people to take a look. Anyway, if you give them a look, you won't lose a piece of meat. So what's the point?" Cheng Hao yawned and pointed at the silly roe deer jumping next to him. He said, "Look at that idiot running around, who cares about him?"

"It seems not. By the way, what is this silly roe deer doing?" The old turtle asked curiously after hearing this.

"What do you think of him? I don't know too much about him. He's been stupid all day long." Cheng Hao shook his head.

"Am I stupid? Am I?" The silly roe deer, who was jumping around on the other side, couldn't help but froze after hearing what the two beasts said.

But after looking around and realizing that they were all people he couldn't beat, he ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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