Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 359 Don’t leave, stay

Chapter 359 Don’t leave, stay
"Well, Brother Bird, if you catch us, catch us. Why do you want to hit our tires?"

"Yeah, if we leave it all to you, why are you still doing this?"

Seeing this scene, the young people said that they were numb. Do they know that repairing tires is very expensive nowadays?

"You guys gave me the keys, but it's not like I don't know. Now electric cars can be driven directly using a mobile phone APP. Do you think I'm stupid?" Birdman said angrily, and he retracted his gun coolly. Pocket: "Come here quickly and give me your parents' phone numbers so that I can notify them to pay the fine. If you don't want to? You can follow me and stay in the police station for fifteen days and then pay the fine."

"But I want to remind you first that if you squat in the bureau, it will be 50 yuan a day, and the food expenses will be [-] yuan a day."

"Should I ask your parents to come over to pick someone up, or should you stay in there for half a month? It's your choice."

"Huh? Why is it so expensive?" When they heard this, the young people's faces turned dark. If they didn't give me a phone number, they would have to go in and squat. If they gave the phone number, they would get a beating.

"If you don't get punished more harshly for your nonsense, how can you have a long memory? And when you see me not stopping in the future, I actually speed up." Birdman said angrily: "If it weren't for your young age, I will charge you with endangering public safety and intentional murder, and have you locked up for ten to eight years."

"Making you pay the fine now is already considered light. And if I hadn't stopped you? If something happens to you now, more than ten families will be broken."

"So you still have to thank me, you know?"

"Um, thank you." The young people who heard this showed expressions that were uglier than crying.

"That's right. Give me your phone right away. Don't think about escaping. Your appearance has been recorded by my law enforcement recorder."

"If you don't want me to go to your school the next day and ask you to publicize your deeds? Just be honest. From the looks of you, you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of others, or make a fool of yourself in front of the girl you love, right?" Birdman Continuing, the young people had to report their phone numbers honestly one by one.

The next thing is as simple as calling the other party's parents and then notifying the other party to come and collect the money in one go.

"How is it? Are these little guys still living happily in their respective positions?" The commander sat in the office and asked the team members who came back from the investigation. Since the mutants have their own jobs, we don't know what to do now. Like?

According to his guess, it should be pretty good. After all, no one has come to ask him to change positions after such a long time, so they should be living well in their respective positions.

"Except for a few who are not satisfied, most of them like their current jobs. After all, the work they do is not tiring, and they work from nine to five every day." The team members replied after hearing this, their faces full of envy.

These guys don't need special training, and since they are paid wages here, their units don't dare to make things difficult for them.

They are usually asked to do some scattered things. Although there is not much chance of promotion, they are very leisurely.

"Really? Which team members are dissatisfied?" After hearing this, the commander cheered up and said, "Have you ever asked him what kind of job he wants to change? If he doesn't know, I can tell him in person. He interviewed.”

Mutants are prone to trouble if they are emotionally unstable. He doesn't want the perfect plan that he finally worked out to go wrong because of someone.

If they are not satisfied with their current job, they must contact them immediately and help them change jobs.

"Well, they are not actually dissatisfied with their work. They are just a little dissatisfied with the people where they work." Hearing this, the team member explained: "They feel that the people in the unit look at them in a strange way, and all the units they work for It’s a man, and they hope to transfer some female colleagues there.”

"So this is what happened to these guys?" The commander was a little speechless when he heard this: "They look like normal people would look at them twice. They must be overthinking, and not every position has them. It’s from a female colleague.”

"You tell them that we have no way to solve this kind of thing. If it doesn't work, we can only change their jobs. Can you ask them if they are willing?"

If they are not satisfied with the position, they can still change them. If they are not satisfied with the colleagues at work, what can they do and can they change them?impossible.Moreover, it is impossible for girls to take some special positions. They are a bit outrageous.

"Okay, Commander." The team members nodded and replied, then went to communicate with the dissatisfied mutants.

After the commander saw it, he continued to look at the team members' reports.

The entire world is relatively stable now, and nothing major has happened. However, the mutated animals and plants that are constantly harassing the city are indeed a troublesome thing.

I hope these guys can live in peace in the future.

"Humans are really creative and ambitious people. After walking in the human base during this period, I found that the weapons they made are really terrifying."

Under the cliff with the flowing river, the green tree man looked at the huge trees around him and said: "Every weapon has the power to destroy the world. If it is hit, there will definitely be no bones left."

"And the scariest thing is that human technology is still advancing, and there are even more powerful weapons like this."

"I now somewhat understand why the Tiger King is so close to humans. I'm afraid he already knows how powerful humans are."

"It's not accidental that humans have become the masters of the planet for thousands of years. Although they don't have as long a life span as us, nor do they have the terrifying power of those beasts, their minds are indeed very creative." The sycamore tree listened. Then he looked at the small trees below and said: "This is the scary thing about human beings. What if we are not fully prepared? It is better not to act rashly unless we can directly behead their senior officials."

"Yes, it is indeed like this. Recently, the little guys have also encountered fierce resistance from humans in other countries. It can be said that the losses have been extremely heavy." The huge camphor tree nodded. Human thermal weapons are really scary.

As soon as it started, it was immediately shattered, and the little guys didn't have time to react.All turned into fertilizer.

"Well, we should have thought that there must be something unusual about these countries standing still."

"Yes, fighting them head-on is irrational. We should compare our lifespans with them. Only after we have mastered all their techniques can we truly deal with them."

"Yes, let all tree kings calm down and absorb human knowledge."

A group of ancient trees said, giving orders to all the trees.

"Did you give me this thing as a tribute? Where did you find this thing? Have you taken me there quickly?" Cheng Hao couldn't help but brighten his eyes as he looked at the stick handed over by the goat in front of him. road.Such a strong power of evolution, he couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been excited by this power of evolution.

"咩咩~ (The wood of King Qi was found by us in the forest. We saw a very scary guy, crazy and crazy in the forest. He looked like a human, but not quite like a human. He was covered in The green branches look like a monster.)" The goat replied that when he saw the guy this morning, he was almost scared to death.Fortunately, that guy didn't seem to have any aggressive intentions.

"What? It seems that that guy must be the crazy tree king." Cheng Hao sniffed the tree and said, "I will go and get rid of him now, so that he will not do evil in the forest and harm the loyal and good. Your safety is at risk."

Since this guy is unconscious, don't blame him for being rude and rashly running into his territory to scare his men.No matter how you look at it, it is a challenge to his authority.

"Bah ah~ (It would be great if your Majesty is willing to take action. We are scared to see him going crazy.)" The wild sheep leader said happily after hearing this.

"Well, I'm going to go." Cheng Hao said with a smile, then flew out of the fence and headed towards the back mountain.

Soon he discovered a tall figure with green leaves all over his body in the forest. He was mumbling something incoherently.

"It's you, right? Not bad, it's quite powerful." Looking at the monster, Cheng Hao said happily.

The next second the entire forest turned dark and the sky became foggy.As if entering another world, the huge tree man walking on the road looked around with dull eyes.

The next second, it suddenly turned into a huge tree, but the strange thing was that the tree was completely naked without a piece of bark.

"Huh? Don't want the bark tree?" Cheng Hao couldn't help but froze when he saw this scene, but his movements did not slow down, but activated all his abilities.

A tree without bark can better prove that when the opponent is not completely victorious, then he can completely swallow the opponent clean.


Feeling the loss of power, the huge tree roared angrily as if it had discovered something, and then the entire tree expanded rapidly.

"Do you want to resist? After entering the realm of my ability, even if you are the gods and Buddhas in the sky, don't even think about running away." Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but sneer. This guy is really too naive. Do you think you can get rid of him like this? ?Then he will let the other party know that this is absolutely nonsense.

Within the realm of his abilities, no one can escape. The other party will eventually become his source of power and help him become stronger.


"Whoa Whoah"

The leaves on the trees that had become huge were turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fell with a gust of wind.

The somewhat crazy tree seemed to have regained some consciousness at this time: "What are you doing? What do you want to do to me?"

The terrifying suction emanating from his surroundings made him feel like he had no control over his power, and the feeling of loss made him even more frightened.

"Of course I'll eat you and drain all your strength. If you dare to come to my territory to provoke me, you should have thought of this." Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, but he didn't expect such a thing. Do it.This guy actually regained his consciousness, but it doesn't matter, the other person is now a turtle in a urn, a bird in a cage.

It will soon become the nutrient for him to become stronger.

"I don't know what happened, but it was definitely unintentional. Let me go." Dashu said after hearing this. He didn't know what he did when he fell into madness.But what he knows is that if he can't get out, he will die here.

The tiger in front of me is simply terrifying and terrifying, and it can actually absorb its power.

"It's whatever you say, so what's the use of me? I said you did it on purpose, and you did it on purpose. Don't think about running away, just use your life to make amends." Cheng Hao heard this and spoke out said.

Don't pay any attention to what the other party says?Just firing on all cylinders.

Suddenly, dark chains tied the big tree tightly, and huge tornadoes drilled into the opponent like electric drills.


"I am one of the oldest trees in the world. If you kill me, you will be against all trees." The tied tree said. During this period of confusion, he lost too much strength. More, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught so easily.

But now that he would save his life, he had to reveal his identity.

"It's okay. After absorbing your power, other guys will no longer be my opponents. You don't need to worry about this. You should just stop talking and dedicate all your power to me." After hearing this, Cheng Hao was unmoved at all. This idiot tree didn't think that his harsh words would be effective. The more he threatened him, the less likely he was to let him go.

Anyway, we have already offended him, so why not just offend him? Besides, the surrounding areas are blocked by him. Who knows that this guy will die in his hands?

"You bastard, don't think about such beautiful things. Even if I die, I won't take it easy on you." Seeing that the other party was not ready to let him go at all, Dashu became fierce.

There was a terrifying aura all over his body, and the tree trunk was even more swollen, like a big ball.

"You are not going to take advantage of me. You will know it soon. Do you think you can expose yourself in my field of ability? Then you are overthinking." Cheng Hao, who saw the other party's move, said neither salty nor coldly.

Originally, this guy was destined to die, and it would be a little troublesome to resist him absorbing the opponent's power, but now the opponent actually wants to expose himself?Then he can save a lot of effort.

Digging water from the ground after all?Or is it easier to draw water from a well?He still figured it out.

"Damn it!" Dashu cursed after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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